How will they rule ??!

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Does Putin get Kherson oblast and his land route to Crimea? Would probably be a sticking point we couldn’t get over. That’s most of the reason for the war and they don’t want to be Russian. Rather large impasse. Lay out the details of this common sense deal for us if it’s so obvious.
All I want is the Sudetenland. What could be more commonsensical than that?
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Does Putin get Kherson Oblast and his land route to Crimea? Would probably be a sticking point we couldn’t get over. That’s most of the reason for the war and they don’t want to be Russian. Rather large impasse. Lay out the details of this common sense deal for us if it’s so obvious.
However it’s laid out, it should be obvious that small fires should be extinguished before they become uncontrollable.
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My oh my. Now we have to turn it into data. I would think the 200 years of steady immigration would be enough for anybody with eyes.
Europe has had the same. Same people dying in rickety, cobbled-together rafts trying to cross to a land with more economic opportunities. They even put up your desired wall in Hungary.
Lots of people vote absentee. Service people. Donald Trump. People who on business trips. People too ill to go to the polls.

Voter fraud is a one-person-at-a-time crime. Do you have evidence that Mr X cast a ballot that he wasn't eligible for? And people have been prosecuted for it. It's a tough crime to prove. You can't do it with insinuations. I believe for 2020 there have been a dozen or so prosecutions. Oddly, iirc, most have been Republicans.

Butt Hurt is a valuable commodity. And it gets cultivated. Talking heads nurture it. And it has an amazing shelf life. Shakespeare wrote one of his best plays about it -- it has his greatest villain. Iago. Iago hated Othello because Othello passed Iago over on a promotion. (I think lack of a promotion is why Michael Flynn has become such a chit.) There is a sizeable chunk of the American media which seem to do little else that cultivate Butt Hurt.

It's tough to calibrate though. Had the GOP been a little less nutty about it, they'd have 3 more Senators. At least. (2 in Georgia. 1 in Arizona) But they went a mite overboard on it. And they lost not because of absentee ballots. They lost because foaming at the mouth is a bad look.
Good point about the shitty GOP senator candidates. You left out GA also.

Incredibly bad take on voter fraud being one person at a time. You’ve seen(well likely you haven’t since your sources are likely pretty leftist) the examples of organized ballot harvesting, the pre - filled out ballots , etc.
Seriously? You obviously hate those of us who do not share your contempt. Why not put your money (assumimg you have any) where your mouth is. Renounce your citizenship and leave. Why remain here and be so clearly miserable?
I think it's more honorable to stay and try to improve my country. Isn't that what y'all're always saying immigrants at our southern border should do?
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leftists I agree, probably semantics.

I consider myself a liberal. The drivel spewed by leftists is a far greater threat to America and her values than people realize. They are using the same playbook; it wil not end well for them.
Unfortunately they’re getting away with it. I feel more like it’s not going to end well for US.
Good point about the shitty GOP senator candidates. You left out GA also.

Incredibly bad take on voter fraud being one person at a time. You’ve seen(well likely you haven’t since your sources are likely pretty leftist) the examples of organized ballot harvesting, the pre - filled out ballots , etc.
"Ballot harvesting" isn't fraud. In most states it isn't even illegal. It's just an effort to GOTV. Saying it in an insinuating tone doesn't make it bad. Blaming it for a loss doesn't make it true.

Pre-filled out forms in the form of ballots aren't fraud either. They're political advertising.
Does Putin get Kherson Oblast and his land route to Crimea? Would probably be a sticking point we couldn’t get over. That’s most of the reason for the war and they don’t want to be Russian. Rather large impasse. Lay out the details of this common sense deal for us if it’s so obvious.

I’m quite confident if we picked 5 Americans who were at least moderately intelligent and didn’t have a vested interest, they wouldn’t give a shit because it doesn’t matter to the American people.
I like Bill's idea. We can just have 5 random people decide our foreign policy and global State Department strategy. Experts and espionage and clandestine operations are overrated anyway. Just use public opinion. Bill always has great ideas.
However it’s laid out, it should be obvious that small fires should be extinguished before they become uncontrollable.
So your position is that nuclear WWIII is a real possibility and we should have as our top priority preventing that at all costs. The majority of Americans don’t agree with either of those premises. The chance of nuclear war is so low due to MAD that appeasing a dictator whatever the cost is unreasonable to most. Putin wants all of Eastern Europe he can get his hands on. Ukraine, Moldova, Finland. Everything that isn’t NATO. (He wants Poland and the Baltics as well but will not challenge NATO no matter what ol’ Ramzan says.) We all basically understand each other’s positions by this point. Will you be back to eat crow when WWIII inevitably doesn’t happen?
Dionysus444 said:
I think it's more honorable to stay and try to improve my country. Isn't that what y'all're always saying immigrants at our southern border should do?

That is a dodge, not an answer. A cliche. An excuse because inside you know there is no better place to be. We have the 3rd largest population on the planet. You have no chance in changing anything but your own dirty diaper. Stop being a child. Leave and make one of the all white democracies you say you prefer slighly less good.
If you took picked five moderately intelligent people from the US, Ukraine and Russia, put them in a room and asked them to end this war in a way they think serves the best interest of the people of their respective countries, it could probably be done in five minutes with no one else dying.

Instead we have the “elites” pushing us to the brink of nuclear war to continue earning their corrupt profits.

I think you could pick 5 random people from this thread for the US and they'd do a better job based on what I've seen.
I’m quite confident if we picked 5 Americans who were at least moderately intelligent and didn’t have a vested interest, they wouldn’t give a shit because it doesn’t matter to the American people.
You’re “quite confident”ly incorrect then.
Truth, Thank you. Isn't it funny how when a man is approaching his final hours the world wants to make him a godlike figure. There was a reason he lost in a landslide when he ran against Reagan. He was not. I repeat was not a good president. He may not have been as weak as Biden is but it was close.
Carter, like most humans, had his good, and bad, points. His continued (all his life basically) attacks on Israel are disgusting, and in this age of social media, wouldnt be tolerated if he were running for POTUS.

You also right about his current state: nobody wants to discuss the black marks while on his deathbed. He did ALOT of good things... but was FAR from perfect.
So your position is that nuclear WWIII is a real possibility and we should have as our top priority preventing that at all costs. The majority of Americans don’t agree with either of those premises. The chance of nuclear war is so low due to MAD that appeasing a dictator whatever the cost is unreasonable to most. Putin wants all of Eastern Europe he can get his hands on. Ukraine, Moldova, Finland. Everything that isn’t NATO. (He wants Poland and the Baltics as well but will not challenge NATO no matter what ol’ Ramzan says.) We all basically understand each other’s positions by this point. Will you be back to eat crow when WWIII inevitably doesn’t happen?

How do you think this ends?
That is a dodge, not an answer. A cliche. An excuse because inside you know there is no better place to be. We have the 3rd largest population on the planet. You have no chance in changing anything but your own dirty diaper. Stop being a child. Leave and make one of the all white democracies you say you prefer slighly less good.
I would much rather live in any of the countries I listed. But what I would rather do than that is improve the world’s superpower which will have knock-on effects around the globe for the betterment of all humanity. Your nationalistic worldview is so small. Borders are just imaginary lines on a map. We’re all on this chunk of rock hurtling through the void alone together.
Why not split amicably? The “left” hates the “right”. The “right” hates the “left”. The differences are irreconcilable at this point.
Because it’s logistically impossible. We aren’t red states and blue states. We’re blue cities and red countryside.
BTW...I’ve been to all of those countries except for the Scandinavian countries & the Alps region. All beautiful countries with a lot of unique qualities. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I would prefer living in any of them over the US...but they are wonderful places to visit for sure. Glad you have had the means and opportunity to visit ALL of them. That’s pretty awesome.

Remind me again...which country were you working in/living in when you were able to afford to freely travel to so many wonderful countries?

We took a trip to the Baltic around 10 years ago. My favorite was "boring" old Denmark. Copenhagen is the loveliest city I've ever seen. Particularly for a big city. I'd tell the Danes the same as a guy once told me, "Keep doing what you're doing".

One of the cities we visited was Rostok. It's in (Eastern) Germany and had, at that point, only been out from under Communism for 20 years. It's a mid-sized town. About the size of Lexington. A university town, too. It was fantastic. They had really shaken off the dullness that Communism is famous for. I liked Helsinki, too, but not a single word on any signs looked like what I remember words looking like. Finnish is a really weird language.

We got to Stockholm relatively late in the day and we didn't get to see much of that famously wealthy city. But I've since taken to using Google Earth to explore it. You can plop that little yellow map homunculus down at any point that has a blue street highlight to see what street level looks like. I've never seen a nasty looking area of Stockholm.

Google Earth is the next best thing to a vacation if you ask me. I recommend it over travel guides for all of your What Does the Outside World Look Like needs.

If the US were suddenly rendered unlivable, I'd definitely try out Denmark over any other country we've ever gone to. (Most of Western Europe.)

As for the question of how we did it: we're both retired. We took our trip on my wife's retirement bonus.
Because it’s logistically impossible. We aren’t red states and blue states. We’re blue cities and red countryside.

I have to agree with Dion on this one. Even states that are fully controlled by one party have millions of people who voted the other way living in them. You'd have to physically relocate at least half the population to make it remotely feasible. And it would have to be forced relocation because most people aren't interested in just leaving behind their hometowns, jobs, friends plus anything else they've worked to build. Sounds to me like massive government overreach.
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Because it’s logistically impossible. We aren’t red states and blue states. We’re blue cities and red countryside.
Let them become city-states, then. MTG is ultimately correct and history bears that out. Two value systems cannot co-exist. Free people cannot bear a government that serves itself and not the people.

Either the left comes back to the center or there’s not really an alternative.
Europe has had the same. Same people dying in rickety, cobbled-together rafts trying to cross to a land with more economic opportunities. They even put up your desired wall in Hungary.

That only started after we destroyed the middle east.

How do you think this ends?

Just a bunch of dead russians/ukranians. Nothing other than that happens unless this is the precursor to USA vs China.
Your opinion is that the US is the best. You offer no data or support, just your opinion. You’re welcome to it. And I’m welcome to think you’re wrong.

The data are overwhelming in support of USA being the best place to live for someone who is competent and conscientious. There is no debate.
So a CATHOLIC university wants to drop religion classes? Makes sense....NOT.

But, of course, this is their prez.......

'Among Becerra’s initiatives since becoming the school’s president in 2018 were advocating for Dreamer students - illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as dependents - including launching a scholarship fund back in 2020 that received praise from Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine.

She also penned an op-ed for Forbes last year calling for "cognitive diversity" - which is defined as the inclusion of people who think and solve problems differently than others - to be included amid discussion on diversity, equity and inclusion in workplaces.'

Cognitive diversity? Sounds like an ambiguous term that you can make make anything so you can do anything with admissions.
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Let them become city-states, then. MTG is ultimately correct and history bears that out. Two value systems cannot co-exist. Free people cannot bear a government that serves itself and not the people.

Either the left comes back to the center or there’s not really an alternative.

Pro American left and right need to come together against anti-American forces in both parties.
How do you think this ends?
With Russia either winning or losing. They win and reduce Ukraine’s ability to continue the fight enough to eventually take it. Then on to the others if they still possess the men and material necessary to prosecute their war. Or they lose and Ukraine is able to beat them back into the Donbas. They move the border over, absorb the Donbas and claim victory. The third path of peace talks where Russia keeps what they currently have and Ukraine keeps its sovereignty is unlikely at this point as neither side seems content with their position, but still remains an option. This spring will likely determine the war.

You asked the question so I assume you’re also willing to answer it. How do you think this ends?
They haven’t thought that far. That’s the scary part.
Of course we have. Why do you constantly assume your opposition is incapable of thought? You’d be better served learning to understand your opponents’ thought processes to predict them rather than just assuming they don’t have any and you’re the only functioning brain in the room.
Of course we have. Why do you constantly assume your opposition is incapable of thought? You’d be better served learning to understand your opponents’ thought processes to predict them rather than just assuming they don’t have any and you’re the only functioning brain in the room.

You don't even understand Republicans' thought process at all, whom you are presumably around and in direct contact with, let alone Russians on the other side of the world.
Let them become city-states, then. MTG is ultimately correct and history bears that out. Two value systems cannot co-exist. Free people cannot bear a government that serves itself and not the people.

Either the left comes back to the center or there’s not really an alternative.
This military separation dream is your last gasp to defend your fading way of life. Just like the South in the 1850s. And just like then it will fail and you’ll be dragged kicking and screaming into a better future for us all.
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You don't even understand Republicans' thought process at all, whom you are presumably around and in direct contact with, let alone Russians on the other side of the world.
I live and work surrounded by Republicans every day. I’ve lived and grown up in three of the five Trumpiest states in the union. I understand y’all’s thought processes better than you do. I’ve devoted my life to it.
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This military separation dream is your last gasp to defend your fading way of life. Just like the South in the 1850s. And just like then it will fail and you’ll be dragged kicking and screaming into a better future for us all.

Freedom and free enterprise will not be replaced by your neo-communist delusions for some better future for us all.

You having to work and be a productive member to society is not the equivalent of slavery.
With Russia either winning or losing. They win and reduce Ukraine’s ability to continue the fight enough to eventually take it. Then on to the others if they still possess the men and material necessary to prosecute their war. Or they lose and Ukraine is able to beat them back into the Donbas. They move the border over, absorb the Donbas and claim victory. The third path of peace talks where Russia keeps what they currently have and Ukraine keeps its sovereignty is unlikely at this point as neither side seems content with their position, but still remains an option. This spring will likely determine the war.

You asked the question so I assume you’re also willing to answer it. How do you think this ends?

Realistically at this point I think either escalation stops but we continue funding a worthless war until at least the turnover in the Biden regime then we continue funding a rebuild until the US politicians who were involved in the corrupt Ukraine dealings are far enough in the rear view, or continued escalation resulting in nuclear war and there’s nothing to rebuild.

At this point the war is too profitable for those currently in power to willingly stop it. But if the Biden administration keeps committing acts of terror, Russia is going to respond in kind (if they aren’t already).
No you don't. That's an illusion, part of your delusion.

You can't even tell I'm not an R. You don't understand the first thing about their thought process, literally not the very first thing.
You consider yourself an enlightened centrist who’s been forced to vote R because of the betrayal of foundational American principles by the Marxist left. I know what you are and how you think.
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I have to agree with Dion on this one. Even states that are fully controlled by one party have millions of people who voted the other way living in them. You'd have to physically relocate at least half the population to make it remotely feasible. And it would have to be forced relocation because most people aren't interested in just leaving behind their hometowns, jobs, friends plus anything else they've worked to build. Sounds to me like massive government overreach.

Maybe. But as we see California, SF etc... woken themselves in to a dystopian shole, only the true believers will remain. The rest of us will become redder. The "migrants" much like Italians will assimilate and become just another white group. Asians are now becoming considered white-adjacent because the left cannot explain why they are the most successful immigrants who do not seek or need their handouts. The groups who do well have the strong family structure. A dad and mother in the home. THAT fact alone is the leading indicator of what group will continue to fail. Destroy their family structure and you will continue to guarantee their failure. The left pefected that strategy.
Pro American left and right need to come together against anti-American forces in both parties.

Lots of older Republicans seem to have been startled awake by the pro-Putin Republicans. The Citizens United decision guaranteed the influx of anti-American money from abroad. And lots of dicey politicians have taken it. As long as American politicians legally can take money from abroad it's going to threaten our existence.