How will they rule ??!

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Again, that’s only if Ukraine wins though. A rebuild only happens if they drive Russia out of their country, retain their sovereignty and have to rebuild their now-liberated cities. You think Ukraine is going to do that?

I don’t know that I’d necessarily give Ukraine credit as opposed to the US taxpayer, but yes there will be a time when the US is rebuilding areas of Ukraine destroyed by Russia. And those areas will probably hate the US for using them as a pawn in a proxy war. A day will come when we abandon them and the next generation of US hating terrorists will emerge. Then we can fight another war on terror.
So the Biden visit was not any actual surprise. It was coordinated with Russia. Also the air siren hasn't gone off in a month (some siege) but was just for effect.

Nothing they do is real
Duh. Of course they coordinated with Russia for Biden’s visit. What if they hadn’t and a random missile got him? Russia’d get glassed. Nobody wants WWIII over doddering Joe Biden. Archduke Ferdinand redux.
I don’t know that I’d necessarily give Ukraine credit as opposed to the US taxpayer, but yes there will be a time when the US is rebuilding areas of Ukraine destroyed by Russia. And those areas will probably hate the US for using them as a pawn in a proxy war. A day will come when we abandon them and the next generation of US hating terrorists will emerge. Then we can fight another war on terror.

A never ending cycle of profit for war mongers.
That's a logical way to put it. But again, unless you force people to move and pay them to, the adoption rate is gonna be laughably low. How many people could even AFFORD to move right now? Anyone who bought a house during covid is getting close to being upside down already. Is the government paying all the relocation cost? How does a person living in Pike County who votes democrat expected to just afford a place in Lexington or Louisville or wherever you ask them to go? It would be cost prohibitive to even attempt it I think.

Playing out the hypothetical I don’t think people would care enough to move. Certainly not the poors.
I don’t know that I’d necessarily give Ukraine credit as opposed to the US taxpayer, but yes there will be a time when the US is rebuilding areas of Ukraine destroyed by Russia. And those areas will probably hate the US for using them as a pawn in a proxy war. A day will come when we abandon them and the next generation of US hating terrorists will emerge. Then we can fight another war on terror.
Again, only if they win. If Russia wins they’re the ones who have to do the rebuilding. We ain’t sending Russia diddly-squat.
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Only one group is told to not be homogenous or have self-interest. We have absolute idiots celebrating being the minority, wanting to be discriminated against in hirings and college admissions, and watching their ancestor's land and civilization be pillaged by the third world and Marxists.

Evil has spent decades upon decades, infiltrating every institution and importing enough people into this country to outnumber the host population. In 40 years, we have went from a red California where America voted 49-1 states in favor of Reagan to now this bizarre gay Soviet Union-ish freak show where we amplify insanity and demonize normalcy.

Northern Border Patrol: We Need Help to Stem Surge From Canada​

'The Border Patrol is begging agents to come work up north after an almost 850% increase of illegal migrants, mostly from Mexico, who have sneaked into the United States from Canada, the New York Post reported on Tuesday.'

Northern Border Patrol: We Need Help to Stem Surge From Canada​

'The Border Patrol is begging agents to come work up north after an almost 850% increase of illegal migrants, mostly from Mexico, who have sneaked into the United States from Canada, the New York Post reported on Tuesday.'
I guess it was only a matter of time. The word is out we have open borders so they come from the North, the South and by Sea.
Truth, Thank you. Isn't it funny how when a man is approaching his final hours the world wants to make him a godlike figure. There was a reason he lost in a landslide when he ran against Reagan. He was not. I repeat was not a good president. He may not have been as weak as Biden is but it was close.
Agreed. Two points...never could figure out how a life long Southern Baptist who has taught Sunday School for decades is all for abortion.
And two, I went to a function one time in Atlanta where Hamilton Jordan was the guest. Maybe wrote a book...don't remember. But I recall him talking about how Carter was a hand on detail person. Where he had to get involved in every little detail of everything. Jordan thought that was his main downfall of not having a better Presidency. He admitted that it wasn't a good one.
There's an invaluable publication -- The CIA Factbook -- that offers accurate pictures of other countries. Lots of categories. Combine that with the internet's superabundance of photographs you can see the world very easily.

As visiting a country on vacation is not the same as living in it, so too is access to information not the same as the ability to competently process it.

The data are clear. You live in the best, most prosperous country of all time due to unparalleled opportunity: be grateful. You would've been that much worse off over there than you were here.

Irma Bombeck said, “the grass is always greener over the septic tank.”

The arguments they are making are literally qualitatively identical to saying London KY has less wealth/opportunity than London UK, therefore, we should implement a social welfare state.
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May not apply today with any changes in citizenship laws etc.....but back in the 80s I rented a house for a year while ours was being built from an Indian who had been in the country for 10 years max (think it was more like 5). I'll never forget him telling me in his thick Indian accent...and I can't for the life of me remember which phrase it was, but they're both the same....that he came to America the "legal illegal way" or the "illegal legal way". Said that most Indians he knew got here this way....they first went to Canada where it was easy to become a citizen. When you got your Canadian just packed up and walked right into the USA. No questions.

My nephew is married to a gal whose parents did that. Left India and went to Canada. Took a year ot two to become a citizen, then immediately moved here.
As visiting a country on vacation is not the same as living in it, so too is access to information not the same as the ability to competently process it.

The data are clear. You live in the best, most prosperous country of all time due to unparalleled opportunity: be grateful. You would've been that much worse off over there than you were here.
Other countries have greater life expectancy. Greater social mobility. Higher literacy. More leisure time. Fewer bankruptcies due to medical debt. Higher per capita income. And, frankly, more dedication to democratic principles. In this country, every imagined slight gets magnified to an existential threat -- and you know who and what I'm talking about. Marjorie Taylor Greene advocates secession. Such a great country that she wants to end it.
Wow - from a Catholic school? Talk about woke fascism. Catholics don't even bother to go out of their way to address their diddling problem, but they suspend a kid for saying something completely factual?
Where is the Pope? He should stand this school on it's head. Does the Church have standards anymore?
So where do you live that has all of these Republicans? It must be a mighty fine place with low crime, schools that teach and do not indoctrinate and citizens with a solid work ethic.

I bet your taxes are low and your neighborhood clean. It is the Republican way. You are fortunate.

It would explain why he is so out of touch with what's going on in Chicago among many other D run cities
Biden is and always has been (a has been and) a racist, elitist northerner. Biden can't invite anyone to the white house now anyway. He sold it to China. They have to send the invitations
China does not understand college football. They are all in on the NBA. The NBA champion will get the invite from Biden with the blessings of China. They may even send a representative from Beijing.
Male and female, eh? All cut and dried? Bright line distinctions? Who made hermaphrodites? Are XXY and XYY individuals male, female, or something else? There's a condition where there are no testosterone receptors so the individual has no male sexual attributes at all. Is that person male or female? Or something else?

The idea that there are only 2 physical sexes simply isn't true. To think that Bronze Age shepherds anticipated every possible moral and physical possibility is just weird.
There's an invaluable publication -- The CIA Factbook -- that offers accurate pictures of other countries. Lots of categories. Combine that with the internet's superabundance of photographs you can see the world very easily.


Funniest bit of satire on the internet today. You win! That's some hilarious sht
Male and female, eh? All cut and dried? Bright line distinctions? Who made hermaphrodites? Are XXY and XYY individuals male, female, or something else? There's a condition where there are no testosterone receptors so the individual has no male sexual attributes at all. Is that person male or female? Or something else?

The idea that there are only 2 physical sexes simply isn't true. To think that Bronze Age shepherds anticipated every possible moral and physical possibility is just weird.
If you have a Y, you're male.
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Male and female, eh? All cut and dried? Bright line distinctions? Who made hermaphrodites? Are XXY and XYY individuals male, female, or something else? There's a condition where there are no testosterone receptors so the individual has no male sexual attributes at all. Is that person male or female? Or something else?

The idea that there are only 2 physical sexes simply isn't true. To think that Bronze Age shepherds anticipated every possible moral and physical possibility is just weird.
How about we let those students use the faculty lounge to relieve whatever they need to relieve. Keep them out of restrooms used by other students.

Problem solved.

Some people seem to be alone with their thoughts a bit too much.
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The people.
You know better than that. The "People" always turns into those that take power through force or money, make everyone even with money and force happens next. How many of those people can protect themselves from people taking everything including their homes by force. you can live in fairy tale land where everyone gets along but I point to the reality that the poorest areas are ruled by an iron fist by those that rule through force. No utopia is ever going to remove that from human nature. Ever.
Speaking of Carter, I posted something a month ago about the times of today seeming a lot like the times then. Many of the same problems. Many of the same talking points from both sides. Now we're talking about nuclear war...again. Something else went on, Russia attacked a sovereign country and we provided weapons to fight the Russians. History repeats itself because there's only so much to do when you're hurtling through space on a big, wet, rock.

Puppets on a string.

Edit: I'm about 5 pages behind, sorry if already posted.
Uhhh what? Eastern Kentucky is “ruled by an iron fist”? No, it’s ruled by the constitutional government whose jurisdiction it is. Just like other poor areas.
What’s the point though? What are you saying they should be free to do with their money when they die? Give it to someone they know who didn’t earn it or work for it. You support them giving it to a select nepotistic few but don’t support it being given to the public at large. Why? Obviously you haven’t given the issue much real thought.

It should be reinvested in the society that allowed that success to flourish. Not hoarded by a handful of elites based on heredity like the noble houses of old.
You should have no say in what happens to money that a person earns during his life because you didn't earn it. The person who earned should have the right to give it to whomever they want.
Examples of disasters Mayor Pete dealt with...

boyfriend wore white after Labor Day
K Y jelly shortage due to supply line issues
misgendered as a man at Jiffy lube
salad fork was to the right of the soup spoon at inaugural dinner

As Bush Jr. would say "ole Browneye is the man for the job"
Along those lines.... @screwduke1