So we vote for politicians who campaign on expanding freedoms and protections for people, not curtail them. The root of the problem isn't the politicians though, they're just a reflection of the society they're in. The problem is who pays them and the press, which was the initial topic, alike. Our system was designed as a representative democracy where the elected representatives represent the interests of their constituents. Not whoever pays them the most. Do you really think the majority of Kentuckians would vote Mitch McConnell into office repeatedly if elections were really open and fair and well-regulated? No, he maintains his position through power. Power he gets from money. Which means no realistic primary challenger that more aligns with Kentuckians' positions. Which means no real campaigns, no even real serious conversations about issues that voters care about. It's similar in the Democratic party establishment. What we need to tackle is campaign finance reform and lobbying. Actually drain the swamp in a bipartisan, legal, lasting way. Not more 'freedoms' for corporations and the rich to legally bribe our elected representatives.
Dion, this post is as MAGA as it gets. The roots of the America First movement would agree with everything you just said. The far left and the far right sometimes overlap and can find this bizarro gray area where they can at least agree when it comes to todays establishment influence /corruption and how things are ran currently. I think there’s been an awakening on both sides that change needs to take place in that respect. It’s an enormous mountain to climb though and most won’t have the stomach for it.