How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I love movies like The Big Lebowski and This Is Spinal Tap, shows like Curb Your Enthusiasm, and comedians like Norm MacDonald and George Carlin. Not saying my comedic taste is better than anyone else's, but I will say that amateur political comedy is pretty awful. May God have mercy on your painfully unfunny souls.
Ukraine gets $100B of our money because of their BS war and money laundering by the world elite but our own citizens are dealing with contaminated water? This should be the top story but media will suck the D of BLM, Ukraine, whatever new thing the gay lobby is pushing.
Not really, they’ve just got more incentive to lie for your business as they need your participation every second rather than just come voting time. I trust universal written rules agreed upon by a majority more than corporations who have literally zero inherent accountability and every incentive to lie for your business. Politicians at least have to feign morality for the public. Corporations loudly and proudly proclaim their amorality.

Again, I agree with you on the problem here but it’s the better realistic solution I’m not seeing. What government is going to hand over power back to the people to write the rules? Never going to happen without force.

We have to closest thing to that here and our constitution and freedoms gets trampled on by our government at every turn. They even run on and successfully so at times on doing just that.
We don’t vote them out because of an uninformed and misled population partially due to the tactics of media they control.
I remember talking to a high school teacher years ago asking him how it was going. He always taught an advanced class. He said the school was forcing him to expand to include other students. The administration told him that his advanced students should be enlisted to help those who were not as capable. He said the result was he could not push his advanced students, so they learned less. We contrast our education programs with other countries all the time. Do you think India, China, and other education focused countries are lowering the ceiling for their brightest students for the sake of inclusion? It’s like making the shop class learn how to change spark plugs because I am in the class, rather than learn how to break down the engine. Our effed up imagination about what compassion means has ugly ramifications.

And how many 3rd world migrants are fighting to get into China and India so their kids can get a free education?
Exactly. The truth of what I’m saying is so evident you had to acknowledge it even from an enemy. Right up until I used your magical, taboo word. Then your programming kicked in and dismissed it out of hand. Regardless of how much you know it to be true.
There’s no doubt, corporate media is a huge issue. Even so, our system has usually had a functioning 4th estate that would never allow itself to be controlled by either party. That’s never existed in a communist regime. There’s no programming here, just adherence to facts.
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There’s no doubt, corporate media is a huge issue. Even so, our system has usually had a functioning 4th estate that would never allow itself to be controlled by either party. That’s never existed in a communist regime. There’s no programming here, just adherence to facts.

There is almost no such thing as independent media now. No true media in this country anymore. There is no "press" because they have all sold out. Their rights have gone with that selling out. All new "press" have been deplatformed or silenced.

They don't issue credentials to "unsanctioned" media outlets. That's why no one has to answer real questions anymore
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Again, I agree with you on the problem here but it’s the better realistic solution I’m not seeing. What government is going to hand over power back to the people to write the rules? Never going to happen without force.

We have to closest thing to that here and our constitution and freedoms gets trampled on by our government at every turn. They even run on and successfully so at times on doing just that.
We don’t vote them out because of an uninformed and misled population partially due to the tactics of media they control.
So we vote for politicians who campaign on expanding freedoms and protections for people, not curtail them. The root of the problem isn't the politicians though, they're just a reflection of the society they're in. The problem is who pays them and the press, which was the initial topic, alike. Our system was designed as a representative democracy where the elected representatives represent the interests of their constituents. Not whoever pays them the most. Do you really think the majority of Kentuckians would vote Mitch McConnell into office repeatedly if elections were really open and fair and well-regulated? No, he maintains his position through power. Power he gets from money. Which means no realistic primary challenger that more aligns with Kentuckians' positions. Which means no real campaigns, no even real serious conversations about issues that voters care about. It's similar in the Democratic party establishment. What we need to tackle is campaign finance reform and lobbying. Actually drain the swamp in a bipartisan, legal, lasting way. Not more 'freedoms' for corporations and the rich to legally bribe our elected representatives.
There’s no doubt, corporate media is a huge issue. Even so, our system has usually had a functioning 4th estate that would never allow itself to be controlled by either party. That’s never existed in a communist regime. There’s no programming here, just adherence to facts.
No free press in the Third Reich either and they were capitalist as all get-out. The repression of dissenting opinion is a fixture of authoritarian extremism, not either side.
I love movies like The Big Lebowski and This Is Spinal Tap, shows like Curb Your Enthusiasm, and comedians like Norm MacDonald and George Carlin. Not saying my comedic taste is better than anyone else's, but I will say that amateur political comedy is pretty awful. May God have mercy on your painfully unfunny souls.
New Times comedy critic, Nightwash, blasts political humor on message board by setting forth his credentials and then praying for those he finds humorless. Crowd erupts with joyful laughter. More as this story develops.
Again, I agree with you on the problem here but it’s the better realistic solution I’m not seeing. What government is going to hand over power back to the people to write the rules? Never going to happen without force.

We have to closest thing to that here and our constitution and freedoms gets trampled on by our government at every turn. They even run on and successfully so at times on doing just that.
We don’t vote them out because of an uninformed and misled population partially due to the tactics of media they control.
State run media, Comrade. That is our answer and you will like it. Or else. You don’t need to know when the next Tieneman Square occurs, unless we approve distribution. Life will be so simple.