How will they rule ??!

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^ Dore will lecture everyone as if he's a genius but this guy never read the DNC leaks because if he did, he wouldn't believe a word DNC TV says. He didn't want to look at the emails and texts of Hunter Biden because it exposes his belief and support. His willful ignorance is the worst kind.

Fetterman is an example imo of Dems pushing the envelope on election rigging. If they could get him in, they can get anyone in and now they know that. Fully expect them to try to run a mannequin, corpse, or someone’s pet next cycle.

That being said, I’m actually having a bit of sympathy for the guy which I suspect Is part of the Dems plan as well. Mental illness will be the new card they play that is off limits for any political criticism.
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^ Dore will lecture everyone as if he's a genius but this guy never read the DNC leaks because if he did, he wouldn't believe a word DNC TV says. He didn't want to look at the emails and texts of Hunter Biden because it exposes his belief and support. His willful ignorance is the worst kind.
The Left is nothing but pseudo-intellectuals.
Speaking of liars and cheats....

What a damn joke. Promoted Trump's bullsh** lies even though they KNEW it was all a pile of crap.
Trump lost.
Everyone knew it and decided they could make money off of lying to gullible fools with low IQs. Trump used those same fools to attack our own Capitol. Pathetic.
Dominion is going to be raking in millions off of Faux News. 🤣🤣🤣
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Very puzzling indeed. I assume it is incompetence. But it is that incompetence that permits those who are prone to believe conspiracy theories (i.e. "deception") to latch on to this.
Yet many supposed "conspiracy theories" in the last few years were proven truths. In fact, most when it was concerning the corruption of the dim party.
Look at the assumptions made in some of the comments. Rather than be happy for those kids or ask how all schools could be the same, the woke narrative was predictable and often prejudiced, if not racist and/or classist. Ignorant attacks were “liked,” because that is the social media mentality.
^ Dore will lecture everyone as if he's a genius but this guy never read the DNC leaks because if he did, he wouldn't believe a word DNC TV says. He didn't want to look at the emails and texts of Hunter Biden because it exposes his belief and support. His willful ignorance is the worst kind.
Same with the internal emails from within the IPCC that SHOULD prove beyond doubt that global warming is a sham. They prefer to believe the story that the guys were just joking. They have also been programmed to believe that hacking emails is much worse than the information contained in the emails. I saw the email that proves O'bama knew about and used Hillary's private email. They did not, or if they did, decided to ignore it.

The only people who still believe that man has had any appreciable effect on the Earth's climate, are those who are incapable of independent thought. All the others are merely taking advantage of those people's ignorance.
Look at the assumptions made in some of the comments. Rather than be happy for those kids or ask how all schools could be the same, the woke narrative was predictable and often prejudiced, if not racist and/or classist. Ignorant attacks were “liked,” because that is the social media mentality.

Liberalism in a nutshell. Victim mentality. Rather then examine why their strongholds don't do as well, they want to drag down others who put in the work.
Look at the assumptions made in some of the comments. Rather than be happy for those kids or ask how all schools could be the same, the woke narrative was predictable and often prejudiced, if not racist and/or classist. Ignorant attacks were “liked,” because that is the social media mentality.
You could give that same school to other demographics and it would go to absolute shit in no time as everything always does. People have to spend out their ass sending their kids to a private school or moving to an area so their kids can go to a better school that doesn't have the problems that arise from other groups.

Maybe, just maybe, demographics and culture matter.
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It is impossible to watch the news and have confidence in the truth of what you're hearing. We've always had to assume that the newsreaders or talking heads are biased because of their personal politics. But it's different when the news program is determining the "news" based on the company's stock price or the perceived desires of the viewers.
No, the "news" is determined by who's sponsoring (see pfizer for example), who's funding them (see blackrock and George Soros for example) and as we're finding out now, what the DOJ wants them to say and cover. It's no coincidence that we find all these compilation videos of news outlets all across the country reading word for word the same leftists talking points. Who's funneling those statements to all of those news outlets?
There's a reason that what you watch on TV is called a "program"
There's a reason television really means "Tell A Vision"
The mainstream Media these days has become nothing more than one big Psyop.
I have been watching Fox News for the last couple of hours....stories covered: China buying land in US, Ohio train issue, Biden refusing aid, SF reversing course on police defunding, social media influence on name a few.

Those sound like news stories to me.

Step out of the box and actually watch.
yeah, yeah, but...
China buying land in the US is a "RYTE WANG CONSPIRACY THEORY"

The Ohio Train is a big nothing burger, the EPA says all is fine, no need to report any further. There's more pressing issues like RAYSIS ROADS.

Biden refusing Aid? see above.

SF is a beacon of progressives, they never "defunded", they just "reallocated resources", nothing to see here or report on. Just don't look down, you might see poop in the street. media is what keeps children engaged in what's going on in the world, they need more of it, so much that they need usb charging ports on their school busses. Another "RYTE WANG CONSPIRACY THEORY"

Lol first celebrating him as the first senator who was legally incompetent and now this.

The whole thing probably isn't even depression. It's probably just a result of brain damage because he's... you know...brain damaged.

If it's depression, yes good on him for getting treatment, if he's competent enough to even know what's going on. Even if so, he still needs to resign. No way on earth he is giving his constituents any actual representation.
Putting aside the substance (election denial), the thing that was the most interesting to me was Carlson's text to his boss demanding that an employee be fired because the employee's tweet caused the Fox stock price to go down. That means that the positions he takes and the "news" that he features on his show are driven in part by the bottom line (stock price). How can this be regarded as "fair and balanced"?
The simple answer is it isn’t. Never has been. A for-profit press is always interested in profit first, truth second. It doesn’t take court admissions to realize that. Just watch them.
Fox News caters to their viewers the same way CNN, MSNBC, or the View does to make money. This is not a new concept.

The news today is simply opinion pieces, persuasion, and propaganda.

The irony of your 1/6 comment is that’s a perfect example of yourself being under that exact same influence you claim others are, just it being from a different source. CNN and MSNBC are particularly deceitful about conservatives, race relations, and what constitutes a “peaceful protest.” Not to mention the damage ALL the paid for by Pfizer outlets did when it comes to Covid/vaccines/masking that most the country slurped up.

“News” without an agenda is ship that sailed long ago.
We never had news without an agenda. The original term yellow journalism came from inciting the Spanish-American War in the 19th century. Capitalism has always had a stranglehold on our ‘free press’ with its corrupting tentacles.
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^ Dore will lecture everyone as if he's a genius but this guy never read the DNC leaks because if he did, he wouldn't believe a word DNC TV says. He didn't want to look at the emails and texts of Hunter Biden because it exposes his belief and support. His willful ignorance is the worst kind.
Says a guy who supports the putsch attempt on our Constitution and willfully ignores the coup details laid out in their own words in the Eastman memos.
I would be in prison after dealing with everyone involved.
You could give that same school to other demographics and it would go to absolute shit in no time as everything always does. People have to spend out their ass sending their kids to a private school or moving to an area so their kids can go to a better school that doesn't have the problems that arise from other groups.

Maybe, just maybe, demographics and culture matter.
Then why don’t you join Payton Gendron and Dylann Roof in doing something about it? Prison would love to have you. You can ink your beliefs on your skin there; you’d fit right in.