How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Have you all ever looked up how much media Vanguard and Blackrock own?

• Eighteen percent of Fox.

• Sixteen percent of CBS, and therefore also of Sixty Minutes.

• Thirteen percent of Comcast, which owns NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, and the Sky media group.

• Twelve percent of CNN.

• Twelve percent of Disney, which owns ABC and FiveThirtyEight.

• Between ten and fourteen percent of Gannett, which owns more than 250 Gannett daily newspapers plus USA Today.

• Ten percent of the Sinclair local television news, which controls seventy-two percent of U.S. households’ local TV.

• A large unspecified chunk of Graham Media Group, which owns Slate and Foreign Policy.
Vanguard is owned by its funds which in turn are owned by the fund holders. Net, Vanguard investors own those shares of those media companies.
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Used to fly in and out of O'Hare all the time when you had to literally fight off the Hare Krishnas begging for money. Don't know which is worse.
HK's didn't fight back.

Had a friend approached by one in ATL. He turned and screamed continually at the HK & knocked his books out of his hands. The HK guy took off. Other coworkers were there - laughed their a$$es off.
Vanguard is owned by its funds which in turn are owned by the fund holders. Net, Vanguard investors own those shares of those media companies.

Doesn’t really matter who beneficially owns them. It matters who votes the shares and controls board seats. Historically, that has been the fund managers for the most part.
Has there ever been a cabinet so completely inept* as the current one? Harris, Garland, Mayorkis, Buttigeig, etc.

*inept assuming they’re not trying to destroy the country. Which is probably an unrealistic assumption.
When you realize it's all purpose it makes sense. None of this is by accident. Which is even scarier. But true
And 40 years ago, compared to today we had very few gun control laws. Yet these school shootings never happened. People that I know that went to school in the 60's & 70's like I did. I ask them if when they went to school. Did they ever sit in a classroom & think to themselves I sure hope that no one comes in here with a gun & starts killing us? Everyone of them says no because in those days despite having almost no gun control laws school shootings never happened.

And there would be people prepared to shoot a shooter with guns in their cars.

The difference is that people then respected the life and property of others. So did the authorities. That respect has been undermined by "culture" and other BS inventions of the left
All this stuff happening really is proof that the Q stuff was counterintel to keep conservatives pacified and waiting while the coup gov was positioning their pieces to take down the country JUST LIKE the bolsheviks did everything last century. No matter how much I told people that online and in person for 6 years now, no one would listen. They just didn't want to hear it. Now it's already over as it's getting started