Democrats only making it a month before obviously going to install this guy's wife.
Literally, this is just what life is now. Call out how predictable the left is, their little puppet media mock everyone as 'conspiracy theorists', then inevitably wait to be proven right only for their moronic base to never wise up.
but most Americans want their president to be the smartest guy in the room.
if true ... then how did we get the clown we have now?but most Americans want their president to be the smartest guy in the room.
I know a guy who’s an engineer at a power plant. Disclaimer: he hates Biden. But in short: he says the EPA is constantly working to shut them down, that their sources for coal are harder to get and more expensive because it’s sold to China and we’re not mining enough, and that once the EPA gets its’ way, energy prices will basically be unsustainable. Kept bringing up how many people would have died in Kentucky during December if not for coal fired electricity.When will we just go ahead and admit that the current renewable solutions mania is not going to work. As Konstantin Kisin said in his address at Oxford, the only way to combat climate change is to go to work, build, innovate, create new technologies that will produce reliable and CHEAP energy. Just read an article that many renewable production plants only run at about 25% of stated output. Plus, most of the materials that windmills and solar panels are made from are NOT recyclable. With a 20-year lifespan, what does the world do with a gigantic pile of used up windmill blades and spent solar panels? Not a peep about that problem looming in the not-distant future.
One issue I never considered in this green push: consumer safety. Along America's highways are millions of gas stations, all of which have a person manning the cash register, sometimes more than one. If we go to all electric, at some point far into the future, we'll have unmanned charging stations, a percentage of which will be in remote areas, and which will require consumers to be there for 10, 15, 45, however many minutes. How many assaults, robberies, murders will occur because criminals will know where people will be, how long they'll be there and will seek out remote places to waylay individuals? When I need gas, I pull off the highway wherever and have no fear that the gas station I pull into will be deserted and I'll be a target for criminals. That will not be the case if/when we go all electric.
My fervent hope is that Toyota's focus on hydrogen vs electric will soon take hold as the transition to hydrogen would be easier, far less impactful to the environment (no mining), does not make the US beholden to OPEC or China/Russia, is just as, if not more, clean as EVs, etc. With the 'greens' never considering nuclear power generation or hydrogen technology as supplements/solutions to the climate change hysteria, I have come to believe that the whole movement is not about saving the planet but about money, power, control. The notion that we can accurately predict what the climate will be in 50+ years (an ecosystem with hundreds of variables that can and do change unpredictably) is beyond preposterous. I don't give 2 sh!ts about preserving fossil fuels. But, preserving and enhancing our way of life, making America energy independent, preserving our natural habitat, etc. should be the ultimate long term goal. Current renewable solutions are not capable of doing any of those things.
Also born in ‘43 but no ration bookI was born in 1943. I still have my WW II Ration Book.![]()
Not everyone ... just uniparty globalists, communists, fascists (like yourself)What a sad existence it must be to believe that everyone is out to get you and has it rigged against you. What a defeatist attitude.
We see where we are as of today and how many Americans are complicit in us getting here and how many are still complacent to do anything. What will be the tipping point for that correction. When will those complacent or closed eyes be opened? What's that going to take? How Long is that going to take. I have about 30 or so years left on this planet, 35-40 if I'm lucky. (i'm 53) I want to be able to enjoy the latter 1/3 of my life as opposed to spending years living what the WEF is prescribing and our feckless leaders are on board with.The truth always comes out, it may not be in the time frame we desire, but eventually enough eyes will be opened.
A quote by Winston Churchill comes to mind, " America always does the right thing...after trying everything else first".
So the black teacher made a racist comment? Sounds like ole Karen k is a big part of the problem.
People like her. Sucking Klaus Schwabs schlong, that's what we need to stop in order to get some sensibility back in our Country.
I bet your mom had one.Also born in ‘43 but no ration book
Posted yesterday:So Biden comes to Florida and address some folks down in Tampa and the first thing out of his mouth is Republicans want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare. Total lies but what else is new with Democrats.
We will be hearing this until the 2024 election. The Democrat playbook must have a priority on this because they say it 2 years before every Presidential election. And keep repeating it. And many brain dead people soak it up and believe it.
And once again, whoever wrote that drivel wants to be taken seriously after that.
Dr. Rand Paul.I'd take Rand Paul running this country over any "smart" person, as defined by Dore.
Sad. Sad that the students seem to be enjoying it.
These supposed "smart people" are self-proclaimed. The mostly useless degrees many of the left get are generally worthless in the real world. That is why they become unemployed and living off of the government dole or in their parent's basement.I'd take Rand Paul running this country over any "smart" person, as defined by Dore.
His post is ironic because Dore is not the sharpest tool in the shed.Biggest misconception ever. Most Americans want their POTUS to have basic common sense, strong principles, love of country, and some resemblance of morality. Being POTUS is more about the above than being at the top of your class at MIT. Putting the brains in the right positions afterwards is the key.
Where we are now....Biden has none of the above and his cabinet members are all clueless dolts.
Got a nephew who is in medical research. A number of years ago he worked on a research project at Vandy of cancer treatments using algae. Don't remember what came of it.
Whatever happened to 'hydrogen powered'? Used to be (20-30 years ago) a lot wrote, studied, etc about it and then it just seemed to have died. Agree....much better source than EV and the technology of it should be quite a bit developed by now. I know there were entire fleets of company vehicles that were hydrogen powered cars/trucks.My fervent hope is that Toyota's focus on hydrogen vs electric will soon take hold as the transition to hydrogen would be easier, far less impactful to the environment (no mining), does not make the US beholden to OPEC or China/Russia, is just as, if not more, clean as EVs, etc.
LOL Yes, Biden has always been known as the "smartest guy in the room." Never worked a real job in his life and he's at the bottom of his class, lied about being a football star, plagiarized a speech, and was always known as an idiot and gaffe machine. They used to mock Dan Quayle as an idiot for the 'potato' thing. Well, Biden was a gaffe machine for decades.It is sort of a crazy situation that DeSantis with all of the stuff that he is doing with education does not meet the litmus test of many on here. But I guess that's the current climate.
I don't like everything he's done here in Florida but he is obviously extremely smart. He may try to run away from (or hide) his Yale/Harvard pedigree but I think that's something to be proud of. Too many of the more vocal Republicans are barely educated (Boebert, MTG). Maybe that appeals to some on the far right, but most Americans want their president to be the smartest guy in the room.
I'm convinced our intel agencies are going to stage an attack on this country and justify war and then have their media spend 24/7 on a smear campaign on anyone against it. Then all of the neocons and Dems will be for it. More liberties lost, more wealth transferred.
I'd take Rand Paul running this country over any "smart" person, as defined by Dore.
Well, if they're green, Martians?
I told my daughter this yesterday as we were watching Super Bowl commercials.
I'm 72 and wondering if I'm going to see it myself and for my kids and grandchildren. I know education is important, but our universities are turning out a bunch of educated idiots with zero common sense.We see where we are as of today and how many Americans are complicit in us getting here and how many are still complacent to do anything. What will be the tipping point for that correction. When will those complacent or closed eyes be opened? What's that going to take? How Long is that going to take. I have about 30 or so years left on this planet, 35-40 if I'm lucky. (i'm 53) I want to be able to enjoy the latter 1/3 of my life as opposed to spending years living what the WEF is prescribing and our feckless leaders are on board with.