How will they rule ??!

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LOL. Let's look at this because this rumor comes out about once or twice a year and now Trump and his minions are throwing it out. It was used in 2018 when DeSantis ran for governor. Then it came out again in 2022 when he was running for re-election Democrats used it then and now I guess Trump wants to use it now. Now it is 2023 and here we go again.


Tampa Bay Times headline saying Jeb Bush organizing fundraisers for Ron DeSantis is from September 2018.​

"A Tampa Bay Times headline which says former Republican Florida governor Jeb Bush is organizing a fundraiser for current Governor Ron DeSantis was published in September 2018, when DeSantis was running for governor. But some social media users have shared this headline online in November 2022, making it appear recent by cutting off the publication date from the screenshot.

The Tampa Bay Times headline reads: “Jeb Bush to help Ron DeSantis raise money next week in Coral Gables.” The sub-headline reads: “The fundraiser is chaired ($50K donation) and co-chaired ($25K donation) by Bush, lobbyist Rodney Barreto, and University of Miami trustee Manny Kadre.”

DeSantis has been reported to be considering a presidential run in 2024, along with former President Trump.

One user who shared the headline on Nov 6 said: “DeSantis is cozying up with the America Last Bush Clan... Money talks. No more of the Bush family!”

Recycled Headline From 2018

Original Headline 2018

I get it that most who support Trump do not like our governor and that is OK. He is a big boy and is use to false narratives and people trying to tear him down. That is politics. Heck he has one of the most liberal presses in the nation doing it every day. The St Pete Times, Miami Herald. Tampa Times to name a few so it goes. They rejoice when Trump starts false rumors and attacks him. They cheer when Trump calls DeSantis a globalist or groomer.

Personally I want to keep him as our governor because things are changing down here for the better. We are fast becoming the most conservative state in America and RED. I want to keep it that way. So if he never sees Washington DC again I will be happy. FLORIDA FIRST. Let the feds find somebody else to kick around.
Trump’s comments about Desantis are nothing but swamp. You cannot be the swamp and pretend to want to drain the swamp. The fiction that Trump is not a politician is untenable. People who swallow that lie are lemmings who don’t want facts, but just want Trump spin.

I am not saying that Trump the politician won’t be the best candidate, but I don’t like his start. I agree with Ben Shapiro when he says there is “good Trump and bad Trump.” Good Trump gave a response to the state of the union. Bad Trump gets petty with Desantis. Good Trump comes off like a leader. Bad Trump comes off like a petulant child. This is nothing new.
Then give up…that’s what they want you to do. Do you want this countries leaders to be picked for you? Only the establishment approved candidate can be elected?

I agree they need to do something, but throwing your hands up isn’t it. Sometimes you gotta lose a battle to win a war.
How do we ultimately win? I don't disagree. We can't give up. but what are the real tangible solutions to the problems causing us to get where we are today?

Although it's a microcosm, The Arizona Governors election is basically what we're up against. They don't even care that it's blatant and out in the open, They know they have the forces on their side, such that there will be zero accountability.

I'm on board with whatever your solutions are.
So Biden comes to Florida and address some folks down in Tampa and the first thing out of his mouth is Republicans want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare. Total lies but what else is new with Democrats.

We will be hearing this until the 2024 election. The Democrat playbook must have a priority on this because they say it 2 years before every Presidential election. And keep repeating it. And many brain dead people soak it up and believe it.
In many states, if I recall correctly, a non-compete offered after someone has the job requires new consideration to be enforceable. In essence, they need to pay you for the clause or give you some other form of consideration.
That is true in some states. But in a number of other states (Florida for example) continued employment is sufficient consideration.
Why did you tell them? Or did they find out another way?

Non-competes are bogus. I'm fine with NDAs if you don't want your 'secret sauce' recipe shared but preventing me from working somewhere else is bogus.
Actually the new company asked if I had one and told me I had to see if the old company would release me.
What a sad existence it must be to believe that everyone is out to get you and has it rigged against you. What a defeatist attitude.
LOL! I love when you post and are completely oblivious to the constant hypocrisy and self owns.

What you just described is victim culture of the left who sees racism and oppression in everything and routinely does hoaxes. It's not the group that is accurately pointing out government weaponization against political dissent which Democrats are notorious for.
Everything they say is a lie. They seize power and then lie to keep it.

Democrats only making it a month before obviously going to install this guy's wife.

Literally, this is just what life is now. Call out how predictable the left is, their little puppet media mock everyone as 'conspiracy theorists', then inevitably wait to be proven right only for their moronic base to never wise up.
Big DeSantis fan. Bigger Trump fan and I am well documented as saying he’ll have my vote/support (no matter how off-the-rails he goes) until those that orchestrated the coup are held accountable in a meaningful way.

But I have no issues with DeSantis meeting with Jeb! He may be a globalist bitch, but he’s (his name, anyway) a big player in Florida and has lots of money he can round up.
How do we ultimately win? I don't disagree. We can't give up. but what are the real tangible solutions to the problems causing us to get where we are today?

Although it's a microcosm, The Arizona Governors election is basically what we're up against. They don't even care that it's blatant and out in the open, They know they have the forces on their side, such that there will be zero accountability.

I'm on board with whatever your solutions are.
The truth always comes out, it may not be in the time frame we desire, but eventually enough eyes will be opened.

A quote by Winston Churchill comes to mind, " America always does the right thing...after trying everything else first".
500,000 new jobs my ass. I saw a website that tracked layoffs of tech co's since last year and it's almost all of them are laying off 20%+ of their workforce.
Someone in the media (LOL) should do their job and ask how many of the 500K jobs are attributable to the flood of illegals across the southern border. Percentage of citizen vs. work permitted.
It was cruel of the Democrats to run this man as Senator and pathetic Pennsylvania would put him in office. The man is in no shape to do the job of a U.S. Senator. But he is a number to the Democrats and that is all they want anyway. Numbers. Robots who will vote for their agenda and never question it.

At least he hasn't made a comment like "Guam will tip over if too many people are on it" There are Democrats who believe this and they get elected to office.
In many states, if I recall correctly, a non-compete offered after someone has the job requires new consideration to be enforceable. In essence, they need to pay you for the clause or give you some other form of consideration.
From my experience KY certainly is that way. Just hiring you doesn't do the trick. OH is different than TN. In TN they are more likely to uphold the contract, OH not so much.

As you noted, something of value is really needed to make the judge uphold it. For example the company pays for you to get training and certification in the industry that stays with you. I dunno, like becoming a master electrician or microsoft certification.... something like that. Record the value of the training and show in the agreement.

That said, you better not go out and completely ignore the fact you have one. In court, as you know, the judge will be happy if both sides come to some agreement on your own. Cut the 2 years term down to 1 year. Cut the mileage radius from 500 miles down to 250miles. Just some sign that both sides are being reasonable. Agree to potential damages or paying attorney's fees . But once you have re-agreed to the terms....don't get caught violating that one or else it will be a big problem.
I agree, but I think our chances are very slim. When I was your age, I felt I saw the direction we were headed, but didn't think I'd live to see it.
Honestly, I don't think we can get back to any sense of normalcy or direction until the WEF is destroyed. they, their shadow organizations, and unelected "elite" bureaucrats are the ones calling the shots. Destroy their influence and we might be able to get some sensibility back into our own country.
I'm 63 and I've seen the direction we're going for many years. It was always easy to see the pathways to the dystopian societies portrayed in books and movies. I was young but I paid close attention to Watergate. Only had 3 channels back then so it wasn't easy to ignore. Now I know that the CIA was involved just like I thought it was back then.

Our life is not a computer program, but it is an illusion.
Well the WEF sure is hellbent on making our lives a computer program.
When will we just go ahead and admit that the current renewable solutions mania is not going to work. As Konstantin Kisin said in his address at Oxford, the only way to combat climate change is to go to work, build, innovate, create new technologies that will produce reliable and CHEAP energy. Just read an article that many renewable production plants only run at about 25% of stated output. Plus, most of the materials that windmills and solar panels are made from are NOT recyclable. With a 20-year lifespan, what does the world do with a gigantic pile of used up windmill blades and spent solar panels? Not a peep about that problem looming in the not-distant future.

One issue I never considered in this green push: consumer safety. Along America's highways are millions of gas stations, all of which have a person manning the cash register, sometimes more than one. If we go to all electric, at some point far into the future, we'll have unmanned charging stations, a percentage of which will be in remote areas, and which will require consumers to be there for 10, 15, 45, however many minutes. How many assaults, robberies, murders will occur because criminals will know where people will be, how long they'll be there and will seek out remote places to waylay individuals? When I need gas, I pull off the highway wherever and have no fear that the gas station I pull into will be deserted and I'll be a target for criminals. That will not be the case if/when we go all electric.

My fervent hope is that Toyota's focus on hydrogen vs electric will soon take hold as the transition to hydrogen would be easier, far less impactful to the environment (no mining), does not make the US beholden to OPEC or China/Russia, is just as, if not more, clean as EVs, etc. With the 'greens' never considering nuclear power generation or hydrogen technology as supplements/solutions to the climate change hysteria, I have come to believe that the whole movement is not about saving the planet but about money, power, control. The notion that we can accurately predict what the climate will be in 50+ years (an ecosystem with hundreds of variables that can and do change unpredictably) is beyond preposterous. I don't give 2 sh!ts about preserving fossil fuels. But, preserving and enhancing our way of life, making America energy independent, preserving our natural habitat, etc. should be the ultimate long term goal. Current renewable solutions are not capable of doing any of those things.
It is sort of a crazy situation that DeSantis with all of the stuff that he is doing with education does not meet the litmus test of many on here. But I guess that's the current climate.

I don't like everything he's done here in Florida but he is obviously extremely smart. He may try to run away from (or hide) his Yale/Harvard pedigree but I think that's something to be proud of. Too many of the more vocal Republicans are barely educated (Boebert, MTG). Maybe that appeals to some on the far right, but most Americans want their president to be the smartest guy in the room.
There are lots of very successful yet "barely educated" people. Going to a fancy schmancy Harvard or Yale doesn't make you a better person or necessarily any more qualified to hold public office. Our Government is supposed to be Of, By and For the people. that means ALL people. just because Boebert or MTG are "barely educated" doesn't make them any less qualified to be in their position. They are actually everyday Americans who didn't grow up to be politicians, but got into it because they were Americans who see their Country slipping into oblivion and want to protect it.

And what really do you all mean when you use the term "educated". I went to UK to get "educated" to be an Architect. the majority of what I learned there centered around that ultimate goal. So yeah, I guess I'm "educated" in that sense, but does that disqualify me from being a politician if I chose to go down that path?
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there are lots of very successful yet "barely educated" people. Going to a fancy schmancy Harvard or Yale doesn't make you a better person or necessarily any more qualified to hold public office. Our Government is supposed to be Of, By and For the people. that means ALL people. just because Boebert or MTG are "barely educated" doesn't make them any less qualified to be in their position. They are actually everyday Americans who didn't grow up to be politicians, but got into it because they were Americans who see their Country slipping into oblivion and want to protect it.

And what really do you all mean when you use the term "educated" I went to UK to get "educated" to be an architect. the majority of what I learned there centered around that ultimate goal. so yeah, I guess I'm "educated" in that sense, but does that disqualify me from being a politician if I chose to go down that path?
I'd take Rand Paul running this country over any "smart" person, as defined by Dore.