When will we just go ahead and admit that the current renewable solutions mania is not going to work. As Konstantin Kisin said in his address at Oxford, the only way to combat climate change is to go to work, build, innovate, create new technologies that will produce reliable and CHEAP energy. Just read an article that many renewable production plants only run at about 25% of stated output. Plus, most of the materials that windmills and solar panels are made from are NOT recyclable. With a 20-year lifespan, what does the world do with a gigantic pile of used up windmill blades and spent solar panels? Not a peep about that problem looming in the not-distant future.
One issue I never considered in this green push: consumer safety. Along America's highways are millions of gas stations, all of which have a person manning the cash register, sometimes more than one. If we go to all electric, at some point far into the future, we'll have unmanned charging stations, a percentage of which will be in remote areas, and which will require consumers to be there for 10, 15, 45, however many minutes. How many assaults, robberies, murders will occur because criminals will know where people will be, how long they'll be there and will seek out remote places to waylay individuals? When I need gas, I pull off the highway wherever and have no fear that the gas station I pull into will be deserted and I'll be a target for criminals. That will not be the case if/when we go all electric.
My fervent hope is that Toyota's focus on hydrogen vs electric will soon take hold as the transition to hydrogen would be easier, far less impactful to the environment (no mining), does not make the US beholden to OPEC or China/Russia, is just as, if not more, clean as EVs, etc. With the 'greens' never considering nuclear power generation or hydrogen technology as supplements/solutions to the climate change hysteria, I have come to believe that the whole movement is not about saving the planet but about money, power, control. The notion that we can accurately predict what the climate will be in 50+ years (an ecosystem with hundreds of variables that can and do change unpredictably) is beyond preposterous. I don't give 2 sh!ts about preserving fossil fuels. But, preserving and enhancing our way of life, making America energy independent, preserving our natural habitat, etc. should be the ultimate long term goal. Current renewable solutions are not capable of doing any of those things.