What group is responsible for these Jesus, He gets us commercials? Feels like lib Christians trying to convince us all that Jesus would have been ok with queers, groomers and pedos. I guess nothing is sacred anymore.
Libs live for their oxymorons and hypocrisies. They really go nuts for names that are mutually exclusive. Democratic Socialism, Liberal Christian, Marxist or Islamic American.
-Socialism grants inequal power through its principles and by its very nature as it has shown over centuries at this point. It voids the equality of a democratic voting system through manipulation, weighting, and coercion/extortion.
-American Liberalism firmly puts murder somewhere above conservatism on its scale of quality moral attributes. Killing a baby you didn't even try to prevent is ok. Stating that abstinence is an option to prevent pregnancy is a jailable offense. Don't forget fornication, adultery, beastiality, pedophilia, and homosexuality are not even sexual choices but rights people are entitled to or are traits that people are born with. The idea that any of these things would be wrong for a Christian or offensive to God and the Son who obeys Him is clearly a misinterpretation of something not even mentioned in the bible, except they ARE specifically mentioned. They are irreconcilable in fact.
-Marxism and Islam alike are politically/diametrically opposed to the principles of this republic and all such republics that would require religious freedom for their citizens, and yet also prevent the establishment of one superior religion to rule over them. Marxism is a religious ideology not grounded in the real world, a pyramid scheme in its every manifestation so far, just as much as Islam is inseparable from the political ideology that the government and its laws must be subjugated/ converted to its principles.
If it weren't for their own hypocrisy, how would we know they are liberals?
They support Islam knowing that Islam is slaughtering liberals around the world. They support "me, too," but only if the accusations don't come between them and those who facilitate their murder of babies. They are marxist only if it means somebody else gives up part of their income to help THEM or another person like them. They are for women's reproductive rights, believe men can get pregnant, believe you can identify as a cat, and say some people are born homosexual; but they deny that there are just 2 genders and that men can decide to abort their accidental pregnancies, they only hold men accountable for child support, expect to get all of their taxes refunded when their medical bills should be filed under veterinary expenses and dont qualify as deductions, and refuse to commit to the science needed to suggest there have to be dna markers that determine someone is homosexual at birth. You could go on and on all day for the next year and you still wouldn't find a logical argument or process behind their ideological decisions.
Immigrants are to be given everything, unless they cross into a formerly Russian country from Russia. Borders are bad unless people who used to be Russian want their part of their country to be part of Russia again. Russia is good if Hilarious Master Clinton sells them Uranium, but bad if they want to stop Ukraine from bombing their own citizens. Colin Kapernickel is a white privileged, imperialist, jock capitalist, until he dons "pigs" socks, loses his starting job, and doesn't show up for tryouts with other teams, at which point then he's oppressed.
Live laugh love (unless you're talking about a conservative Christian or a straight, white member of the armed forces and patriotic)