Trump could not beat a guy with dementia and a long record of lying, corruption and bad judgement who campaigned out of his basement. He is not going to win again. “They” will make sure of it.
Pennsylvania felt he was the best they had to offer.
Then give up…that’s what they want you to do. Do you want this countries leaders to be picked for you? Only the establishment approved candidate can be elected?
I agree they need to do something, but throwing your hands up isn’t it. Sometimes you gotta lose a battle to win a war.
Only the establishment approved candidate can be elected?
Trump could not beat a guy with dementia and a long record of lying, corruption and bad judgement who campaigned out of his basement. He is not going to win again. “They” will make sure of it.
Cultist all-in on the stolen elections conspiracy theory.
Yes it does as we didn’t admit and Norway didn’t allow Russia to see the evidence.Doesn't change whether both were acts of war.
Don't know, but have NATO members complained about Nord Stream not being functional?
Did you have a lawyer review that non compete? Because that is egrgious that they could let you go not for cause and still enforce it.I've got the best non compete story.
Signed one when I started working at a fortune 10 company based out of Pennsylvania. 7 years later covid causes a reorganization and a 35% drop in the sales force. The new mapped out territory overlapped another territory, so both me and the guy from that territory had to interview to get the ONE new position that would cover both territories.
Although I had been in the company 7 years, the other guy 1, and I was the number one ranked member of the team of 8, and a top ten ranked member of the entire force of 120, my new boss, who hired the other guy, pulled the strings to get him the job.
Needless to say I was shocked, but I was given a severance package and an end date. A month before my last day, I found out one of our main competitors was hiring for the same exact position. After interviewing with them, I was offered the position and expected to start with them as soon as I finished with my old company.
Somehow or another, my old company managed to remind me that I signed a non compete and that they would have to approve the new position I would be taking. I guess I had no thought that they might actually enforce it, but sure enough they did. Even though I was let go for a company reorganization and not for cause, they told me I would not be allowed to take that new position with the new company.
Unbelievably unfair if you ask me, but I did not have the money or desire to fight it in court. I quickly got another position, but I will probably always wish I had fought it.
One positive was that I found out both my old boss and the guy that got the job were both gone from the company within a year.
Another Republican politician murdered today.
But conservatives...politicians, moms & dads, etc...are the terrorists.
Well, the good thing is if Desantis is the people’s choice he’ll win the nomination, if Trump is he’ll win the nomination.I didn’t say I wasn’t going to vote. I said DT won’t be allowed to win in 2024.
Second Republican Council Member Shot Dead A Week After Unsolved Murder Of Colleague
A New Jersey councilmember was shot and killed in his car Wednesday, just a week after a female Republican councilwoman was murdered in a similar
Well, the good thing is if Desantis is the people’s choice he’ll win the nomination, if Trump is he’ll win the nomination.
Desantis won’t do that, he’ll get right in line and it’ll go right back to the uniparty.The pipe dream would be DeSantis uses the GOP support to get in but then goes scorched earth on the deep state. Of course they’d crush him though. It’s just hard seeing anyone ever getting in again with known drain the swamp motivations.
A guy can dream can’t he?
While I don’t necessarily disagree that he won’t be allowed to win, if that’s true, then it’s also true that it doesn’t matter who runs because they too will be denied victory.
Desantis won’t do that, he’ll get right in line and it’ll go right back to the uniparty.
Hell, Jeb Bush is appearing with him this weekend for a fundraiser.
Desantis won’t do that, he’ll get right in line and it’ll go right back to the uniparty.
Hell, Jeb Bush is appearing with him this weekend for a fundraiser.
WESH Orlando Fined Over Vaccine Mandate For Political Debate
A fine of $5,000 per person is required under Florida law for businesses requiring proof of vaccination from COVID-19, or post-infection recovery, “to gain access to, entry upon, or service from the entity.” The department cited Section 381.00316(1), Florida Statutes.
Canceling Debate Unlawful Over Vax Status
I agree with that as well.
I wish we’d hear more about election integrity reform than we do about Hunters laptop but seems Rs will need to lose a few more in a row before they wake up, if they do.
If Trump couldnt win in 2020, then he’s never winning.
Haha one good way to kill a career.Hell, Jeb Bush is appearing with him this weekend for a fundraiser.
Explain what you believe that you say you signed. Non Compete? How exactly do you "compete" at Heavenly Ham? Were you a manager of a store? Outside sales person who called on customers soliciting corporate customers for HH? I frankly think there is a great deal of mis and disinformation about what a non-compete is. Confidentiality agreement is not a NC agreement.
Haha one good way to kill a career.
If RD allows that dufus to be at his campaigns, then he’s toast. Toast. Burnt toast.
What a take down! "... a lot of other people, that are more LITTLE, ..." !!
I think he's doing this on purpose. He'll endorse Desantis when it's all said and done. This is galvanizing the conservatives and moderates in the Gov's favor. I'd have a hard time believing he doesn't know it. He'll milk the next couple years for speaking engagements and such, campaigning, before he bows out.
I don't see why he'd want to go back to DC. It's worse than a swamp now, and it's only going to get worse from here. Desantis won't slow it down or stop it, even if he were able to win a national election controlled by 5-10 D run states.
LOL, Propoganda North Korea would be proud of.
Never mentioned voting for Uni party.
What would make you think Trump can win when he had even more support then than now and lost.
He was running against a dementia patient with zero enthusiasm behind his ticket. Single digits attending his rallies. It was a layup and they stole it. Nothing has been done to fix that or make sure it doesn’t happen again. In what universe does Trump all of a sudden win in 2024?
I’m not interested in going through the whole “they stole the election” saga again. We know it was stolen. We know midterms were rigged. We know it will be stolen again. Republicans need to do something about it for fux sake but they won’t because the party don’t want Trump other than a handful.
He should’ve cleaned house while he was in there because Lord knows if we ever get another shot at it.
Like I said I’m not sure what the answer is, but it doesn’t seem to be much of concern for todays Repubs and that’s a major if not the only issue they need to be focusing on right now. Running out of time.
Jeb Bush is a deal breaker.Should be, but won't be.
Wow, even talking to Jeb Bush or anyone in that family seems like treason after all they've done to this country and its people
I am guessing that you have never watched a congressional hearing before.I would call that grandstanding. What is the point of asking questions, refusing to allow an answer, and then making a speech? She should let them try to answer and then use their answer, or lack thereof, to prove her point.
No man is going to drain the swamp. We are the only ones who can do that.The pipe dream would be DeSantis uses the GOP support to get in but then goes scorched earth on the deep state. Of course they’d crush him though. It’s just hard seeing anyone ever getting in again with known drain the swamp motivations.
A guy can dream can’t he?
Jeb Bush is honestly stupid. Even George Jr. is smarter than that guy. He's about an AOC level of stupid.Should be, but won't be.
Wow, even talking to Jeb Bush or anyone in that family seems like treason after all they've done to this country and its people
I agree, but I think our chances are very slim. When I was your age, I felt I saw the direction we were headed, but didn't think I'd live to see it.No man is going to drain the swamp. We are the only ones who can do that.
We need Nightwish to explain that laughing at the Pelosi attack is the same as the attacks the right have been taking since 2016.![]()
Second Republican Council Member Shot Dead A Week After Unsolved Murder Of Colleague
A New Jersey councilmember was shot and killed in his car Wednesday, just a week after a female Republican councilwoman was murdered in a similar
500,000 new jobs my ass. I saw a website that tracked layoffs of tech co's since last year and it's almost all of them are laying off 20%+ of their workforce.Disney Cutting 7,000 Jobs, or 3% of Workforce, Eyes $5.5 Billion in Total Cost Reduction.
Hey Disney, send that check for $1 billion made payable to the Great State of Florida before you go completely out of business.
Poor Disney
Explain what you believe that you say you signed. Non Compete? How exactly do you "compete" at Heavenly Ham? Were you a manager of a store? Outside sales person who called on customers soliciting corporate customers for HH? I frankly think there is a great deal of mis and disinformation about what a non-compete is. Confidentiality agreement is not a NC agreement.
Whew! Good thing history is like lightening and doesn't repeat itself in the same place.And to take it even further-
Throughout history, which "cultures" (people) were enslaved and by whom were they taken captive and or sold?
Was it the weaker nations and tribes that were taken captive, or the strong? I'm not talking about the strength of the individuals taken captive, but the nations to which they belonged. Was it those who defended their borders well, or those that chose not to because of other pursuits?
Israel and Judah chose fleshly lusts and gratification, as well as an all inclusive attitude before they became slaves to the northern peoples of Assyria and Babylon among others.
The Greeks went the same direction eventually and were overtaken by the Romans who went the same direction as their nation grew wealthy, and then people all over the world took turns taking slaves, selling slaves, buying slaves, and becoming slaves. They were betrayed by their neighboring tribes, some that were only a few generations removed from being one tribe.
The point is that the way Balaam told the king (that wanted to destroy the Israelites as they left Egypt) to corrupt them and make them easy to conquer is THE SAME way it has occurred for 4 thousand years for most of the planet. Get them to value sex over parenting. Ritual over substance. Wealth over satisfaction. Ease and entertainment over hard work. Get them to turn their backs on each other and the things that made them a strong nation.
When that happens they will destroy themselves, and then it's just a matter of their enemies gathering up the pieces