That is 100% wrong according to many SCOTUS rulings. The constitution does not protect religous institutions. it only protects your right to religous beliefs and the freedom to religous practices. It is not an absolute statement thought. Only if those practices do not go against our laws. The only thing government cannot do is create a law that elevates one religion over another. The law against polygamy is a great example. It was a unamious decision that free exercise of religion has limits when it interferes with the law. They also ruled that it was legal to deny benefits for drug use even if a religion believed in its use. Reynolds vs US established that any part of religion can be banned if it violates health, safety, and morality. They said he was free to believe in polyagmy, just not allowed to practice it. The same goes for the civil rights and business. You are free to be a racist or bigot POS, just not allowed to openly practice it within a public business. Whether or not you agree with these ideas does not matter. SCOTUS has already ruled on it. And this was a long time ago, when the country was like 80% super stupid religous.Dude, quit with the redundant claim that the government can force him out of business if he wants to respect his sincere religious beliefs. How many times are you going to post the same post? Everyone here knows that you don’t believe that freedom means having your religious beliefs AND being able to pursue your own business.
You believe the first amendment means a person of faith must hide from the government control of religion to express religion. That is not what the constitution says. It does not say you can freely express so long as you stay out of government oversight. Quite the opposite.
“To permit this would be to make the professed doctrines of religious belief superior to the law of the land, and in effect to permit every citizen to become a law unto himself. Government could exist only in name under such circumstances.”