They are so entertaining. I actually enjoy watching them rant and rave. And of course we have Miss Kamala. She doesn't rant or rave she just acts like a child and addresses adults like they are in pre-school.Lol...I was watching a little bit of this. The hissy fit from the dems is glorious.
Now go back to your sad existence
So it's OK for a boy to impersonate a girl & play against them, but it's not OK for a woman to play against girls. When democrats get their way This is the kind of mess that they make.
In the military an injury is a casualty dipshits. Anything that removes a soldier from the battlefield is considered a casualty. 11 soldiers were evaced out, that is 11 casualties. Silly morons.
The US government does not "recognize" particular religions. If the government were to "recognize" some religions and not others it would arguably violate the establishment clause.Exactly.
This is an interesting issue actually. (Not forcing people to bake cakes, but the freedom of religion issue)
There has been a push over the last 50 years to only protect freedom of religion as a "right" for those whose religion is recognized by the government. The constitution doesn't mention the gov as ultimate arbiter of what is and isn't a religion, however. I have a friend that I did bible study with years ago whose religion is not officially recognized by the gov. Over 100k people that espouse it, but still not a religion according to the US GOV.
I would understand not recognizing Islam because of its political nature that is firmly "anti" to any other religion and against any secular government at its core. That is not compatible with the laws and organization of our republic. It never has been and can't be. Allowing it, outside of government, sure, but allowing its adherents to hold office is counter to the nation itself.
There are religions that are not opposed to secular govt, that don't espouse anarchy or deception, and that can co exist within and without undermining a republic. Yet, the gov does not recognize them, while recognizing those that directly oppose this nation's structural foundation exactly as described at the beginning of this paragraph.
What this "new normal" is going to require is everyone standing up against it AND for all religions that support the freedoms/rights that the country was founded upon, even if it means supporting a religion that you don't agree with on every point. Is that still possible to defend when the govt as it exists now is OPPOSED to its own foundation?
In other words, “I cannot defend her.”When all else fails or you don't have a valid argument, there's always the race card.
The First Amendment only applies to religions though and you clarified @BC_Wader’s comment that Christianity wasn’t a religion, it’s “a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.” You even stated that’s a “big difference.” If it isn’t a religion it isn’t covered.
They may already know of the place, but you might want to pass along this website.... was telling me yesterday of a family we know (haven't seen them for years). Their oldest was killed in a car accident in H.S. The other boy, now in his 30s) got the vaccine some time long I'm not sure. Almost from the get go he's had all kinds of problems. Has been to multiple doctors. None could figure out what's going on. Just got back from M D Anderson in Houston. They won't admit him because they can't figure it out either. But....they, as well as some of the other doctors say it's from the vaccine. I guess he's getting really bad.
Unhinged lefties.
Also this one who has always been unhinged also got in on the action:
And with AOC it's all silly pathetic when she put her hands behind her back like they had handcuffed her.
So does one have to be a part of a particular church, like any of the ones you mention, to be protected by the First Amendment? If those are “religions” and unaffiliated Christianity isn’t a “religion”?This isn't hard to understand - believing in Christ and having a relationship with him does not require practicing a "religion." When i hear the word religion I think of things like Baptist, Catholic, Mormon, Muslim, Seventh Day Adventist, etc. All of these religions have different tenets, leaders, scriptures, etc. Those who practice these religions meet with like minded individuals once a week or so to fellowship and partake of the word, sacraments, and so forth. Hence, "Christianity" is not a religion, but all of the sub groups that make up Christianity are.
The cake is just a symptom of the underlying disease. I can just as easily tell you "to stop pretending" there's a man in the sky who watches our every move. "I don't care if you pretend, be you, but refusing to bake a cake because you want to be seen as something you are not verges on narcissism." FTFY.To solve a problem of a cake, Dion would destroy religion and a taxpayer’s business, rather than tell people to stop pretending they are another sex. I don’t care if you pretend, be you, but having a party because you want to be seen as something you are not verges on narcissism.
If a person entered the baker’s store and said he wanted a cake to celebrate his transformation to becoming Jesus and the baker denied to participate by baking the cake, Dion would be surely incensed. We must all participate in all the wishes of others, even if the wishes are delusions instigated by emotional illness.
The First Amendment only applies to religions though and you clarified @BC_Wader’s comment that Christianity wasn’t a religion, it’s “a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.” You even stated that’s a “big difference.” If it isn’t a religion it isn’t covered.
You argue political philosophies are religions all the time. Should Marxism be covered under religious freedom? Is it my religious right to raise your taxes?Dion just has a personal relationship with Karl Marx. It’s not a religion.
You argue political philosophies are religions all the time. Should Marxism be covered under religious freedom? Is it my religious right to raise your taxes?
Yeah what a loser talking about politics in a political thread. What does that make you?For some reason, Dion reminds me of that super annoying guy that sat around the dorm lobby freshman year of college and had these exact same arguments for anyone who happened by. Just the guy everyone tried to avoid.
The cake is just a symptom of the underlying disease. I can just as easily tell you "to stop pretending" there's a man in the sky who watches our every move. "I don't care if you pretend, be you, but refusing to bake a cake because you want to be seen as something you are not verges on narcissism." FTFY.
You found Dion’s TikTok!!!Did you know you really have to work hard to be a woman. Just because you are born a woman does not mean your are more of a woman than a tran. You did nothing to be a woman but trans work hard at it. They put in the hours of hard work, the sweat, the tears. It is hard hard work. So they are more of a woman than the woman created by God.
Don't you just love this higher education.
Dion does not talk much about raising his own taxes, just others. Dion, you can raise your own taxes today! Do it.You argue political philosophies are religions all the time. Should Marxism be covered under religious freedom? Is it my religious right to raise your taxes?
You argue political philosophies are religions all the time. Should Marxism be covered under religious freedom? Is it my religious right to raise your taxes?
Looks like I remembered wrong. The details only have to be recorded and noted, not announced. Although I do know they announce them at times, for whatever reason.
Your view of liberal and conservative is just bizarre. You're surprised conservatives are opposed to state intrusion on one's life?
So I didn't touch your hypothetical because of the obvious use of language issue. I made the same comparison earlier in the thread:So, you would be incensed if the baker refused the “I am Jesus” cake? Just checking, because you call out others you think are dodging, but you dodge more than anyone.
No, a pink cake with blue frosting is not compelled speech. As the court ruled. He wasn’t asked to bake a cake with, “I support sex transitioning!” on it. Just a colored cake. He initially agreed to make the cake and then refused once he found out who it is was for. Denial of service.
When i read his post about a virus replicating on your mask i laughed pretty hard out loud. the MAGA crowd aren't the brightest