How will they rule ??!

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Times do change so. I spent a decade piecing together a modest college education in the 70s and 80s, some of that while in the military, multiple small colleges, in four states. Long gaps while working here and there. Point being, even long after it was over I don't think I ever had an awareness for what "liberal professor" meant. An astronomy professor for whom I had a great admiration would now and again challenge the notion of "god", and there was a biology professor who liked to orate so often about agricultural policy in a way to let everybody know that she - lol - was opposed to all forms of farm subsidies, and some other stuff like that . . .

This business I hear about now of higher learning being so automated with personalized grandstanding, whatever the form or motivation, is so far removed from my college experience (irregular as it was) . . . honestly just shake my head in disbelief reading some of the things y'all say now.

In 2005 my first college class was held by a professor that posed the question. "Were the terrorist justified on 9/11." My second class the same day, was a sociology professor that asked the question, "look beside you. How did that white male afford this class that you had to work for?"

Serious shit. That was my first college experience in 2005.

I couldn't imagine today.

American people, decent, law abiding people, have bought into the propaganda of "slippery slope" nonsense. The slope is very much slippery. We have accepted too much and let go of common decent principles. It's only going to get worse.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about Trumps inauguration ceremony. I would be shocked if Isis, or some crazy batshit liberal didn't try to kill Trump. They better have some unbelievable security at that event.

They should be able to block streets way away from the ceremony so no one can get there. Regardless if someone is a Dem or a Republican, that day should not consist of any unwashed moronic protestors trying to hijack that moment.
In 2005 my first college class was held by a professor that posed the question. "Were the terrorist justified on 9/11." My second class the same day, was a sociology professor that asked the question, "look beside you. How did that white male afford this class that you had to work for?"

Serious shit. That was my first college experience in 2005.

I couldn't imagine today.

American people, decent, law abiding people, have bought into the propaganda of "slippery slope" nonsense. The slope is very much slippery. We have accepted too much and let go of common decent principles. It's only going to get worse.

Fantastic documentary about college indoctrination and this was in 2007. It's much more insane now.

I'm honestly as down the middle as it gets (lean left on some issues, right on and I can't think of a media member who does more damage to discourse in this country on a daily basis than Shaun King. My god. Usually the "race-baiter" charges aren't completely warranted but he literally has made a career out of cherry-picking stories to incite racial tension/animus. Whether or not the stories are actually true doesn't seem to matter at all to him. Guarantee he's done far more to damage race relations in America than 99% of the people he ridicules and attacks for being "white supremacists" and "racists" all day.

As long as nutjobs like this are propped up by mainstream media and political figureheads I can't see this country making any progress in terms of rational/intelligent discussion on race/diversity.
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I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about Trumps inauguration ceremony. I would be shocked if Isis, or some crazy batshit liberal didn't try to kill Trump. They better have some unbelievable security at that event.

Honestly, I wish Trump would come out and say he is not interested in doing the ceremony anymore. Too expensive on the taxpayers paying for all the security, etc. etc. and he will just do the oath with his family in the White House and be done with it.

That said, I would bet a good amount you will not have as much disruptions and you may think because a huge gathering of Bikers for Trump are coming along with what you have to think will be a healthy dose of Veterans and Law Enforcement who are more than ready to take on these POS if they decide to try something.

I worry more about the inside of the government (CIA, etc) than I do anyone outside when it comes to attempts on his life.
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Its crazy to think this idea of Russians hacking has gone this far. Wikileaks published the info at least 6 months ago, you had hacker groups talk about how easy it was based on server and DNC. It was a huge issue during the election. The reason I didnt vote for HRC was because of all the stuff that came out and democracy suppression. It wasnt the Russians.

Also, saying Obama is a Muslim is the equivalent of saying it was the Russians. I wish there was a party that was for non-stupids.
So our representatives were like "ok CIA let's discuss the hacking and see what's going on" and CIA was like "uhhhh we're busy, TTYL!!!".

1 billion yahoo accounts hacked in 2013. No bank info compromised tho ;).

And the dems want to vote online. So progressive.
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Good morning my alt-right friends! Still bitching about this Russian hacking thing?

How's things otherwise? Still unemployed and finding ways to blame everyone else?
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Honestly, I wish Trump would come out and say he is not interested in doing the ceremony anymore. Too expensive on the taxpayers paying for all the security, etc. etc. and he will just do the oath with his family in the White House and be done with it.

That said, I would bet a good amount you will not have as much disruptions and you may think because a huge gathering of Bikers for Trump are coming along with what you have to think will be a healthy dose of Veterans and Law Enforcement who are more than ready to take on these POS if they decide to try something.

I worry more about the inside of the government (CIA, etc) than I do anyone outside when it comes to attempts on his life.

You guys are some serious ****in wack jobs, aren't you?
Good morning my alt-right friends! Still bitching about this Russian hacking thing?

How's things otherwise? Still unemployed and finding ways to blame everyone else?
You mean laughing at fact the CIA has been reduced to partisan hacks under Obama, doing Democrats mudslinging?
You mean laughing at fact the CIA has been reduced to partisan hacks under Obama, doing Democrats mudslinging?

Honestly, a lot of people on the left don't really care about the hacking thing. It probably happened, but it's really not worth pursuing. Trump will be the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to this shit. We are just sitting back like :popcorn:
Don't care what religion the dude is, I really don't. There are radicals in all religion, and if Muslims belief was a calmer style and went against their radicals we as America would be all for them instead they are:

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Honestly, a lot of people on the left don't really care about the hacking thing. It probably happened, but it's really not worth pursuing. Trump will be the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to this shit. We are just sitting back like :popcorn:
[laughing]You frotters are running around crazy with Russia this, Russia that. It's your new battle cry. Even your out of touch, elected officials are actually trying to convince the electoral college to vote for Hillary. Frotters have even taken out adds on TV blaming Russia. Your propaganda machine, the msm, are pumping out dozens of articles per day. That's literally all the left cares about.
[laughing]You frotters are running around crazy with Russia this, Russia that. It's your new battles cry. Even your out of touch elected officials are actually trying to convince the electoral college to vote for Hillary. Frotters have even taken adds out on TV talking about Russia.

Sure, they're going to keep this going until something bigger and better comes along? And why not? They have a media machine just like the right does. Didn't you guys do the same with the crazy birther movement? Actually, wait, most of you still probably believe that too.
Lerner. Comey. Lynch. Hillary. Podesta. Chelsea, Clinton Foundation. Holder. Huma. Weiner. Maybe even Obama and Bill.

Once out of power and with a complete Republican sweep of the House, Senate and Executive wing....just how worried are they about being exposed as frauds, criminals or even jail time? Have not seen any mention of pardons by the Obama camp the past couple of weeks. Was it all "fake news" proclaiming the criminality of their actions or are there real abuses that could/will lead to investigations?

In a perfect world, the new administration would focus on the issues at hand of running the country, fixing the problems. But.....with a clear statement right out of the gate that they WILL address those accused of potential criminal mischief in due time. No distractions early on, and simply lets all of those listed above twist in the wind while they wait their fate.

And......after thinking about this for a few minutes, is the whole Russian hacker, vote recount, fake news, etc. nothing more than a distraction to keep people from talking about the potential crimes committed by these individuals? "ok, we lost and may be in deep shit, let's just distract them with some bright shiny things until they forget about us and it goes away."
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Sure, they're going to keep this going until something bigger and better comes along? And why not?
But I thought you just said they didn't care? You're a fraud. Talking out of your ass every other post. You're not trolling anyone. We are well aware. We choose to respond to laugh at you and let you know how utterly stupid you are.
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Don't care what religion the dude is, I really don't. There are radicals in all religion, and if Muslims belief was a calmer style and went against their radicals we as America would be all for them instead they are:

What in the world...

Is that guy alive and relevant to his "church" today? Where is that?

That's nuts.
With regards to the Ignore feature: I'm the same way, but at some point it becomes nothing more than a distraction with absolutely no value. Kind of like seeing bad roadkill as you drive by, there's just no value in staring at the Gore. (a little play on words there....)
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Sure, they're going to keep this going until something bigger and better comes along? And why not? They have a media machine just like the right does. Didn't you guys do the same with the crazy birther movement? Actually, wait, most of you still probably believe that too.
Really Windy? The left has EVERY MSM outlet talking about how HRC was doomed due to the Russians and hacking except for Fox and they are talking about it because they are actually trying to be objective (for the most part).
The only people talking about the birther stuff were fringe media right wingers - never saw or heard it anywhere else as a major point or topic.
Haha. I figured you for the militant racist, warrior-cat. Your faggity drill sargeant profile pic gave you away long before your meanlingless online threats.
While I am a registered independent, who votes both ways, I lean left. That being said, Warrior has sacrificed more for this country than you and I could in a life time. He is a good citizen, dedicated his life to public service, and protects our rights to be able to say the things we want. I dont always agree with him, but thats the great thing about democracy. Either way, I get its an anonymous message board, but hes not racist or "faggity."

Also, you have picked up, the majority of this thread is on the right. They will pounce on you. If you have a position, as long as you can justify it with facts, that aids the conversation. Dont get me wrong, I of all people, appreciate a good troll job, but mainly its people saying crazy thing.
What in the world...

Is that guy alive and relevant to his "church" today? Where is that?

That's nuts.
Farrakhan is one of Keith Ellison's mentors and heroes. That's why Republicans are excited the Democrats are clueless enough to even think about appointing him head of the DNC.
While I am a registered independent, who votes both ways, I lean left. That being said, Warrior has sacrificed more for this country than you and I could in a life time. He is a good citizen, dedicated his life to public service, and protects our rights to be able to say the things we want. I dont always agree with him, but thats the great thing about democracy. Either way, I get its an anonymous message board, but hes not racist or "faggity."

Also, you have picked up, the majority of this thread is on the right. They will pounce on you. If you have a position, as long as you can justify it with facts, that aids the conversation. Dont get me wrong, I of all people, appreciate a good troll job, but mainly its people saying crazy thing.
Well said sir.