How will they rule ??!

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What in the world...

Is that guy alive and relevant to his "church" today? Where is that?

That's nuts.

Minister Farrakhan? Uh yes he is the mouth piece for the Nation of Islam.........he was the understudy of Malcolm X.

Your trolling I think.
Good morning my alt-right friends! Still bitching about this Russian hacking thing?

How's things otherwise? Still unemployed and finding ways to blame everyone else?

Good morning my alt-left friend / baby killler. Still bitching about heterosexual white males?

How are things otherwise? Still stoned trying to figure out how to pass that parole drug screen?
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"but for the constellation of left-leaning organizations that pepper the Washington landscape and that fully expected to be advising Hillary Clinton’s White House transition team at this point."

"Adam Jentleson, Reid’s deputy chief of staff, will work to steer the new war room at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, which its leaders hope will provide Democrats with a centralized resource to oppose the president-elect’s moves — starting with his Cabinet nominations."

Brilliant...just f'ing brilliant. Your candidate loses and your income/job unexpectedly goes up in smoke. So you simply rebrand yourself as defenders of the flag, rile up the faithful, keep the campaign fundraising emails and phone calls going and you still have a job. Regardless of whether or not you believe the cause has any remote chance of succeeding, it's what you do. You keep the money flowing and continue to try and justify your existence.

Drain the swamp.
"but for the constellation of left-leaning organizations that pepper the Washington landscape and that fully expected to be advising Hillary Clinton’s White House transition team at this point."

"Adam Jentleson, Reid’s deputy chief of staff, will work to steer the new war room at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, which its leaders hope will provide Democrats with a centralized resource to oppose the president-elect’s moves — starting with his Cabinet nominations."

Brilliant...just f'ing brilliant. Your candidate loses and your income/job unexpectedly goes up in smoke. So you simply rebrand yourself as defenders of the flag, rile up the faithful, keep the campaign fundraising emails and phone calls going and you still have a job. Regardless of whether or not you believe the cause has any remote chance of succeeding, it's what you do. You keep the money flowing and continue to try and justify your existence.

Drain the swamp.

Intelligent Democrats really need to take back their party.
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Intelligent Democrats really need to take back their party.
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Intelligent Democrats really need to take back their party.

There's only a couple left who aren't extremist. It's mainly just a treason lobby.

Joe Manchin is gonna end up with a role in the administration somewhere. That will leave the number of decent democrats at 0.
Really Windy? The left has EVERY MSM outlet talking about how HRC was doomed due to the Russians and hacking except for Fox and they are talking about it because they are actually trying to be objective (for the most part).
The only people talking about the birther stuff were fringe media right wingers - never saw or heard it anywhere else as a major point or topic.

Really? Trump started the birther movement. It was central to his rise in popularity. You can't pretend otherwise. You also can't pretend Fox is "objective" just like I can't pretend that MSNBC or CNN are. I can filter through the political rhetoric. Can you?
Good morning my alt-left friend / baby killler. Still bitching about heterosexual white males?

How are things otherwise? Still stoned trying to figure out how to pass that parole drug screen?

Hi morg. Just sitting at work, getting a few laughs from you guys. Yes, still stoned. And if Donald is heterosexual, then yes to that too. I'm not so sure he is though, the way he slobbers over Putin.

Nice to see the left is still open-minded and inclusive lol.

I'm not an idealist by any means. Nor am I very open minded. Like most of you, I'm set in my ways and I'm not going to change.

That said, I don't use the word "faggity" as a statement about someone's sexual preference. More like if someone says they are going to monitor your movements online and threatens violence if they don't like what they see, that's faggity.
Damn! Frotter still stuck on birther? Already scraping the bottom of the barrel when he still has at least four years to go? Not a good sign for that dude.
Meanwhile, DT has his children at his meetings with tech and business leaders. Those children who are supposedly taking over his business conflicts. Yup, nothing to see here. Nothing at all. I bet you guys don't even care if his businesses use this insider knowledge or use their power to get preferential treatment on contracts and deals. All the things you whined about Hillary doing is exactly what DT is doing right now.

Right as crooked as UL athletics. My prediction is this will be the most scandal ridden and corrupt administration in the nation's history. It will make Nixon look like an amateur.
Damn! Frotters still stuck on birther? Scraping the bottom of the barrel when they still have at least four years to go? Not a good sign for that crew.

Haha. No, we were never stuck on the birther thing. That was on a level of stupidity that only you guys could pull off. I was just using it to prove a point. The MSM isn't going to let up on Trump. This Russian hacking crap is just to get them to the next scandal this clown gets involved in. It won't take long.
Meanwhile, DT has his children at his meetings with tech and business leaders. Those children who are supposedly taking over his business conflicts. Yup, nothing to see here. Nothing at all. I bet you guys don't even care if his businesses use this insider knowledge or use their power to get preferential treatment on contracts and deals. All the things you whined about Hillary doing is exactly what DT is doing right now.

Right as crooked as UL athletics. My prediction is this will be the most scandal ridden and corrupt administration in the nation's history. It will make Nixon look like an amateur.

He's crooked, that's for sure. But he's stupid and crooked, and that's even worse.

Donald actually reminds me of ole BCG. Amazed that he got the job and inept on every level.
The MSM isn't going to let up on Trump.

[laughing] The MSM? And your point? Do you think it actually matters, or that it will make a difference? You do realize they are a big reason for Trump being elected, don't you? America watches the msm for comedy these days. The more they keep at it, the stronger Trump gets.
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Meanwhile, DT has his children at his meetings with tech and business leaders. Those children who are supposedly taking over his business conflicts. Yup, nothing to see here. Nothing at all. I bet you guys don't even care if his businesses use this insider knowledge or use their power to get preferential treatment on contracts and deals. All the things you whined about Hillary doing is exactly what DT is doing right now.

Right as crooked as UL athletics. My prediction is this will be the most scandal ridden and corrupt administration in the nation's history. It will make Nixon look like an amateur.

Actually they are different.

1- Trump may benefit from certain deals made between US and said country, but he isn't taking payoffs and bribes. You get the difference here? Example: Morroco donated like 50M to Hiliary to continue to crush American coal as an energy resource as coal was a competitor to its energy resource that was gaining due to American coal being phased out.

You get the difference right?

Worrying about a contractors inside knowledge of American dealings is a concern though for sure.......maybe his kids leave the business and become politicians too.
[laughing] The MSM? And your point? Do you think it actually matters, or that it will make a difference? You do realize they are a big reason for Trump being elected, don't you? America watches the msm for comedy these days. The more they keep at it, the stronger Trump gets.

Yes, it matters. I don't know why I have to keep reminding you people that more people voted for HRC than voted for Trump. He won because of a few rust belt swing states fell for his sales pitch, simple as that. They actually think he will bring back the manufacturing jobs...funny, I know.

What do you guys watch besides Fox News and Duck Dynasty reruns anyway? Well, I guess that's what the 24 hour televangelist channels are for...
Meanwhile, DT has his children at his meetings with tech and business leaders. Those children who are supposedly taking over his business conflicts. Yup, nothing to see here. Nothing at all. I bet you guys don't even care if his businesses use this insider knowledge or use their power to get preferential treatment on contracts and deals. All the things you whined about Hillary doing is exactly what DT is doing right now.

Right as crooked as UL athletics. My prediction is this will be the most scandal ridden and corrupt administration in the nation's history. It will make Nixon look like an amateur.

So Donald Trump is pretty much a self made billionaire...yes he got some help at the beginning, but that doesn't make you a billionaire. And he and his family are supposed to just give all of that up?

You do realize the Clintons are multi-millionaires b/c of government, whereas Trump is a billionaire b/c of his business dealings?

Got to love your wackass view of capitalism.
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My guess: Windy is another Z incarnation. He's concocted a new identity whole-cloth (Chicago is a nice touch), and has done an impressive job of changing his style just enough to fool.

Don't you all have enough conspiracy theories going right now?

Just out of curiosity, was was Z's style?
So Donald Trump is pretty much a self made billionaire...yes he got some help at the beginning, but that doesn't make you a billionaire. And he and his family are supposed to just give all of that up?

You do realize the Clintons are multi-millionaires b/c of government, whereas Trump is a billionaire b/c of his business dealings?

Got to love your wackass view of capitalism.

[winking] "Some help at the beginning..."

Yes, when someone runs for President, they should be willing to completely leave behind their business assets while they are performing their PUBLIC service to the country. Most people think a blind trust would be appropriate. I get that he never actually thought he would win and now they are scrambling to figure all this shit out, but that just goes to show the mismanagement we should be getting used to with this guy. It will be one gaffe after another, as it already is.
Let's say he got a $10 million "loan" from his father. That is .01% of $10 billion. So 99.99% of his wealth (assuming $10 billion) is from his own investments and growth. So yeah, it was a small loan compared to his current net worth.
Let's say he got a $10 million "loan" from his father. That is .01% of $10 billion. So 99.99% of his wealth (assuming $10 billion) is from his own investments and growth. So yeah, it was a small loan compared to his current net worth.

So he bought some real estate, then sold it for more than he bought it for. Rinse and repeat. What a brilliant businessman. That sure takes brains...
Yes, it matters.

No, it doesn't matter. The msm attacking Trump for every single little thing only makes people roll their eyes, laugh, then rally behind Trump that much more. The sooner you figure this out, the better off you'll be.

I don't know why I have to keep reminding you people that more people voted for HRC than voted for Trump.

And I don't know how many times people have to keep reminding you that the US election is not decided by mob rule. Four million more people voted for Hillary than Trump in California alone. Add in New York and there is your more people.

Do you not understand how the electoral college works? Those more people who voted for her mean absolutely nothing if they're all condensed into just a couple of states that were already going to the Democrat party anyways.
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So he bought some real estate, then sold it for more than he bought it for. Rinse and repeat. What a brilliant businessman. That sure takes brains...

Yes, it actually does. Money just doesn't magically appear out of thin air. It's a lot of hard work to make business deals happen, good and bad. He's obviously had more good ones than bad ones.
And I don't know how many times people have to keep reminding you that the US election is not decided by mob rule. Four million more people voted for Hillary than Trump in California alone. Add in New York and there is your more people.

Do you not understand how the electoral college works? Those more people who voted for her mean absolutely nothing if they're all condensed into just a couple of states that were already going to the Democrat party anyways.

I understand how the electoral college works. It's an antiquated system that doesn't reflect how the American people really feel, but its the rules of the game and in this case they benifited Trump. That's fine. Doesn't change the fact that more people voted for HRC, and where they happen to live doesn't mean shit.
Really? Trump started the birther movement. It was central to his rise in popularity. You can't pretend otherwise. You also can't pretend Fox is "objective" just like I can't pretend that MSNBC or CNN are. I can filter through the political rhetoric. Can you?
Actually, Trump didn't start the birther movement he just questioned what someone else brought to light. Whether true or not, there was 'stuff' published that stated Obama was born elsewhere - printed in his Harvard Law literary bio and NOT something that just was made up. It is actually in print.
Yes, I can filter through the rhetoric which is why I never watch MSNBC and rarely watch CNN anymore. Too bad as I used to be a big fan of CNN and felt like they were the most balanced. Not anymore. Not after this election cycle when they proved time and again that they were about promoting one side and destroying the other.
I understand how the electoral college works. It's an antiquated system that doesn't reflect how the American people really feel, but its the rules of the game and in this case they benifited Trump. That's fine. Doesn't change the fact that more people voted for HRC, and where they happen to live doesn't mean shit.

Um it means absolutely everything where they live. In California, a group who has the most illegals, makes up 12 percent of the pop but 34 percent of the nation's welfare recipients, gives drivers licenses to illegals and is so nuts on social issues that they do not come close to reflecting how the rest of the nation feels.

The people of California and New York do not get to determine how the nation is run. And it doesn't take a genius to figure out why these areas would be against enforcing immigration laws either.