How will they rule ??!

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Russian women. Really struggling to understand the problem with detente.


5 4 3 2 1 6
So that Muslim woman who claimed she was accosted by Trump supporters on an NY subway turned out to be lying.


All of them are hoaxes. There have been so many hoaxes debunked since the election. The left is relentless with them though.

Also, wait and see when the Giants football player's house break in and Broncos' Marshall stories turn out to be hoaxes.

The left loooooves identity politics, loves to pretend to be a victim and create hoaxes.
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Not to mention coal is also most cost effective, and therefore with all the other benefits making it the most efficient resource.

Wouldn't be so sure on KY and marijuana. We have some very big money people in this state leveraging their asses off to be the first inline to profit. You don't have to be a genius to figure that out.

Here in Jefferson county the FBI complex over off blankenbaker was working hard a few years ago to control the growth in some of the surrounding rural counties and it hurt a few of the smaller networks badly.

Big money inline, small people out of business, and the country already moving in that direction.

Do the math.
It's clear tonight someone in Obama's staff is leaking fact shit to papers.

In other words, fake news.
It's clear tonight someone in Obama's staff is leaking fact shit to papers.

In other words, fake news.
Mainstream media is in a scramble to try and regain the stranglehold on reporting "accurate information" that they once had.

Now that we know just how dishonest these media outlets have been, we're so much less likely to eat the shit they shovel into our mouths on a daily basis.

They're panicking.
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It's clear tonight someone in Obama's staff is leaking fact shit to papers.

In other words, fake news.
They are hoping these Russian conspiracies will change electoral voters minds next Monday when they vote.

But it won't, it will fail like everything else they try against him.
So one of you legal guys help me out. I forget how long back it was but a HS kid here in the Cincinnati area posted something about how he wanted to kill Obama. FBI was at his door within a few days I believe. Don't remember what happened to him but I believe the charges were bad.

So why are all these 1000's of people threatening Trump on Facebook and Twitter not being charged or locked up?

Is it is because he technically isn't President yet?

I think that's the guy who pledged his life to ISIS. He recently got 30 years and apologized to his family, denounced ISIS, etc.

I feel like quitting ISIS before you enter prison is not smart.
I can't wait to see the articles next Tuesday that say "Sources unnamed say Russia hacked the electoral vote"
So serious question I'm not sure how to answer or how to even find out how to answer.

A week after Malcolm X was killed he was set to speak to the UN about reperations to blacks by America. It's said that he was approached by the FBI to sellout for their protection and when he didn't the Nation was quick to pay the price to get rid of him.

So what exactly could he have asked for at that UN meeting? Money? Land? It's own sovereign state to segregate to?
Wouldn't be so sure on KY and marijuana. We have some very big money people in this state leveraging their asses off to be the first inline to profit. You don't have to be a genius to figure that out.

Yep, a lot of people would make a ton of money, including the state. Still isn't going to happen.
Well it's up for vote for the third year in a row with a few Repubs that seem to be for it and few others who come from areas giving heavy push to legalize.

Politicians know their role, but you may be right and if it's even close it will pass soon enough!
Well it's up for vote for the third year in a row with a few Repubs that seem to be for it and few others who come from areas giving heavy push to legalize.

Politicians know their role, but you may be right and if it's even close it will pass soon enough!

The politicians you speak of in Frankfort are bible thumpers who think Marijuana is the devil's plant or some such bullshit. My politicians up here in Chicago are corrupt. Yours are just plain stupid.
There were 174 heroin overdoses in Cincinnati in a 6 day period back in August. Where is the outrage from the right?
Hey Einstein try to comprehend this. If you can't , then get one of your 6 year classmates to explain it to you. When someone dies of a heroine overdose, no one made them take the heroine. That's the choice they made. Compared to someone dying from a gun shot. There's always a 2nd person involved. It's not their choice to take a piece of lead
Windy is just an angry trans wannabe with a smart phone. gets "its" news from conspiracy outlets and his/her radical liberal professors. Windy would shit him herself if you put a gun anywhere near it. unless you put a not fully dead aborted baby in front of him/her. then Windy would probably bash that thing lifeless. but Trump is bad. whites are bad.
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The politicians you speak of in Frankfort are bible thumpers who think Marijuana is the devil's plant or some such bullshit. My politicians up here in Chicago are corrupt. Yours are just plain stupid.

first of all, At least you admit your politicians are corrupt. I'd rather have stupid politicians ala McCain that corrupt ones ala Obama.

Second of all, you're a pot head. And don't misunderstand me, I was one for 15 years. Grandaddy purp, Diesel, and girl scout cookie were at the top of my list. I was STILL smart enough to see through the leftist "melting pot" propaganda. Evern though my "Dro" and "Nug" buddies thought my intelligence was super hilarious while they were stoned out of their mind.

Weed isn't the evil end all be all, but it does have a host of its own problems. Don't believe me? Try to quit. You can't, and you know it. It's heavily addictive and only a simpleton drug addict would deny it.

But, I simply digress, I am a loser, a fraud, a racist hypocrite because I call a spade a spade. You are a drug addict that smokes pot because you can't get through life without a mind altering substance. You must CHANGE your reality in order to cope.

Deny anything you like, and This is NOT a popular opinion, but your types are the exact reason we have to combat the never ending war on everything thats anti-good.

From your politics to your habits, you are the problem. And it's funny you bring the bible into this. It actually speaks of people like you.
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Trump is President, ha ha haha ha. Suck my huuugge Republican dick libtards.

Obamacare gone.
Obama gone.
Hillary gone.
Illegals gone.
Your years gone.
****** progressive moment gone.

It's gonna be a fun 8 years destroying the shit you pushed on us.
And don't misunderstand me. I am a christian, an anti-government free people conservative who would prefer to smoke Diesel nugs and sit on my ass until the end. But It's not in the cards.

I also enjoy reading, and spending time with my kid.

But one thing I understand, whether you are a christian or not?

Evil is evil. And the left is the epitome of the word.
Trump is President, ha ha haha ha. Suck my huuugge Republican dick libtards.

Obamacare gone.
Obama gone.
Hillary gone.
Illegals gone.
Your years gone.
****** progressive moment gone.

It's gonna be a fun 8 years destroying the shit you pushed on us.
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Trump is President, ha ha haha ha. Suck my huuugge Republican dick libtards.

Obamacare gone.
Obama gone.
Hillary gone.
Illegals gone.
Your years gone.
****** progressive moment gone.

It's gonna be a fun 8 years destroying the shit you pushed on us.
Trump is going to do to liberals what Obama did to us. Its going to be awesome.
I can't wait until the media is forced to report that the leaks were from within the DNC instead of hacks from Russia.

Oh man, can anyone say buried on page 9?
Trump is going to do to liberals what Obama did to us. Its going to be awesome.

I just can't believe the Liberals actually had that much power. Never in a million years did I believe they would get that far. When I was in college in the mid 2,000's, a liberal was a professor that spouted european utopianism and was laughed at by 3/4 of the class.
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I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about Trumps inauguration ceremony. I would be shocked if Isis, or some crazy batshit liberal didn't try to kill Trump. They better have some unbelievable security at that event.
So on the #pizzagate thread on the national board, some idiot chicago leftist is attempting to discredit Hillary's own words pertaining to her defense of a 12 year old child rapist.

So, she didnt get him off on time served, the 12 year old was lying, and she didnt laugh at the thought of him passing a polygraph.

Factual evidence from her own mouth is now called, fake news.

I wish they'd all die. Not surprising coming from the party of child killers.
I just can't believe the Liberals actually had that much power. Never in a million years did I believe they would get that far. When I was in college in the mid 2,000's, a liberal was a professor that spouted european utopianism and was laughed at by 3/4 of the class.

Times do change so. I spent a decade piecing together a modest college education in the 70s and 80s, some of that while in the military, multiple small colleges, in four states. Long gaps while working here and there. Point being, even long after it was over I don't think I ever had an awareness for what "liberal professor" meant. An astronomy professor for whom I had a great admiration would now and again challenge the notion of "god", and there was a biology professor who liked to orate so often about agricultural policy in a way to let everybody know that she - lol - was opposed to all forms of farm subsidies, and some other stuff like that . . .

This business I hear about now of higher learning being so automated with personalized grandstanding, whatever the form or motivation, is so far removed from my college experience (irregular as it was) . . . honestly just shake my head in disbelief reading some of the things y'all say now.
So that Muslim woman who claimed she was accosted by Trump supporters on an NY subway turned out to be lying.

MSM is all over any story that supports the narrative they are trying to push, which is that Trump supporters are racist, fascist, violent and motivated by the basest of instincts. Members of the media simply believe what they want to believe, which is what they want you to believe. So these stories get splashed on the front page headlines and lead the television news, but the eventual truth that comes out several weeks later, that it was all a lie and a hoax, is buried deep in the back pages of the newspaper or 10 minutes into the nightly news.

There is no introspection by the media, no asking, "Why were we so quick to believe this story? Why didn't we probe the accuser better, why didn't we investigate and try to find further evidence and corroborating witnesses?" There is no backlash, no recognition of the simple truth that the biases of the MSM drive and propel the story.

Meanwhile, the audience, all of us who want to be informed and count on media outlets to provide timely and truthful information have heard the false accusations shouted from the rooftops...and the subsequent confession whispered from the grave. If we aren't paying careful and strict attention, we can be easily misled.

And you cannot honestly tell me, whether consciously or subconsciously, that wasn't the intention all along.
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