How will they rule ??!

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Anyone else notice the white knight liberal in this thread has a white basketball player in his avatar? Could have used the black head coach, or maybe one of the countless black players on the roster, but he picks Shep, the white?

Hmmmm......Gotta be cognitive.

It's Ok, Shep is my favorite wildcat of all time, but I'm supposed to be racist so it's fine.

Malcolm X was right about White Goodman liberals.

LOL. Come on morg. That's pretty weak.
Remember, the only documented proven occurrence or hacking we have at this point from the election, is the US Government attempting to hack the state of Georgia.

Everything else is just speculation pulled completely out of thin air.

Important point. I've noticed many on the right defending the results by saying the russian hacks had no effect.


There's no proof that Russia was behind the hack at all. So don't fall for that. In fact, there's really no proof of a hack at all.
And it's people like you that will keep Kentucky down. Coal is deader than dead. That's called progress and advancement. Maybe if you bumpkins didn't live in the 19th century, shit wouldn't be so bad down there.

My thoughts on Coal has zero to do with why you think.
I work in the power industry, I know how fickle the grid is, and also our nations need for cheap abundant energy. Right now Natural Gas being cheap, along with higher regulations have caused coal to lose its luster.
Let Natural Gas supply fluctuate and watch how fast Coal comes back. Renewables haven't caused it's decrease, Natural Gas has.
Look at oil if you want a better picture, as long as oil was cheap the US didn't drill. Once it got high all of sudden we're in a oil boom again.

As for keeping KY down, that's a joke right? You think it's Coal keeping KY down? Thats like saying oil is keeping Texas and North Dakota down, or the gaming industry keeping Vegas down.

It's fairly obvious you don't have a clue about what you're talking about, you speak in generalities.
My thoughts on Coal has zero to do with why you think.
I work in the power industry, I know how fickle the grid is, and also our nations need for cheap abundant energy. Right now Natural Gas being cheap, along with higher regulations have caused coal to lose its luster.
Let Natural Gas supply fluctuate and watch how fast Coal comes back. Renewables haven't caused it's decrease, Natural Gas has.
Look at oil if you want a better picture, as long as oil was cheap the US didn't drill. Once it got high all of sudden we're in a oil boom again.

As for keeping KY down, that's a joke right? You think it's Coal keeping KY down? Thats like saying oil is keeping Texas and North Dakota down, or the gaming industry keeping Vegas down.

It's fairly obvious you don't have a clue about what you're talking about, you speak in generalities.

Then coal will be making a big comeback in the near future. If regulations are the only thing to blame Trump can have that fixed in the first 30 days. Let's revisit this subject a few months from now and see how things are going.
The left using the popular vote is funny considering they already know the rules of the game. It's not one giant election for Homecoming King. It's 51 different elections and whomever gets the most electoral votes wins. Just because California has more illegals and more of the welfare state, doesn't let them dictate the election for everyone else.

But their outrage is as comical as a fan of a team who lost a seven game series and claimed that they're the real winners because they had more overall runs throughout the series instead of looking at it game by game.

So true.

We don't have mob rule in this country. This isn't a democracy, it's a republic. I really really wish our school system would learn to teach the two apart.
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I normally don't skip pages but due to some obligations I skipped the last 7 or so, anything worth noting or did WCW keep laboring? Trump still dominating folks?

Cliff notes, please.

regulations haven't hurt coal
Every child in Kentucky is a Heroin addict
Trump gaines
Russian hysteria is showing to be a farce
Somehow Pubs are the party of Russian dominance.(If you ignore foreign policy of the last 8 years).
This thread makes no sense since I ignored Whining cat.

Guess I may have to undo that because I guess she's the only one left on that side. Shame.

Don't bother. You gain nothing from it. It's the same stupid crap as the others. All you have missed is he thinks he's cool cause he smokes weed, he thinks everyone else is racist, stupid and poor and their kids are on heroine and he hates Trump but blindly backs all Democrats.

It's basically the equivalent of a Fast and the Furious sequel. Same thing over and over.
This thread makes no sense since I ignored Whining cat.

Guess I may have to undo that because I guess she's the only one left on that side. Shame.

Not missing anything. He is just trying to control the narrative like all other libs in freak out mode. They don't care if what they are saying is true or makes sense. They just want to be the one talking.
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Don't bother. You gain nothing from it. It's the same stupid crap as the others. All you have missed is he thinks he's cool cause he smokes weed, he thinks everyone else is racist, stupid and poor and their kids are on heroine and he hates Trump but blindly backs all Democrats.

It's basically the equivalent of a Fast and the Furious sequel. Same thing over and over.

Yea he's not very at this. Please come back Jamo, FTS, and Albany. Where is Copkilla?
I'm still waiting for one of you, any of you, to tell me what exactly Donald is going to do for Kentucky. Coal is dead. Tobacco is dead. Your economy is shit and your kids are all hooked on heroin. How is he going to fix that? Anyone?

Why is coal dead? It's dirty but it's still the most efficient resource compared to its competitors. And it isn't like we haven't been mining for coal, it's still alive and still has along way to go before we run out.

Tobacco is dead, but marijuana isn't!

Why do you think "all" our kids are on heroin? Technically it's only about 4% really. The numbers seem bad, but the problem is the adults and you'd know that if you had a clue or CNN would tell you the truth.
How in the hell would this work anyway? I still haven't figured that out. So if Russia hacked the DNC, and the treason lobby figured out a way to undo the election, what?

Clinton elected?
New election?
Al Gore?


And how can they even begin to surmise that the hacks are what elected Trump?

If the GD media would do their f'ing job, this would have already been put down.
You know why Russia scares the Dems so bad?

BecUse it's more white people.

I legit think Farrakhan killed Malcolm X. Like dead serious!
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Why is coal dead? It's dirty but it's still the most efficient resource compared to its competitors. And it isn't like we haven't been mining for coal, it's still alive and still has along way to go before we run out.

Tobacco is dead, but marijuana isn't!

Why do you think "all" our kids are on heroin? Technically it's only about 4% really. The numbers seem bad, but the problem is the adults and you'd know that if you had a clue or CNN would tell you the truth.

On what basis are you claiming coal is more efficient than it's competitors?

You're right, marijuana isn't dead. But I don't foresee Kentucky legalizing and profiting from it anytime soon, although they should.

I understand that the heroin problem isn't limited to children, obviously. The adults need help too, which they aren't getting (and still won't after Trump takes office).
So one of you legal guys help me out. I forget how long back it was but a HS kid here in the Cincinnati area posted something about how he wanted to kill Obama. FBI was at his door within a few days I believe. Don't remember what happened to him but I believe the charges were bad.

So why are all these 1000's of people threatening Trump on Facebook and Twitter not being charged or locked up?

Is it is because he technically isn't President yet?
On what basis are you claiming coal is more efficient than it's competitors?

You're right, marijuana isn't dead. But I don't foresee Kentucky legalizing and profiting from it anytime soon, although they should.

I understand that the heroin problem isn't limited to children, obviously. The adults need help too, which they aren't getting (and still won't after Trump takes office).

Coal is reliable, which is what is the number one necessity in maintaining an electrical grid.
It's also plentiful, new regulations under Obama and even stricter regs supposed to go into place in 2017 and changing what is considered routine maintenance and retrofits on coal fired boilers as well mining companies have caused Coals downfall.
On top of all that, Natural Gas supply increase due to fracking is what has really hit Coal hardest.

However, when demand raises enough you can bet coal will be used to supply it.
There's too much energy just sitting there not to be used.
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