How will they rule ??!

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Meanwhile, DT has his children at his meetings with tech and business leaders. Those children who are supposedly taking over his business conflicts. Yup, nothing to see here. Nothing at all. I bet you guys don't even care if his businesses use this insider knowledge or use their power to get preferential treatment on contracts and deals. All the things you whined about Hillary doing is exactly what DT is doing right now.

Right as crooked as UL athletics. My prediction is this will be the most scandal ridden and corrupt administration in the nation's history. It will make Nixon look like an amateur.
Cardkilla, until he is President, there is nothing wrong with this whether you like it or not. These are not top secret m
So he bought some real estate, then sold it for more than he bought it for. Rinse and repeat. What a brilliant businessman. That sure takes brains...
Come on man, I was in Chicago about 6 weeks ago and stayed around the corner from the Trump building. Beautiful building and he's not simply buying and selling real estate. He's built how many casinos? towers/buildings? golf course resorts? You're just not being objective Windy.
It's an antiquated system that doesn't reflect how the American people really feel,

So just a couple of states out of 50 reflect how the American people really feel? You've done lost your frotting mind. California, New York, etc... couldn't be more out of touch with how the American people really feel.

I'll say this again; Trump won 85% of all US counties. That most certainly reflects how the American people really feel. 15% of +3,000 counties? Not so much.

where they happen to live doesn't mean shit.

To the contrary, it means everything. Just because you cram millions of liberals and minorities into a couple of big cities like cockroaches, doesn't give you the right to decide for the rest of us, nor does it reflect how the rest of us feel. Never has, never will.
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So just a couple of states out of 50 reflect how the American people really feel? You've done lost your frotting mind. California, New York, etc... couldn't be more out of touch with how the American people really feel.

I'll say this again; Trump won 85% of all US counties. That most certainly reflects how the American people really feel. 15% of +3,000 counties? Not so much.

Why do you think that land area matters more than population density? Of course if you look at a map of the US most of it is red. But this isn't a game of Risk.
Cardkilla, until he is President, there is nothing wrong with this whether you like it or not. These are not top secret m

Come on man, I was in Chicago about 6 weeks ago and stayed around the corner from the Trump building. Beautiful building and he's not simply buying and selling real estate. He's built how many casinos? towers/buildings? golf course resorts? You're just not being objective Windy.

I don't think you want to use his casinos as an example of his business prowess. I worked for one of his casinos. How many of you can actually say you were a Trump employee? Anyway, the place I worked was a shithole that he eventually sold to a neighboring competitor after he ran it into the ground. But, I did get a free copy of The Art of the Deal in orientation, so that was cool.

I'll give you that he's a decent real estate mogul, but more than anything he is a con man. Don't get me wrong, in this day and age that matters more than actually being good at something. Hillary, Obama, the Bushes, they are all con artists. But basically his life has been a series of buying low and selling high. Yeah, it made him a billionaire. Doesn't mean he is smart.
Libs are going to have to figure out a way to spread out their votes. Fortunately they aren't smart enough to realize that.
The left's offense is about as simple as a gimmicky football team that passed 50-60 times a game. The left has two things to offer- calling people racist/sexist for disagreeing with them and promising entitlements.

Then they use the media, universities and Hollywood to be their mouthpieces to convince the sheep that they are the "good guys."

Play identity politics and promise free stuff. Rinse and repeat.
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Why do you think that land area matters more than population density?

Never said that. Just said it doesn't take precedent, nor does it reflect how the rest of America feels. The rest of America scoffs at their political correctness, social issues and identity politics.

But this isn't a game of Risk.

You're right, it's not. It's an American election and it's been happening this way for 200+ years.
Haha. I figured you for the militant racist, warrior-cat. Your faggity drill sargeant profile pic gave you away long before your meanlingless online threats.
By the way, not militant at all, just making sure online terrorist like you understand that with me watching you, you don't stand a chance.
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Just saw on Twitter that the Comet Ping Pong owner is supposedly going to interviewed on the Kelly File tonight.
Libs are going to have to figure out a way to spread out their votes. Fortunately they aren't smart enough to realize that.

People are fleeing the state though. The terrifying thing is, those morons doing exactly what illegals do and trying to replicate what they just left. "Oh, you moved to Texas from California? How about not turning Texas into a crap hole like California by voting that way? Ever wonder why these areas are appealing places and affordable and why the other is filled with insane taxes and over regulation?"

But I think this is why they're placing refugees in conservative and swing states as well as placing them back in hardcore left states like California and New York to make up for the people leaving and keep everything intact.

You're right, it's not. It's an American election and it's been happening this way for 200+ years.

A lot of things happened 200 years ago. People were lucky to live to be 50. They rode horses and shit in outhouses. They owned slaves. Ya know, all the stuff that progress did away with, for good reason.
They should be able to block streets way away from the ceremony so no one can get there. Regardless if someone is a Dem or a Republican, that day should not consist of any unwashed moronic protestors trying to hijack that moment.
I have a friend who works in the Executive Branch protection planning
The like hood of something happening is pretty close to zero at an event like this
I have a friend who works in the Executive Branch protection planning
The like hood of something happening is pretty close to zero at an event like this
Yep. Shouldn't be a problem. Any type of protest will be kept blocks away. People at the inauguration definitely won't see them and probably won't even hear them.
A lot of things happened 200 years ago. People were lucky to live to be 50. They rode horses and shit in outhouses. They owned slaves. Ya know, all the stuff that progress did away with, for good reason.
So....let's hear your idea where NY and California won't be naming the President every four years. Unless you can come up with something equitable then it is remaining as is.
NBC news claiming they have "sources" saying that Putin interfered in the election.

More fake news.

Anymore, unnamed sources are a big clue that it's basically false.

I'm honestly as down the middle as it gets (lean left on some issues, right on and I can't think of a media member who does more damage to discourse in this country on a daily basis than Shaun King. My god. Usually the "race-baiter" charges aren't completely warranted but he literally has made a career out of cherry-picking stories to incite racial tension/animus. Whether or not the stories are actually true doesn't seem to matter at all to him. Guarantee he's done far more to damage race relations in America than 99% of the people he ridicules and attacks for being "white supremacists" and "racists" all day.

As long as nutjobs like this are propped up by mainstream media and political figureheads I can't see this country making any progress in terms of rational/intelligent discussion on race/diversity.

He's the worst. Funded by Soros, of course.
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Hell. There are plenty of cheap real estate opportunities in Detroit. I am positive you can start there on your own and be a billionaire Very quickly.

I truly am impressed that you have this billionaire thing figured out.

I'd still need a million or two to get started. Plus, with the Fed starting to raise interest rates, now wouldn't be a good time to get into real estate I don't think.
Have other President Elects met with so many from so many divergent interests in the weeks leading up to their Presidency? It's not just potential staff members, but people from many various walks of life and interests.

Should we expect a huge first 2-3 weeks of his Presidency? The guy is a great promoter----carnival barker--almost. Is it possible we'll see announcements after announcements of initiatives/changes many of which are completely unexpected? Just can't figure out what Trump is up to.
A lot of things happened 200 years ago. People were lucky to live to be 50. They rode horses and shit in outhouses. They owned slaves. Ya know, all the stuff that progress did away with, for good reason.

Except the election process is just fine the way it is. It was set up that way for good reason. Going to a popular vote and allowing mob rule would be regressing, not progressing. I'm sure you knew that already, though.

Face it, the only reason you're complaining is because your side lost. Up until the election night, the electoral college was the best friend to you guys on the left.

Hundreds of times a day, all we heard was "Donald Trump has no path to 270. He might win the popular vote, but he has absolutely no path to 270, and that's all that matters." Now all of a sudden, since your blue wall came crumbling down, it's an outdated process.
So....let's hear your idea where NY and California won't be naming the President every four years. Unless you can come up with something equitable then it is remaining as is.

I don't see that particular demographic changing anytime soon. Those states will lean left, the south and west will lean right, and a few swing states will actually decide who is president. So, when the jobs don't come back to Wisconsin and Ohio and Michigan like Donald promised, a dem will be back in the White House in 4 years. And at the end of the day, to the common folk such as ourselves, it means nothing.
If you'd loan me a few million dollars to get started, I could make it happen in no time. Not really that impressive at all.

No reason you cant turn 10k into a mill...and then turn that million into multi millions...and then you should easily be able to make that billion. Let us know.
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A few simple Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac trades timed correctly would have created 2-3x Trump's wealth in less than half the time. Nothing to it. And you could sit virtually anywhere in the World with virtually no effort.
Shepard Smith, when talking about Syria, just said with a straight face, that this is a proxy war with US backing the good guys, the civilian rebels.

Does he really think people haven't actually figured out exactly who these "civilian rebels" are that Obama is backing?
A few simple Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac trades timed correctly would have created 2-3x Trump's wealth in less than half the time. Nothing to it. And you could sit virtually anywhere in the World with virtually no effort.
Maybe a few more but if you held on to them:)smiley:) then maybe in a few years you could do it.
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I don't see that particular demographic changing anytime soon. Those states will lean left, the south and west will lean right, and a few swing states will actually decide who is president. So, when the jobs don't come back to Wisconsin and Ohio and Michigan like Donald promised, a dem will be back in the White House in 4 years. And at the end of the day, to the common folk such as ourselves, it means nothing.
I happen to believe, and it is what Moe is trying to point out to you about the MSM, that the Democratic Party is moving so far left that those swing states are going to become red states regardless of whether the jobs come back.
Here's an article about the FCC chair resigning.

Pretty much the death of net neutrality. I'm wondering how you all feel about that, being that it will most likely cost you more for a less private internet? Unless you work for a Charter or Comcast or Verizon, this is bad news for pretty much every American.
Except the election process is just fine the way it is. It was set up that way for good reason. Going to a popular vote and allowing mob rule would be regressing, not progressing. I'm sure you knew that already, though.

Face it, the only reason you're complaining is because your side lost. Up until the election night, the electoral college was the best friend to you guys on the left.

Hundreds of times a day, all we heard was "Donald Trump has no path to 270. He might win the popular vote, but he has absolutely no path to 270, and that's all that matters." Now all of a sudden, since your blue wall came crumbling down, it's an outdated process.
They also leave out how the campaigns were ran. Trump campaigned harder in the EC states he needed...Hillary did not. I don't think she even spent any time in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, etc. Instead the moron wasted money in popular vote states. If the popular vote mattered, Trump would have been in those areas.

It's funny to watch liberals cry about the EC. It is indeed not progressive at all. They are saying that some people's voice doesn't matter. We are a nation made up of individual states. The EC gives each state a voice. They now want to take those voices away.