How will they rule ??!

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Oh, and here's an article about how she worked illegally in the US before becoming a citizen. Those pesky facts....
Pretty sure that was debunked. Those pesky fake news articles...

EDITOR'S NOTE: After this article's publication, Melania Trump published a letter from an attorney who says that he reviewed her immigration history and that she entered the country for the first time in 1996 and complied with all visa laws. The New York Post subsequently corrected the date of the Max Magazine issue featuring photos of Melania Trump, and POLITICO tracked down a copy of the now-defunct magazine at the French National Library. The photos were published in the February 1997 issue, not the January 1996 issue as originally reported by the New York Post.
Most of the "criminals" you're referring to in Chicago are gangbangers who I'm pretty sure are legal US citizens (you realize this 2016 and not 1816, right?) Regardless, they don't concern me any more than they do you. I live in a nice middle class, diverse suburb, and you live hundreds of miles away, or so I'm assuming.

Middle class in Chicago? :joy:

Don't let Obama find that one out. His attempts at eradication of the people in the middle apparently went unfinished in his hometown. You'll be subsidized into the new middle class tier known as "poor".
Feds raising those artificial low rates that were keeping the market afloat. Any negatives that ensue will be blamed on Trump by the left.

They were always gonna rise. Ole Janet playing politics for the Obama administration. It won't matter. This was seen miles away. I don't even think the fake news outlets of CNN and NBC could spin that one.
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Yes, I realize it's 2016. I also realize that the rule of law still applies. It doesn't bother you that your tax dollars support a sanctuary city? Or that your mayor just took up a 1m$ fund, also paid for by taxpayer's dollars, to support illegals further?

Like I said, I live in the suburbs so those costs don't directly effect me. But to your point about taxes I just assume that most of my tax dollars are being wasted by the govt anyway, regardless of what party is in control. Whether my money goes to big oil or to protecting some illegal aliens, who cares?
Pretty sure that was debunked. Those pesky fake news articles...

EDITOR'S NOTE: After this article's publication, Melania Trump published a letter from an attorney who says that he reviewed her immigration history and that she entered the country for the first time in 1996 and complied with all visa laws. The New York Post subsequently corrected the date of the Max Magazine issue featuring photos of Melania Trump, and POLITICO tracked down a copy of the now-defunct magazine at the French National Library. The photos were published in the February 1997 issue, not the January 1996 issue as originally reported by the New York Post.

So Melania's lawyer says it didn't happen? Well, I guess it couldn't have happened then.
So Melania's lawyer says it didn't happen? Well, I guess it couldn't have happened then.
And the fact that the modeling work they were claiming happened in January of '96, before she had a work visa, didn't actually happen until February '97, after she had a work visa.
And the fact that the modeling work they were claiming happened in January of '96, before she had a work visa, didn't actually happen until February '97, after she had a work visa.

And yet they won't release her full immigration records. Hmm....

Full transparency isn't something the Donald really cares about, is it?
And yet they won't release her full immigration records. Hmm....

Now you're deflecting, trying to move the goal post. Will you release everything in your background to appease someone on this board based on false accusations?

They don't need to release everything, nor should they. She was accused of working in '96 without a visa. The accusations were false. The work didn't actually take place until '97 for which she has provided proof of having a work visa. What's there not to get?

She has already proven them to be liars on a witch hunt. It's not her responsibility to invade her own privacy just to please fake news mongerers.
Now you're deflecting, trying to move the goal post. Will you release everything in your background to appease someone on this board based on false accusations?

They don't need to release everything, nor should they. She was accused of working in '96 without a visa. The accusations were false. The work didn't actually take place until '97 for which she has provided proof of having a work visa. What's there not to get?

She has already proven them to be liars on a witch hunt. It's not her responsibility to invade her own privacy just to please fake news mongerers.

Donald is no longer in the private sector. He is a public servant who must answer to the people, not the other way around. I would think that given his rhetoric regarding illegal immigrants during the campaign, he would be more than willing to provide proof that his wife never broke the law. Unless she did of course...
Michelle Obama having a penis wouldn't be against the law, would it?
Neither is Melania working in '97 while having a work visa. That's the only thing she has been accused of and she has already proven it to be completely false. Burden of proof is on the accuser and the accusers couldn't even get their years right.
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he would be more than willing to provide proof that his wife never broke the law. Unless she did of course...

He was, and they already provided more than enough proof. She was accused of working in January '96. She provided documents proving she didn't even enter the country until August '96.

Not to mention, the work she's being accused of doing actually happened in February '97, not January '96, by which time she already had a work visa and was permitted to work, which she has also provided proof of. It doesn't get any more open and shut than that.

It's not her fault the left are purveyors of fake news, didn't do their due diligence and somehow confused January '96 with February '97.
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"Love Trumps Hate"


All while suggesting to assassinate Trump and that the murderer would be considered a national hero.

A perfect summary of the tolerance of the left. Eff every single one of you nut jobs.
The economy being "stable" under Obama is about as real as Obama's 5% unemployment number.

Fake news! Fake news!
If you like your current plan, you can keep it.
Fake news! Fake news!
Obama is closing Git-mo prison!
Fake news! Fake news!
Obama will bring all troops home within 1 year!
Fake news! Fake news!
The war in Iraq . . . it's over, y'all
Fake news! Fake news!
Likewise, if Donald Trump wins the election, I expect Hillary Clinton to offer a gracious acceptance speech, and support Mr. Trump as our future president
Fake news! Fake news!
". . . .because when you vote, you 'become' a citizen"
Fake news! Fake news!
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Stock market gained 150% under Obama's watch. In order to match that, DJI would have to hit 50,000 in the next 8 years. Not gonna happen. Republicans have been ruining stable economies since the first Bush presidency. It won't be any different now.
I'll give him credit for getting it from 14,000 to 18,000. Any idiot could have been President and taken it from 8,000 after the crash back up to 14,000.
The hypocrisy of tools like Windy and leftists just like him, are a gift that keeps giving. The target is always changing. They're never consistent in their stances.

You bring up something Bill Clinton did and the left response is
"Bill's not running for president."

The left then proceeds to bash Melania and accuses her of falsehoods as "proof" against Trump.

Left doesn't care the slightest about Hillary's email server
All of a sudden, the left freaks out over Donald's phone call to Taiwan

The left doesn't care about Obama playing golf or hanging with celebs
Freaks out when Trump has a meeting with Kanye (Also bashed Bush for ranch visits)

Mocks Romney for stance on Russia in 2012
Now blames everything on Russia after letting Russia take the lead in Syria

-Bashed Trump for being uncertain of accepting election results and how important it was to democracy and a smooth transition to the presidency.
Proceeds to have riots, gets Jill Stein to call for a recount, pressure and threaten electors to go against the will of the people.

-Mocked Trump for claiming the system was rigged.
DNC Leaks and WikiLeaks show the media was simply a mouthpiece for Dems and the Dems are now claiming the election was rigged.

- Claims Russia is trying to interfere in our election
Forgets to mention that Obama interfered in Israel's election and tried to scare folks across the pond against voting for Brexit, Hillary suggested rigging a Palestine election and that many foreign donors FUNDED Hillary's campaign and were trying to influence in her favor.

-People like Michelle and Hillary acted outraged over Trump's tapes but said nothing about Bill's history of sexual assaults, said nothing about rappers who they let in the White House-people like Jay Z who stabbed a guy and constantly exploits women.

-Wants open borders and constantly bashes American military and says nothing about Obama messing with intel on ISIS
Acts concerned over Trump not listening to an intel briefing before the presidency

Then there's the typical general hypocrisy

-Gets upset at the connection of Islam and terrorism
Thinks whites are all the same and responsible for anything perceived as bad throughout history

-Attacks Christians/Christian businesses for stance on gay marriage
Says nothing about Islam and Muslims imprisoning and executing gays

- Wants to get rid of guns to "protect the children"
Advocates for Planned Parenthood

-Bashes whites for voting for Trump and calls them "uneducated"
Said nothing about a record number of blacks coming out to vote for Obama nor did they mention their education level.

-Comes up with phrases like "Love wins" and "Love Trumps Hate" then proceeds to attack opposing supporters, destroy cars, signs and property, riots, calls for the assassination of Trump (even trends on Twitter along with #DieWhitesDie and #RapeMelania"

-Burning flag is free speech
Constantly calls any opposing views "hate speech" and can't allow a rally or conservative speaker/group on campus without bullying them and trying to shut it down.

-Demonizes whites for fleeing areas of crime and calls it "white flight"
Demonizes whites for moving into these areas and coins it "gentrification"

-Claims to be a champion of women's rights and believes there's a rape culture on campuses
Supports mass invasion of refugees that bring an actual rape culture with them and doesn't view women like western civilization does.

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I'll give him credit for getting it from 14,000 to 18,000. Any idiot could have been President and taken it from 8,000 after the crash back up to 14,000.

absolutely right. actually it went down to almost 6000. so Windy's math suggest that Obama is responsible for 150 percent growth in the stock market. yet he discounts the 8000 points it lost in his first couple of years. so it's like saying you had $20,000, you lost all the way down to around $8,000, then it grew finally back up to about $24,000. you go around bragging about how you made $16,000. no, Windycitymoron, you only gained $4,000 in this scenario, not 16. Obama's stock market only went up about 20 percent in 8 years, and did most of that on taxpayer bail outs, printing money and keeping interest rates at 0.
The hypocrisy of tools like Windy and leftists just like him, are a gift that keeps giving. The target is always changing. They're never consistent in their stances.

You bring up something Bill Clinton did and the left response is
"Bill's not running for president."

The left then proceeds to bash Melania and accuses her of falsehoods as "proof" against Trump.

Left doesn't care the slightest about Hillary's email server
All of a sudden, the left freaks out over Donald's phone call to Taiwan

The left doesn't care about Obama playing golf or hanging with celebs
Freaks out when Trump has a meeting with Kanye (Also bashed Bush for ranch visits)

Mocks Romney for stance on Russia in 2012
Now blames everything on Russia after letting Russia take the lead in Syria

-Bashed Trump for being uncertain of accepting election results and how important it was to democracy and a smooth transition to the presidency.
Proceeds to have riots, gets Jill Stein to call for a recount, pressure and threaten electors to go against the will of the people.

-Mocked Trump for claiming the system was rigged.
DNC Leaks and WikiLeaks show the media was simply a mouthpiece for Dems and the Dems are now claiming the election was rigged.

- Claims Russia is trying to interfere in our election
Forgets to mention that Obama interfered in Israel's election and tried to scare folks across the pond against voting for Brexit, Hillary suggested rigging a Palestine election and that many foreign donors FUNDED Hillary's campaign and were trying to influence in her favor.

-People like Michelle and Hillary acted outraged over Trump's tapes but said nothing about Bill's history of sexual assaults, said nothing about rappers who they let in the White House-people like Jay Z who stabbed a guy and constantly exploits women.

-Wants open borders and constantly bashes American military and says nothing about Obama messing with intel on ISIS
Acts concerned over Trump not listening to an intel briefing before the presidency

Then there's the typical general hypocrisy

-Gets upset at the connection of Islam and terrorism
Thinks whites are all the same and responsible for anything perceived as bad throughout history

-Attacks Christians/Christian businesses for stance on gay marriage
Says nothing about Islam and Muslims imprisoning and executing gays

- Wants to get rid of guns to "protect the children"
Advocates for Planned Parenthood

-Bashes whites for voting for Trump and calls them "uneducated"
Said nothing about a record number of blacks coming out to vote for Obama nor did they mention their education level.

-Comes up with phrases like "Love wins" and "Love Trumps Hate" then proceeds to attack opposing supporters, destroy cars, signs and property, riots, calls for the assassination of Trump (even trends on Twitter along with #DieWhitesDie and #RapeMelania"

-Burning flag is free speech
Constantly calls any opposing views "hate speech" and can't allow a rally or conservative speaker/group on campus without bullying them and trying to shut it down.

-Demonizes whites for fleeing areas of crime and calls it "white flight"
Demonizes whites for moving into these areas and coins it "gentrification"

-Claims to be a champion of women's rights and believes there's a rape culture on campuses
Supports mass invasion of refugees that bring an actual rape culture with them and doesn't view women like western civilization does.

I still laugh at "the 80's called and they want their foreign policy back" speech Obuma lectured Romney on in '12.

I was waiting on Trump to attack Killary during the debate about using her husband's record with the economy. Aside from the fact that Bill Clinton benefited from the policies of Reagan and the internet bubble, and Bush was left with the policies of Clinton to clean up, what happened to "she's not her husband" rants every time infidelity was brought to light?

When beneficial, my husband was Bill Clinton
When not beneficial, I'm not my husband and it's sexist to bring him into this.

Typical left.
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Millions more voted for someone besides him. "the people spoke" argument holds no water.
I guess Kellyanne learned enough in freshman civics to go for the Electoral College win. Oh, and Donald did win the popular vote in enough states to garner the electoral votes needed to win for the presidency.

I guess you could say that Trumps the national "popular" vote that in all actually does not count for squat.
I still laugh at "the 80's called and they want their foreign policy back" speech Obuma lectured Romney on in '12.

I was waiting on Trump to attack Killary during the debate about using her husband's record with the economy. Aside from the fact that Bill Clinton benefited from the policies of Reagan and the internet bubble, and Bush was left with the policies of Clinton to clean up, what happened to "she's not her husband" rants every time infidelity was brought to light?

When beneficial, my husband was Bill Clinton
When not beneficial, I'm not my husband and it's sexist to bring him into this.

Typical left.

That's what I said any time they brought up Bill's time in office as proof of her credibility. When she does that, it's fair game to mention everything else that came with that.

BTW, how hilarious is it that this feminist hero was running on the perceived accomplishments of her husband?

This monster was in politics for 30 years and never achieved anything of significance but had an absurd amount of scandals on her path to wealth.
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why not go ahead discuss how much personal gratification that would give you . . . how validated that would make you feel?

I couldn't care less, I'm not ****ing her. I'll leave it up to you idealistic blow-hards to judge what other people do behind closed doors.
I guess Kellyanne learned enough in freshman civics to go for the Electoral College win. Oh, and Donald did win the popular vote in enough states to garner the electoral votes needed to win for the presidency.

I guess you could say that Trumps the national "popular" vote that in all actually does not count for squat.

The left using the popular vote is funny considering they already know the rules of the game. It's not one giant election for Homecoming King. It's 51 different elections and whomever gets the most electoral votes wins. Just because California has more illegals and more of the welfare state, doesn't let them dictate the election for everyone else.

But their outrage is as comical as a fan of a team who lost a seven game series and claimed that they're the real winners because they had more overall runs throughout the series instead of looking at it game by game.
There is an effort underway to "preserve" climate data, people on the left are donating storage space to back up data that the government has made publicly available. The reason? No reason, no impending action by anyone, no real rational basis for doing so. Just spreading baseless paranoia and taking uselessly redundant actions to keep the attention whore that seems to reside in every liberal happy.
I'm still waiting for one of you, any of you, to tell me what exactly Donald is going to do for Kentucky. Coal is dead. Tobacco is dead. Your economy is shit and your kids are all hooked on heroin. How is he going to fix that? Anyone?
That's what I said any time they brought up Bill's time in office as proof of her credibility. When she does that, it's fair game to mention everything else that came with that.

BTW, how hilarious is it that this feminist hero was running on the perceived accomplishments of her husband?

This monster was in politics for 30 years and never achieved anything of significance but had an absurd amount of scandals on her path to wealth.

It's insane how long she was in office with absolutely no accomplishments or anything semi-noteworthy to speak of. Near the end I always laughed when they tried to resort to her record of family and children's rights. Yea, helping acquit a pedophile from rape charges of a 12 year old, smdh.

I guess that's why they went with the "I'm with her" slogan. What credible person alive would adhere to a position of Hillary backing woman's and children's rights?
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I'm still waiting for one of you, any of you, to tell me what exactly Donald is going to do for Kentucky. Coal is dead. Tobacco is dead. Your economy is shit and your kids are all hooked on heroin. How is he going to fix that? Anyone?

Typical left.

We destroy everything in the path, and ask republicans how to clean the mess up.

For starters, we can now stop pretending drug peddling is a "victimless crime". Maybe pull back the regulations and global warming climate change rhetoric to allow for more investment where it's needed. Maybe repeal Obuma care and allow for a decent 40 hour work week so people can actually afford to contribute to the economy instead of their income being subsidized to provide care for non working americans.


Maybe we can start with Chicago, lock you degenerates up, and incarcerate your political liberal hacks. Illinois is the laughing stock of this nation. From Obama to Emanuel to Blagojevich.

I hope you don't believe Chicago is a standard.
I'm still waiting for one of you, any of you, to tell me what exactly Donald is going to do for Kentucky. Coal is dead. Tobacco is dead. Your economy is shit and your kids are all hooked on heroin. How is he going to fix that? Anyone?

First of all Coal isn't dead, it has been forced down.
Second, there's a lot more than coal and tobacco that's been affected, job wise.

Third, what do you think leads to people turning to drugs to deal with life? Hopelessness
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First of all Coal isn't dead, it has been forced down.
Second, there's a lot more than coal and tobacco that's been affected, job wise.

Third, what do you think leads to people turning to drugs to deal with life? Hopelessness

And creating a culture where drug dealing is seen as "victimless crimes". It's not a victimless crime, and many people are effected by it daily. Maybe one day little Sasha will be hooked on coke or crack, and Obama can plead for a pardon for their dealer.

The left is so disgusting. Truly the scum of this nation. Always has been, always will be.

It's why a self identifying liberal will barely admit it in public, regardless of what party they vote for. Out of the 20% of the population that identifies with the ideology, only half will openly admit it. The term apologetic liberal was birthed from these types.

I wouldn't admit it either.

They were almost killed off after the Vietnam war. Maybe next time we can finish the job.
First of all Coal isn't dead, it has been forced down.
Second, there's a lot more than coal and tobacco that's been affected, job wise.

Third, what do you think leads to people turning to drugs to deal with life? Hopelessness

And it's people like you that will keep Kentucky down. Coal is deader than dead. That's called progress and advancement. Maybe if you bumpkins didn't live in the 19th century, shit wouldn't be so bad down there.
I'm still waiting for one of you, any of you, to tell me what exactly Donald is going to do for Kentucky. Coal is dead. Tobacco is dead. Your economy is shit and your kids are all hooked on heroin. How is he going to fix that? Anyone?
The economy where I live in Kentucky is doing pretty well, and none of my kids are hooked on heroin. So, on behalf of all of us here in the Commonwealth of Kentucky who love our great state and prosper in it, thank you for leaving.
Anyone else notice the white knight liberal in this thread has a white basketball player in his avatar? Could have used the black head coach, or maybe one of the countless black players on the roster, but he picks Shep, the white?

Hmmmm......Gotta be cognitive.

It's Ok, Shep is my favorite wildcat of all time, but I'm supposed to be racist so it's fine.

Malcolm X was right about White Goodman liberals.