Meanwhile in the epitome of clown world operations.
Good. Serves those goofballs right for even entertaining such a silly event.
Animal Welfare violations? Now do Pfizer, or Moderna, or any other big pharma outfit. This is just the first of many pick and poke attempts at bringing Musk down.can't even make this stuff up
More important than the reason he was in AZ in the first place?
The problem is the double standard. That's what is being pointed out here.I thought private businesses like Masterpiece Cakes should be able to refuse service to whomever they want according to y’all? Suddenly when it’s happening to you instead of being done by you you have a problem? Hilarious. How does your own medicine taste? Sour?
That's literally third world commie dictator BS being pulled at a state level.
It is a scientific fact when the hat goes on backwards, IQ drops by 83.7%. This was verified in 1987. Some say the analysis is over the top.Wanted to further this convo. Anything from the past that gets a reboot in the modern day will be absolutely destroyed. Everything has to be gay and check off the identity politics box.
I was a fan of That 70s Show. Good show. Netflix has come back with That 90s Show where the parents returned as main cast members and the old cast has cameos but it centers around the grandkids in this little town in Wisconsin where the cast is a white female lead, two mixed-race females, and a gay Asian which was totally representative of small-town Wisconsin, right? LOL
That 70s Show cast
That 90s Show cast
The backward cap-wearing white guy is the dumb one, of course.
From a dude nobody heard of?Never said Dems don't say and do dumbazz things too. They do.
But to compare a stray comment or Tweet from a dude NOBODY had ever heard of in 2016 to the insane, orchestrated, relentless and widespread level of election denial by a former President of the United States is comical.
It's a mountain to molehill comparison and you know it.
Uh, doesn’t the state prohibit such discrimination? I guess it’s okay for the alphabet soup to deny service to Christians.We are in the midst of a war
So, you think Masterpiece should not have to support lifestyles the owner’s religious beliefs find as sinful? I think we found some common ground, unless your post was exhibiting hypocrisy. If the Alphabet people have a religious belief that is being protected from government intrusion, they don’t have to serve Christians. Are you admitting Alphabetism is a religion?I thought private businesses like Masterpiece Cakes should be able to refuse service to whomever they want according to y’all? Suddenly when it’s happening to you instead of being done by you you have a problem? Hilarious. How does your own medicine taste? Sour?
You SOB. I see what you did there and I love it. 😂It is a scientific fact when the hat goes on backwards, IQ drops by 83.7%. This was verified in 1987. Some say the analysis is over the top.
Yeah, kinda crazy. He owns land adjacent to my cousin's place.So bizarre that Satterfield just up and quit UL (UL even had a somewhat decent season) and he heads to Cincinnati? That is some weird ass shit there.
What do yall think @TheFrontRunner @AustinTXCat @55wildcat @trueblujr2
Then why were you on here pitching a fit when Trump threatened to withhold federal aide from California for their wildfires? (which he didn't end up doing, by the way).
It isn't a religion but its legal protections are the same from the 1964 Civil Rights Act. You cannot refuse service based on religion or sex. And sexual orientation and gender identity("Alphabetism") are included under sex discrimination since Bostock v. Clayton County. That's what the plaintiff is claiming, religious discrimination. Which would be illegal. The employees/business will argue they refused service based on political donations/affiliation, which is legal. The point was it's hypocritical to claim legal protections from the Civil Rights Act for your religion while denying those same Civil Rights Act legal protections for sex, not that "Alphabetism" is a religion.So, you think Masterpiece should not have to support lifestyles the owner’s religious beliefs find as sinful? I think we found some common ground, unless your post was exhibiting hypocrisy. If the Alphabet people have a religious belief that is being protected from government intrusion, they don’t have to serve Christians. Are you admitting Alphabetism is a religion?
Exactly. You're the ones with the double standard.The problem is the double standard. That's what is being pointed out here.
It isn't a religion but its legal protections are the same from the 1964 Civil Rights Act. You cannot refuse service based on religion or sex. And sexual orientation and gender identity("Alphabetism") are included under sex discrimination since Bostock v. Clayton County. That's what the plaintiff is claiming, religious discrimination. Which would be illegal. The employees/business will argue they refused service based on political donations/affiliation, which is legal. The point was it's hypocritical to claim legal protections from the Civil Rights Act for your religion while denying those same Civil Rights Act legal protections for sex, not that "Alphabetism" is a religion.
Exactly. You're the ones with the double standard.
It'd have to be litigated. As this will be. It's illegal to refuse service based on religion or sex or the other protected classes. Because of people like you who desire to, as you state.Listen, it might be best if you ask me what I think before your generalized “you’re the ones” and “y’all’s” statements. You get huffy when someone suggests you agree with comments made by JamesLee and Shins. Extend the the same courtesy that you seem to request.
I actually have no problems with a restaurant denying service to people of faith. They may want to let them know before taking a reservation and dropping the news 90 minutes before the event, but I prefer to know who does not want me around and I will kindly not patronize your establishment.
You can lawyer this to state that the discrimination was solely political, but we know there is no distinction between the religious belief and the political. The nonprofit, the Family Foundation is a faith-based organization that is being described as a “Christian Group.” The discrimination in this case is solely related to their religious beliefs.
I guess you believe a baker could deny alphabets service because the baker opposes political groups that identify with rainbows and that would pass muster because it was not based upon sexual orientation?
Actually, CA needs more fires to stop the underbrush from building up to create giant ones. But Libs know best.The majority of CA wildfires (not just CA) are started by people and most NOT by accident.
We need harsher penalties for people.
Could all these firings by msm finally be having an effect on journalists? We are seeing more criticism and harsher questions now. Not just from one or two people either.
What's honest about that picture?Billions and billions and billions and billions and billions given to Ukraine.....
meanwhile here in the United States of America...
It has steadily dropped since June for a total of 1.4% to 7.7%. Next report in a week.
Makes sense if you blame Pubs for Jan. 6 events.
They'll definitely be harder to beat, not to mention in-state recruiting will also get tougher. On the other hand, recruiting the Cincinnati area should get easier for the Cats.So bizarre that Satterfield just up and quit UL (UL even had a somewhat decent season) and he heads to Cincinnati? That is some weird ass shit there. I hope UL doesnt get Brohm...I feel like they would be harder to beat.
What do yall think @TheFrontRunner @AustinTXCat @55wildcat @trueblujr2
Biden getting America back to the moon! He just can't stop WINNING! Something else that clown fatass cheeto couldn't get done.