Logic is just not your thing, is it?You don't understand the law fool. Educate yourself before spewing idiocy.
"Under U.S. law, a person seeking asylum may do so by arriving at the border and asking to be screened by U.S. officials at a “port of entry,” or by entering the U.S. without prior inspection and then declaring their fear of persecution."
Five Things to Know About the Right to Seek Asylum
Although our laws provide a clear right for people fleeing persecution to seek asylum in the United States, anti-immigration lawmakers have purposefully sown confusion about the law, the process of applying for asylum, and what is really needed to ensure a fair and orderly system for considering...www.aclu.org
Can You Request Asylum at the U.S. Border?
When and how to request asylum before having actually entered the U.S. with a visa at a border, airport, or other entry point.www.alllaw.com
You are so stupid, my point evidently went waaaay over your head.
Keep trying though.