I have a cousin who is retired army. After retiring, he went to the middle east as a mercenary. Just think, nowadays he could've just stayed stateside for the same job.
I have a cousin who is retired army. After retiring, he went to the middle east as a mercenary. Just think, nowadays he could've just stayed stateside for the same job.
Like everything with the left, they all have the exact same talking points and the same exact verbiage EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. No coincidence that every DNC network is always talking about the same exact crap. No variation at all. Same talking head lefties talking exactly the same at the exact same time.
Used to tell my son that the only two people who should have their hat on backwards are Catchers and Snipers. He did play some catcher a lot when he played baseball, but any other time he'd need to keep his head on a swivel to make sure I didn't flip it off his head from behind.It is a scientific fact when the hat goes on backwards, IQ drops by 83.7%. This was verified in 1987. Some say the analysis is over the top.
Hunter Posted his own wanker on the interweb. He apparrantly at one time he posted his some of his escapades on pornhub. assuming they've been scrubbed by now though.
Brohm doesn't scare me. While Purdue has been decent under his watch, they are still a pretty middling program. He hasn't set the world on fire. He will hurt our Louisville area recruiting, but we can counter by doubling down up in the Cincy area, I don't see A lot of kids in that area being enamored to play for Satterfield.So bizarre that Satterfield just up and quit UL (UL even had a somewhat decent season) and he heads to Cincinnati? That is some weird ass shit there. I hope UL doesnt get Brohm...I feel like they would be harder to beat.
What do yall think @TheFrontRunner @AustinTXCat @55wildcat @trueblujr2
So bizarre that Satterfield just up and quit UL (UL even had a somewhat decent season) and he heads to Cincinnati? That is some weird ass shit there. I hope UL doesnt get Brohm...I feel like they would be harder to beat.
What do yall think @TheFrontRunner @AustinTXCat @55wildcat @trueblujr2
Do you think both parties were within their rights to refuse service? The restaurant clearly refused on basis of religion, no matter how they will argue it. If you believe the baker was violating their civil rights, then do you feel the same about the religious group being denied service?It isn't a religion but its legal protections are the same from the 1964 Civil Rights Act. You cannot refuse service based on religion or sex. And sexual orientation and gender identity("Alphabetism") are included under sex discrimination since Bostock v. Clayton County. That's what the plaintiff is claiming, religious discrimination. Which would be illegal. The employees/business will argue they refused service based on political donations/affiliation, which is legal. The point was it's hypocritical to claim legal protections from the Civil Rights Act for your religion while denying those same Civil Rights Act legal protections for sex, not that "Alphabetism" is a religion.
Exactly. You're the ones with the double standard.
If we're arguing on the basis of political views, then the Baker could just as easily argue that he opposes the political view that gays should be allowed to marry.Listen, it might be best if you ask me what I think before your generalized “you’re the ones” and “y’all’s” statements. You get huffy when someone suggests you agree with comments made by JamesLee and Shins. Extend the the same courtesy that you seem to request.
I actually have no problems with a restaurant denying service to people of faith. They may want to let them know before taking a reservation and dropping the news 90 minutes before the event, but I prefer to know who does not want me around and I will kindly not patronize your establishment.
You can lawyer this to state that the discrimination was solely political, but we know there is no distinction between the religious belief and the political. The nonprofit, the Family Foundation is a faith-based organization that is being described as a “Christian Group.” The discrimination in this case is solely related to their religious beliefs.
I guess you believe a baker could deny alphabets service because the baker opposes political groups that identify with rainbows and that would pass muster because it was not based upon sexual orientation?
I'd feel safe, but I would say they need to make it more obvious they are there for security purposes. Giant "SECURITY" plastered on them front and back in bright yellow would help ease some tensions.
If the courts rule it was on the basis of religion, yes, you cannot refuse service on that basis. If someone wants different they have to change the law to reflect that.Do you think both parties were within their rights to refuse service? The restaurant clearly refused on basis of religion, no matter how they will argue it. If you believe the baker was violating their civil rights, then do you feel the same about the religious group being denied service?
Gas Dropped 30 cents today. Lumber futures took a huge dive. Thanks Biden for dick punching that inflation! He just never stops getting shit done.
Bill Barr now says their was no election fraud. We just can't stop winning!
To quite the great Bill “We realized from the beginning it was just bullshit,”
He told Karl that even if the machines had somehow changed the tally, the issue would be made obvious when the votes were recounted by hand.
“It’s a counting machine, and they save everything that was counted,” Barr said. “So you just reconcile the two. There had been no discrepancy reported anywhere, and I’m still not aware of any discrepancy.”
I could be wrong but don’t think I am. I think a hurricane hitting the Florida panhandle is very rare. Other places in Florida are more hurricane prone.i have slightly more sympathy for tornadoes and a lot more for earthquakes. they are much more unpredictable and rare to strike the same localities on regular intervals. If your a city on a fault line and dont require structures to be built for earthquake tolerance than no sympathy. If you live in coastal florida and dont build your structure to withstand the multiple hurricanes that come every single season then its your own fault. people in the panhandle should not be getting federal money to rebuild. make it a huge nature reserve and get people the hell out.
Antifa huh? 🤣Makes sense if you blame Pubs for Jan. 6 events.
We know you cheat in every election. Thing is sometimes it’s just such a blowout your cheating can’t overcome it. When it’s fairly close is when we get concerned.You guys are unbelievable with the stolen election BS. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
So Georgia has Republicans up and down the ballots winning state and local elections but ANYTIME a democrat wins ANYWHERE it was stolen.
Those evil dems are smart enough to cheat on Warnock's ballot... But too stupid to figure out how to keep Stacy Abrams from beating Kemp???
Do you have any idea how f'ing stupid you sound to anyone with half a brain and head not up Trumps azz?
Guess it's not really surprising considering you support a President that doesn't believe in elections, democracy or our Constitution though.
If he didn't run a criminal company then they wouldn't be guiltyTrump Org guilty of all counts of tax fraud. Was there ever gonna be any other verdict? lol
Because of people like you. I am fine with bigotry toward me and my faith. As stated, I prefer to know, rather than have you fake it.It'd have to be litigated. As this will be. It's illegal to refuse service based on religion or sex or the other protected classes. Because of people like you who desire to, as you state.
I didn’t read the story. But these were waiters. Not quite the same as a business owner.Uh, doesn’t the state prohibit such discrimination? I guess it’s okay for the alphabet soup to deny service to Christians.
Actually, CA needs more fires to stop the underbrush from building up to create giant ones. But Libs know best.
And the sadder truth is that a vast number, even though aware of the bs, will still vote radical left because they hate conservativism so much, policies be damned, regardless if it’s against their own best interest. that’s where we’re at in our country and i just don’t see any change coming.Election truthers are the majority. The far left fascists in this thread and in America are (and have been) the minority and they can’t stand it that the VAST majority of Americans see through the bullshit.
The country is a shambles and this is winning. It explains so much.Trump Org GUILTY on all counts of tax fraud in NY. The guilty verdict will make it easy for NY to win its civil suit that will bankrupt the company. Next comes a federal case that will liquidate the company. So much winning!
Not just that but they’re literally a political lobbying group, Family Foundation. It’s not like they just refused service to random church members.I didn’t read the story. But these were waiters. Not quite the same as a business owner.
There is a very large group who vote one issue and that issue is abortion. Nothing else matters. So when a Democrat makes the false accusation an opponent will outlaw abortion they come out in force. They are in every state and can swing an election.And the sadder truth is that a vast number, even though aware of the bs, will still vote radical left because they hate conservativism so much, policies be damned, regardless if it’s against their own best interest. that’s where we’re at in our country and i just don’t see any change coming.
I don’t have a problem with this if it becomes a policy that is applied equally throughout the land, giving businesses the right to refuse service to whomever they choose. let the potential customers decide who they want to give their dollars to, then let the chips fall where they may.We are in the midst of a war
Exactly. If the business wants to support the wait staff then that’s on them. Me personally I would fire their asses.I don’t have a problem with this if it becomes a policy that is applied equally throughout the land, giving businesses the right to refuse service to whomever they choose. let the potential customers decide who they want to give their dollars to, then let the chips fall where they may.