How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I don't think you understand what executive privilege is. Lmao. Ex potuses don't have it because newsflash, they aren't the executive. Privilege is something the current POTUS uses to ignore public info laws and subpoenas. It has nothing to do with their right to keep documents. Before Nixon presidents could keep shit. After Nixon they couldn't. Very simple. Anything they want they have to request from the current president or the archives.
Wrong again. (There is a theme here.)

Every woman i know, except maybe 1, sees it for what it is and how i described it. Your attitude regarding this today, would have been the same attitude accepting black face back in the day.

But i know of ZERO women that sees these clowns (and i do mean clowns) as honoring them.
Guess you like to hang out with MAGAs, not surprising. But I noticed you skipped my main point. Who is the target audience for drag? Women. Women watch it, women love it. Drag wouldn’t exist if women didn’t want it, they’re the ones who watch it. Minstrel shows were for white audiences, not black.
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Guess you like to hang out with MAGAs, not surprising. But I noticed you skipped my main point. Who is the target audience for drag? Women. Women watch it, women love it. Drag wouldn’t exist if women didn’t want it, they’re the ones who watch it. Minstrel shows were for white audiences, not black.

The women were the gateway to the children.
But Democrats never called for abolishing the police, remember? LOL

Oh Dems, you're all about sanctuary cities with letting illegals invade this country and drain our resources and hurt our citizens and you continue to let out violent criminals but you want to go after places that don't infringe on our rights?

Guess you like to hang out with MAGAs, not surprising. But I noticed you skipped my main point. Who is the target audience for drag? Women. Women watch it, women love it. Drag wouldn’t exist if women didn’t want it, they’re the ones who watch it. Minstrel shows were for white audiences, not black.
Gay men love it more than anything, would be my general observation.
Not remotely an accident especially with the people on set, the placement and choreography, and the ridiculous amount of editing that takes place. Background in film have marks, there's assistant directors whose sole job it is to watch this (the assistant director can talk to the background because once the director gives instruction, that person becomes an actor/SAG eligible).
The DOJ has opened an investigation into it....
The Jan 6th committee had testimony under oath from Republicans working for Trump as to his role in it.....
Jan 6 rioters have been convicted of crimes related to this attack....
His own VP and his own DOJ head have called Trump's election lies BS and said he behaved recklessly that day.

It's unreal to me that any sane person to be provided with all of this factual information and willingly choose to look the other way or straight back up Trump's rump.
What did Kamala Harris say about 18-24 year old people? She said THAT THEY ARE STUPID. And which political party do the stupid 18-24 year voters vote for? That's right, they vote democrat. It's a medical fact that the human brain doesn't fully develop until a person is 25. The young & dumb crowd votes democrat & when people gets older they vote republican. It's called being young & dumb & then getting older & wiser.