Dr. Angus Dalgleish campaigned for Parliament in 2015 and lost. He was a big BREXIT nut backer and seems like he has a lot of politics in his blood for a doctor. Still, vigorous debate serves us all so he is certainly qualified to weigh into the debate and be listened to. If you've ever watched a commercial for virtually any drug or any vaccine there are potential side effects for almost everything. We do the best for the most... the needs of the many outweigh the few. It has always been that way and will always be that way. If you're looking for perfect you're not going to get it from any medicine that has ever existed.
I'll argue "stupidity" kills more people than "hate"... which is why Democrats are so dangerous
Now i totally don’t know what to think about sticks and stones.
Yeah, Ellen.The Nail acting like a LIB on that other forum. Making stuff up and trying to slide it in as reality. LOL
No. I don't live in the 14th century where ignorance, fear, and superstition rule my simple peasant life. We know things. We've progressed as a species. I could choose to live in a mud hut and throw rocks at fish to feed myself, then apply leeches to myself if I got sick. Those are all things I could do, but then I'd be an idiot that turned his back on knowledge.
We make a bargain with people that know more than we do in all our daily lives. We trust the pilot can fly the plane, we trust the doctor to do our surgery, we trust the engineers that the bridge I am driving over doesn't fall.
You can turn your back on all those people and do your own google research. Fly your own plane after a few quick YouTube videos. Pile the family in and give it a shot. Cut right into yourself after reading a couple medical books as surgery can't be that tough. Build your own stick bridge over the Grand Canyon and trot right over it with your backpack.
There are a lot of things you can "research" yourself so please, by all means, don't restrict yourself to mere vaccine science and medicine. Apply your google brilliance in everything you do. I look forward to how that turns out. Thanks!
Anybody know what kind of revolver that is laying on his table? looks extremely lethal.
So Pubs should have two more seats. How does that translate to "the next Congress might have looked entirely different"? Who would control the House then?
From the article:
Census numbers forecasted that Minnesota was scheduled to lose a congressional seat, right up until “blue state” numbers miraculously shot up in contrast to the usually reliable December estimates.
The Bureau has admitted it “overcounted” Minnesota, which helps explains why DFL Chair Ken Martin giddily touted “the state with both the highest census response rate in the nation at 75.1% and the highest voter turnout in the nation.”
Understand, had Minnesota and a few other states lost the House seats they were supposed to, representation in the next Congress might have looked entirely different. After all, Republicans easily won the nationwide popular vote in the midterms but underperformed in seats gained.
Overcounted the population of eight states, all but one of which is a blue state … Minnesota, according to the original census report, would have lost a congressional seat during reapportionment if it had 26 fewer residents; the survey shows the state was overcounted by 216,971 individuals. Similarly, Rhode Island would have lost a seat if the Census Bureau had counted 19,000 fewer residents. It turns out that the state was overcounted by more than 55,000 individuals … Texas and Florida should each have received an additional seat in the House. Rhode Island and Minnesota should each have lost a congressional seat — but didn’t. Colorado was given an additional seat it didn’t deserve.
Cool & ill-informed seems to get it right."righter than right crowd"...thanks for making us sound really cool.
Good. Now they should audit all other spending equally thoroughly & then they'll have something really big. If not, it's all for show.
From the article:
President Biden's administration is scrambling to track the nearly $20 billion in military aid it has sent to Ukraine as Republicans warn of impending audits when they take control of the House in January.
The lawmakers agree that current monitoring efforts appear woefully inadequate, with the Biden administration inspecting just 10% of the 22,000 weapons the U.S. has provided to Ukraine between February and November 1, according to the Post.
U.S. allies in Europe have expressed hope that Republican skepticism of Ukraine aid will not lead to a widespread cutting of funding, however.
WMD?Now i totally don’t know what to think about sticks and stones.
Anybody know what kind of revolver that is laying on his table? looks extremely lethal.
Reading that McCarthy having trouble getting 218 to vote him Speaker. This should be fun. Let's have Mc's Pubs' opponents allow Jeffries to become Speaker. Seems Congress Pubs have problems with having Congress Leaders whose names begin Mc.
No, we just have a problem with corrupt, incompetent, bought and sold, congressional leaders that don’t represent the vast majority of their voters. And their names happen to start with Mc.
Your GOP party of Bush - McCain - Romney is dead. Either voluntarily or involuntarily. No one wants it. Not 8/10 Republicans or the general American public. Get over it or step aside.
I can go out and get a withering amount of statistics about how many people die from hospital mistakes every year. About bad doctors and nurses that kill people by accident or design. About the dangerous bacteria and illness people get from hospital visits.
Guess what? If I get sick I am going to the hospital. period. Know why? Because that's the best chance I have.
You can always find something to conspire about if somebody is looking to do it or more likely make someone else afraid of it, but the system we have now where physicians, scientists, lawyers, engineers... all our licensed people, all our institutions, all our Governments... while imperfect as they are manned by fallible people, still represent the fairest best chance that any human in history has ever had so I'm siding with those people. Warts and all.
Want to feel better about your country? Listen to immigrants talk about what it is like to be here. Want to feel safer and better about the COVID shots you are afraid of? Look over at China that has refused Western vaccines and instead attempted to develop their own or reengineer ours and steal it.
Imperfect as it is, I still feel sad for you that you fail to realize how great you have it or what a wonderful country you live in.
So you're saying Pubs in Congress are largely elected corruptly & not by a majority of Pubs? I.e., if right nuts not elected, it's total corruption? LOL.No, we just have a problem with corrupt, incompetent, bought and sold, congressional leaders that don’t represent the vast majority of their voters. And their names happen to start with Mc.
Your GOP party of Bush - McCain - Romney is dead. Either voluntarily or involuntarily. No one wants it. Not 8/10 Republicans or the general American public. Get over it or step aside.
So you're saying Pubs in Congress are largely elected corruptly & not by a majority of Pubs? I.e., if right nuts not elected, it's total corruption? LOL.
Who did you vote for if not Bush/McCain/Romney? I voted for all.
Those guys are the most clueless group on the internet. All this information at their finger tips and their lazy ass spouts cnn and British media talking points.This will come as quite a shock in the Ukraine War Fan Club thread.
We know where 10% of it went.
From the article:
President Biden's administration is scrambling to track the nearly $20 billion in military aid it has sent to Ukraine as Republicans warn of impending audits when they take control of the House in January.
The lawmakers agree that current monitoring efforts appear woefully inadequate, with the Biden administration inspecting just 10% of the 22,000 weapons the U.S. has provided to Ukraine between February and November 1, according to the Post.
U.S. allies in Europe have expressed hope that Republican skepticism of Ukraine aid will not lead to a widespread cutting of funding, however.
I don't think you understand what executive privilege is. Lmao. Ex potuses don't have it because newsflash, they aren't the executive. Privilege is something the current POTUS uses to ignore public info laws and subpoenas. It has nothing to do with their right to keep documents. Before Nixon presidents could keep shit. After Nixon they couldn't. Very simple. Anything they want they have to request from the current president or the archives.
Guess you like to hang out with MAGAs, not surprising. But I noticed you skipped my main point. Who is the target audience for drag? Women. Women watch it, women love it. Drag wouldn’t exist if women didn’t want it, they’re the ones who watch it. Minstrel shows were for white audiences, not black.Wrong again. (There is a theme here.)
Every woman i know, except maybe 1, sees it for what it is and how i described it. Your attitude regarding this today, would have been the same attitude accepting black face back in the day.
But i know of ZERO women that sees these clowns (and i do mean clowns) as honoring them.
Guess you like to hang out with MAGAs, not surprising. But I noticed you skipped my main point. Who is the target audience for drag? Women. Women watch it, women love it. Drag wouldn’t exist if women didn’t want it, they’re the ones who watch it. Minstrel shows were for white audiences, not black.
If she survives all that, I wonder if she'll ever kneel for the National Anthem ever again. She should be the poster child for realizing just how good she has it here.