How will they rule ??!

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One of those did damage to a police car while the other was an attempt to stop our U.S. government from functioning and override our Presidential election.
One was an attack on a car while the other was an attack on our United States Capitol building that temporarily stopped the peaceful transfer of power in our Constitutional Republic.
One has happened thousands of times....One has never happened in U.S. history before DJT.
If you are unable to discern the stark difference in importance between these two completely unrelated events.... then I don't know what else to tell you.

From the article:

President Biden's administration is scrambling to track the nearly $20 billion in military aid it has sent to Ukraine as Republicans warn of impending audits when they take control of the House in January.

The lawmakers agree that current monitoring efforts appear woefully inadequate, with the Biden administration inspecting just 10% of the 22,000 weapons the U.S. has provided to Ukraine between February and November 1, according to the Post.

U.S. allies in Europe have expressed hope that Republican skepticism of Ukraine aid will not lead to a widespread cutting of funding, however.

Very nice, comrades, I hope the money I have been sending you through the NRA helps you pursue this great cause of... ours.

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When your party is so bankrupt of ideas for helping the American people you must scare your simple minded voters with pedophilic boogiemen then you deserve to lose elections.

Republicans were saying yesterday they had like 70 investigations planned. Great news. 2024 can't get here fast enough. More pedo pizza parlor stories, more Jim Jordan screaming on TV, more Trump, Trump, Trump... I hope every Democrat in the House votes for Marjorie Taylor Green for House speaker. Give the American people a full dose of these Republicans so they can see more clearly who and what they are. Please pedal to the mettle for you guys until election day 2024.
No, I don’t think they’re “elected” corruptly. I think they’re corrupt in that they are paid off and deferential/supportive to the same interests that work against their voters’ wishes. I don’t know how many times I have to say it - GOPe leadership does not represent or act on the policy goals of its voters.

Obamacare repeal - fail
Border wall funding - fail
Deficit control - fail
CCP crack down - fail
Fight against conservative censorship - fail
Fight Biden executive and judicial nominees - fail
Fight against vaccine mandates - fail
Fight against funding CRT and other left wing projects in the DOE - fail
Demand border security or no $$$ - fail

They’re gutless cowards. All but 20-30 of them. Look how successfully the Dems fought the Trump agenda in the Senate WHILE THE GOP HAD A MAJORITY. And when Biden takes over facing a 50/50 Senate, they FACE NO RESISTANCE on nominees or spending. McConnell gave them gun legislation and a $1 Trillion infrastructure package which only 40% goes to roads, bridges, and hard infrastructure.

I was 18 in 2010 so not old enough for Bush or McCain but I’m immensely proud I did not for Romney. Voted libertarian. I could see through his phony ass even at age 20.

You can defend these GOP swamp creatures all you want but they do not have your back. They do not fight for what you supposedly want them to fight for.
Go it. Of 270 GOP Congress members for 2023, all but 30 max are gutless cowards per you. Assuming the Dims all fall in that category, only 30 max/535 are not gutless cowards or 6% max meet your standards. Good to know that's where you & those that like your post are coming from: righter than right, way out there on that limb sawing behind you. LOL. I'm good with my being to the right of all but 75-150.
Turned on ksr to see if there was any staff news. Turned it off when Matt started lecturing everyone on perceived violence in Memphis, blaming it on conservative media scare tactics.

The kicker was he started shouting about how you can't live inside in fear of something bad happening. Quite the irony from someone who supported covid lockdowns
Glad there's no station in NKy that carries KSR.
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Very nice, comrades, I hope the money I have been sending you through the NRA helps you pursue this great cause of... ours.

Did you just make this up out of thin air?

But in reality world, Democrats used SBF to launder billions of dollars thru FTX to themselves, much of what was supposed to be money sent to Ukraine.

I love that democrats pick and choose which billionaires are bad and which are virtuous. SBF donated the 2nd most to biden getting him elected then openly stated he pretended to care about woke causes...therefore, the press is currently writing puff pieces on him and he's going to get away with it.

Then you have Musk who told SBF to take a hike and has done more for climate change in 5 years than al gore or democrats has in 30 but he bought twitter...and we just can't have that. Can't mess with a propaganda toy.

BTW, the NRA is bankrupt. They donated about a million dollars to the gop. Always hilarious when you all regurgitate the "gun lobby" talking point. Here's some homework for you: how much does planned parenthood donated to democrats (it will make sense why D's want 9 month abortions when you see) and how much did the Tech lobby donate - you know like apple, which is currently preventing users in China from coordinating protests. The same China your cowardly president won't criticize.

Lol biden admin is basically saying hell yeah China, roll those tanks in on ppl.
Why should Apple have to let Elon and Twitter dictate to Apple which apps it will or will not carry in their store? Think Elon knows Apple's customers better than Apple? Why is Elon so consumed with Free Speech all of a sudden when he got the money to buy Twitter from the Saudis who actually killed a reporter for saying something about them? Wonder why Elon wasn't so concerned about that little transgression in the free marketplace of ideas?

If Elon doesn't like the way Apple does things then Elon is perfectly free to get some more money from the Saudis and build his own phone to compete against Apple with. It can even have a little app on it that knifes reporters in the Embassy if they say anything bad about Elon or where he gets his money from. Elon's phone can come in two colors: Saudi Gold and Russian Red. You also get a free trial MyPillow as shipping those flimsy neck breaking cheap paper mache' pillows should be easy enough even for Elon as long as they don't catch on fire from one of his Tesla batteries.

And @LOL_Man fell right in line with the below.

I made this point in the war thread many times.

Another important aspect of this is the "revenge" they get to vicariously experience through their warlust for the horrible indignation that was the Trump years, which they perceive as inflicted upon them by Russia, and it excuses their treason during that time for wanting him to fail, for doing everything they could to harm him, consequences to the country be damned.

It's an atonement.

From the article:

Census numbers forecasted that Minnesota was scheduled to lose a congressional seat, right up until “blue state” numbers miraculously shot up in contrast to the usually reliable December estimates.

The Bureau has admitted it “overcounted” Minnesota, which helps explains why DFL Chair Ken Martin giddily touted “the state with both the highest census response rate in the nation at 75.1% and the highest voter turnout in the nation.”

Understand, had Minnesota and a few other states lost the House seats they were supposed to, representation in the next Congress might have looked entirely different. After all, Republicans easily won the nationwide popular vote in the midterms but underperformed in seats gained.

Overcounted the population of eight states, all but one of which is a blue state … Minnesota, according to the original census report, would have lost a congressional seat during reapportionment if it had 26 fewer residents; the survey shows the state was overcounted by 216,971 individuals. Similarly, Rhode Island would have lost a seat if the Census Bureau had counted 19,000 fewer residents. It turns out that the state was overcounted by more than 55,000 individuals … Texas and Florida should each have received an additional seat in the House. Rhode Island and Minnesota should each have lost a congressional seat — but didn’t. Colorado was given an additional seat it didn’t deserve.
We don’t have any semblance of a fair government. Therefore, government has to go.
No. I don't live in the 14th century where ignorance, fear, and superstition rule my simple peasant life. We know things. We've progressed as a species. I could choose to live in a mud hut and throw rocks at fish to feed myself, then apply leeches to myself if I got sick. Those are all things I could do, but then I'd be an idiot that turned his back on knowledge.

We make a bargain with people that know more than we do in all our daily lives. We trust the pilot can fly the plane, we trust the doctor to do our surgery, we trust the engineers that the bridge I am driving over doesn't fall.

You can turn your back on all those people and do your own google research. Fly your own plane after a few quick YouTube videos. Pile the family in and give it a shot. Cut right into yourself after reading a couple medical books as surgery can't be that tough. Build your own stick bridge over the Grand Canyon and trot right over it with your backpack.

There are a lot of things you can "research" yourself so please, by all means, don't restrict yourself to mere vaccine science and medicine. Apply your google brilliance in everything you do. I look forward to how that turns out. Thanks!
The science of flying planes is 100 years old. The science of these shots is not even out of the emergency application phase.

How can you consider yourself enlightened, or a skeptic? You have a massive disconnect that your pride keeps you from acknowledging.

Meanwhile, “climate change” and “white supremacy” are causing an uptick in heart problems for young people.
Go it. Of 270 GOP Congress members for 2023, all but 30 max are gutless cowards per you.
Yes, I’d say that’s right. No, while Dems are undeniably corrupt, they generally adhere to their voters’ desires. Because that means more government thus more power.

Are you honestly going to defend the integrity of our generic politicians?

Good luck with that.