How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Clot shot. I like how they make catchy little rhyming names because that's how we appeal to 1st graders to learn how to read or somebody to learn a brand new language. They understand their target audience. Their very message tells you what they think of Republican intelligence.

Joe and Jill went up the Hill...

Nursery rhymes are the universal language of Republicans because it has to be.
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Clot shot. I like how they make catchy little rhyming names because that's how we appeal to 1st graders to learn how to read or somebody to learn a brand new language. They understand their target audience. Their very message tells you what they think of Republican intelligence.

Joe and Jill went up the Hill...

Nursery rhymes are the universal language of Republicans because it has to be.
Don’t forget your booster!
Nobody tell VH. He prays at his altar to Mitch on Sunday.
- The PAC needs to return the money. We'll see what happens.

- I don't care who the Pub Senate Leader is as long as not Mitt, Murkowski, Collins & maybe a fewer others. But he stood up & was counted, 37-10, in his favor. Rand was no where to be found. Nor Lindsay. Only Scott. By your position, Pubs have 37 RINOs in the Senate & only 10 Conserves. Pretty far out on a limb with the saw working behind you if that's the case.
In the early 2000s when I was going to UK, there was this house just off Tates Creek was the first house in a row of houses right off the road and the front yard was a little hill, whoever lived there use to mow the word 'Mitch' into his yard.

I don't remember now, I don't think he did McConnell's full name (that would be a lot of work), it was just 'Mitch' I think. He put in a lot of time just to make sure everybody driving down Tates Creek knew he was voting for Mitch.

I wonder if that was VH's yard?
You'd have to be pretty ill-informed to think that might be true. But since you post here as part of the righter than right crowd, that could be the case.
You guys remember that the media said nearly 20000 heat related deaths occured in Europe this year? That was a big reason for the green push. Well they are all in and now the EU has a warning about this winter do to lack of heating.

“Unfavourable weather conditions, epidemics and rising electricity prices will lead to a high mortality rate in European countries this winter,” the newspaper said.
“In the case of warm winters, the historic rate will exceed 32 thousand people, while harsh winters will result in an additional 335 thousand deaths,” she said.

So even if Europe has a mild winter, they will lose more people from cold than they did from the historic heat wave. Wild isn't it.
You guys remember that the media said nearly 20000 heat related deaths occured in Europe this year? That was a big reason for the green push. Well they are all in and now the EU has a warning about this winter do to lack of heating.

“Unfavourable weather conditions, epidemics and rising electricity prices will lead to a high mortality rate in European countries this winter,” the newspaper said.
“In the case of warm winters, the historic rate will exceed 32 thousand people, while harsh winters will result in an additional 335 thousand deaths,” she said.

So even if Europe has a mild winter, they will lose more people from cold than they did from the historic heat wave. Wild isn't it.
This will come as quite a shock in the Ukraine War Fan Club thread.
Protests against tyranny in China and Canada met with the same response: Liberals, progressives, and media try to bury them. Corporations side with governments against the people. We are at a true hinge in history. The alliance of technology with global corporatism and communists will be the end of liberty as we have known it.

By the logic of the left, the protestors in China are Nazis, white supremacists, and anti-vaxxers. Isn’t that what their movement was called here, and in Canada?

And when you consider that, do you not shudder at how such a small group of lunatics have captured our discourse and culture?
This is from CNN. For 3 years CNN and the left have pushed quarantines, lockdowns, censorship, restriction of movement, involuntary testing and vaccination. Some of them openly called for Americans to be jailed (or worse). Now they expect you to believe they can report this story without you remembering any of that.

“Such widespread scenes of anger and defiance -- some of which stretched into the early hours of Monday morning -- are exceptionally rare in China, where the ruling Communist Party ruthlessly cracks down on all expressions of dissent. But three years into the pandemic, many people have been pushed to the brink by the government's incessant use of lockdowns, Covid tests and quarantines -- as well as ever-tightening censorship and continued onslaught on personal freedoms.”

From the article:

Census numbers forecasted that Minnesota was scheduled to lose a congressional seat, right up until “blue state” numbers miraculously shot up in contrast to the usually reliable December estimates.

The Bureau has admitted it “overcounted” Minnesota, which helps explains why DFL Chair Ken Martin giddily touted “the state with both the highest census response rate in the nation at 75.1% and the highest voter turnout in the nation.”

Understand, had Minnesota and a few other states lost the House seats they were supposed to, representation in the next Congress might have looked entirely different. After all, Republicans easily won the nationwide popular vote in the midterms but underperformed in seats gained.

Overcounted the population of eight states, all but one of which is a blue state … Minnesota, according to the original census report, would have lost a congressional seat during reapportionment if it had 26 fewer residents; the survey shows the state was overcounted by 216,971 individuals. Similarly, Rhode Island would have lost a seat if the Census Bureau had counted 19,000 fewer residents. It turns out that the state was overcounted by more than 55,000 individuals … Texas and Florida should each have received an additional seat in the House. Rhode Island and Minnesota should each have lost a congressional seat — but didn’t. Colorado was given an additional seat it didn’t deserve.
How do the women in your life feel about drag? I've never heard a negative opinion from a single one. Most of them love it. You think men are the intended audience for Drag Race? You think men are the ones dragging their partners to drag brunches? You accuse liberals of being virtue signaling snowflakes but that's exactly you here. Women think the activity honors them. They don't think it's ridiculing or belittling. Maybe you should talk to some before feigning outrage in their name.
Wrong again. (There is a theme here.)

Every woman i know, except maybe 1, sees it for what it is and how i described it. Your attitude regarding this today, would have been the same attitude accepting black face back in the day.

But i know of ZERO women that sees these clowns (and i do mean clowns) as honoring them.
Congrats. Do you glow in the dark?
No. I don't live in the 14th century where ignorance, fear, and superstition rule my simple peasant life. We know things. We've progressed as a species. I could choose to live in a mud hut and throw rocks at fish to feed myself, then apply leeches to myself if I got sick. Those are all things I could do, but then I'd be an idiot that turned his back on knowledge.

We make a bargain with people that know more than we do in all our daily lives. We trust the pilot can fly the plane, we trust the doctor to do our surgery, we trust the engineers that the bridge I am driving over doesn't fall.

You can turn your back on all those people and do your own google research. Fly your own plane after a few quick YouTube videos. Pile the family in and give it a shot. Cut right into yourself after reading a couple medical books as surgery can't be that tough. Build your own stick bridge over the Grand Canyon and trot right over it with your backpack.

There are a lot of things you can "research" yourself so please, by all means, don't restrict yourself to mere vaccine science and medicine. Apply your google brilliance in everything you do. I look forward to how that turns out. Thanks!
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Ask him if his monkey pox is better?
I'm not in the risk group associated with monkey pox that's why it wasn't listed on the shots I posted I have gotten in the last 3 years. If I were then I would certainly get the shot as I'd be a fool not to. Imagine getting sick and dying of something you could have simply gotten a shot for and not had to worry about it?

Lot of laughing ignoramuses played the odds and didn't get the COVID shot and wound up dying alone begging for their family to forgive their stupidity. Oh they wanted that shot but it was too late, then. They died begging and alone. The tough guy act didn't work for some reason in the ICU? I'm sure the family that was evicted from their home and put out in the street because they lost their provider was proud of how tough they were in being too tough for a little pinprick though. They sit around in the alley with the hoboes and tell stories about how brave their dad was.
Y'all are sitting here straight-faced questioning his economic academic credentials when he literally invented the word capitalism. Nobody, including Marx, preaches we should through brute force enforce equal outcome, equal resources communism tomorrow. If they do they're an idiot. But attaching all actions of authoritarian governments to their economic systems is ridiculous. If socialism gets every Mao and Stalin death then capitalism gets every death from something relatively small like today's problem of late diagnoses or insurance denials due to lack of universal healthcare, all the way back to the genocidal exploitation of entire races and continents for profit. Everything from the exploitation of the natural resources in all of the Americas, Africa, Australia, and Asia by Europe; to the atrocities committed to attain them from the natives; to the American chattel enslavement of an entire race just to profit from the whips on their backs; to the European wars of expansion that killed millions; to the toxic pollution of our environment for the sake of profit margins; to the imperialist corporate wars where young people fought and died to line the pockets of a select few and maintain their hegemony; to food insecurity, poverty, lack of mental healthcare, drug addiction, and homelessness in our own communities like Appalachia, Detroit, Mississippi, and San Francisco. Capitalism gets it all.
No. I don't live in the 14th century where ignorance, fear, and superstition rule my simple peasant life. We know things. We've progressed as a species. I could choose to live in a mud hut and throw rocks at fish to feed myself, then apply leeches to myself if I got sick. Those are all things I could do, but then I'd be an idiot that turned his back on knowledge.

We make a bargain with people that know more than we do in all our daily lives. We trust the pilot can fly the plane, we trust the doctor to do our surgery, we trust the engineers that the bridge I am driving over doesn't fall.

You can turn your back on all those people and do your own google research. Fly your own plane after a few quick YouTube videos. Pile the family in and give it a shot. Cut right into yourself after reading a couple medical books as surgery can't be that tough. Build your own stick bridge over the Grand Canyon and trot right over it with your backpack.

There are a lot of things you can "research" yourself so please, by all means, don't restrict yourself to mere vaccine science and medicine. Apply your google brilliance in everything you do. I look forward to how that turns out. Thanks!

To an extent…

Funny thing about today is, people will read 246 Amazon reviews about a toaster but none about the surgeon getting ready to drill a cm away from their spinal cord.

Nothing wrong with being informed and weighing pros and cons especially when there’s possibility of high risk involved.

Blind faith is for Jesus. Not for airlines w bad reps, the bay bridge when it wasn’t structurally sound, a vaccine that’s killed 32k+ US citizens, or a pharmaceutical company that has paid out more in judgments than any business in the history of the world.
To an extent…

Funny thing about today is, people will read 246 Amazon reviews about a toaster but none about the surgeon getting ready to drill a cm away from their spinal cord.

Nothing wrong with being informed and weighing pros and cons especially when there’s possibility of high risk involved.

Blind faith is for Jesus. Not for airlines w bad reps, the bay bridge when it wasn’t structurally sound, a vaccine that’s killed 32k+ US citizens, or a pharmaceutical company that has paid out more in judgments than any business in the history of the world.
I can go out and get a withering amount of statistics about how many people die from hospital mistakes every year. About bad doctors and nurses that kill people by accident or design. About the dangerous bacteria and illness people get from hospital visits.

Guess what? If I get sick I am going to the hospital. period. Know why? Because that's the best chance I have.

You can always find something to conspire about if somebody is looking to do it or more likely make someone else afraid of it, but the system we have now where physicians, scientists, lawyers, engineers... all our licensed people, all our institutions, all our Governments... while imperfect as they are manned by fallible people, still represent the fairest best chance that any human in history has ever had so I'm siding with those people. Warts and all.

Want to feel better about your country? Listen to immigrants talk about what it is like to be here. Want to feel safer and better about the COVID shots you are afraid of? Look over at China that has refused Western vaccines and instead attempted to develop their own or reengineer ours and steal it.

Imperfect as it is, I still feel sad for you that you fail to realize how great you have it or what a wonderful country you live in.