How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I guess that's my fault for asking ymmot (or whomever it was) to clarify which "moe" he was accusing Sobecat of being. All I kept reading was him accusing Sobe of "being moe" . . . so I was like . . . okay, which one? Based on your feedback I'm going with TeachableMoe.
That wasn't me. I was saying that sobe was not teachablemoe.

Where is that old sack?

As a matter of fact, where are all those liberal blow hards? Jamo, Z, Moe, Albany(showed his face to cry racism).....copkilla?

Amazing how a power change makes them crawl under a rock.
I wonder if he still wants to get rid of that department.

That was pretty funny actually. He'll do well, but man, that was a career killer. Especially for a conservative where scrutiny is a must. Community organizer in chief even got a pass on terrorist ties.
Shannon has always been better. I don't get the fascination with Kelly. Not even close to the hottest host and is annoying as hell.

Host I'd rather see on Megyns show

Jenna "Lee File"




The Shannon "Bream file"


Ainsley "Earhard File"




And whoever the hell this is "file"




Damn Fox, blowing it missing this one ^

Anyway, all would be better than the slut Kelly.

Not even close. Does she even have an upper lip anymore?
I vote for Earhard......that's a Boone & Crockett rack for sure
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That wasn't me. I was saying that sobe was not teachablemoe.

yessir. as in, that is what you were saying . . . he "was not". still, I think for the page or so I was reading the only username being tossed around was "moe" without anything to further distinguish . . . so I asked which one. I now have my answer: Some think Sobe is "teachableMOE". You do not. The scrutiny does not apply to "moeschmoe" who obviously wants to drink a dozen power caffeine sodas and kick my ass. :boxing:
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So what exactly are we thinking Russia did? I mean did they somehow get into voter machines and change votes?

You know what I think they did.......I think they scared the shit out of very powerful people who would have rigged the election. Once those emails started dropping they were scared to death of somehow being caught and then the Feds/clintons/Dems all bought into Hilliary would win regardless and then she didn't because they didn't fix it.

That's what I honestly think really happened.

Oh and BTW I love the fact that dropping emails no one has come out and said were false is now a bad thing that we know too much about the DNC and Hiliary. It was all true! WTF did you want America to do with that info?
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Oh and BTW I'm no fan of tillerson but the Dems really hate him so I'm reconsidering.
So what exactly are we thinking Russia did? I mean did they somehow get into voter machines and change votes?

You know what I think they did.......I think they scared the shit out of very powerful people who would have rigged the election. Once those emails started dropping they were scared to death of somehow being caught and then the Feds/clintons/Dems all bought into Hilliary would win regardless and then she didn't because they didn't fix it.

That's what I honestly think really happened.

Oh and BTW I love the fact that dropping emails no one has come out and said were false is now a bad thing that we know too much about the DNC and Hiliary. It was all true! WTF did you want America to do with that info?

I seriously, seriously, believe this is a possibility. The dems are way more upset than usual. I could easily see a situation where they were trying to rig something and Russia or someone caught on, or even a potential leak instead of a hack. Liberals have been dirty for a very long time. Their whole system in the primaries just proves it.

Probably figured eh....why risk it when she's gonna win anyway. The whole governments been corrupt under Obama, I have no reason to believe the CIA and other intelligence agencies haven't been compromised. This is probably why trump is saying what he's saying.

I just want it over and him in the Oval Office. I don't trust tyrannical democrats and they will steal it from the people if they can.

SIAP but I loved the message that was sent to that loser Obama. It's encouraging to see that we still have some young people with balls. I just hope we have enough of them to save us. All these liberal assholes running their mouths about white supremacists supporting Trump never mention that he also has the overwhelming support of both the military and Law enforcement. That speaks volumes to me. Nothing worse than a commander in chief who doesn't support the men & women who put their lives on the line for God and Country. I read that this crowd was also poking fun at the snowflake millennial pussies who peed their panties and needed therapy.

Those 2 professors are perfect examples of the negative influence that is responsible for the decline of our younger generation. They are brainwashing them with all the new age bullshit that turns them into such pussies. It's no wonder they are acting like babies. Treat them like babies and that is exactly what they will be. So many of them are too lazy to work and just want to sit around smoking pot and playing video games. Then when they get bored with that they can take to the street and destroy the property of hard working people, all the while demanding more free stuff. These same people then think they have the right to decide who should be their president over the hard working people who have already spoken on the matter.
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yessir. as in, that is what you were saying . . . he "was not". still, I think for the page or so I was reading the only username being tossed around was "moe" without anything to further distinguish . . . so I asked which one. I now have my answer: Some think Sobe is "teachableMOE". You do not. The scrutiny does not apply to "moeschmoe" who obviously wants to drink a dozen power caffeine sodas and kick my ass. :boxing:
[laughing] No worries, buddy, you're all good with me. I knew you meant nothing by it and was only asking for clarification between the two moes.

Was just having a laugh, giving you a little flak. Now I see you're doing the same in return. Makes me like you even more. Good times.
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Just.....lemme....if I might....real quick...

Listening to the Jimmy Dore show, and TYT, I just can't get enough.

These idiots actually believe they lost this election because, wait for it....


I take it back. Democrats are not the dumbest people on planet earth. Progressive liberals take that title by a mile.

How GD stupid do you have to be to think policies of the progressive movement are what you need to save yourself? I mean, Obama might have enhanced the NSA, shit on habeas corpus, pushed for TPP, and been a war hawk(in the mind of a pussy progressive), but literally everything else about the guy was PROGRESSIVE. Socially it didn't get any more progressive, and people REJECTED THE SHIT.

Progressive policies such as, I don't know, telling people they are a homophobe for not wanting their GD daughter taking a piss next to a dude in a GD dress? Cynk, Jimmy, those kinds of progressive ideas? How about the thought of progressive open borders? You don't think that scared the shit out of common Americans? Americans who drive trucks, have lawn businesses, work in manufacturing and would be directly impacted by your crazy ass progressive ideas on immigration?

How about painting the GD white house in gay rainbow? How about progressive ideas such as stripping religious rights of free businesses? How about, ya know, pushing for weapons bans on guns that kill LESS THAN 2% OF ALL MURDERS PER YEAR? That, coincidentally, happen to be the only weapons that could possibly deter our government moving tyrannical?

People didn't vote for trump because your party wasn't far enough to "the left", they didn't vote for you because they're sick and tired of having your labels, your agenda, your ignorance shoved down their throat and out their ass while all they want is a recognizable country for their f'ing children and a job not threatened by what you see as future "brown" voters for your european and globalist cause you sick F***.

Oh if we had just ran Bernie! You mean the socialist? The guy who would add more debt than all presidents before him (even Obama) combined? The guy that independent budget commissions stated had no way of paying for 1/5th of his proposals? The guy the media didn't check because he had no way of winning and the leftist media was terrified of running off kid voters? THAT'S why his polling wasn't at 5%. No one had the info on him yet. You mean that guy?

These guys are morons.They are so ideological they have no idea what reality looks like.

The Dems ran Hillary because they had inside polling showing the country was sick and tired of PROGRESSIVISM. They knew what you don't understand. And hell, they only got a semi dose of it under Obama, and your answer is to go FULL RETARD LEFTIST on them? You think people want MORE Progressive health care? More progressive media? More progressive social issues? More anti-religious statesman? More progressive social agenda's? More? That's your answer to nearly 1,000 lost seats, 12 governorships, and 11? senate seats under our first semi socialist and progressive president?

Democrats in this thread, please, do us a favor. Keep doing this. Keep being blinded by your ideology and faith in failed systems of government. Keep the blinders on and go full retard in '20. We are counting on you.

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I look forward to the day that Soros kicks the bucket. He's the most evil person on the planet.

As for morg's post, the left is indeed crazy as hell. They have no self awareness or concept of reality, which is one of the consequences of surrounding yourself in group-think and in an echo chamber.

Every day, people are bombarded with the left's insanity and new outrage or PC bullshit. Every day, they get one-sided news. They get businesses pandering to these views so they don't get any bad press from the liberal media. They get Hollywood movies pushing the same agenda disguised as entertainment. They get to see libs freak out and riot and destroy properties. They hear the victim complex and constant cries allf of the time.

The left overplayed their hand. Those not brainwashed, will reject being beaten over the head with constant exposure to your bullying and ideology.

Seriously, liken it to someone who constantly tells you that you need to watch a show every GD time they see you and this is followed by advertisements or something for the same show. You'd be pretty turned off.

"Oh, bro, you have to watch The Wire (Insert Mad Men or Game of Thrones here). It's the best show ever. I want to talk to you about it for hours about how awesome it is, bro."
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Sean Spicer rips MSNBC host. Fireworks at 4:40

To the leftist and media, this administration isn't going to pander to you and put up with you your bullshit. This isn't the party of Bush's, where we lie down and take it up the crapper. They are out to expose and dispose you and your fake news organizations.

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Sean Spicer rips MSNBC host. Fireworks at 4:40

To the leftist and media, this administration isn't going to pander to you and put up with you your bullshit. This isn't the party of Bush's, where we lie down and take it up the crapper. They are out to expose and dispose you and your fake news organizations.

I sincerely hope so. Long time coming.
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Austin. Just be thankful that you got to live during this time. In 50 to 100 years this country will be unrecognizable and a 100% Orwellian society.

Liberal elite. So smart. So smug. So stupid. No insight into their own flaws. Deadly mixture for future of the human race. My only hope is for humans to get off this rock and maybe find Utopia. But Utopia won't last long, because there will be a power, money, sucking, greedy leech like Hillary Clinton that will ruin it for everyone.
Austin. Just be thankful that you got to live during this time. In 50 to 100 years this country will be unrecognizable and a 100% Orwellian society.

Liberal elite. So smart. So smug. So stupid. No insight into their own flaws. Deadly mixture for future of the human race. My only hope is for humans to get off this rock and maybe find Utopia. But Utopia won't last long, because there will be a power, money, sucking, greedy leech like Hillary Clinton that will ruin it for everyone.
Totally agree with the future Orwellian angle, bro. It appears we continue moving closer to this target daily.
Hes an oil man, thats why libs hate him lol. Personally I like the pick, hes a very good deal maker, and that's what Trump likes. On top of that, hes not anti American like Hillary and Kerry were. Tillerson will be fighting for Americas interests.

Maybe so but the last oil man we had in politics had us in Iraq and gas at $4 a gallon. I don't trust oil people at all.

Haven't you seen there will be blood? That's what I see when I hear oil man.
If you want some laughs. Obama plays race card while plugging advisor's book. They say racist America stopped Barry from governing. That's a simple fact. Duh.

This stuff is why I have no respect for that man. Because I'm racist and from the south.

And I don't get why he's doing this. Approval at all time high, in media leftist fake news circles that run the news, he will always be considered an amazing president. One of the best. He was black, gave healthcare to the people. Saved the earth. Won peace prize. It's almost like they don't believe all these great things when they continue with the excuses and wild accusations like "racists stopped Obama from governing". Nobody stopped that man from doing whatever he pleased.

I have no idea what Vox is, but it was RT on my twitter and it trolled me good. Good job fake news.
You want fake news, Fine!!!!

Obama approval ratings through the roof........that's as fake as it gets folks!

Jesus H Christ who believes this stuff when in fact America just elected a person screaming he would destroy everything obama did and America came out and supported him.......not only did we support him we did not support someone riding his coat tails........

Approve that MFers!!!!
Obama really said America hasn't overcame slavery? What a freaking nutjob. Pack your bags you crazy POS and leave office already.
MLB should just move their locker rooms to Target. Its ok for a man to be a woman there.

I finally saw this issue come to light at the airport the other day. A dude, who went a good 6'4 275 was dressed up as a woman and was looking at which bathroom he should go into. He started laughing and went into the men's. If going to the bathroom of their specific sex is that big of an issue, this guy didn't show it. Unbelievable that the left made this an issue.