How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Of course I wouldn't imply that all of them are. Some are just plain backwoods stupid.

Better than Chicago tight jeans SJW food stamp free loaders.

See how that works?

Try walking down your street not getting shot today, and when you make it, leave my guns out of it. They've got nothing to do with your corrupt and criminal city.
Better than Chicago tight jeans SJW food stamp free loaders.

See how that works?

Try walking down your street not getting shot today, and when you make it, leave my guns out of it. They've got nothing to do with your corrupt and criminal city.

LOL wtf are you talking about dude?



The truth is, and Obama knows this, his approval rating means one of two realities.

1. He's black. This country does feel some responsibility to see that our first black president isn't demolished like a typical politician. Once we have a few more, it won't be as big of a deal.

2. The approval rating pollsters are as far off as the elections.

I personally think it's a combination, and Obama knows it, that's why he continues his racist rants. He wants to guilt America into seeing his time in a positive light.

However, common sense shows that while America was dealing with him in any way they could stomach, they were voting everyone, and I mean everyone around him out of office, literally. That's the story.
Its number 2. No way is his approval rating nearly 60 percent. Even many libs don't like him anymore. His real approval rating is probably about what W's was. Somewhere around 25-35 percent.
I think some moron in this thread even said Texas was in play. I don't remember which retarded leftist said it though
You're pretty worked up about all this.

If you take into consideration the level of consternation caused by the FBI, faulty voting machines, state voting mistakes, the Russians, Assange, fake news, racism, homophobia and several others...I'd say the libs are more than just a little worked up these days.

And next time, be a little more specific about calling people racist homophobes. Blanket stereotypes are their own version of bigotry.
I think some moron in this thread even said Texas was in play. I don't remember which retarded leftist said it though

Lol the young Turks kept saying that nonsense. MSNBC has been talking about Texas being purple for 10 years.

It's one of the main reasons they want amnesty for illegal aliens. They think it will flip Texas.

It's why I only refer to modern democrats as the treason lobby.
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Its number 2. No way is his approval rating nearly 60 percent. Even many libs don't like him anymore. His real approval rating is probably about what W's was. Somewhere around 25-35 percent.

I agree. I think it's both though.

I mean, when common decent white and non political Americans are told over and over, if you don't like Obama it's because you're racist, it has a tendency to intill fear of admitting the truth.

I believe the polls are way off, and probably around 40%. Take away the race fear mongering, and just make it purely about policy, it's probably 15-20%
If you take into consideration the level of consternation caused by the FBI, faulty voting machines, state voting mistakes, the Russians, Assange, fake news, racism, homophobia and several others...I'd say the libs are more than just a little worked up these days.

And next time, be a little more specific about calling people racist homophobes. Blanket stereotypes are their own version of bigotry.

Well put. But no, I think I will stick to my blanket stereotype on this one.
It was a bold strategy this past election, WCW. Let's see if it pays off for you in 2020.

For "me"? No, it won't. I'm not your typical lib. I'm a white, middle aged straight male with a decent job (at a casino no less). Hell, I even own a couple guns. My lot in life will probably improve under a Trump presidency. Doesn't mean I'm willing to overlook the fact that he's a white nationalist xenophobe who isn't qualified for the job on any level.

But **** it. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the show.
not sure if it has been mentioned, but the San Fran mayor is doubling down on the sanctuary city crap. said today that all 40,000 or so that are in his city should have taxpayer mind you legal representation at their deportation hearings. a city and state that is the nations leader in debt and entitlement spending wants more tax payer dollars for illegals. but wants to snub his nose at the federal govt. where exactly are those dollars going to come from? we should cut all these cities off. let them fend for themselves
My favorite Obama stat:

"After eight years of the Obama presidency, Democrats hold fewer elective offices than at any time since the 1920s."

He has left that national party in ruins. And they are still clinging bitterly to a beat up copy of The Emerging Democratic Majority in one hand and a bunch of demographic data in the other.....
For "me"? No, it won't. I'm not your typical lib. I'm a white, middle aged straight male with a decent job (at a casino no less). Hell, I even own a couple guns. My lot in life will probably improve under a Trump presidency. Doesn't mean I'm willing to overlook the fact that he's a white nationalist xenophobe who isn't qualified for the job on any level.

But **** it. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the show.

hmmm, regurgitating everything you hear on your morning shows. keep doubling down on what lost the election. please please do. should go on and add the communist socialist revolution democratic party for 2020. that should help. at least it would be the first honest thing to come from the \DNC.
hmmm, regurgitating everything you hear on your morning shows. keep doubling down on what lost the election. please please do. should go on and add the communist socialist revolution democratic party for 2020. that should help. at least it would be the first honest thing to come from the \DNC.

If you werent such a moron, you might see the irony in throwing the communist card out there, considering you just elected Putin's Bitch to be our president.
For "me"? No, it won't. I'm not your typical lib. I'm a white, middle aged straight male with a decent job (at a casino no less). Hell, I even own a couple guns. My lot in life will probably improve under a Trump presidency. Doesn't mean I'm willing to overlook the fact that he's a white nationalist xenophobe who isn't qualified for the job on any level.

But **** it. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the show.
Look at this white nationalist