How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I can't handle listening to / watching Hannity...but to his credit, the guy is an absolute spider monkey. Just relentless.

"stop the hiillary express" - 2008 on the daily.

"the alt-left" movement. - 2016 on the daily.

"radicial leftist professor in cheif Barry Obama" - 2010-2011

Not a lizard, but definitely artificial intelligence.
He does have that perfect TV newsman look.
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I have to say, at least Bill gets it right some of the time and calls the left what they are. Being a New Yorker and media person I don't expect much, but as far as rating them in a general sense, he's at the top of the list of credible people imo.

He lost a huge amount of points from me on his gun rant at one time, but I never heard him say it again after he was swarmed with email.

"no fair minded person needs an AK".

I emailed him and explained how wrong he is. I'm fair minded and own 6 AK and variants.

Like I said, he's a north east guy so I don't expect much, especially on guns.

Bill colluding with the clintons? I don't think thats accurate is it?
I'll let you make your mind up on it.


He was lobbying for access to the clinton campaign openly for over a year. I'm not sure exactly what I was reading but I'm sure it had something to do with it. Toward the end of the election he was calling her a flat out liar for promising to come on and then reneging on that promise.

I'm not a genius but I have a hard time believing O'reilly was trying to gain access and spin her in a good light. He's very anti-clintons.
"no fair minded person needs an AK".

I emailed him and explained how wrong he is. I'm fair minded and own 6 AK and variants.

I knew I liked you for a reason. Everyone I know who own guns regardless of the kind are upstanding dependable people. I do not own an AK but, would if I wanted one. I have plenty of guns around the house and am buying one next week for my 11 year old daughter for Christmas. Going to the local gun shop/range and teach her how to use it.
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And how much did each vote cost the tax payers?

it's 2016. The treason Lobby would just suggest printing more notes as needed.

I'm extreme though, because I believe in the gold standard. Nixon had more right than wrong.

Md you're a good dude, and even though we've had it out over Matt Jones when I was S&C, I still think you're on a good path.

But how in the hell do you listen to that liberal blow hard and not tune it out?:D
"no fair minded person needs an AK".

I emailed him and explained how wrong he is. I'm fair minded and own 6 AK and variants.

I knew I liked you for a reason. Everyone I know who own guns regardless of the kind are upstanding dependable people. I do not own an AK but, would if I wanted one. I have plenty of guns around the house and am buying one next week for my 11 year old daughter for Christmas. Going to the local gun shop/range and teach her how to use it.

Great minds think alike. Gun owners are the most productive and law abiding citizens on planet earth. I own many firearms, and honestly I've turned into a single issue voter, second amendment rights.

Any idea on what type of weapon you'll be purchasing your daughter? First one?
It's easy to say you'll burn D.C. to the ground if they steal this election but what will you really do?

Most of us are law abiding citizens and would probably piss and moan but would not take violent actions. They might be counting on that.
It's easy to say you'll burn D.C. to the ground if they steal this election but what will you really do?

Most of us are law abiding citizens and would probably piss and moan but would not take violent actions. They might be counting on that.

the worse they act, the better. The media helped aid the lunatic leftist treason lobby in their ultimate destruction.

Burn it, lose again, and again, and again. Throw up a BLM sign while you're at it.
It's easy to say you'll burn D.C. to the ground if they steal this election but what will you really do?

Most of us are law abiding citizens and would probably piss and moan but would not take violent actions. They might be counting on that.

It's a scary thought. But I would just tell everyone to refuse to pay taxes.
That's bullshit advice. The IRS will burn the ass of anyone not paying their taxes. Ever seen an IRS wage garnishment? They are brutal.

Yea but I'm speaking in terms of everyone stops. Not just a few people.

The IRS can't lock up every American that voted Trump. Think that is a better way to revolt than burning a building down. Although that would be fun to.
I think you would see large protests and mass work stoppages. Basically, shut down the country. Virtually everyone in Congress not in a 90% ultra-liberal demographic would be pounded unmercifully with calls, protests, etc. Our military and law enforcement seemingly voted more for Trump than Hillary, (although I'm struggling to find exact polling data.) If that's true, I don't see them coming down hard on protestors and/or rushing to defend Obama's dictates.

At some point, Congress would have to decide on whether to support Obama's dictate of who is in power or face an electorate that would force immediate impeachment charges.

I also think the silent majority's gloves would come off when dealing with snowflakes and Clinton supporters. It would get real ugly real fast on a personal level for many Americans when they realized just how angry and direct their friends, business associates and family members would become when faced with such BS.

I would be interested to see polling data for those who are employed and work 40+ hours a week. Those living off the government tit may have a rude awakening when those who work for a living shut down for a week or two.

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Yea but I'm speaking in terms of everyone stops. Not just a few people.

The IRS can't lock up every American that voted Trump. Think that is a better way to revolt than burning a building down. Although that would be fun to.
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Something would have to happen. Sitting here pissing and moaning about it wouldn't change a thing. It would be time to form a resistance. We may need to do it sometime in the future anyway, as I'm sure the left will try a bunch of crazy shit during a Trump administration.
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How the West was won....the lesser of two evils.

In exit polls, 18 per cent of voters identified themselves as negative toward both major party candidates. Political scientist Michael Barone calls these “double negative” voters.

Even so, 78 per cent of them reported having voted for one of the two – again, it’s a two-party country. What’s surprising is how they divided: 49 per cent for Mr. Trump, only 29 per cent for Ms. Clinton. Mr. Barone calculates that had these voters divided evenly, Ms. Clinton would have won the swing states and therefore the election.
Didn't I read that in Detroit, or the county there, that thousands of people voted for everything but the president? That was a sticking point with Green Party Stein and the dems who couldn't understand why if someone didn't vote for Donald, they wouldn't vote for Hillary. They can't understand just how bad Hillary is and would be for this country.
Michael Moore is getting far too much credit for predicting a trump win. He's been acting as if it was something other than a guess and a way to counter the media narrative that helped suppress treason lobby voter turnout.

Oh look, used the same fear tactic in 2012.

“I think people should start to practice the words ‘President Romney,' - Michael Moore 2012

It's annoying watching that fat ass parade around pretending to be some sort of enlightened theorist that predicted something no one else did. Yea Michael, you're a member of a bubble community that was so out of touch they couldn't dream of an opposing scenario, and you were nothing more than a man shedding doubt in an attempt to rally voters "just in case".

Is he getting his healthcare in Cuba yet? I wish he would, can't get him in a grave soon enough.
Great minds think alike. Gun owners are the most productive and law abiding citizens on planet earth. I own many firearms, and honestly I've turned into a single issue voter, second amendment rights.

Any idea on what type of weapon you'll be purchasing your daughter? First one?
.22 pistol until I think she can handle a larger caliber. She has just turned 11 and at 12, the day cares here will not take them anymore. She will be riding the bus home and waiting for both the wife and me to get home about an hour later from work. I want her to be well versed in handling one by that time.
That's bullshit advice. The IRS will burn the ass of anyone not paying their taxes. Ever seen an IRS wage garnishment? They are brutal.
There are thousands upon thousands who have not paid who have not even been touched.
.22 pistol until I think she can handle a larger caliber. She has just turned 11 and at 12, the day cares here will not take them anymore. She will be riding the bus home and waiting for both the wife and me to get home about an hour later from work. I want her to be well versed in handling one by that time.

Great learning pistol. When my son turns 4 in a year and a half I think I'll start him on a Ruger 10-22. So he can learn loading magazines and form. I can't wait. I was loading up on entry level AR-15's just in case a ban hit for the kids later in life. Finally get to slow down and purchase at a normal rate. One per month instead of one every two weeks.
They are not going to steal the Election.

Once the 2nd Amendment is repealed all bets are off.

They would love to steal it. Would if they could.

McCain and Graham are pathetic.
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They are not going to steal the Election.

Once the 2nd Amendment is repealed all bets are off.

They would love to steal it. Would if they could.

McCain and Graham are pathetic.

They will see a revolution if they try and repeal the second amendment. I've even seen liberal think tanks that run polls showing 70% of liberals don't want that. The problem comes in "types" of weapons. The damn morons want the weapons that stand between their freedoms and tyrannical governments banned.

I'm continuing to buy scary black rapid fire rifles over the next 4 years like they're going out of style.

I'm hoping Cruz gets appointed to the SCOTUS and Thomas goes on and retires so we can fill his seat with someone younger. Then that old bag RBG bites it and we flip that seat. The second amendment would be good for our lifetime. Only thing to worry about then is executive order under some lunatic democrat to bring back the "assault weapons" ban.
You just about almost owed me a new keyboard with your new moniker. Outstanding.

I'd have that b**** in solitary confinement if it were up to me.

Trump kinda pissin me off going the route of a bush and backing off. Illegal is illegal. Criminal acts are criminal acts. So sick of these politicians not playing by the rules.

Sessions better do his job and do his own investigation. Gowdy will be on it, that we know.

Speaking of Gowdy, is he the shit or what? When someone starts spinning you can see it in his eyes.....

Gowdy mode activated.

Sorry if this has been brought up and I missed it.

I think Jill Stein pulled a brilliant move. For her.

At first I thought it was just about the money. But now i think she has started a 2020 campaign way early and has already gotten more pubicity and name recognition that she has ever gotten before. She could have never raised enough money for all of this free "ad time."

I think she is positioning herself to be Bernie Sanders in 2020.
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