How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Sorry if this has been brought up and I missed it.

I think Jill Stein pulled a brilliant move. For her.

At first I thought it was just about the money. But now i think she has started a 2020 campaign way early and has already gotten more pubicity and name recognition that she has ever gotten before. She could have never raised enough money for all of this free "ad time."

I think she is positioning herself to be Bernie Sanders in 2020.

So she'll go from 3% of the vote to 3.8%?

Bernie's movement was largely a myth. a large portion of his supporters don't even vote, they're just loud. The media gave him a free pass because they knew he had no shot.

Make him the nominee, and allow the uninformed to understand who he really is, and he would have been buried far worse than Clinton. If the Dems really thought he could win, they wouldn't have sabotaged his campaign. As we saw with him backing hillary, he's another corrupt politician, he just happens to have a semi-populist message. A true populist would never endorse an elitist free trade career corrupt politician like Hillary.

If he ever had the media eye on him for even a second, he'd fall hard. The guy's socialist views have no merit. He couldn't fund 1/10th of his vision.

So Stein can go ahead and take the Bernie vote, it won't do her any good.
lol at Stein running in 2020.

Do it lol

On the Democratic ticket.......

"DO IT.....DO IT......LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME......DO IT....

I will personally write you a campaign check now, on behalf of this country which does not want you to be president, but which badly wants you to run" - John Oliver on Trump candidicy

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On the Democratic ticket.......

"DO IT.....DO IT......LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME......DO IT....

I will personally write you a campaign check now, on behalf of this country which does not want you to be president, but which badly wants you to run" - John Oliver on Trump candidicy


That lib can eat a dick. I ****ing can't stand him.
That lib can eat a dick. I ****ing can't stand him.

Hollywood import? ✔️
Smart guy glasses? ✔️
British accent?✔️
Seersucker suits?✔️
Liberal audience that laughs at bubble talk?✔️

Yup.....the worst of the worst.
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I want to kill a liberal right now. I don't give a shit if Russia hacked the DNC.

It had absolutely nothing to do with who voted for who. In fact it proved what a POS Clinton and Democrats are and did help Trump.

But guess what, the American people saw the Truth and made a decision on the facts.
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I want to kill a liberal right now. I don't give a shit if Russia hacked the DNC.

It had absolutely nothing to do with who voted for who. In fact it proved what a POS Clinton and Democrats are and did help Trump.

But guess what, the American people saw the Truth and made a decision on the facts.

The media and the left are really pissing me off too. This wouldn't even be a topic if that wench would have won.
Liberals are just filthy. Complete hypocrites. I could be liberal in thought and I'd still never vote for that scummy treason lobby known as demorats.

This is such a non story. The media needs to face a revolution head on. Keep it up leftist, you'll be in for a dude awakening if you even try to steal an election.
Liberals are just filthy. Complete hypocrites. I could be liberal in thought and I'd still never vote for that scummy treason lobby known as demorats.

This is such a non story. The media needs to face a revolution head on. Keep it up leftist, you'll be in for a dude awakening if you even try to steal an election.

RACK. At one time in my life I was a Democrat, but the party left me, so I left them. Then went to Republican party and then they left me, so I left them, I am now a non-affiliated.
Is it illegal to piss on a grave? Because like Muslims travel to Mecca, I one day will travel to piss on Harry Reid's tombstone.

If I could get close enough to that weasel, I'd piss on him alive, then dare him to do anything about it. If ever there was one human that I would love to slap that smugness off his face, it is Harry.
Who are your top 5 most hated politicians? Heres my list in no order.

1. Obama
2. Paul Ryan
3. Harry Reid
4. Hillary Clinton
5. Chuck Schumer
Hire this chick tonight hosting Kelly file. Way better.

Shannon has always been better. I don't get the fascination with Kelly. Not even close to the hottest host and is annoying as hell.

Host I'd rather see on Megyns show

Jenna "Lee File"




The Shannon "Bream file"


Ainsley "Earhard File"




And whoever the hell this is "file"




Damn Fox, blowing it missing this one ^

Anyway, all would be better than the slut Kelly.

Not even close. Does she even have an upper lip anymore?
Who are your top 5 most hated politicians? Heres my list in no order.

1. Obama
2. Paul Ryan
3. Harry Reid
4. Hillary Clinton
5. Chuck Schumer

No way you hate Ryan over Reid, Clinton, Pelosi, Ellison, Cummings etc.....No way.......

I'm sure you failed to think that one through, but point made.
Shannon has always been better. I don't get the fascination with Kelly. Not even close to the hottest host and is annoying as hell.

Host I'd rather see on Megyns show

Jenna "Lee File"




The Shannon "Bream file"


Ainsley "Earhard File"




And whoever the hell this is "file"




Damn Fox, blowing it missing this one ^

Anyway, all would be better than the slut Kelly.

Not even close. Does she even have an upper lip anymore?

God dam I want some.
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No way you hate Ryan over Reid, Clinton, Pelosi, Ellison, Cummings etc.....No way.......

I'm sure you failed to think that one through, but point made.
Yeah, that list is pretty hard to make lol. Theres several others who could have made the list. Those were just the 5 that popped in my head.
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but does anyone else get nervous when they pass a Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Philippine etc female driver on the interstate?

Happened to me this morning. I pulled off and waited 10 minutes.

My sister in law is from Japan. She agrees with me every time, and so does her husband!

All I know is that I pound down about 6 thc energy drinks Friday night, get bouncing off the walls stoned, stay up all night and day until around 5pm Saturday afternoon, then finally crash, only to wake up seeing that @KopiKat thinks I could possibly be sobecat. Shit ain't right, I tell you.

I guess that's my fault for asking ymmot (or whomever it was) to clarify which "moe" he was accusing Sobecat of being. All I kept reading was him accusing Sobe of "being moe" . . . so I was like . . . okay, which one? Based on your feedback I'm going with TeachableMoe.
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As far as the Target thing goes, people need to file lawsuits if they catch a dude pissing next to their daughter in the bathroom. It would stop some of this nonsense.

I was President of the Republican Party at my first college, a community college, and we had a lawyer send a letter to the president informing them that if a killer shot up the campus, there would be lawsuits. They had "7 year prison" signs for anyone carrying a gun on school grounds, putting all of us at risk. And to top it off, this school had a previous shooting 5 years prior where a nursing student was shot in the arm.

We weren't allowed to carry, however, the signs were removed from the roads leading into campus the next week.

Conservatives and traditional nationalist Americans just don't play the game right. Far too silent. It's how the left makes so many gains.