How will they rule ??!

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Obama knows the jig is up. That's why he and the dems are freaking out.

He wanted to reshape the Supreme Court in the worst way, and he knows that party is over. I love the guy, but C. Thomas should retire to make sure we get to put a younger conservative on the bench for the next 20 years.

Then hopefully 2 of 3 retire during Trump's next term:
- Breyer
- Ginsburg
- Kennedy

We have to keep the senate in two years as well. It's set up very nicely for the GOP - PLEASE DON'T EFF THIS UP!
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Austin. Just be thankful that you got to live during this time. In 50 to 100 years this country will be unrecognizable and a 100% Orwellian society.

Liberal elite. So smart. So smug. So stupid. No insight into their own flaws. Deadly mixture for future of the human race. My only hope is for humans to get off this rock and maybe find Utopia. But Utopia won't last long, because there will be a power, money, sucking, greedy leech like Hillary Clinton that will ruin it for everyone.
Yeah we're so stupid we go around shooting guns at pizza joints because some blogger said they was some pedophiles!

How's that Star Wars boycott coming along? Did those meanies hurt your guys whittle feelwings? Weird how all these boycotts and lies come from those white nationalists you have nothing to do with. You just follow their 'news' to stay 'informed' right? Need to work on that whole critical thinking thing.

50 to 100 years? Try 4.
Yeah we're so stupid we go around shooting guns at pizza joints because some blogger said they was some pedophiles!

How's that Star Wars boycott coming along? Did those meanies hurt your guys whittle feelwings? Weird how all these boycotts and lies come from those white nationalists you have nothing to do with. You just follow their 'news' to stay 'informed' right? Need to work on that whole critical thinking thing.

50 to 100 years? Try 4.
I learned that from some smug journalist who was pointing out that Trump is "too busy for intel meetings" but has time to meet with "Yeezy".

Mf'er ain't our president yet! If you ain't heard, our current president and CIA believe the Russians hacked our election, so there's a possibility Trump won't be our president. Barry has a pretty important issue to deal with before he leaves office in over a month. What's he doing right now?
Obama knows the jig is up. That's why he and the dems are freaking out.

He wanted to reshape the Supreme Court in the worst way, and he knows that party is over. I love the guy, but C. Thomas should retire to make sure we get to put a younger conservative on the bench for the next 20 years.

Then hopefully 2 of 3 retire during Trump's next term:
- Breyer
- Ginsburg
- Kennedy

We have to keep the senate in two years as well. It's set up very nicely for the GOP - PLEASE DON'T EFF THIS UP!
No way any of the lib Justices retire during his presidency. We can only hope that their time expires naturally lol.
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Kanye trolling Jay-Z, y'alls need to pay attention cuz Jay-Z and the Russians trying to kill Kanye. Trump is cool with the russians and has more power to stop Jay-Z and his Russians.

Russians, Russians, Russians
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I learned that from some smug journalist who was pointing out that Trump is "too busy for intel meetings" but has time to meet with "Yeezy".

Mf'er ain't our president yet! If you ain't heard, our current president and CIA believe the Russians hacked our election, so there's a possibility Trump won't be our president. Barry has a pretty important issue to deal with before he leaves office in over a month. What's he doing right now?
current POTUS was playing spades during the OBL raid because he was bored. That journo should EAD.
Absolutely loving the implosion of the left right now. Nothing really else to say about it.

I am losing my breath from winning so much right now. Trump clowning the left, Paschal commits to UK, the list goes on and on and on....
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Yeah we're so stupid we go around shooting guns at pizza joints because some blogger said they was some pedophiles!

How's that Star Wars boycott coming along? Did those meanies hurt your guys whittle feelwings? Weird how all these boycotts and lies come from those white nationalists you have nothing to do with. You just follow their 'news' to stay 'informed' right? Need to work on that whole critical thinking thing.

50 to 100 years? Try 4.
Don't get upset, he was referring to the liberal elites. You are on the lower end, one of the mindless dumb whores that the elites gin up outrage for so you can do their bidding.
Yeah we're so stupid we go around shooting guns at pizza joints because some blogger said they was some pedophiles!

How's that Star Wars boycott coming along? Did those meanies hurt your guys whittle feelwings? Weird how all these boycotts and lies come from those white nationalists you have nothing to do with. You just follow their 'news' to stay 'informed' right? Need to work on that whole critical thinking thing.

50 to 100 years? Try 4.

I'm not boycotting Star Wars. Stereotype much you labelist?

Hillary rapes children so that must mean you're okay with child molestation. Sicko.
Oh and Cradkilla. Clinton News Network pushing the russian angle when it's been confirmed that Seth Rich was the leaker. Her own staff leaked it. She had him killed. She either had Erick Braverman killed or the FBI has him in safe keeping which is how they know 100% that the CIA is so full of shit that it could become it's own personal sewer.

Can't wait till the FBI exposes the CIA's part in the child trafficking ring. That's gonna be gooooooooooooood
Yeah we're so stupid we go around shooting guns at pizza joints because some blogger said they was some pedophiles!

How's that Star Wars boycott coming along? Did those meanies hurt your guys whittle feelwings? Weird how all these boycotts and lies come from those white nationalists you have nothing to do with. You just follow their 'news' to stay 'informed' right? Need to work on that whole critical thinking thing.

50 to 100 years? Try 4.
Thank you for the usual denunciation.

You are dismissed.
I mean, this is the right reaction if the claims are real. What the hell did he read / hear to piss him off so much?
Olbermann is perpetually pissed off. My Spideysense tells me he's eventually going to go stark raving mad. Will be caught running down Madison Avenue in Midtown Manhattan, naked, barking like a dog, yelling something unintelligible....
This was absolutely the greatest phuck u video I have seen in a long while. Thanks for sharing, Mr. Moe.

[laughing] That stupid son of a bitch had Trump to 80 EC votes. LOL.

SMH. That was gold. Somebody pays that dufus a lot of money to be that GD stupid? Shit, sign me up.
Absolutely loving the implosion of the left right now. Nothing really else to say about it.

I am losing my breath from winning so much right now. Trump clowning the left, Paschal commits to UK, the list goes on and on and on....

It's definitely a good time to be a racist homophobe. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Don't get upset, he was referring to the liberal elites. You are on the lower end, one of the mindless dumb whores that the elites gin up outrage for so you can do their bidding.

It would be funny if it weren't so damn insanely scary.
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If you're a participating citizen of Chicago, you're voting privileges should be revoked.

All this wild shit is happening in pos urban centers that cater to losers, tbh.

Yet, it's middle America's fault! Damn racist hilljack a are ruining our urban areas! Lmao.
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How many people connected to Trump were murdered or went missing during his campaign?

Just to put this in context @cardkilla

The clintons have had over 50, FIFTY, people connected to their political careers either go missing, commit suicide(?), be shot and killed, or found at the bottom of a river. Over 50.

Is this another conspiracy?

And please, go full progressive retard in '20. A Sanders type, or a Keith Ellison type.

Please make This even easier this time.
It's definitely a good time to be a racist homophobe. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Says the guy from one of the most pitiful areas on planet earth.

You can stop now btw. Liberal political talking points failed.

Maybe instead of calling the majority of common Americans homophobes and racist, try actually doing something meaningful for their vote. Obama won on that white guilt nonsense, he'll be the last one.
You want fake news, Fine!!!!

Obama approval ratings through the roof........that's as fake as it gets folks!

Jesus H Christ who believes this stuff when in fact America just elected a person screaming he would destroy everything obama did and America came out and supported him.......not only did we support him we did not support someone riding his coat tails........

Approve that MFers!!!!

The truth is, and Obama knows this, his approval rating means one of two realities.

1. He's black. This country does feel some responsibility to see that our first black president isn't demolished like a typical politician. Once we have a few more, it won't be as big of a deal.

2. The approval rating pollsters are as far off as the elections.

I personally think it's a combination, and Obama knows it, that's why he continues his racist rants. He wants to guilt America into seeing his time in a positive light.

However, common sense shows that while America was dealing with him in any way they could stomach, they were voting everyone, and I mean everyone around him out of office, literally. That's the story.
Regardless of whether you are a racist homophobe or a gay African-American, it's definitely a good time to be in the stock market right now. Dow is flirting with 20K today.
Maybe the libs could buy a clue with all of the new-found Trump profits.

IIRC its the 19th alltime high close since the election (assuming it holds today).
Looking back, it's hard to imagine this was reality, not parody. This guy was hyped up, as serious as it gets.

Any poll that showed Georgia was a +7 for Hillary is pure phony BS. How anyone could say that with a straight face and get people to believe it is amazing. We all knew the polls were bogus. We just didn't expect it to be as bogus as they turned out to be.

Just think of how awful Hillary is to lose that election.
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Look I think obama is a cool dude, but I also think hanging out with Billy Gillespie would be cool too!

Just do not think either was good at their job once they reached the top.......nothing personal. So GTFO now please before you ruin being a cool dude too