How will they rule ??!

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Reactions: jameslee32
Nothing I posted about that was political. The fact that you think it was is what is wrong with this country. Really, if you ask me, the fact you were so offended by it tells me everything I need to know. Most people in their right mind wouldn't agree to anything that harms a kid. But no, just shows you how brainwashed people have become by their identity politics, that common people can't come together on a topic like pedophilia, REGARDLESS OF YOUR POLITICS. Folks, if you are reading this, this just goes to show you that evil is winning, which that is what the puppet masters want. They want us to kill each other over a topic like pedophilia.
So i guess he does shop there?

Here is my opinion. I think the democrats want trump to run and get indicted. If he does get indicted his base will rise up and wins primary but not enough to beat the democrat machine for elections. Now if he does not get indicted and Desantis wins the primary they know they are screwed because they know Desantis has regean like characteristics and know they won’t have enough votes to beat him not matter how much they cheat
Agree with that: Trump not winning election.
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Breitbart reporting Trump invited Kayne West to Mar a Lago for dinner on Tuesday ...1) this is insanity by The Donald on this one -- WTH is he thinking ? The guy is a fruit loop / nut case / and evidently an antisemite .... So evidently Kenya brings with him a white nationalist dipshit and makes the story even more bizarre .. Trump isnt exhibiting a maturity about politics he should . Beyond terrible optics . FWIW Trump claims he didnt know the guy kanya brought with him ... 2) why is West running around with a guy that hates blacks ??
It's who Trump is. Never gonna change. But the cultists ignore it & think over half the country will vote for the DA. Collective insanity, but OK.
Asia (7.7 billion) and Africa (1.3 billion) are the most populated continents on earth. There is no way that you can raise all those impoverished third world nations close to US/European standards. There just aren't enough resources. You can promote birth control. Otherwise famine, war and disease are nature's effective ways of controlling population.
That's 9B people. You might to fact check those given earth has a mere 8B total.
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Barely a handful? The entire state of California is governed by one, as is Michigan and New York, and soon to be Arizona. Portland OR, Seattle, Lori Lightfoot and the city of Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington DC, better stop, my hands are pretty full already.
If you think the governors of MI, NY, and AZ are progressive you're going to be shocked when you actually meet one. Yeah Gretchen freaking Whitmer is a dirty commie. Of course.
Elon is going to give Ye' and Kyrie a run for their money on who is the biggest arse at losing money the fastest.