How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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If this election is overturned by a lie, its time for a revolution.
If that happens (which it won't) there is zero doubt that will happen. Folks are fed up with this crap and taking out large cities mainly in CA and NY, the majority of the country did not want Hillary or the progressive nut jobs in charge of the government another 8 years.
George will needs to be removed.

"We need to figure out how and why voters voted trump"

Completely insane. He's a statist and a globalist hack. Doing the bidding of the leftist treason lobby because he was ass raped all election cycle.


See the difference in a conservative constitutionalist and a typical leftist?we don't back filth because it conforms to certain ideas we happen believe in.
If that happens (which it won't) there is zero doubt that will happen. Folks are fed up with this crap and taking out large cities mainly in CA and NY, the majority of the country did not want Hillary or the progressive nut jobs in charge of the government another 8 years.
Yup. Its very unlikely, but never count out crazy democrats. If they did pull it off, its time to burn DC to the ground, and I'm not kidding. I'll bring the gasoline myself. Telling folks that their vote didn't matter would be a bad idea by the Govt.
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I can guarantee Soros has had meetings already and has things planned to try to stop Trumps inauguration. These people are evil psychos, if they think they can stop Trump they will try.
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Here's an updated list of the real fake news.

If you see any of these names. They have colluded with the Clinton gang

Missing a few names from Fox. Off the top of my head ol' Bill-o the Clown and Megyn Kelly were named. There's a few others I'm forgetting, but I can't be arsed to look them up at work.
Missing a few names from Fox. Off the top of my head ol' Bill-o the Clown and Megyn Kelly were named. There's a few others I'm forgetting, but I can't be arsed to look them up at work.

I have to say, at least Bill gets it right some of the time and calls the left what they are. Being a New Yorker and media person I don't expect much, but as far as rating them in a general sense, he's at the top of the list of credible people imo.

He lost a huge amount of points from me on his gun rant at one time, but I never heard him say it again after he was swarmed with email.

"no fair minded person needs an AK".

I emailed him and explained how wrong he is. I'm fair minded and own 6 AK and variants.

Like I said, he's a north east guy so I don't expect much, especially on guns.

Bill colluding with the clintons? I don't think thats accurate is it?
Missing a few names from Fox. Off the top of my head ol' Bill-o the Clown and Megyn Kelly were named. There's a few others I'm forgetting, but I can't be arsed to look them up at work.

Prolly Megyn Kelly. I bet she is about join CNN as the "conservative" news anchor (lol). But even then, I'm not sure they colluded with the Clintons. If anything, they've been cucks.
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The reason the left hates trump isn't because of racism, or sexism, or ism-ism :confused:

The left hates Trump because he beat them AT THEIR GAME.

He played politics the way they play politics. He rallied his base in all forms. He didn't go honest joe like a Jeb Bush or a John Mccain.

Now for a leftist democrat, republicans arent allowed to do that. They must play within a set of rules founded by their ideology of standards. The media acts as an official in this regard. Democrats stand for everything or in other terms "nothing" and are allowed to be "all over the map" promising anything, contradicting themselves, and arent held to a standard because, well, they have no standard.

Republicans arent allowed that sort of political strategy. They must adhere to the standards set by both political bodies.

I've always been angry at that fact. Democrats are allowed to play the game any way they want, republicans aren't.

Trump completely destroyed that model. He played the game the way leftist feel they are allowed to. No rules, just do it. Win baby, win.

And the left is beside themselves.
Prolly Megyn Kelly. I bet she is about join CNN as the "conservative" news anchor (lol). But even then, I'm not sure they colluded with the Clintons. If anything, they've been cucks.

I just don't see anyway Bill colluded with the clintons.

One thing about Bill I really like, is he's a hot headed Irishman that hates leftist. Absolutely hates them. He also hates ideologues on both sides. I watch the Factor and have for years. truth be told, he was purposely giving free time to Trump over and over from the start. And they are 20 year old friends.

Plus Bills books are really, really good. I have everyone of them signed and displayed in my sports / auto / gun room.

Eh, I like ole Bill. Guilty.

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Just like no Republican was going to beat Obama in 2008 or 2012, not one of the Republican's with the exception of Trump stood a chance of beating Hillary. Not a one. They would have run the same type of campaign that got Republicans beat in the past.
Another reason the left hates trump. And it goes along with the "game" that they always play.

Trump has some liberal bones, especially on social issues. Just like how half of these liberals know they aren't a socialist democrat at heart. But they do it because it's politically beneficial.

As a christian conservative, I finally get a candidate that isn't like me, but plays the game beautifully, and will govern the way I want him to.He's not going to attack the christian base, he's not going to do something we don't want. He's also not going to alienate non believing conservatives, something the christian right wasnt that great at. There's room for all of us, and we can all respect each other.

Basically he can be everything to everyone, and he's not a democrat. That's what they hate.
I just don't see anyway Bill colluded with the clintons.

One thing about Bill I really like, is he's a hot headed Irishman that hates leftist. Absolutely hates them. He also hates ideologues on both sides. I watch the Factor and have for years. truth be told, he was purposely giving free time to Trump over and over from the start. And they are 20 year old friends.

Plus Bills books are really, really good. I have everyone of them signed and displayed in my sports / auto / gun room.

Eh, I like ole Bill. Guilty.

His books are good. I agree. I like him. May have had a few cucky moments, but I don't think he's compromised at all.

My three favorites out right now are Tucker Carlson #1 and then Brett Baier, and then Hannity.

Never was a Fox fan. Hated them for years. But since the first debate tween Donald vs the Crookedness, I have been watching a lot more of their programming.
Bill is alright, my only problem with him is his "Killing Reagan" thing. Because he wasn't killed lol. Always thought that was a weird title. Other than that hes ok, don't watch him much though. Mainly a Tucker and Hannity guy. Those 2 are easily the best on TV, with Lou Dobbs a close 3rd.

Edit: Willy is right, Baier is great too. Might be the most honest journalist on TV.
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His books are good. I agree. I like him. May have had a few cucky moments, but I don't think he's compromised at all.

My three favorites out right now are Tucker Carlson #1 and then Brett Baier, and then Hannity.

Never was a Fox fan. Hated them for years. But since the first debate tween Donald vs the Crookedness, I have been watching a lot more of their programming.

You can't Cuck the Tuck!

He's awesome.

And of course, Hannity will always be one of the best.
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Baier is awesome too, but I'm pretty sure he's artificial intelligence.

Dude has that robotic look down like a motha fucca.
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I wouldn't even say Shep is undercover about it. At least Megyn tries to hide it, Shep bashes Trump any chance he gets. He needs to go to CNN.

I think he's contract is about up isn't it? Rumors are swirling about him leaving.
"“What finally pushed me over the edge was when the president-elect of the United States criticized the CIA and the intelligence community. Can you imagine what the leaders in Beijing and Moscow and Tehran are thinking?"

I wonder if this guy and the Dems in general were quite as protective of "CIA and the intelligence community" when George Tenet told GWB that Iraq having weapons of mass destruction was "a slam dunk case"? I'm sure none of them were critical of the CIA then, being worried about what other nations were thinking of us and all......
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