How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Cardkilla, you've been around longer than me. Please tell me this hoedown thread doesn't represent this board as a whole. I'm guessing the Cletus and company just made it a waste of time for most of the posters????????

??? have you not been posting in this thread for years, and under a different username before that?
The MSM is already saying Tillerson has ties to Russia.

Well yeah, hes a businessman. Businessmen tend to have ties with countries they do business with, duh lol. Hes been to over 50 different countries.

Our media is hilariously pathetic. Lib media is exactly like The Pravda and Communist rags.

The similarities in tactics between the left and the evil regimes in history is quite similar.
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I'll tell you who should be investigated for Russian ties. Barack Obama.

Are we just gonna pretend that we forgot his hot mic moment with the Russian President? Or how Obama is helping a Russian Ally (Iran) get nuclear weapons? Sounds like theres some pretty obvious signs of Russian ties there, but yes, lets say Trump has Russian ties with zero proof. That'll work.
Define educated. Considering the US lacks in science, engineering, etc. degrees in comparison to the rest of world; I'm curious as to what is deemed as an "educated population". Does this education have a profound impact on society as it relates to wealth creation or is it simply education that is non-value added?
Don't worry about sobe, he was trying to spell sobercat but had just finished his second bottle of Jerk Daniels when coming up with the name.
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bwahaha...yeah because you'd actually care...GTFO. You guys will believe anything and everything about Hillary or Obama but can't believe Russia tried to influence the election, despite the fact the Russia is one of the biggest cyberattack purveyors, along with China and North Korea. Ignorance is bliss as they say.

DT's continued attacks on Twitter towards American citizens just shows what an infantile retard we will soon have in the oval. He doesn't realize he has a bunch of crazy followers who will attack anyone who dares say something bad about him. Or maybe he does. We're exchanging an adult for a Twitter troll.

And I'm glad you found a safe space to project ckwils
Bwahaha...this coming from a guy who supports the people who just 4 years ago said Russia was not a problem. So, Romney knew more about what was going on than Obama, Hillary, Reid, and Pelosi? Who knew? We did.
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Why are we debating this? It's a fact that an education is great investment. It's a fact Delbert.
Problem is, that is not true. You have to be more specific on what kind of education. Obviously, you are a contradiction to your own point. Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son.
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Ha ha ha, sobe. He truly overvalues his perception of himself. I'm guessing that he compensates for a low self esteem by using intellectualization as a self-defense mechanism.
They all do, that has been the point lately as to why they lost. They still don't get it. Also, without the illegal vote, it would not even be close.
bwahaha...yeah because you'd actually care...GTFO. You guys will believe anything and everything about Hillary or Obama but can't believe Russia tried to influence the election, despite the fact the Russia is one of the biggest cyberattack purveyors, along with China and North Korea. Ignorance is bliss as they say.

DT's continued attacks on Twitter towards American citizens just shows what an infantile retard we will soon have in the oval. He doesn't realize he has a bunch of crazy followers who will attack anyone who dares say something bad about him. Or maybe he does. We're exchanging an adult for a Twitter troll.

And I'm glad you found a safe space to project ckwils

They all do, that has been the point lately as to why they lost. They still don't get it. Also, without the illegal vote, it would not even be close.

Actually democrats are the worst types to spread hate. Worst than Nazis.

They are Labelists.

Not sure if it's coined yet. leftists are nothing more than hate wing Labelists.

Getting sick of living in a Lableist society.
Actually democrats are the worst types to spread hate. Worst than Nazis.

They are Labelists.

Not sure if it's coined yet. leftists are nothing more than hate wing Labelists.

Getting sick of living in a Lableist society.
Problem is, their labeling is "fake" and meant to incite hate. It is the only way they can control their " fake educated' base.

Very cool.

Also, of course the left, who are nothing but parasites, will spit so much BS in hopes of deflecting and taking the negative light off of them. They will say and do anything to stay alive. They're total nut jobs who will do everything to destroy this country. How anyone could look at people like Merkel, Obama or Hillary to be in charge of their nation, is beyond me. No way do they have their people's best interest.
Problem is, their labeling is "fake" and meant to incite hate. It is the only way they can control their " fake educated' base.

I avoid millennials. I don't get my self into a situation where I get in a deep enough conversation with a young kid. Frankly, I hope this planet blows up. But not before Trump gets the last laugh. Then I'll die happy. :smiley:
I avoid millennials. I don't get my self into a situation where I get in a deep enough conversation with a young kid. Frankly, I hope this planet blows up. But not before Trump gets the last laugh. Then I'll die happy. :smiley:
Well, if that happens, I hope you are propelled on a chunk of Earth that sends you to Venus. I hear that is where women are from. The perfect resting place for you.
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