How will they rule ??!

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Bwahaha...this coming from a guy who supports the people who just 4 years ago said Russia was not a problem. So, Romney knew more about what was going on than Obama, Hillary, Reid, and Pelosi? Who knew? We did.
Sorry you're not allowed to say Romney and your side knows Russia is a problem while you all are circle jerking a future President who is turning out to be nothing more than a puppet of the Russian communist government. Or making excuses for Russia who has gotten their hands caught in the cookie jar by the CIA. You do know how stupid that sounds right?

Oh look, another Goldman Sachs appointee. Bwahaha. And another friend of Putin for the Sec of State. Yup Donald is gonna be real tough on Russia. Cause they're a problem right?
Oh look, another Goldman Sachs appointee. Bwahaha.

Goldman Sachs again, ok . . . let me tell you what joy is . . . being in my mid-50s, drinking beer, eating a bacon sandwich at 1 am, reading your stupid posts while thinking about all the times I've made well more than $50K in a single day in the stock market since Trump has been elected. And how did I make this ordinary result happen? with regular insomnia, an old skillet, a fridge in my garage, and by never being a whiney little bitch like you.
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Sorry you're not allowed to say Romney and your side knows Russia is a problem while you all are circle jerking a future President who is turning out to be nothing more than a puppet of the Russian communist government. Or making excuses for Russia who has gotten their hands caught in the cookie jar by the CIA. You do know how stupid that sounds right?

Oh look, another Goldman Sachs appointee. Bwahaha. And another friend of Putin for the Sec of State. Yup Donald is gonna be real tough on Russia. Cause they're a problem right?

Another black kid just was murdered by another black kid in Chicago.

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Humor is hard.
Not as hard as the BBC you regularly choke on. But don't take that the wrong way. I don't mind your proclivity for penis, do what you like. What I mind is you deciding that OUR society needs to be predicated upon your wants and needs. You are free to exercise your thirst for young black males to your heart's and anus' content. What I ask of you is to not make a mission out of my acceptance of it. Just do it.

If your "education" was worth two shits then you would realize that what you are asking for will lead to our country falling into the dark abyss of communism. The utopia you and others seek does not exist. That carrot on a stick is dangled in your face because you are gullible enough to chase it with reckless abandon. Have some respect for yourself and use a little introspection. Are the requests you make of others really the best for you and your progeny?

This country was founded by very smart and knowledgeable white guys who were able to look at history and see how human nature would undermine the best intentions of a society. If you are unable to trust them, do a little research and see the factors that led to the failure of society's that came before ours. Read Frederic Bastiat to counter your studies of Karl Marx.
Isn't it amazing? The left says Trump is hateful but then they go and say shit like thay? God, I hate liberals. If theres ever colonies on the moon, send the libs there.
And piss the man in the moon off? No way, he would just take his ball and go home. Then where would we be.:alien:
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So much for the playing nice with Russia accusations. Looks like Bolton is going to be Tillerson's deputy at the state department. He has a major hard on for Russia.
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Sorry you're not allowed to say Romney and your side knows Russia is a problem while you all are circle jerking a future President who is turning out to be nothing more than a puppet of the Russian communist government. Or making excuses for Russia who has gotten their hands caught in the cookie jar by the CIA. You do know how stupid that sounds right?

Oh look, another Goldman Sachs appointee. Bwahaha. And another friend of Putin for the Sec of State. Yup Donald is gonna be real tough on Russia. Cause they're a problem right?
So, you are now admitting Russia is a problem. You guys have now caught up with 2012. Romney told you who the problem makers where and you guys were crying global warming, whitey is the devil, and please forgive us (America) for being the bad guys. The irony in all of this is, you can do this because of people like me who will fight for your right to do so. You are too dumb however to realize that if you had your way, you would not be able to have your way. Don't bother trying to understand that last part, you do not have the reasoning ability to so. Just thank me and drive on.
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Sorry you're not allowed to say Romney and your side knows Russia is a problem while you all are circle jerking a future President who is turning out to be nothing more than a puppet of the Russian communist government. Or making excuses for Russia who has gotten their hands caught in the cookie jar by the CIA. You do know how stupid that sounds right?

Oh look, another Goldman Sachs appointee. Bwahaha. And another friend of Putin for the Sec of State. Yup Donald is gonna be real tough on Russia. Cause they're a problem right?
Damn boy, are you really this stupid? The CIA can't afford to catch anyone in the cookie jar because they ARE the cookie jar. No one has risen to power in the Middle East in the last 50 years that wasn't chosen and backed by the CIA. Your boy O'bama gave over 33 billion dollars to Iran. Was Russia pissed about that, or happy?
Pope announced climate change is now a permanent part of the Catholic Church and priests will be expected to preach about it.
Sorry you're not allowed to say Romney and your side knows Russia is a problem while you all are circle jerking a future President who is turning out to be nothing more than a puppet of the Russian communist government. Or making excuses for Russia who has gotten their hands caught in the cookie jar by the CIA. You do know how stupid that sounds right?

Oh look, another Goldman Sachs appointee. Bwahaha. And another friend of Putin for the Sec of State. Yup Donald is gonna be real tough on Russia. Cause they're a problem right?

Ok once again let's really look at history and understand that yes we have had our run ins with Russia they have also been our best war time ally as 1 of the major powerhouses too.

IMO any scare tactics used during govt elections is simply propaganda.
That pm you just sent me is Way over the line, disgusting, and criminal. This conversation is over. Take care.
Still waiting on you to prove this. Shouldn't be that hard for someone of your education. For those of you who weren't able to discern the magnitude of Sobe's duplicity, let this be your proof. NO ONE sent him a pm. Just more fake news from the left. Tell us about the sniper fire you endured on your way to work yesterday, or your daily trip to the bath house, whichever.

All I know is that I pound down about 6 thc energy drinks Friday night, get bouncing off the walls stoned, stay up all night and day until around 5pm Saturday afternoon, then finally crash, only to wake up seeing that @KopiKat thinks I could possibly be sobecat. Shit ain't right, I tell you.
I woke up drunk and see this.

Not saying it's Russians, but it's Russians


All I know is that I pound down about 6 thc energy drinks Friday night, get bouncing off the walls stoned, stay up all night and day until around 5pm Saturday afternoon, then finally crash, only to wake up seeing that @KopiKat thinks I could possibly be sobecat. Shit ain't right, I tell you.
That threw all of us. Kopi is an old dude. Older than me even. I think he meant to talk about teachable moe and not you.
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Hey Sobe, have Buck remove your ball gag and handcuffs and join us for some early Sunday political fun.
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Agreed. Any chance you guys can clean up the little aisle a bit before this thing gets axed?

And, would be interesting to have a mod check the IP address of Sobe to see if he's a duplicate account and/or to see if he actually got said PM. If he didn't, time to send him on his way.

Peace to all.
I feel like you're talking to me. I apologize for my offensive remarks, but only to you and others who deserve better. I'm going to reel it in a bit, but if you don't mind, when you read my next posts please throw in a little inappropriate humor in your mind as if I had posted it. Thanks.
I'm not looking for an apology from anyone, but some of the stuff posted last night will get this thread axed and/or shut down for a bit if it continues. I push the envelope a lot, but wouldn't post some of the stuff from last night. JMO.

And on to the daily news, interesting article from the uber-conservative NYTimes about campus tolerance and echo chambers.
You called me out and I apologized. Pretty normal course of action for pretty normal people. However, it's different strokes for different folks. It is entirely possible that I find some of the anti-American sentiments put forth by Sobe, Copkilla, and Z among others, to be just as offensive to me as you found my posts to be. The wheels on the bus go round and round.
Why does anybody pay attention to what some old white geezer wearing a dress have to say? I sure don't.
Real Catholics don't. We basically consider this "Pope" a heretic. Traditional Catholics have been fighting an uphill battle since the 60's and most really wish some sort of insurrection would occur.
Sorry you're not allowed to say Romney and your side knows Russia is a problem while you all are circle jerking a future President who is turning out to be nothing more than a puppet of the Russian communist government. Or making excuses for Russia who has gotten their hands caught in the cookie jar by the CIA. You do know how stupid that sounds right?

Oh look, another Goldman Sachs appointee. Bwahaha. And another friend of Putin for the Sec of State. Yup Donald is gonna be real tough on Russia. Cause they're a problem right?
**Breaking News**
Ted Kennedy Secretly Asked The Soviets To Intervene In The 1984 Elections
** Film At Eleven **
You called me out and I apologized. Pretty normal course of action for pretty normal people. However, it's different strokes for different folks. It is entirely possible that I find some of the anti-American sentiments put forth by Sobe, Copkilla, and Z among others, to be just as offensive to me as you found my posts to be. The wheels on the bus go round and round.
Agree totally and, being a person who is for the freedoms we hold dear, I will not ask for a retraction or apology from anyone. I simply shoot back. But, to each his/her/or what ever your preference is own.
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