How will they rule ??!

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End of their gravy train? We owe them 18T of our 20T in debt.

Do you realize how much money that is? The interest on it damn near pay them to attack us if we were to go to war.

I'm not scared of China but let's realize our role in this relationship.
we owe them, but that means they need us to pay up to keep their economy propped up. they have one rebuilt 1960's or 70's former russian air craft carrier. one. their military isn't anything to be rattled over. it's vastly inferior to most of our allies, much less our own.
Real talk... how long til we strongarm our way out of that debt with china?

Can't happen.

1- when is the last time you owed someone and said GFY?

2- right now if we Welch on the payments the global economy will crumble.
Yes. End of the gravy train that allows them to dictate the rules of our relationship and take advantage of the US just because we owe them money.

We didn't lose deals just because we owed them money. We lost on trade because they are the only economy we can borrow from.

So basically it's like you not having credit built and losing your job with kids to feed and offering to cut your parents grass, do house work, and anything else they need in order for them to help you financially.
We didn't lose deals just because we owed them money. We lost on trade because they are the only economy we can borrow from.

So basically it's like you not having credit built and losing your job with kids to feed and offering to cut your parents grass, do house work, and anything else they need in order for them to help you financially.
Agreed, but there's a difference between losing deals, and completely getting taken advantage of and ripped off.
Can't happen.

1- when is the last time you owed someone and said GFY?

2- right now if we Welch on the payments the global economy will crumble.
With Trump, I wouldn't say anything is impossible. If there ever were a President who could/would do it, it would be Trump.
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Can't happen.

1- when is the last time you owed someone and said GFY?

2- right now if we Welch on the payments the global economy will crumble.

Oh I know.. but i still could see conflict with them in the next few decades
How the **** did I miss this? Oh yea I was on vacation. Sorry if already discussed. But so ****ing awesome.

With Trump, I wouldn't say anything is impossible. If there ever were a President who could/would do it, it would be Trump.

So could WW3, and that would start it. Every country in the world would have a vetted interest against us then!

Like it or not we are the money train. We will never climb out of this hole but the world has to keep us afloat and hope we are smart enough to keep it sustainable.

If America goes under there will be a lot of hurt!
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End of their gravy train? We owe them 18T of our 20T in debt..

Can we have a challenge? If you can prove China owns 20% (roughly $3.6T) or more of that figure you posted, I'll suspend myself from posting for a year. Likewise, if they own less than 20%, you are suspended from posting for a year. Thoughts?
End of their gravy train? We owe them 18T of our 20T in debt.

Do you realize how much money that is? The interest on it damn near pay them to attack us if we were to go to war.

I'm not scared of China but let's realize our role in this relationship.
You must be getting your information from one of those "fake news" sites we've been hearing so much about in recent days. China owns about 7% of our national debt. Not 90%. 7%.

Seriously, where did you get your numbers? Please tell me. I'd like to know the source that could deceive you so thoroughly.

Our role is we are the demand for much of China's supply. Without U.S. Consumers, China is in dire straits.

Don't tell me China isn't scared. We need them for cheap goods. They need us to buy those cheap goods. We can buy cheap goods from a lot of other sellers, but China can't sell their cheap goods to a lot of other buyers, because few other countries exist with the sheer volume of citizens who have disposable income like the U.S. does.
You must be getting your information from one of those "fake news" sites we've been hearing so much about in recent days. China owns about 7% of our national debt. Not 90%. 7%.

Seriously, where did you get your numbers? Please tell me. I'd like to know the source that could deceive you so thoroughly.

Our role is we are the demand for much of China's supply. Without U.S. Consumers, China is in dire straits.

Don't tell me China isn't scared. We need them for cheap goods. They need us to buy those cheap goods. We can buy cheap goods from a lot of other sellers, but China can't sell their cheap goods to a lot of other buyers, because few other countries exist with the sheer volume of citizens who have disposable income like the U.S. does.

Dude! Delete this now! Read my post.
Sorry, I was typing my post as you posted yours. But the cat's out of the bag at this point, his numbers were so incredibly wrong that he will stop posting just to save face.

Are we sure we're right? China doesn't have a slush fund of cash that's 140% of their GDP just laying around for a rainy day?
Yea yea I was wrong. Ok way wrong. Misread the pie chart showing most debt is owned by local govt and not China.

I made the same point that those countries have to prop us up for economic purpose. Seems you agree on that.
I must be still asleep since summer. Starbuck's just had a Christmas commercial, and wished a Merry Christmas.


Huh. I thought they were against that.
I must be still asleep since summer. Starbuck's just had a Christmas commercial, and wished a Merry Christmas.


Huh. I thought they were against that.

Lol... I work with a bunch of Indian dudes... they LOVE Christmas. They don't get the fuss either. They all agreed that if I were in India and I complained about Diwali they'd have no problem telling me to get pumped, but they'd be happy to say Merry Christmas to me on Dec 25. Why can't the dirty libs figure that out?
[laughing] Sneaky bastard secretly persuaded Lynch to implement the policy back in July, stayed quiet about it throughout the campaign as to not draw any attention to it, and has it set up and ready to go for Trump on minute one.

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what a circle jerk, feels like I walked into a Klan rally in here. They only watch Fox News too...nice bubble ya got there.How was the drive down to Carolina boyz?
Shocking, SHOCKING news coming from Cincinnati, OH. Contrary to projections, average rider numbers on the streetcar have plummeted below projections since the novelty of the streetcar has warn off, and it's proven itself to be a completely inefficient mode of transportation that takes longer than actually just walking to places. Surprised no one saw this coming.
I bet you guys forgot that Obama cancelled the Bush contract for Marine One after getting in office too didn't ya.
Shocking, SHOCKING news coming from Cincinnati, OH. Contrary to projections, average rider numbers on the streetcar have plummeted below projections since the novelty of the streetcar has warn off, and it's proven itself to be a completely inefficient mode of transportation that takes longer than actually just walking to places. Surprised no one saw this coming.


The funniest part about that is Cincinatti has not had a traffic study in twenty years, and their traffic signals aren't programmed right. But they spent money on some outdated street car shit that is not programmed right. Now they have to spend money to fix the street car shit. And they'll still have to pay money to fix their outdated traffic shit.
Shocking, SHOCKING news coming from Cincinnati, OH. Contrary to projections, average rider numbers on the streetcar have plummeted below projections since the novelty of the streetcar has warn off, and it's proven itself to be a completely inefficient mode of transportation that takes longer than actually just walking to places. Surprised no one saw this coming.
That thing looks like a bus. A *really* expensive bus. Does it do anything a bus can't? Except cost more/have to stay on it's track/force extensive infrastructure overhaul? Not go as fast?
Yea yea I was wrong. Ok way wrong. Misread the pie chart showing most debt is owned by local govt and not China.

I made the same point that those countries have to prop us up for economic purpose. Seems you agree on that.

All that debt probably is owned by China. It just can't be proven. The federal reserve holds most of the debt. Since they're shady as hell, they don't have to disclose who they owe.

There's only one nation in the financial position to prop up that kind of debt: China.

So, you're almost certainly right. There's just no way to prove it.
That thing looks like a bus. A *really* expensive bus. Does it do anything a bus can't? Except cost more/have to stay on it's track/force extensive infrastructure overhaul? Not go as fast?

It makes the cool noise of a streetcar on rails. That's pretty neat.

I'm anxiously awaiting Cincinnati City Council figuring out ways to make everything worse off for people downtown who don't ride the streetcar.

As with every liberal program we tell them is doomed to fail from the start, once it starts failing, they need to figure out ways to artificially make things worse for everyone so their program seems desirable in comparison.