How will they rule ??!

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Apologies if someone posted it already, didn't feel like reading the last few pages.

Denzel Washington slams the MSM

"Speaking to the press agency ITK at the National Museum of African American History and Culture, the Hollywood celebrity paraphrased Mark Twain when he said: “If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do read it, you’re misinformed."


"Just say it, sell it. Anything you practice you'll get good at — including BS."

There's 2 pretty good quotes right there. I remember - who knows why I watched such a thing - one of the morning shows, Today probably, and Denzel and Meryl Streep were being interviewed, promoting some movie (The Manchurian Candidate, just looked). This was in 2004, the lead up to Bush's re-election. Something in the interview made Streep go all crazy, telling us how evil Bush was, how the world would end and children would be burned at the stake if he was re-elected. Whatever. But Denzel pushed back - not in defense of Bush, just making an observation about some inconsistency or hypocrisy from her, Hollywood, the left. I can't remember what he even said - obviously - but he gained a fan that day.......
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If what we are seeing right now is any indication, I firmly believe Trump will go down as one of Americas greatest Presidents. Certainly top 5-10 at the worst. Hes working magic and hes not even in office yet.
U.S Steel just announced it is bringing 10K+ jobs back because of Trump


I think that is based on US Steel CEO's optimism as stated today on MSNBC which, although he did not announce the re-hiring of 10K laid off workers, he made very significant comments to indicate a readiness to do so, up to the number mentioned. Referred to "the depressing period" . . . made it clear he was ready to do this when the panel tasked him to understand the impact of his voice. Note the reactions.

U.S Steel just announced it is bringing 10K+ jobs back because of Trump



In a little over a month, he will have created close to 100K+ jobs. Obama has created about 800K in 8 years. LOL.
Yup, and most of those 800,000 are part time jobs. Once Obamacare is wiped out, we will see an unreal amount of full time jobs created.
I think that is based on US Steel CEO's optimism as stated today on MSNBC which, although he did not announce the re-hiring of 10K laid off workers, he made very significant comments to indicate a readiness to do so, up to the number mentioned. Referred to "the depressing period" . . . made it clear he was ready to do this when the panel tasked him to understand the impact of his voice. Note the reactions.

Pretty incredible.
I think that is based on US Steel CEO's optimism as stated today on MSNBC which, although he did not announce the re-hiring of 10K laid off workers, he made very significant comments to indicate a readiness to do so, up to the number mentioned. Referred to "the depressing period" . . . made it clear he was ready to do this when the panel tasked him to understand the impact of his voice. Note the reactions.

Sounds like it's just a formality thing.
Not as scientific as jameslee's 401k but seems obama made workers lazier:


Indeed, there are many reasons to believe that these industries are over-regulated, or at least not regulated in a way that puts economic growth first. The housing industry, for instance, deals with numerous regulations on the local, state and federal level, many of which are aimed at maintaining high home values, rather than making housing cheap for those who can’t already afford it. There are numerous statistics that point to the inefficiency of primary and secondary education in America, while the cost of post-secondary education has been spiraling out of control. And healthcare costs continue to rise rapidly, even as Obamacare reforms have added another layer of complex rules to an already highly-regulated sector.
dumbass. I don't even know who Scott Pruitt is, so I'm not talking about Dan Pfeiffer's opinion. I'm talking about his use of the word "existential." He could have made his point plainly enough just by saying "Scott Pruitt at EPA is a threat to the planet". Adding the word existential is just an attempt to add weight, to sound smart. It's like he's in the 7th grade in gym class trying to impress. it's just the kind of phony crap that annoys me. dumbass.
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dumbass. I don't even know who Scott Pruitt is, so I'm not talking about Dan Pfeiffer's opinion. I'm talking about his use of the word "existential." He could have made his point plainly enough just by saying "Scott Pruitt at EPA is a threat to the planet". Adding the word existential is just an attempt to add weight, to sound smart. It's like he's in the 7th grade in gym class trying to impress. dumbass.

aka a "qualifier"
Megyn Kelly:

"Donald Trump and the First Amendment, it's not a beautiful match; it's not a match made in heaven. Between the free speech rights that he has not defended and the freedom of the press, which he has not defended, it's problematic," Kelly told NPR.

What? Megyn Kelly can go get bent. I'm sick of this GOP establishment shill. More Tucker Carlson, less ditzy establishment mouth breather Kelly.
That's 3 women so far on his cabinet. One of them is Asian (and married to pos Mitch).

Looks like Big Banks aren't controlling this one. Looking at you Barak...
This is what it would be like all the time if Dems split. The burden would be lifted off of normal people who made this country great in the first place.

The ideology of the Dems does not work. It's more government control and radicalism disguised as being a humanitarian and "progressing."

They're parasites.
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Tucker Carlson is on fire tonight. Still laughing at how pissed off Congressman Adam Schiff got at him when Tucker laughed at him and told him he had no idea if the Russians hacked the DNC and other servers.
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Good thing I am not President. I would call up Kim Jong whatever and say I want warmbier released. If not released by tomorrow morning, the next sound you will hear is from a B52 over your head.