How will they rule ??!

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Time is still so salty as shit over this election. "Divided States of America"? Suck my balls, Time, this looks pretty united to me.
[laughing] Sneaky bastard secretly persuaded Lynch to implement the policy back in July, stayed quiet about it throughout the campaign as to not draw any attention to it, and has it set up and ready to go for Trump on minute one.

I saw this and thought to myself that there are actually some good people in Washington working on behalf of the American people. One thing I wish he would have added was if these scumbag city mayors do not want to follow the law then they should be arrested and convicted for breaking federal law.
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Obama used the money from that deal to give welfare benefits to illegal immigrants.

Obama spent more money than 43 former presidents combined.
I thought Congress controls the purse strings? What was the budget deficit when Obama took over? What is it now?

But yeah, Obama. I'll be sure to accept your apologies when Trump has us running 1-2 trillion deficits for his 4 years in office.
I thought Congress controls the purse strings? What was the budget deficit when Obama took over? What is it now?

But yeah, Obama. I'll be sure to accept your apologies when Trump has us running 1-2 trillion deficits for his 4 years in office.
If a Trump Presidency oversees the same deficits as Obama, he'll also be an unmitigated disaster.

It's not worth even explaining to you, for the 1,000 time, why it's mentally retarded to use the deficit at the beginning of Obama's Presidency as a baseline.
"I think one of the reasons people get so concerned about the tweets is it is sort of a way around the press. He doesn’t have to rely upon, uh, rely upon — this is the modern era, modern technology. He’s at the point where we don’t need you guys anymore."

Dick Cheney to a CNN reporter this weekend.
I'll make a prediction: the new buzzword from libs on here will be "authoritarianism".
Shocking, SHOCKING news coming from Cincinnati, OH. Contrary to projections, average rider numbers on the streetcar have plummeted below projections since the novelty of the streetcar has warn off, and it's proven itself to be a completely inefficient mode of transportation that takes longer than actually just walking to places. Surprised no one saw this coming.
I work in downtown Cincy.

I took the streetcar at lunch one day to Taft's Ale House (which is a really neat place, BTW).

There were 5 people onboard (which looks exactly like a bus, and takes 13-18 minutes between pickups). This is at noon, which I would expect to be a high usage time frame.

I paid for a ticket to find they're not even collecting tickets.

This thing is a colossal waste of money.
Islam being a religion of peace is the same as Christianity being a religion of forgiveness.

They will only forgive if your honest about your sins so they can personally judge you for them while Jesus forgives. And I say that as a half hearted Christian that knows it's flaws very well.
Islam being a religion of peace is the same as Christianity being a religion of forgiveness.

They will only forgive if your honest about your sins so they can personally judge you for them while Jesus forgives. And I say that as a half hearted Christian that knows it's flaws very well.

Satan won't guilt trip you. Come with me my brother. Let Lord Satan into your life.
Hillary and Obama have a track record of making very definitive claims that are inherently false. But by making the statements in such a commanding manner, it gives the press and their supporters something to counter reality.

As if typing something in ALL CAPS simply makes it true. It doesn't. But they aren't willing to challenge the statement. Obama's terrorism comments are a perfect example.
So our dept of homeland security released report showing we are in a bad spot regarding terrorism, and our commander in chief took the podium to tell us how insignificant "homegrown" terrorists are. We're now growing here in the US. Great! Sounds wonderful, chief! So what do we do?

I didn't hear or read his speech, but I assume he didn't offer any recommendations to combat these new homegrown terrorists. It's insignificant, something we shouldn't be concerned with? Just continue to open our hearts and borders to promote peace?
So our dept of homeland security released report showing we are in a bad spot regarding terrorism, and our commander in chief took the podium to tell us how insignificant "homegrown" terrorists are. We're now growing here in the US. Great! Sounds wonderful, chief! So what do we do?

I didn't hear or read his speech, but I assume he didn't offer any recommendations to combat these new homegrown terrorists. It's insignificant, something we shouldn't be concerned with? Just continue to open our hearts and borders to promote peace?

Obviously that homeland security report is #FakeNews
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I'm sure Michelle has a blistering blame everyone but herself speech and tour revved up and ready to go.

I could be wrong, (and yes...I've been wrong many a time), but I think she's going to have a rude awakening when the World doesn't continue to fawn all over her once he's out of office. In fact, I foresee some pretty ugly scenarios when it comes to her spouting out her opinion, it being met with some degree of scorn and her lashing back out against the backlash. And nothing will ever be her fault.
I'm sure Michelle has a blistering blame everyone but herself speech and tour revved up and ready to go.

I could be wrong, (and yes...I've been wrong many a time), but I think she's going to have a rude awakening when the World doesn't continue to fawn all over her once he's out of office. In fact, I foresee some pretty ugly scenarios when it comes to her spouting out her opinion, it being met with some degree of scorn and her lashing back out against the backlash. And nothing will ever be her fault.

Nah, she won't ever let em see her sweat. She's better than Barry. She will remain a queen. She's bringing Oprah out of retirement, FFS.

I bet Hillary will randomly be in the audience, too. Like OMG Hillary what a surprise! What are you doing here!?? OH YOU KNOW IM JUST SUCH AN OPRAH FAN, AND NOW THAT IM RETIRED, AND BROKE AGAIN ;), I THOUGHT ID CATCH A SHOW AND MAYBE WIN W FREE MICROWAVE LMAO!!
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General John Kelly to lead DHS. I like how Trump is putting forner military guys in positions like that. Should be much better than that freak Jeh Johnson. Who the hell spells Jay like Jeh anyway?