How will they rule ??!

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Got a call from a family member who almost disowned me for supporting Trump from the beginning. She was a NeverTrumper and admitted she was completely wrong about him and he is not even in office yet. We talked for over an hour about her starting to believe he was the right choice. She is actually looking forward to his rally in NC tonight and was very impressed he is bringing General Mattis with him (has a Present Elect or even a POTUS bringing cabinet members with him to speak to the people)?

Feels goooood to see that some non-believers are starting to board the Trump Train.

That's cool to hear.

If you don't follow the media bull crap and don't get conned and bullied by those who are so adamantly against him, you'd see how awesome his election is and how promising things are right now.

The types that are against him, should tell you that Trump is good. Just to recap who hates him.

- SJWs
- Elitist Dems
- Big money lobbyists who own politcians
- Career politicians
- Liberal media
- University crybabies
- People who back Islam and illegal immigration
- Bash our military
- Are offended by the flag
- People who hate whites, hate America, hate people not being on the welfare state
- Obama
- Hillary
- Pelosi
- Reid
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Obama delivering a counter terrorism speech is a joke.

You should have at least had destroyed terrorism to deliver such a speech.
Then no one should ever deliver a counter terrorism speech...considering it's been going on since the 70s and will never end. But Obama and Bush did pretty much destroy Al Queda.

Also, this softbank investment news was announced in October, weeks before election. Not sure if it's the same fund but I'd bet on it.
Man FLOTUS is having an exclusive sit down interview wit dat bitch OPRAH.

That'll be the worst thing ever on TV. I can't imagine.
Then no one should ever deliver a counter terrorism speech...considering it's been going on since the 70s and will never end. But Obama and Bush did pretty much destroy Al Queda.

Also, this softbank investment news was announced in October, weeks before election. Not sure if it's the same fund but I'd bet on it.

That CEO also stated and it is quotable. That this deal would've never went through if Hillary was elected.
Got a call from a family member who almost disowned me for supporting Trump from the beginning. She was a NeverTrumper and admitted she was completely wrong about him and he is not even in office yet. We talked for over an hour about her starting to believe he was the right choice. She is actually looking forward to his rally in NC tonight and was very impressed he is bringing General Mattis with him (has a Present Elect or even a POTUS bringing cabinet members with him to speak to the people)?

Feels goooood to see that some non-believers are starting to board the Trump Train.
One of my close friends got to meet Trump last night at the 21 Club in NYC, Melania, the kids, the whole lot. Unreal. Pics and all. He's in commercial real estate and on the train from the get-go, couldn't help but think of you ole ukalum00....hope you get that honor one day, internet friend.
lol sitting in airport and this couple behind me whining like the liberal douchebags I'm sure they are about how disappointed they are in the country.

I had to ask where they are from, San Francisco lmao.

I politely said I voted Trump and walked away.

If the political spectrum was Star Wars, San Francisco would be the Death Star.
I was watching the news this afternoon when the story broke and talking head asked Tojo Yamamoto point blank if this deal was brought about by Donald being elected POTUS and he said yes it was. Copkilla with yet another fail. YOU'RE FIRED! lol, #makecopkillagreatjustonetime
One of my close friends got to meet Trump last night at the 21 Club in NYC, Melania, the kids, the whole lot. Unreal. Pics and all. He's in commercial real estate and on the train from the get-go, couldn't help but think of you ole ukalum00....hope you get that honor one day, internet friend.
The closest I will probably ever get to that was a thumbs up from him at a rally I attended. Good enough for me.
Electoral votes makes sense. Still having the Electoral College does not. Silly to have one person show to cast his own vote. Imagine if this were a 269 269 tie. The pressure on these people to take millions of Soros dollar's to vote for the Hildabest.
This is pretty awesome. Trump is doing some truly incredible stuff. In the first time in 8 years, I am proud of my country.

Very confusing for me. I have never been one for political action, but it seems like he's actually doing good stuff. If only every politician were not bought and possibly time travelers?
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“I don’t think we can sustain our American democracy by having the majority ruled by the minority. And so the question is how to fix this since the Constitution is written in such a way that it’s almost impossible to amend,” Lofgren said.

Someone needs to explain her the Constitution is written in such a way because America is not a direct democracy where mob rules. It's a constitutional federal republic governed by elected officials and ruled by laws.

Please, let this happen. I told you that it would be amazing because these people cannot survive without sucking off a host. Their ideology doesn't work without someone to steal from and someone to blame everything on.

Seriously, what happens when they can't blame Republicans or whites and they're still poor and their cities look worse and worse?
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Didn't realize Obama was doing comedy these days.

LMAO. that can't be real, right? i mean should he have to face the victims of of these attacks that have happened and explain himself? that is a townhall that i would watch. families and survivors of the the boston marathon attack, the san bernandino, orlando, among others? i mean seriously. this can't be real. fake news right
Do you know what a democrat is tony? No's a pig that don't fly straight!
Have to love Obamas clever parsing of words. Strictly speaking, he's probably accurate.

There have been countless terrorist attacks on our soil. The actors just happened to be on American soil when they began the attack, so far as we know.

Angela Merkel is seeing the light apparently and wants to get reelected.

Calls for Burqa ban in Germany.
China is scared. You can tell by their posturing. Their state-run newspapers are running articles that essentially say, "back off," "don't mess with us," and "you better put a leash on your president."

China knows it has a good thing going, the trade table is heavily inclined in their favor, they can manipulate their currency with impunity, they have primed the hell out their economy through state infusion of capital. China sees the dollar's rise in value against the yuan since Trump took office. They know they need the U.S.

And they know the end of their gravy train is near.