How will they rule ??!

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Sobe, I wish you would have came around in May. Then we could have had six months of your crap thought process leading up to the election. You would have fit right in with the other idiots that had the good sense to vacate the premises after the voice of reason spoke loud and clear. Now you and copkilla are the only two ankle biters left.
Sobe, I wish you would have came around in May. Then we could have had six months of your crap thought process leading up to the election. You would have fit right in with the other idiots that had the good sense to vacate the premises after the voice of reason spoke loud and clear. Now you and copkilla are the only two ankle biters left.

I'm glad you said that because I was hoping this thread wasn't representative of our fan base. I lived there for 30 years and it sure as hell wasn't this backward then.
I doubt anyone will suddenly become heroin addicts because of this.
Not so sure about this. I know the US is a completely different culture than over in EU, but they tried this somewhere over there and heroin use spiked dramatically by like some 500% or something crazy, and they ended up having to shut it down.
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Remember last week when Hillary and Bill were out at the grocery being normal and a random girl got a selfie with Hillary? Remember that? CNN hyped that up like she was normal. Remember?

Well, about that........

Thiis situation is concerning for many reasons,” read the letter, charging that “your departments negotiated an international agreement regarding refugees without consulting or notifying Congress.”

“The United States is proud of its long history as the largest refugee resettlement country in the world," read the statement. "As the President has announced, our refugee resettlement program has grown substantially in the last year.

If this news is real, why ain't this on the evening news? Congress didn't know about this. We don't know who these people are. Don't know what deal was made. And the US is very proud of this, per our Presidebt. US who? Congress wasn't even told. The people have no gd clue.

Plus, why is our Presidebt making year make year long deals? He's done next month. If these people start the process, jailed in Cuba or whatever that weird stuff was about, trump cones in and says nope. Then media has a field day with "OMG these poor people in Cuba Trump sending them back to Australia/wherever!!" and it's just a mess. Most of all for these refugee people who are being shuffled all over the glove like cattle in exchange for deals??? Wtf is that non humanitarian bulllshit. Get real.
Not only was Congress not told, but the secret deal was also made classified to keep the details hidden. Needless to say, accepting refugees is never classified and always made public. Proves they're wanting to hide something.
If you have a half hour to kill, like I did, watch this video. Narrator doesn't mention it until towards the end but, watch Trevor's face and notice how much time he spends not looking at Tomi while he speaks. Is it because he finds her insanely hot and can't keep his train of thought if he looks at her?

Video also shows how the BLM movement falls apart under the most minor scrutiny, just like all the talking points of the left.
Tomi is my future wife. Not only hot as f***, shes smart as f***.
Not do sure about this. I know the US is a completely different culture than over in EU, but they tried this somewhere over there and heroin use spiked dramatically by like some 500% or something crazy, and they ended up having to shut it downy.

I'd wager those were already users, they were just unknown.

Remember last week when Hillary and Bill were out at the grocery being normal and a random girl got a selfie with Hillary? Remember that? CNN hyped that up like she was normal. Remember?

Well, about that........


Just like the random selfie while walking her dog. She's 100% fake
Based upon your replies here over the last few days I doubt anyone could actually take that as an insult.

Funny you should say that. It's not. You see, we are all simply the result of our environment and our own personal limitations. It's really not a matter of good or bad, simply a matter of being. Some just have greater limitations..So what?
Funny you should say that. It's not. You see, we are all simply the result of our environment and our own personal limitations. It's really not a matter of good or bad, simply a matter of being. Some just have greater limitations..So what?
I know the rhetoric. No one is responsible for themselves. It's the environment surrounding them or systemic limitations. And there is definitely a good or bad with regards to our social construct. You people have different views of the world than I do and it's hard for me to put myself in a place to comprehend them. Why would you shit where you eat?
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I know the rhetoric. No one is responsible for themselves. It's the environment surrounding them or systemic limitations. And there is definitely a good or bad with regards to our social construct. You people have different views of the world than I do and it's hard for me to put myself in a place to comprehend them. Why would you shit where you eat?

He is the typical leftist. "There's no good or bad." Um yeah, there is. The last group who should be lecturing about morality or the right thing to do is that group.

In the left's world, no one is personally responsible for anything (except all issues are whites/Republicans fault) and if someone commits crime the narrative goes "Well, they had no choice." If someone attacks a Trump supporter it goes "That's what you get with dangerous rhetoric." If someone doesn't get a job, get rich or get into a school it's "Obviously it's systematic racism."

The left shows that they're sacks of garbage on every issue.

Okay with corruption? Check
Using illegals to cheat? Check
Backs BLM? Check
Hates cops? Check
Backs Islam? Check
Hates Christians? Checks
Wants to disarm you? Check
Wants dangerous refugees beside you?Check
Thinks it's okay to murder your baby? Check
Thinks it's okay to steal to give to the lazy? Check

Thinks a mentally messed up man in a dress should have access to your kids/wife? Check

Loves to burn the flag? Check
Silences anyone who disagrees? Check
Destroys your property & riots? Check
Wants to ruin people/small businesses for not agreeing with their ideology? Check

Calls you racist, uneducated, sexist bigot every time they lose a debate? Check

Hates our military? Check
Wants government to rule you? Check
Claims to be against racism but supports racism against whites? Check

Doesn't cover or label black on white violence as a hate crime? Check

Constantly creates hoaxes to try and stir up violence and hate toward you? Check
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He is the typical leftist. "There's no good or bad." Um yeah, there is. The last group who should be lecturing about morality or the rigjt thing to do is that group.

In the left's world, no one is personally responsible for anything (except all issues are whites/Republicans fault) and if someone commits crime the narrative goes "Well, they had no choice." If someone attacks a Trump supporter it goes "That's what you get with dangerous rhetoric." If someone doesn't get a job, get rich or get into a school it's "Obviously it's systematic racism."

The left shows that they're sacks of garbage on every issue.

Okay with corruption? Check
Using illegals to cheat? Check
Backs BLM? Check
Hates cops? Check
Backs Islam? Check
Hates Christians? Checks
Wants to disarm you? Check
Wants dangerous refugees beside you?Check
Thinks it's okay to murder your baby? Check
Thinks it's okay to steal to give to the lazy? Check

Thinks a mentally messed up man in a dress should have access to your kids/wife? Check

Loves to burn the flag? Check
Silences anyone who disagrees? Check
Destroys your property & riots? Check
Wants to ruin people/small businesses for not agreeing with their ideology? Check

Calls you racist, uneducated, sexist bigot every time they lose a debate? Check

Hates our military? Check
Wants government to rule you? Check
Claims to be against racism but supports racism against whites? Check

Doesn't cover or label black on white violence as a hate crime? Check

Constantly creates hoaxes to try and stir up violence and hate toward you? Check

Oh, there's good and bad. I'm just saying you are not a bad person simply because of your limitations.
Funny you should say that. It's not. You see, we are all simply the result of our environment and our own personal limitations. It's really not a matter of good or bad, simply a matter of being. Some just have greater limitations..So what?


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So . . . . CNN top headlines now:

Top stories

Trump picked a rabid dog. Trump is different. China hates Trump. Kaepernick is a douche. Violence. Obama is awesome. Violence. Disaster. Trump is bad change like Brexit. (had to actually click on this one) Trump is Nixon. Disease. Sickness.

Does this reflect anyone's life? What the hell planet are they reporting on? Fake news can tickle my asshole.
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First Brexit, then Trump, now Italy?

Not only Italy, but Austria is getting ready to elect a nationalist who wants out of the EU as well. France's presidential election will more than likely come down to a right wing and a far right wing candidate, both of whom are running on nationalist policies, stopping Muslim refugee immigration, etc...

Holland will probably soon follow. Merkel is more than likely going to be outed in Germany by a far right anti immigration party. Wouldn't surprise me to see the right win in the Czech Republic and/or Hungary as well. Globalization, political correctness, identity politics and the Muslim refugee crisis is pushing a lot of the globe to the right, far right in some cases.
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