How will they rule ??!

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Let's make this simple. If you guys don't believe that Hillary had, overall, a more educated voting base then just ignore the question. There is no way I can "prove" it any more than I can "prove" a jet is faster than a car. Someone could be rigging the numbers. It's been considered axiomatic for years and I've never heard it contested until now. But,In any event, if it's not true then my question simply doesn't work.

Democrats do have the highly educated voters. They also have the least educated voters. I would personally rather be aligned with everyday Americans than felons and highly educated liberals.
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Democrats do have the highly educated voters. They also have the least educated voters. I would personally rather be aligned with everyday Americans than felons and highly educated liberals.

That's certainly a reasonable position. For me personally, I don't really think it's necessary to align with any of them.
[laughing] So Lena Dunham is automatically considered "educated" just because she attended college? Educated in what exactly? Being a no talent having, annoying, illogical, loud mouth, feminist dyke?

A mechanic at the Jiffy Lube is informed, literate, learned, knowledgeable (and/or any other synonym(s) you can think of for "educated") when it comes to working on vehicles. Which means he/she is more "educated" in that field than someone who attended college and isn't a mechanic, correct?

Hate to tell you, but just because someone spends 100k to get radicalized and indoctrinated by loony, liberal professors does not automatically make them more "educated" than someone who didn't attend college.

Unless... you're so shallow and dense to honestly think "educated" is only defined as someone who attended college, in which case you're ignorant, not "educated".
In my original question I was referring to formal education. But I agree, there are many forms of education. Not that you accused me, but I never equated education with intelligence.
educated voting block is just another misrepresentation. i don't have a college degree, neither does my wife. we both went to college but neither finished. buuuutt, we both work, a lot. both make a very respectable wage plus lots of hours. we are the working class. i make a lot more money than a lot of the "educated" without all the school loans. so who is the fool? anyways, look at Trump's numbers with household incomes above 50 grand, above 100 grand. etc. those incomes don't represent education, they just represent having a job. i can be considered uneducated according to the liberal sore losers, and that is fine. but i am a contributing member to society. Hillary did much better with those who had incomes below 30 grand, those who were at or below poverty levels, why? i am sure it had something to do with handouts, welfare and so on. Trump did extremely well among the middle class voters, the working class. his message resonated with those of us trying to earn an honest living. once you filtered through all the race bating name calling bullshit the left threw out there, he had a message that spoke to those of us that work for a living. she did not. and that had nothing to do with race, nothing to do with gender. as much as the liberals still want to make this about racism, it was not. we don't want to live off the govt. we don't want govt controlled healthcare. we don't want govt subsidies. we, the working class just want to earn an honest living and provide for our families. that my liberal friends has absolutely nothing to do with race. the working class regardless of education, those of us in that 50,000 a year and up came out in huge numbers for Trump. because he was the only candidate that had the nerve to mention the issues that effect those of us working for a living. he spoke about jobs, she spoke about racism, sexism. she ran the campaign of fear. he ran one of promise for the working class American. your college education is worth shit if you don't know how to use what you have studied. and that is a tough pill to swallow.
Let's make this simple. If you guys don't believe that Hillary had, overall, a more educated voting base then just ignore the question. There is no way I can "prove" it any more than I can "prove" a jet is faster than a car. Someone could be rigging the numbers. It's been considered axiomatic for years and I've never heard it contested until now. But,In any event, if it's not true then my question simply doesn't work.

It is true. It is true that a society can be formed where the more educated, more intelligent half of that society will be the less productive half of that society and support forms of dependency to be paid for by the other half of the society - that half which is productive, does not desire to depend, yet is somehow less educated, less intelligent. That is true.

is that . . . simple, for you??
It is true. It is true that a society can be formed where the more educated, more intelligent half of that society will be the less productive half of that society and support forms of dependency to be paid for by the other half of the society - that half which is productive, does not desire to depend, yet is somehow less educated, less intelligent. That is true.

is that . . . simple, for you??

Yeah, pretty simple I guess. I'm not sure if it relates to my question though.
And Trump U.

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The fact of the matter is sobe, you insinuated that Trump supporters were dumb by inferring they were not educated. You also commented (it seemed negatively) (perception) on your non educated friends seemingly putting yourself on a different level then them. It was perceived by me and I believe others that you were being smug and arrogant. Perhaps you were trolling to which I say well done, if not, may God have mercy on your soul.
The fact of the matter is sobe, you insinuated that Trump supporters were dumb by inferring they were not educated. You also commented (it seemed negatively) (perception) on your non educated friends seemingly putting yourself on a different level then them. It was perceived by me and I believe others that you were being smug and arrogant. Perhaps you were trolling to which I say well done, if not, may God have mercy on your soul.

I didn't insinuate anything, you inferred it.
Man Rand Paul needs to kick his son square in the ass.

DUI and crashing into a parked car are the start of dad's presidential primary. Shewee.

Kid needs to claim he's an alcoholic, take whatever punishment the DUI brings, go to rehab and become some redemption story. Oh wait, nevermind. He's a Republican. Nothing short of the electric chair is going to satisfy the media.

No problem, just have him claim he's found religion.
In my origanal wreferring to formal education. But I agree, there are many forms of education. Not that you accused me, but I never equated education with intelligence.

Then the better question may have been; "does it bother Trump voters that people who attended college generally supported Clinton?"

Because, imo, attending college and being "educated" in Liberal Arts while working as a barista down at the local Starbucks doesn't exactly scream "educated" like it was implied in the original question, college education or not.
I guess the litmus test for this test is an earned degree.

Got that degree. You're more likely to be a hillary voter. Now I see where you are coming from, Sobe. I would say degree wise. Hillary had them beat. Yes. But then again, that could be critiqued.

Does some feminist nazi with a degree in Aggressive Female Studies really count, though?
Then the better question may have been; "does it bother Trump voters that people who attended college generally supported Clinton?"

Because, imo, attending college and being "educated" in Liberal Arts while working as a barista down at the local Starbucks doesn't exactly scream "educated" like it was implied in the original question, college education or not.

Fair enough. In this context, education is generally understood to be formal education. But I could have been more specific on that.
You got good answers, you either did not understand them or did not like them.

I got a lot of answers about how my premise was flawed and I received a lot of answers about my question was irrelevant because I was a dick for asking it. I think there was only one attempt to answer the question.
Look Sobe, you're fresh meat for us. Albany gonna pay me a $1000. Fuzz/RQ (lol) ran off. Unfortunately Teachable Moe had a health issue (hope he is well), Cradkilla comes to the board when he gets out from his Baker Acts. Other than that, we need new liberal meat to feast on. GD son. Figuratively. You have internet safe space with us.
Yeah, pretty simple I guess. I'm not sure if it relates to my question though.

it only relates to the clear lack of validity of the answer you wish supported. Sort as if to say you have two automobiles and you point to the one that performs most poorly, sputters badly if/when it does run, and is always needing to rob parts off of the other car which rarely has any problems by comparison and say "this is the better designed automobile." You have nothing practical or useful to support that claim. Perhaps you might say, "well, I like sitting in it better" or "it actually pleases me more" or "I know that it needs me more that the other one, so it is just that I like it better".

The other car does not need you, you and the dud car both need IT. So good luck convincing that GOOD car to continue to perform more and more for you, as you tell it how much smarter you are for taking from it, and giving to the dud car that has you imprisoned into believing is your worthy master.
it only relates to the clear lack of validity of the answer you wish supported. Sort as if to say you have two automobiles and you point to the one that performs most poorly, sputters badly if/when it does run, and is always needing to rob parts off of the other car which rarely has any problems by comparison and say "this is the better designed automobile." You have nothing practical or useful to support that claim. Perhaps you might say, "well, I like sitting in it better" or "it actually pleases me more" or "I know that it needs me more that the other one, so it is just that I like it better".

The other car does not need you, you and the dud car both need IT. So good luck convincing that dud car to continue to perform more and more for you, as you tell it how much smarter you are for taking from it, and giving to the dud car that has you imprisoned into believing is your worthy master.
There's a clear bottom line here and it's a good one. Pointing it out might be offensive to some, so best to just leave it as a car analogy.
There's a clear bottom line here and it's a good one. Pointing it out might be offensive to some, so best to just leave it as a car analogy.

offensive? . . . to the more educated? more intelligent? and how can that be? what does it say when we must be most sensitive to that portion of our society we are told is most educated? This is what it says to me: free mova-f'kin-entertainment
offensive? . . . to the more educated? more intelligent? and how can that be? what does it say when we must be most sensitive to that portion of our society we are told is most educated? This is what it says to me: free mova-f'kin-entertainment

Morality saviors man. They use the common stereotypes to publicly denounce it while at the same time victimize the same people that are stereotyped.

PYE's video explains it all.
Jamo reached out twice and then he no longer posted and no longer responded. But he reached out first proactively,
and it wasn't like he just responded to me.

I assume he went on a vacation or something who knows.

He hasn't posted and he kind of reminded me of sobs really.

- Not sure what it is but Kellyanne Conway could get it anyway she wanted!

Legit have a feeling for that lady. Every time she is interviewed I love everything she says, how she says, and how she hits back with a F off edge.

Love it!

-I get it CNN and the like will spin anything anyway possible, but turning Carrier into a negative because now the govt is faced with companies holding the govt hostage on taxes and that's negative.

Hey dipshits Trump has said he will punish those that leave so good luck strong arming this president.
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it only relates to the clear lack of validity of the answer you wish supported. Sort as if to say you have two automobiles and you point to the one that performs most poorly, sputters badly if/when it does run, and is always needing to rob parts off of the other car which rarely has any problems by comparison and say "this is the better designed automobile." You have nothing practical or useful to support that claim. Perhaps you might say, "well, I like sitting in it better" or "it actually pleases me more" or "I know that it needs me more that the other one, so it is just that I like it better".

The other car does not need you, you and the dud car both need IT. So good luck convincing that GOOD car to continue to perform more and more for you, as you tell it how much smarter you are for taking from it, and giving to the dud car that has you imprisoned into believing is your worthy master.

Good stuff and accurate.
USC faculty member stabbed to death by a student. Subject in custody, but details have not been released.
USC faculty member stabbed to death by a student. Subject in custody, but details have not been released.

They're not white. You know how I know? Because the media didn't say so.

Regardless, boys, the insanity on college campuses is insane. These people cannot cope with GD anything. They need toys, therapy dogs, hot cocoa and safe spaces.

Eff these brainwashed kids. BTW, how shitty are these parents? They're not hands or proactive with their kids so they just become brainwashed nuts when they go to school. "I'm away from mom and dad and this new stuff is blowing my mind. I'm going to fight racial injustices and yes, white people are evil. I better prove I'm not one of those evil people. I'll believe everything my professor says and I'll go protest something because the world needs me. I know so much. I'm a savior to these people. My thoughts are so unique.l
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Obama must have read "Al Gore's Guide to Media Riches & Wealth Beyond Your Wildest Dreams" self-help series.
Well, at least they're gonna get paid AFTER they leave the WH, not while they are still in it. Seriously, everything you all say about Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, crony capitalism, low information voters, pay to play, drain the swamp, etc. is right out of the Hypocrisy 101 handbook. Trump blasts Hillary for giving f'ing speeches at Goldman and he's hired the whole team.
They're not white. You know how I know? Because the media didn't say so.

Regardless, boys, the insanity on college campuses is insane. These people cannot cope with GD anything. They need toys, therapy dogs, hot cocoa and safe spaces.

Eff these brainwashed kids. BTW, how shitty are these parents? They just have no hands on to be proactive with their kids so they just become brainwashed nuts when they go to school. "I'm away from mom and dad and this new stuff is blowing my mind. I'm going to fight racial injustices and yes, white people are evil. I better prove I'm not one of those evil people. I'll believe everything my professor says and I'll go protest something because the world needs me. I know so much. I'm a savior to these people. My thoughts are so unique.l
coming from the whiniest, crybaby Republican this side of Donald Trump
Well, at least they're gonna get paid AFTER they leave the WH, not while they are still in it. Seriously, everything you all say about Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, crony capitalism, low information voters, pay to play, drain the swamp, etc. is right out of the Hypocrisy 101 handbook. Trump blasts Hillary for giving f'ing speeches at Goldman and he's hired the whole team.

Name those. And when does a President-Elect "hire" his cabinet? haha
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Morality saviors man. They use the common stereotypes to publicly denounce it while at the same time victimize the same people that are stereotyped.

PYE's video explains it all.

that vid does say it all - thanks for bringing that to my attention, btw. Just now watched it. Damn. All I can say is, wow. Range of emotions watching that, ending with anger. Blacks have the right to exercise equality at every opportunity. Being denied the right to prove citizenship at those precious moments when they matter most - voting - under the corrupt guise that they require protection - and for reasons that not a blessed one of them will agree with. Black lives matter but their identity does not.

Democrats want non-citizens voting in elections. This is what this is about. Plain and simple. Legitimate war against the US Constitution and US citizens. If you support this process you are an enemy to the US Constitution. And mine.