How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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that vid does say it all - thanks for bringing that to my attention, btw. Just now watched it. Damn. All I can say is, wow. Range of emotions watching that, ending with anger. Blacks have the right to exercise equality at every opportunity. Being denied the right to prove citizenship at those precious moments when they matter most - voting - under the corrupt guise that they require protection - and for reasons that not a blessed one of them will agree with. Black lives matter but their identity does not.

Democrats want non-citizens voting in elections. This is what this is about. Plain and simple. Legitimate war against the US Constitution and US citizens. If you support this process you are an enemy to the US Constitution. And mine.

Yep. thankfully we have nyc and san fran white liberals to save the "vulnerable". I mean, the blacks have no Ids, nor internet, and don't even f*****g know where the DMV is. We need some white liberals to save them
Name those. And when does a President-Elect "hire" his cabinet? haha

He's only appointed one (Mnuchin) so far, I think, and he was appointed to help with tax reform. @cardkilla also fails to recognize the difference between Trump and Hillary, though. Hillary took money from Wall Street and owed them many favors. She would have worked for them. Trump has taken zero money from them and owes them nothing. Needless to say, they work for him.

Not to mention, Trump said from the very beginning he was going to appoint some business people who knew how to negotiate and make deals in order to put America first, instead of having idiot politicians getting taken to task by China, Mexico, etc.. Not sure why people are so riled up over him doing exactly what he said he was going to do.
He's only appointed one (Mnuchin) so far, I think, and he was appointed to help with tax reform. @cardkilla also fails to recognize the difference between Trump and Hillary, though. Hillary took money from Wall Street and owed them many favors. She would have worked for them. Trump has taken zero money from them and owes them nothing. Needless to say, they work for him.

Not to mention, Trump said from the very beginning he was going to appoint some business people who knew how to negotiate and make deals in order to put America first, instead of having idiot politicians getting taken to task by China, Mexico, etc.. Not sure why people are so riled up over him doing exactly what he said he was going to do.

Shit Citibank picked Obama's cabinet. That's evidenced by Wikileaks. You can't deny an authentic email. It's like denying a DNA test for a child's birth.
liberals are banning books, burning flags, restricting free speech that they don't agree with, promoting anti-semitic Jew bashing congressman to lead the DNC, trying to ban guns every chance they get, want govt takeover of healthcare, trying to increase the size and scope and control of the govt over everything we do.....but then call Trump and his supporters fascist. when you ban all the history you don't like, there is nothing you have left to learn from. i mean the irony.
The real prejudice lies in the fact that you guys automatically assume I'm some wealthy elitist for asking a simple question based on facts. Facts are I was middle-of-the-road lawyer watching my budget BEFORE spending my last few years battling liver failure culminating in a 1.3 million dollar liver transplant a few months ago.

Sorrh to hear that

Let's make this simple. If you guys don't believe that Hillary had, overall, a more educated voting base then just ignore the question. There is no way I can "prove" it any more than I can "prove" a jet is faster than a car. Someone could be rigging the numbers. It's been considered axiomatic for years and I've never heard it contested until now. But,In any event, if it's not true then my question simply doesn't work.

The problem is there are no facts. you keep saying facts. youre using exit polling data done by same people who totally missed the pulse of the country for months. i mean come on, you went thru college, loaded up on debt, went to even MORE college and loaded up on more debt(assumed) ane think exit polling equatea to facts? maybe you should go get a real education to learn what the definition of facts are. i mean would exit polling data hold up in a court as fact?
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Hillary supporters being more educated is a hilarious myth. Hillary supporters burn cities down when they don't get their way, yeah those are some educated folk.
This situation is concerning for many reasons,” read the letter, charging that “your departments negotiated an international agreement regarding refugees without consulting or notifying Congress.”

“The United States is proud of its long history as the largest refugee resettlement country in the world," read the statement. "As the President has announced, our refugee resettlement program has grown substantially in the last year.

If this news is real, why ain't this on the evening news? Congress didn't know about this. We don't know who these people are. Don't know what deal was made. And the US is very proud of this, per our Presidebt. US who? Congress wasn't even told. The people have no gd clue.

Plus, why is our Presidebt making year make year long deals? He's done next month. If these people start the process, jailed in Cuba or whatever that weird stuff was about, trump cones in and says nope. Then media has a field day with "OMG these poor people in Cuba Trump sending them back to Australia/wherever!!" and it's just a mess. Most of all for these refugee people who are being shuffled all over the glove like cattle in exchange for deals??? Wtf is that non humanitarian bulllshit. Get real.
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Tucker having a good laugh at the expense of the Newsweek editor for this nonsense. Check out what was written in that Madam President issue. Also, watch him claim that they subtracted the magazine out and that no one read what was inside it. HAHAHA

my goodness, this is the echo chamber that creates copkillas
I appreciate that this won't happen again. What a joke. Not reading it before it went out.:joy:

This actually never happened as the network's never covered it. More fake news from Fox.

Tucker is number 1 for me now.
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offensive? . . . to the more educated? more intelligent? and how can that be? what does it say when we must be most sensitive to that portion of our society we are told is most educated? This is what it says to me: free mova-f'kin-entertainment
That is exactly what is happening today. In many instances they do not understand what is going on so, they tell you they are smarter and that you are a racist/bigoted/misogynistic hate monger. I guess if you tell yourself something for a long enough time, you will begin to believe it and so will your followers. Brainwashing comes in many forms and the left has been brain washing these poor lemmings for a long time now.
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Tucker having a good laugh at the expense of the Newsweek editor for this nonsense. Check out what was written in that Madam President issue. Also, watch him claim that they subtracted the magazine out and that no one read what was inside it. HAHAHA

Bullshit. I'm calling shenanigans. There is absolutely NO WAY that Newsweek editors allowed some entity to create a magazine with the Newsweek name on the cover without agreeing to the cover picture and the content of the articles. Closer to the truth would probably be that Newsweek created the content and the other company merely prints and assembles the physical magazine.
Bullshit. I'm calling shenanigans. There is absolutely NO WAY that Newsweek editors allowed some entity to create a magazine with the Newsweek name on the cover without agreeing to the cover picture and the content of the articles. Closer to the truth would probably be that Newsweek created the content and the other company merely prints and assembles the physical magazine.
I just said the same thing to my wife. Nothing has changed with the left and I like it for it will continue to ensure of their demise. Educated.....[pfftt]
educated voting block is just another misrepresentation. i don't have a college degree, neither does my wife. we both went to college but neither finished. buuuutt, we both work, a lot. both make a very respectable wage plus lots of hours. we are the working class. i make a lot more money than a lot of the "educated" without all the school loans. so who is the fool? anyways, look at Trump's numbers with household incomes above 50 grand, above 100 grand. etc. those incomes don't represent education, they just represent having a job. i can be considered uneducated according to the liberal sore losers, and that is fine. but i am a contributing member to society. Hillary did much better with those who had incomes below 30 grand, those who were at or below poverty levels, why? i am sure it had something to do with handouts, welfare and so on. Trump did extremely well among the middle class voters, the working class. his message resonated with those of us trying to earn an honest living. once you filtered through all the race bating name calling bullshit the left threw out there, he had a message that spoke to those of us that work for a living. she did not. and that had nothing to do with race, nothing to do with gender. as much as the liberals still want to make this about racism, it was not. we don't want to live off the govt. we don't want govt controlled healthcare. we don't want govt subsidies. we, the working class just want to earn an honest living and provide for our families. that my liberal friends has absolutely nothing to do with race. the working class regardless of education, those of us in that 50,000 a year and up came out in huge numbers for Trump. because he was the only candidate that had the nerve to mention the issues that effect those of us working for a living. he spoke about jobs, she spoke about racism, sexism. she ran the campaign of fear. he ran one of promise for the working class American. your college education is worth shit if you don't know how to use what you have studied. and that is a tough pill to swallow.

Rack this. Thanks for posting.
These refugees need to stop NOW till we can properly vet these people.

Obama wants to start his own media company per Drudge

Heres the link.

Remember when libs crushed trump saying that's what he wanted? Guess it's ok now.

Liberals in NY now fighting for heroin injection facilities where addicts can legally and safely shoot up without fear of overdosing and/or spreading diseases.

Meh, let them. Better than having them pass out in their cars with their kids in the backseat. I doubt anyone will suddenly become heroin addicts because of this. Plus it'll make it easier to identify users so they can be targeted for treatment.

But, I definitely get the hypocrisy; considering the same entity banned big gulps for too much sugar lol.

-I get it CNN and the like will spin anything anyway possible, but turning Carrier into a negative because now the govt is faced with companies holding the govt hostage on taxes and that's negative.

And they keep intentionally misleading. It wasn't federal tax incentives, it was state. This is a very common tactic states use. Obama just never had the creativity or skill to make it work. He had no clue how it could possibly be done, as he explained in his town hall.

Not the worst scandal, but to me it's the most embarrassing of his tenure. A GOP president would've been crushed for this, and rightly so. Obama though got a free pass, as usual.
Well, at least they're gonna get paid AFTER they leave the WH, not while they are still in it. Seriously, everything you all say about Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, crony capitalism, low information voters, pay to play, drain the swamp, etc. is right out of the Hypocrisy 101 handbook. Trump blasts Hillary for giving f'ing speeches at Goldman and he's hired the whole team.

The whole team? Exaggerate much?
Saw the louisville women's coach went on an accurate rant about entitlement nature of society. I don't expect he'll survive that discussion. Liberal city with an admitted liberal university.

Only thing that might save him is no one really cares about women's basketball
Saw the louisville women's coach went on an accurate rant about entitlement nature of society. I don't expect he'll survive that discussion. Liberal city with an admitted liberal university.

Only thing that might save him is no one really cares about women's basketball
I watched that and I couldn't believe he was saying those words. You're right, he isn't long for that job because he is clearly not a "Louisville man".
If you have a half hour to kill, like I did, watch this video. Narrator doesn't mention it until towards the end but, watch Trevor's face and notice how much time he spends not looking at Tomi while he speaks. Is it because he finds her insanely hot and can't keep his train of thought if he looks at her?

Video also shows how the BLM movement falls apart under the most minor scrutiny, just like all the talking points of the left.