How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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The real prejudice lies in the fact that you guys automatically assume I'm some wealthy elitist for asking a simple question based on facts. Facts are I was middle-of-the-road lawyer watching my budget BEFORE spending my last few years battling liver failure culminating in a 1.3 million dollar liver transplant a few months ago.
What you consider facts, are things that the left has led you to believe. Unfortunately the facts were somewhat distorted and you "educated' lefties bought into it. When following the left's "educational" leanings you seem more ignorant to actual facts and reality.
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Hillary ClintonHillary Clinton is a LinkedIn Influencer
2016 Presidential Candidate

Donald Trump should come out of those towers he names after himself and actually talk and listen to people. You know, at some point, if you want to be president of the United States, you’ve got to get familiar with the United States. You’ve got to spend time with Americans of all sorts and backgrounds in every part of our country
[roll]Sobehillary. Must be a leftest epidemic.
Obama secretly accepting & trying to force through couple thousand refugees from Iraq, Afghanistan etc... that Australia is refusing to take b/c they are all mostly fighting age males that they can't vet properly.
Fair enough, but that's not my experience with the correlation. By and large, my educated friends and acquaintances supported Hillary on a much larger scale than my uneducated ones, regardless of age.
There are many forms of education beyond traditional colleges and universities. It is a shame that so many only attach value to those institutions of indoctrination.
I think most of us are still waiting on a link to verify all those "Facts."

But I do sinerely wish you all the best on the liver transplant, tough stuff and don't wish that on anyone, even a liberal elitist lawyer.

They were posted in the links lol.
Libs are going ape shit over Trump calling Taiwan's PM.

I think its great, its about time we gave China a middle finger if you ask me. After all the crap Chinas been doing to us, we should be upset that Trump called Taiwan? Screw China.
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What you consider facts, are things that the left has led you to believe. Unfortunately the facts were somewhat distorted and you "educated' lefties bought into it. When following the left's "educational" leanings you seem more ignorant to actual facts and reality.

No, the facts are the things I posted that are factual. "Fact" is not subject to gradation.
Liberals in NY now fighting for heroin injection facilities where addicts can legally and safely shoot up without fear of overdosing and/or spreading diseases. I was wrong. How about that.

So I'll be here for a bit to take my lumps. And I can't remember who, but there is one person I owe a little money I need to settle up on.
Welcome back.

No, I will not rub it in because even though I voted Trump, I seriously thought Hillary had this thing won.
Major Dem donor

BREAKING: Chaim Saban: @keithellison is an antisemite and anti-Israel. It will be a disaster for US-Israel if he is elected as head of DNC

I bet Yakub the Scientist will be happy about the potential Jews that Ellison will kill for him.

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No, the facts are the things I posted that are factual. "Fact" is not subject to gradation.
"Facts" can be manipulated and be twisted to fit specific narratives. One mans fact is another mans misrepresentation of the data. Simply put, selective polling in this case. That was a proven "fact" during the election process. For a self proclaimed educated liberal you are pretty unaware to what is really happening out there. Borderline ignorant to the real facts.
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"Facts" can be manipulated and be twisted to fit specific narratives. One mans fact is another mans misrepresentation of the data. Simply put, selective polling in this case. That was a proven "fact" during the election process. For a self proclaimed educated liberal you are pretty unaware to what is really happening out there. Borderline ignorant to the real facts.

Sure they can be manipulated in some sort of non sequitur way. But they are still facts or they are not facts. You haven't even disputed what I say is a fact and you, I guess, say isn't. So what's your point?
Sure they can be manipulated in some sort of non sequitur way. But they are still facts or they are not facts. You haven't even disputed what I say is a fact and you, I guess, say isn't. So what's your point?

Mind posting those facts again?

Are you saying that your one fact link is more factual than the 3 fact links that Fatguy and I posted?

We showed facts. 3 sources.
Sure they can be manipulated in some sort of non sequitur way. But they are still facts or they are not facts. You haven't even disputed what I say is a fact and you, I guess, say isn't. So what's your point?

Let's add to the discussion with questions on the "educated" and left views of "free" college for everyone. The "facts" presented could be the data to push this narrative to free college to further "educate" a voting base towards the left. Thus resulting in more "educated" voters for a specific party. Just a thought.
Sure they can be manipulated in some sort of non sequitur way. But they are still facts or they are not facts. You haven't even disputed what I say is a fact and you, I guess, say isn't. So what's your point?
Point is, they are facts to you because you believe them regardless of the polling process. You can poll in areas where you know what the average education is and normal voting preference and therefore pick and chose that which fits your narrative. This is just a small sample of the big picture which is being hidden. Also, something you are missing is the fact that most of academia is liberal and have determined what the the standard is for being educated. Simply put, what their areas of interest are plus the normal needed educational fields required to function in the world. Your arrogance here is "factual" proof of that.
Point is, they are facts to you because you believe them regardless of the polling process. You can poll in areas where you know what the average education is and normal voting preference and therefore pick and chose that which fits your narrative. This is just a small sample of the big picture which is being hidden. Also, something you are missing is the fact that most of academia is liberal and have determined what the the standard is for being educated. Simply put, what their areas of interest are plus the normal needed educational fields required to function in the world. Your arrogance here is "factual" proof of that.

If you are going to be so sensitive about voting for Trump then maybe you shouldn't have.
No, I read his post. He cliffnoted it.

Do you still have that link?

Should be the thread somewhere. They say what I said.
Let's make this simple. If you guys don't believe that Hillary had, overall, a more educated voting base then just ignore the question. There is no way I can "prove" it any more than I can "prove" a jet is faster than a car. Someone could be rigging the numbers. It's been considered axiomatic for years and I've never heard it contested until now. But,In any event, if it's not true then my question simply doesn't work.
If you are going to be so sensitive about voting for Trump then maybe you shouldn't have.

Should be the thread somewhere. They say what I said.
Not sensitive at all, just shooting back. You have made it clear that you seem to think that you and those like you are more educated. I simply pointed out that your facts on this matter are skewed. as one poster put it, a large portion of her voters were young and not educated on matters in the real world. I took it a bit further to argue that the educational standards have been set by the left in large part.
Let's make this simple. If you guys don't believe that Hillary had, overall, a more educated voting base then just ignore the question. There is no way I can "prove" it any more than I can "prove" a jet is faster than a car. Someone could be rigging the numbers. It's been considered axiomatic for years and I've never heard it contested until now. But,In any event, if it's not true then my question simply doesn't work.

The problem is in your original question. Maybe if you had presented it differently. But you didn't. It was a shitty hack job attempt to make it appear that Trump voters are stupid.

I'm guessing you prolly ask condescending questions within your profession. Then play off as the victim. I get it Sobe. Deal with your like all the time. Cognitive distortions out the whaoo backed by the ultimate defense mechanism called "intellectualization".
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Not sensitive at all, just shooting back. You have made it clear that you seem to think that you and those like you are more educated. I simply pointed out that your facts on this matter are skewed. as one poster put it, a large portion of her voters were young and not educated on matters in the real world. I took it a bit further to argue that the educational standards have been set by the left in large part.

Nope, that's what you wanted to read. Never said anything close to that In fact, I've said the opposite.