How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Read it again, still sucked.

What a dick I would be for thinking lesser of someone (being bothered) because some exit poll labeled them uneducated.

Is a trade school attendee educated? Someone with their series 6,7, CFP but no college degree educated? Contractor educated?

Your question was basically meant to be "hey don't you guys feel stupid for voting for the same person who all the other dum dums voted for?"

Read it again, still sucked.

What a dick I would be for thinking lesser of someone (being bothered) because some exit poll labeled them uneducated.

Is a trade school attendee educated? Someone with their series 6,7, CFP but no college degree educated? Contractor educated?

Your question was basically meant to be "hey don't you guys feel stupid for voting for the same person who all the other dum dums voted for?"

Wow, you are just WAY to ready to jump to conclusions.
I would assume the demographics of male vs female in college alone could explain quite a bit of the vote discrepancy. IE women go into education and teachers vote Democrat. Since we are broad brushing today.

I'm not broad brushing today, if you're referring to me. I specifically referred to polls and the general understanding of the statistics.
Did Trump's celebrity status have any effect on the electorate and will this victory lead to an increase in celebrity politicians? May the candidate with the most twitter followers win?

That remains to be seen. I do not think much on the first part but the latter part could see an explosion. Trump vs Cuban in 2020?
Didn't look at 538, but from the Pew link:

"In the 2016 election, a wide gap in presidential preferences emerged between those with and without a college degree. College graduates backed Clinton by a 9-point margin (52%-43%), while those without a college degree backed Trump 52%-44%. This is by far the widest gap in support among college graduates and non-college graduates in exit polls dating back to 1980. For example, in 2012, there was hardly any difference between the two groups: College graduates backed Obama over Romney by 50%-48%, and those without a college degree also supported Obama 51%-47%. Among whites, Trump won an overwhelming share of those without a college degree; and among white college graduates – a group that many identified as key for a potential Clinton victory – Trump outperformed Clinton by a narrow 4-point margin."

All in all, as fatguy87 suggests, a fairly nuanced set of facts, not easily reduced to pithy self-serving conclusions. After a period when "there was hardly any difference between the two groups," NOW of course the voting habits of non-college educated folks is prima facie evidence that........I dunno, they aren't smart enough to vote for the right candidate?

Similar to what we, apparently, are supposed to know about those white people in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin: Obama carried them in '08 and '12, but not in choosing Trump they reveal themselves to be bigots......
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touche, I'm not going back and editing every post on a message board. I'll bet you a million dollars I can find a grammatical error of you on this message board.

I would hope so - 11000 posts over 13 years on here.

I don't feel above the "uneducated" though.
Sobecat, show your friends your comments in this thread about them. Something tells me you might get your ass kicked, or at the very least your friends wouldn't be your friends anymore. What a smug person you are. I've never once judged my friends by their education, hell I'm not even sure if most of my friends have degrees or not, because I don't care about that stuff.
Did Trump's celebrity status have any effect on the electorate and will this victory lead to an increase in celebrity politicians? May the candidate with the most twitter followers win?

Interesting. Now which candidate was it that relied most heavily on celebrity influence to help drive voter interest, attendance and participation? (Hint: Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Katy Perry, Kardashian, Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Dunham, Streep, DeNiro, etc. .......)

And, fwiw, the entire "educated elite voted for Hillary" reeks of arrogance. The same arrogance that alienated millions and drove them to another candidate. Most people are smart enough to realize when they are being covered with bullshit regardless of how many years they spent in the Ivy League.
Being as diplomatic as I can, does it bother Trump voters that educated people generally supported Clinton and uneducated people generally supported Trump? Is education bad?
Do you always listen to the fake news the left feeds you? Is the truth bad?
Interesting. Now which candidate was it that relied most heavily on celebrity influence to help drive voter interest, attendance and participation? (Hint: Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Katy Perry, Kardashian, Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Dunham, Streep, DeNiro, etc. .......)

True but I believe being a celebrity is somewhat different from having celebrity backers. This was also very different than Reagan in the sense that he had already been a Governor. I'm not trying to demean the victory with the question, I think it is legitimate
Sobecat, show your friends your comments in this thread about them. Something tells me you might get your ass kicked, or at the very least your friends wouldn't be your friends anymore. What a smug person you are. I've never once judged my friends by their education, hell I'm not even sure if most of my friends have degrees or not, because I don't care about that stuff.

My uneducated friends aren't stupid, they know the statistics. Nor do I hang out with people "ass kicking" people that piss them off, not that this does.
And hopefully this can be my last word on the matter. If asking a question based on FACTS makes me "smug", so be it. I didn't say anything about intelligence or character. The answer could be as simple as they believe Trump's policies will positively affect their employment. If you don't want to recognize the FACTS underlying the question and find them offensive, that's your problem.
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The real prejudice lies in the fact that you guys automatically assume I'm some wealthy elitist for asking a simple question based on facts. Facts are I was middle-of-the-road lawyer watching my budget BEFORE spending my last few years battling liver failure culminating in a 1.3 million dollar liver transplant a few months ago.
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I think most of us are still waiting on a link to verify all those "Facts."

But I do sinerely wish you all the best on the liver transplant, tough stuff and don't wish that on anyone, even a liberal elitist lawyer.
Ah, you found a typo from me. Awesome. I think the complete misinterpretation of my question is worse though.
That wasn't a typo. A typo would be if you typed yout and didn't notice it. You typed "your" and it looked accurate to you. If you would have paid more attention to details you would have voted for Trump like you should have.
Hillary ClintonHillary Clinton is a LinkedIn Influencer
2016 Presidential Candidate

Donald Trump should come out of those towers he names after himself and actually talk and listen to people. You know, at some point, if you want to be president of the United States, you’ve got to get familiar with the United States. You’ve got to spend time with Americans of all sorts and backgrounds in every part of our country
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Obama wants to start his own media company per Drudge

Heres the link.


after they accused trump, a billionaire who doesn't need politics, who isn't taking a salary, of running for president just to drum up buzz for his media network dream.

Maybe trump can donate his salary to Barry, as in sure, much like the Clinton's, times will be tough for the ex presidential family.