How will they rule ??!

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Constitution does not afford these rights to Non Citizens,I served in the Military,lost two brothers in Vietnam,one in Khe Sanh,and one died later from Trauma in 82nd Airborne Special Forces.I carry a hunk of metal in my back and behind my left ear to this day.
I come from a poor Appalachian Family that was cheated out of Coal Land for pennies by Robber Barons from Pennsylvania,so calling people "HillBilly" is offensive to me as if I called you the N word.It's a stereo type that most Appalachian Americans have fought hard to overcome,but I earned an Academic Scholarship in Engineering to UK after Vietnam and started a small construction company in 1982.I built it into a corporation that was I sold at retirement because of health issues.
Besides hiring minorities,I took in three Mexican illegal immigrants in the 80's,taught them English,helped them earn American Citizenship by taking classes through the old ICE,INS I believe,and taught them all a trade,Today those fellows would tell you they are part of my family.I donated my time to Covington,Ky Housing Authority to teach under-priviledged youths carpentry skills and a chance at a better life,I volunteered for years to teach Trades and Safety classes at the Home Builders Association of Northern Ky,I built homes multiple times a year using my money,my time,and my employees for Habitat for Humanities.
I was a member of the Kentucky Association of General Contractors,The Local.State,and National Home Builders Associations,and a couple other Trade Organizations that promoted hiring minorities and giving low income youths a chance.
While I'm opinionated in believing Laws should apply equally to all,meaning Blacks should be held just as accountable for their racism as Whites,If I'm a racist,you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who had contact with me to say that.

I've read a few of your posts in this one thread and I think it's safe to say you're pretty racist.
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There is a giant trend of decentralization, that is going to eat everything. Few are prepared for it, least of all the majority of the Fortune 500. This at a time when nobody saves, everyone is in debt, and whatever meager savings that do exist are tied up in generic target date fund 2065. Trump was handed a grenade with the pin pulled.

How do you transition smoothly from a world where the same companies comprise the Fortune 500 for 75+ years, to the average turnover being 15 years and falling? From a world where companies make billions on their 30 year old patents, to a world where some dude just open sourced a kit to add Tesla Autopilot to a 2016 Civic because the government told him he couldn't sell it? From a world where money is printed to fund wars nobody wants, to a world where bitcoin exists? I don't want to sound like too much of a technology optimist , but the future is here, and it's taking your job (with fewer exceptions than you realize) in the next 10 years.

With that does anyone actually believe the economy as a whole is doing well right now, and would it matter with this many dramatic changes?

Dude, I do work for Fortune 10 companies that still run a ton of their stuff off of Excel bc the business case isn't there to automate. I'm bearish big time on automation.
Oh, it's party time for rich corporations. Trump is going to completely blow up the deficit in slashing their taxes and handing out lavish favors a la Reagan. We will live high on the hog with massive credit card spending and all you idiots will think what a great president Trump is just like you did for that total idiot Reagan. Then when the party is over and all the bills come due, then it will be the Democrats' faults.

you are the moron . . . the party is over NOW. The bills are due NOW. There is no "will live" on massive credit card spending, as that is precisely how we have been living. Here is the current note Obama has left us, 19.8 trillon dollars in massive, massive debt. There is no "then" for Democrat's fault. That is also a big f'king NOW. You type as if this is only something that will happen. You type as a mindless, spineless yolk of easy-speak, ignorance and foolishness. You vomit the poison that profits are evil and spout off with economic folly. You desperately depend and consider it virtuous while it is corrupt. The 2008 collapse was driven to it's own fate by Clintonian policy to loan recklessly, driving housing prices magnificently beyond their actual values, magnificently beyond what borrowers could continue to repay, and yet you blame Bush because the roof began leaking after he moved into a house that was so ridiculously saturated it had made an entire nation look high and dry.
Oh, it's party time for rich corporations. Trump is going to completely blow up the deficit in slashing their taxes and handing out lavish favors a la Reagan. We will live high on the hog with massive credit card spending and all you idiots will think what a great president Trump is just like you did for that total idiot Reagan. Then when the party is over and all the bills come due, then it will be the Democrats' faults.

We were the largest creditor nation on earth when Reagan took office. 8 years of slashing taxes on the rich corporations and massive defense spending turned us into the largest debtor nation on earth. Now here comes Donald Trump because you idiots did not learn a damned thing from the 2008 collapse.

Trickle-down economics DO NOT WORK. Why do we keep going through this mindless cycle? We seriously and I am not joking here, we are allowing rich fat cats to loot this country before it collapses. We are a fire sale and the moron you idiots elected to save us is the arsonist.
The actual problems you posted here will be coming shortly due to the Obama admin now raising interest rates, Obama Care coming of age, and, we stop printing money. The idiotic thing about all of this is, as soon as Trump takes over, morons like you that have been blaming Bush for the last 8 years will now blame Trump before he has done anything. The hypocrisy of it all is, in one breath you say it is Bush's fault things are so bad and then in the next breath, Obama has created so many jobs and the country is doing very well now. It is no wonder you guys have done so poorly in the midterm elections and this last one.
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We will live high on the hog with massive credit card spending and all you idiots will think what a great president Trump is just like you did for that total idiot Reagan. Then when the party is over and all the bills come due, then it will be the Democrats' faults.

We are a fire sale and the moron you idiots elected to save...
Translation: Your team won, my team lost, so I'll simply engage in yet another sophomoric, insult-laced tirade.

Game. Set. Match.
Clinton Foundation back in the news. Uncovered secret millions found from France to Clinton Foundation. When people say they hate Trump I feel sorry for them, because they are running on emotions and not on common sense

Maybe you should grow up and get a job junior,instead of promoting the murder of Police Officers and White People like Black Lives Matters does

So now I'm an unemployed child? That's a pretty bizarre connect the dots thing you did there.

You are severely uninformed though. Especially considering the message of Black Lives Matter is the actual name of the organization. I mean they couldn't beat you over the head with their mission any more unless they prefaced it with "We Think..." or "Our Goal Is To Help You To Understand That..."
We're gonna print and send stupid money, per usual. Learn USA.

Difference is we're gonna do it to help make money, not just give it away to special interests....

I hope. It will be better, for sure, not as great as Trump says, but progress.

You people know better, tbh. Quit playing stupid.


Endless cycle. Republicans loot the government. Democrats go into office and lay a guilt trip on the public to pony up the tax increases to pay for the splurge, then bring the Republicans back in to loot all over again. We are all rubes.

That's the truth.
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Just saw that while Hillary was giving her concession speech the day after the election, she already had lawyers going over the voting data behind the scenes, looking for a way to change the outcome.

If challenging the results was the decision she made, which is well within her rights, then why even put on the sob show that morning & concede?

Just another example of what a despicable person she is. Can't even call for a recount without being a two faced liar about it.
Buzzfeed goes after an HGTV show couple for going to a church that opposes same sex marriage. Meanwhile the DNC is going to name a muslim as head of their party and his mosque's beliefs will not be discussed. SMGDH.

They won't discuss it. But we surely will.

They just appointed American Bin Laden. Great job DNC.
Buzzfeed goes after an HGTV show couple for going to a church that opposes same sex marriage. Meanwhile the DNC is going to name a muslim as head of their party and his mosque's beliefs will not be discussed. SMGDH.


Bevin has cut 103 state regulations so far, and has 197 more on the block.

That guy is efficient.
Look, I absolutely love Chicago. It saddens me that under decades of democrat leadership, they have destroyed the "inner city" areas and its occupants. Statistics....sciency that you are living in the murder capital of the US. Raw numbers are what they are. LA and NYC are larger so don't try to play the per capita game. They had a murder last week in Hickory Stump, KY population 5, so their per cap average exceeds Chicago. Seriously?
I just did a quick Google on the number of black-on-black deaths in Chicago over the past 10 years...

Google auto-filled my search query "Number of black deaths in Chicago" as the number 1 option after only the words "Number of black..."

But, don't worry. Only simpletons think this is a real issue.

FTR- you could not pay me enough money to live in that state, much less in that town.
^^^and to clarify, I'm not trying to imply anyone with a chromosomal abnormality is less of a person. On the contrary, I'm including them in the spectrum of defining sex for humans.

Would your point be that some-most-all of those with gender dysphoria or lumped under the group more commonly now associated as "transgender" possess a chromosomal abnormality?
Yet Hillary rec'd fewer votes in 2016 than Obama did in 2012. Who's the moron here?
Don't you know the left have been killing babies for years. Their support numbers are going down. Why else would they want illegals to come here in record numbers. It is the only reason they are against voter ID's.
Joe Gabriel is only a notch or two below Iowahawkblog on twitter (that isn't a backhanded compliment either, he is damn good).

This is amazing
Yeah, Obama just decided to do that out of the blue. Nothing happened in 2008. He started from a clean slate.


Meanwhile, Obama is handing off to Trump a 3.2 GDP, healthy economic growth, record high stock prices, record high home prices, low unemployment, and rising wages.

Just like Clinton handed off a healthy vibrant economy to Bush who utterly destroyed it in 8 years with his deregulation and pointless wars where billions of dollars have been squandered and have only served to make things worse.

Endless cycle. Republicans loot the government. Democrats go into office and lay a guilt trip on the public to pony up the tax increases to pay for the splurge, then bring the Republicans back in to loot all over again. We are all rubes.

Didn't vote for Trump, but you're clearly a f'ing moron and a low-information voter. Obama is the first president since Roosevelt to never have over 1% annual GDP growth rate. And you obviously don't understand why we have such high stock prices in addition to the fact that presidents have zero effect on the stock market. The labor force participation rate is still at historically low levels...highly doubtful you fully understand how the unemployment rate is calculated. 10 trillion has been added to the deficit since he's been in office and this is the weakest post-recession recovery this country has ever encountered.
You don't think a major company like Carrier did not already know the negatives and positives to moving to Mexico?

Trump cut them some special favors. Used Defense contracts as the carrot. As Bob said, he's already picking winners and he hasn't even taken office yet. .

They didn't know the positives that could occur when Trump releases his plan of action to bring jobs and prosperity they do.

Picking winners is taking out a 700 BILLION dollar stimulus package and giving large sums away to select businesses that fit your description of a "good and ethical businesses". Ring any bells?

You are a pathetic sore loser. You were sure of everything, yet knew jack sh**. You are a joke lol.
After 8 years of a do-nothing cast of imbeciles, she can't possibly be any worse.

I mean, its not like she'll give nukes to Iran or something crazy like that...
Count me in as someone who doesn't understand why people dislike her. Yes, shes said stupid stuff (some of it made up by Tina Fey), but she at least is a patriot. If Trump appointed her to something, I'm sure she would do a better job than the left wing jackass thats currently holding that position.
Rush said there's not a person in Obamas cabinet who's had a job outside of the political world.

1. That can't be true
2. What's the truth?

That's not possible. I assume his cabinet is filled with amateurs, and that's the point rush was trying to make.

Z, others that know these political weirdos, how much truth to that? I'll check snopes in the meantime...
Rush said there's not a person in Obamas cabinet who's had a job outside of the political world.

1. That can't be true
2. What's the truth?

That's not possible. I assume his cabinet is filled with amateurs, and that's the point rush was trying to make.

Z, others that know these political weirdos, how much truth to that? I'll check snopes in the meantime...
Pretty sure that's not true. First person I searched was Sally Jewell (Dept of Interior) and she started her career working as an engineer...
Bottom line is that Obama and his Cabinet accomplished very little.