How will they rule ??!

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"We need a safe space from the injustices of white people. #BLACKLIVESMATTER you fascist bigot overlord of the galaxy. DON'T TRIGGER ME WITH YOUR MICROAGGRESSIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


New PC Star Wars character speaks to this issue.

Darth Cracker:

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We really do not know if those cheerleaders identify as male or some other of the 30 genders currently found in popular culture. Science only finds 2 sexes....but the left isnt very sciency so we need to recognize about 30.

One correction, there are people born intersex that show medically measurable abnormalities in hormonal levels and anatomy. So there are three sexes:

Yes this is Wikipedia but the links in the article go to reputable sites. It's hard to know exact figures, but it's estimated that 1 in 2000 people are born intersex.

Just wanted to point that out as I consider myself left-leaning and also possessing a scientific mind. That's the beauty of pure science; it transcends politics and personal opinion.
One correction, there are people born intersex that show medically measurable abnormalities in hormonal levels and anatomy. So there are three sexes:

Yes this is Wikipedia but the links in the article go to reputable sites. It's hard to know exact figures, but it's estimated that 1 in 2000 people are born intersex.

Just wanted to point that out as I consider myself left-leaning and also possessing a scientific mind. That's the beauty of pure science; it transcends politics and personal opinion.

Science says there are just two possible scenarios. XX or XY chromosomes. That is settled science. Pure science. I appreciate your feelings however.

I am not talking about gender dysphoria or physical characteristics. Simply "sexes."
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Remember when libs guffawed when trump claimed to save those jobs? Oops....

Now they're jumping to conclusions about what's been offered, if anything. Just to cover all their bases, they also claim he bullied them.

Oh.....and trump also stated that on Dec 15 he's turning over his entire business to his kids.

Libs quickly running out of things to cry about.

Yet somehow, I've yet to hear a lib even whisper about the refugee who unleashed an attack on a college campus after posting a jihadist diatribe.
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Science says there are just two possible scenarios. XX or XY chromosomes. That is settled science. Pure science. I appreciate your feelings however.

I am not talking about gender dysphoria or physical characteristics. Simply "sexes."

You try so hard to sound smart. You may even have a bunch of people convinced that you are.
You try so hard to sound smart. You may even have a bunch of people convinced that you are.

You should well know that as a deplorable Republican I am "stoopid." I am not sure why bright intellectuals such as yourself have such a hard time swatting me aside like a gnat. I m a dummy.... You know the narrative. There are lots of us stooopid conservatives here in Kentucky. Windy City? Keep your head down. Life expectancy rates are not real good in your progressive wonderland....oops there I go again...I'm stooopid....I need to remember that.
Remember when libs guffawed when trump claimed to save those jobs? Oops....

Now they're jumping to conclusions about what's been offered, if anything. Just to cover all their bases, they also claim he bullied them.

Oh.....and trump also stated that on Dec 15 he's turning over his entire business to his kids.

Libs quickly running out of things to cry about.

Yet somehow, I've yet to hear a lib even whisper about the refugee who unleashed an attack on a college campus after posting a jihadist diatribe.

They're busy signing a letter begging for more federal aid for "undocumented students", TMFS.
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In this election, [white working class voters] turned out in huge numbers for Trump. And I think that part of it has to do with our inability, our failure, to reach those voters effectively. Part of it is Fox News in every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country, but part of it is also Democrats not working at a grassroots level, being in there, showing up, making arguments. That part of the critique of the Democratic Party is accurate. We spend a lot of time focused on international policy and national policy and less time being on the ground. And when we’re on the ground, we do well.

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You should well know that as a deplorable Republican I am "stoopid." I am not sure why bright intellectuals such as yourself have such a hard time swatting me aside like a gnat. I m a dummy.... You know the narrative. There are lots of us stooopid conservatives here in Kentucky. Windy City? Keep your head down. Life expectancy rates are not real good in your progressive wonderland....oops there I go again...I'm stooopid....I need to remember that.

I'm guessing you're referring to the murder rate. I can see how a simpleton such as yourself could look at the raw numbers and think that Chicago is a dangerous place. But when you consider that the Chicago metro area has about twice the population of Kentucky, and the fact that most of the violent crime is restricted to a part of the city that's probably smaller than UK's campus, you can start to see that it's really not that dangerous. I've yet to witness a violent crime in the 10+ years I've lived here, nor I do I know anyone who has.

Now, if you want to talk about declining life expectancy rates, maybe we can talk about the heroin and prescription drug epidemic that's raging across eastern KY and the rest of Appalachia. I wouldn't be surprised if you or someone you know has been effected by that.
what plan exactly did Hillary have in place that would have reached any color working class voters if she would have taken the time to actually campaign in one of those states she thought she had wrapped up? what message did she have that would have resonated with people in the working class that you know, want to actually keep on working?
Is there any doubt Trump is pulling a big time troll job move on Romney right now? I just cannot believe Trump would allow someone who said the nastiest things about him get one of his most important cabinet positions.
without getting into particulars of these two people and this situation......someone who could look past previous insults and slights and still hire someone because he was the best fit for a job speaks highly of the person doing that hiring. Would go a long way towards dispelling the idea that Trump is a) extremely thin-skinned and b) a raging egomaniac who carries grudges and never forgets. Not saying he'll take him, just saying if he did, would be interesting....
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I'm guessing you're referring to the murder rate. I can see how a simpleton such as yourself could look at the raw numbers and think that Chicago is a dangerous place. But when you consider that the Chicago metro area has about twice the population of Kentucky, and the fact that most of the violent crime is restricted to a part of the city that's probably smaller than UK's campus, you can start to see that it's really not that dangerous. I've yet to witness a violent crime in the 10+ years I've lived here, nor I do I know anyone who has.

Now, if you want to talk about declining life expectancy rates, maybe we can talk about the heroin and prescription drug epidemic that's raging across eastern KY and the rest of Appalachia. I wouldn't be surprised if you or someone you know has been effected by that.

Look, I absolutely love Chicago. It saddens me that under decades of democrat leadership, they have destroyed the "inner city" areas and its occupants. Statistics....sciency that you are living in the murder capital of the US. Raw numbers are what they are. LA and NYC are larger so don't try to play the per capita game. They had a murder last week in Hickory Stump, KY population 5, so their per cap average exceeds Chicago. Seriously?
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no. it only applies to the government. that document is to protect the citizens from the ruling government. it's a limiting of power.
it even says Congress shall make no law. it doesn't say there shall be no consequences. it says it can't be made illegal.
apply this logic to the second amendment and get back to me
I guess Trump gets a free pass for all the Goldman Sachs guys he's hiring?
Or all the billionaires?
Draining the swamp? Umm, hardly.
But the right will believe about anything these days.
Filling his cabinet with bankers, lobbyists and Wall Streeters. Yup, that's the ticket.

Kudos to Trump for using corporate welfare to save 1000 jobs.
Sorry for the other 1300 who didn't get saved. But nice PR nonetheless.

It also looks like this 'terrible' economy he's going to be taking over is in much better shape than the one Obama was given. You're welcome.
Good read on how good this economy is compared to the lies told by Trump.

GDP - up 12%
Stock market - nearly doubled
Exports - up 22%
Manufacturing jobs - about 1MM added (compared to 2.9MM lost under Bush)
Unemployment - back to full employment at 5%
Jobs created - around 15MM
Inflation - minuscule

The last one is the one I'm most worried about under Trump. Doing a bunch of stimulus right now could cause inflation to go through the roof.
Serious question, you know why the stock market is where it is? And no, I'm not giving Trump any credit.

Also, how'd you get the details of the Carrier deal? May want to sell that hot scoop to a news outlet.
I almost feel sorry for the folks who think the Bill of Rights and US Constitution are not important,if it weren't for the foresight of our fore-fathers,we might be living under a regime much like Castro's or worse,fortunately brave people stand up for those rights and prevent people like Obama and Ultra Libs from destroying them.
As far as Chicago,it has the strictest Gun Laws in the Nation and the Highest Gun Violence rate which tells me that the idiots crying for more gun laws and to disarm Americans have NO CLUE.Chicago is well known for having the CROOKEDEST politics in the country,time to clean that den of evil out.
Try going into your job every day and saying "F" you to your boss...then say, "Freedom of speech dude". See where that gets you. Freedom of speech doesnt mean you can spout racist garbage or whatever you please with no consequences.
It also means you can't be fired or harassed over your beliefs as long as they don't endanger others or interfere with your job.Three Kansas Cheerleaders wearing Kansas Sweaters in a picture is hardly a racist act.Who said Free Speech included cursing your employer? Making up a sad example there,as a former owner of a corporation that employed several dozen people I'm pretty sure about what I can or cannot fire someone over.
Let's see now.
A) Continue to pound Carrier with corporate taxes to the point they can make a greater profit by moving to Mexico and sacrificing 1000 American jobs on the way. Or...
B) Give concessions to Carrier on corporate taxes so they can turn a decent profit and maintain 1000 American jobs and benefit from the payroll taxes and money spent into the economy by American workers.

Whew, glad I'm not the president and tasked with making these kinds of decisions.:rolleyes:

But trickle down economics is bad, hmmm K?!?

Get with the program loser.
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People who are for jailing people who burn the flag are now wrapping themselves in the Constitution. LOL!
When did I ever say someone who burns the flag should be jailed? There is actually a law on the books about it though,but I've never said that,my only words were that assholes who disrespect this Country or it's Flag, have never had to serve it or should move if it's that bad,people who come here as illegal immigrants,then burn American Flags deserve to be deported.You either come here willing to assimilate into our culture or don't come ,pretty simple.
Unemployment - back to full employment at 5%

The number is so low b/c they don't count the people who have been out of work for so long they have given up looking for work.

Last time I checked, just b/c you aren't actively looking for work, doesn't mean you're no longer unemployed. Stupiest shit I've ever heard.

Being unemployed for so long to the point where you have lost all hope & have completely given up looking for work in this shit market should be given more consideration in the data, not completely ignored.

That stat spin is almost as bad as the Obama deportation stat. Turning people around at the border & not allowing them entry =/= a deportation.
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It also means you can't be fired or harassed over your beliefs as long as they don't endanger others or interfere with your job.Three Kansas Cheerleaders wearing Kansas Sweaters in a picture is hardly a racist act.Who said Free Speech included cursing your employer? Making up a sad example there,as a former owner of a corporation that employed several dozen people I'm pretty sure about what I can or cannot fire someone over.
I'm sure your African American employees would love it on casual Friday when you and two of your managers walked in together with your "K" shirts on....creating a great work environment and practicing your free speech. By the way, what corporation did you own?
I'm guessing you're referring to the murder rate. I can see how a simpleton such as yourself could look at the raw numbers and think that Chicago is a dangerous place. But when you consider that the Chicago metro area has about twice the population of Kentucky, and the fact that most of the violent crime is restricted to a part of the city that's probably smaller than UK's campus, you can start to see that it's really not that dangerous. I've yet to witness a violent crime in the 10+ years I've lived here, nor I do I know anyone who has.

Now, if you want to talk about declining life expectancy rates, maybe we can talk about the heroin and prescription drug epidemic that's raging across eastern KY and the rest of Appalachia. I wouldn't be surprised if you or someone you know has been effected by that.
You fail to mention how Obama has left Our Borders wide open and his Henchman Eric Holder supplied guns to Mexican Drug Cartels to flood Heroin into this country ,particularly into White Middle Class neighborhoods,if that wasn't an Act of Treason and in the least an Act of Racism,I don't know what is.

Yes, I'm dumb for thinking "we've reached a deal with the President Elect Trump and Governor of the state of IN, Mike Pence we'll provide the detail later" involves something other than, "Donald Trump is promising to Make America Great Again!!!!! We're totally all in on America now."
An assurance of what his policies will be would be an agreement for me. If the future president of the United States is willing to come and set down in your office, look you in the eye and say, "Guy. If you stay in the US we are going to use our party dominance to erase the hurt and restraint that this pathetic administration has put on you these past few years. If you go you will be missing out on the most financially able market we have had in 50 years." I think I'd take his word for it.
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I'm sure your African American employees would love it on casual Friday when you and two of your managers walked in together with your "K" shirts on....creating a great work environment and practicing your free speech. By the way, what corporation did your own? and why do you no longer own it? Wasn't practicing a wee too much free speech to your employees of color was it?
You keep making up ignorant scenarios and aren't worth the trouble,next time you get up around Pendleton County,Ky let me know,be glad to show you how ignorant you are being.
I guess Trump gets a free pass for all the Goldman Sachs guys he's hiring?
Or all the billionaires?
Draining the swamp? Umm, hardly.
But the right will believe about anything these days.
Filling his cabinet with bankers, lobbyists and Wall Streeters. Yup, that's the ticket.

Kudos to Trump for using corporate welfare to save 1000 jobs.
Sorry for the other 1300 who didn't get saved. But nice PR nonetheless.

It also looks like this 'terrible' economy he's going to be taking over is in much better shape than the one Obama was given. You're welcome.
Good read on how good this economy is compared to the lies told by Trump.

GDP - up 12%
Stock market - nearly doubled
Exports - up 22%
Manufacturing jobs - about 1MM added (compared to 2.9MM lost under Bush)
Unemployment - back to full employment at 5%
Jobs created - around 15MM
Inflation - minuscule

The last one is the one I'm most worried about under Trump. Doing a bunch of stimulus right now could cause inflation to go through the roof.
Fake or spun news. You are a joke. It is all about to hit the fan because of the Obama administration. Just remember, it takes quite a few years to right the ship. Just ask yourselves, you have been blaming everything on Bush (unless it was good news) for almost 8 years now. So, it should be Bush's fault if everything is good now right?
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without getting into particulars of these two people and this situation......someone who could look past previous insults and slights and still hire someone because he was the best fit for a job speaks highly of the person doing that hiring. Would go a long way towards dispelling the idea that Trump is a) extremely thin-skinned and b) a raging egomaniac who carries grudges and never forgets. Not saying he'll take him, just saying if he did, would be interesting....

Those who worked with Trump said the same things: he's a business man, not a politician. He jus wants to make a deal. He doesn't give a shit about feelings.

That's a far cry from mr "transparency" who would take his ball and go home if his feelings were hurt or challenged....or Hillary, can you imagine? She has mf'ers killed. If she were trump, she would kill mitt for not supporting her, or at least try and f his money up, ruin his political career, call him racist, etc...

Trump dgaf. That's why he makes money and our govt doesn't. Too many feelings and BS agendas fn up the money.
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