How will they rule ??!

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I can understand if roles were reversed and some ultra-conservative, no government, free-trade-for-life Republicans were up in arms about the Carrier deal. But how can you call yourself a good leftist and not be happy about Carrier staying? 1,000 union workers kept their jobs - plus the government had some involvement. It's your gd wet dream!
I can understand if roles were reversed and some ultra-conservative, no government, free-trade-for-life Republicans were up in arms about the Carrier deal. But how can you call yourself a good leftist and not be happy about Carrier staying? 1,000 union workers kept their jobs - plus the government had some involvement. It's your gd wet dream!
Because it helps Americans. Libs hate the working class.
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Jill Stein and HRC are always talking about how much they care for the poor. They spend millions of dollars on a ridiculous recount. Why not give that money to the poor? Spend it on a youth basketball in Chicago or something. We are told that lowers crime.
I hope to God that the DNC makes this guy their leader. The Dems may never win another Presidential Election for the next 2 or 3 decades if they put him in charge. There is sooooo much dirt on this guy, c'mon DNC do it please!

Guy is a gold mine waiting to happen. Those Democrats not on the coasts or in large metro areas are about to need a new party.
[laughing] You continue to repeat the talking points of the same exact people who said Hillary had a 98% chance to win & that Trump had absolutely no path to 270. If I were you, I'd be searching for better sources of information.
No, that is the essence of confirmation bias. Find info you like and rant like crazy without using common sense or taking in opposing views. He has proven he won't spend one second reading any link we provide that disproves his vox/huffpo/mediamatters/slate/salon/dailykos regurgitation.
Real GDP...breaking: copkilla thinks Bush was awesome for our economy, more real GDP growth and far less debt.
Date Value
Sep 30, 2016 1.50%
Dec 31, 2015 1.88%
Dec 31, 2014 2.49%
Dec 31, 2013 2.66%
Dec 31, 2012 1.28%
Dec 31, 2011 1.68%
Dec 31, 2010 2.73%
Dec 31, 2009 -0.24%
Dec 31, 2008 -2.77%
Dec 31, 2007 1.87%
Dec 31, 2006 2.39%
Dec 31, 2005 3.03%
Dec 31, 2004 3.12%
Dec 31, 2003 4.36%
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The people of the left coast and the Northeast think everyone in the middle, that is not from Chicago, is an idiot. They are not picking a Neanderthal from Ohio.
yep, that's one helluva deal. Just shows how stoopid liberals are for not being able to do something this easy themselves. And why would they? Because putting people out of work and into forms of dependency is what is necessary to achieve their goals.

A thousand employees earning wages for years to come is worth a helluva lot more to the US economy than 7M. Even if the average worker earns only 50K per year (and it is more), that is a 50 million dollar payroll. The govt. will get much more than 7 million per year from taxing their incomes alone. That doesn't even begin to discuss the benefit of this dynamic process to sub-tier suppliers, revenue generated through supporting domestic transportation, local businesses where employees will spend money, nor the monumental savings of doing something other than putting these people on the unemployment dole. this is precisely what Jimmy Carter taught liberals to call "voodoo economics".
Just wait until the trillions of offshore money starts to come back to the US because we finally have a POTUS with some common sense and will tax that money at a very low % to get it back in the US. Not only will he get some immediate revenue from that money but think about all the jobs etc that will be created.
James Mattis for Secretary of Defense. Meh, could have done better, could have done worse.

He seems to be very smart about strategy and operations, but his views on when and how to use said strategies are of some concern. Again, could have been much worse. Seems to be the theme of most of Trump's picks, sans DeVos; nothing spectacular, but he could have done something way worse
Dems still believe it was racists that caused the Trump victory. #blackHillary
Just curious, were there shit tons of counties that went for Obama twice that switched to Trump?
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So there is a hitch with this sec of defense guy who was once fired by our govt. He needs a congressional waiver. We are so incompetent and divided.

And yes, I know why. I just cannot understand why the left still hang on to Obamas weak public stance on defense, while behind the scenes he's still got his nose firmly up the rear of the Middle East. This after he tricked millenials into voting for him because he was gonna bring our troops home and get out of that stupid mess. And nobody even talks about it. It's worse than his pie in the sky insurance scam bc even most dumb millenials couldn't see that, obviously.

I hope Mad Dog makes people *very* uncomfortable, and backs up what he says.
In a few years the Euro will be worth as much as a squirt of piss.

I went to Europe this summer and didn't convert about 140 Euros when I came back. I was in Chicago the other day and tried to convert it and it was under $140 after fees. I told the lady she was ripping me off. She said, "dude, have you seen the exchange rate lately". Ha!
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I went to Europe this summer and didn't convert about 140 Euros when I came back. I was in Chicago the other day and tried to convert it and it was under $140 after fees. I told the lady she was ripping me off. She said, "dude, have you seen the exchange rate lately". Ha!
And if we still had "transparency", if the media reported on wtf we do over there, like they did daily with bush, people would be uncomfortable and they would start to question "uhh yea didn't this clown promise to get out f this mess, an uhhh isn't it still a huge mess? What in the world are we doing and why?". If our president would step up to podium to brief the American peole ok this shit, with facts, instead of fn lecturing and preaching about "feelings", then people would start to question him like they did bush who was at least brave enough to stand by his shit and talk to he people about it. For better or worse, we had some clue of what was going on, and it was sad, but it was real. Obama can't even do that, and that's cowardly af.

I want fn facts and reporting on shit that actually matters. I want CBS nightly news to show clips of our drones killing people. We need to know wtf is going on, and if mad dog and trump give the American people answers and solutions then that will be amazing and a big step to bringing this stupid country together. Because people just don't have a gd clue what's really happening, so it's easy to continue this stupid idealogical war between the parties that's not based on real life, but what we perceive or want it to be.
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James Mattis for Secretary of Defense. Meh, could have done better, could have done worse.

He seems to be very smart about strategy and operations, but his views on when and how to use said strategies are of some concern. Again, could have been much worse. Seems to be the theme of most of Trump's picks, sans DeVos; nothing spectacular, but he could have done something way worse

What are his views and strategies? We dropping nukes? You seem to know the guy well. Give is the skinny on what he's likely to do in the mjddle east, and when.
Just wait until the trillions of offshore money starts to come back to the US because we finally have a POTUS with some common sense and will tax that money at a very low % to get it back in the US. Not only will he get some immediate revenue from that money but think about all the jobs etc that will be created.
Yeah...except the last time this happened it did none of that. It went to dividends for stockholders. So if you own stock in said companies, you might get a bit of cash but otherwise, nope.
From WSJ article -

The 15 companies that benefited the most from a 2004 tax break for the return of their overseas profits cut more than 20,000 net jobs and decreased the pace of their research spending, according to report from the Democratic staff of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released Monday night.

The report warned against repeating the tax break, calling the 2004 effort "a failed tax policy" that cost the U.S. Treasury $3.3 billion in estimated lost revenues over 10 years and led to U.S. companies directing more funds offshore. U.S.-based multinationals often defer bringing back profits earned abroad to avoid paying U.S. taxes on them.

The 15 companies that repatriated the most after the 2004 tax break on the return of overseas profits later cut a net 20,931 jobs between 2004 and 2007 and slightly decreased the pace of their spending on research and development, found the report surveying 19 companies' activity.

When Congress passed the repatriation tax holiday in 2004, the legislation specified that the funds should be earmarked for activities like hiring workers or conducting research and prohibited using the money for executive compensation or buying back stock. Companies that brought back profits earned abroad saw them taxed at roughly 5%, instead of the top 35% corporate tax rate.

"There is no evidence that the previous repatriation tax giveaway put Americans to work, and substantial evidence that it instead grew executive paychecks, propped up stock prices, and drew more money and jobs offshore," Sen. Carl Levin (D., Mich.), chairman of the subcommittee, said in a statement Monday night. "Those who want a new corporate tax break claim it will help rebuild our economy, but the facts are lined up against them."

The survey comes less than a week after Sens. John McCain (R., Ariz.) and Kay Hagan (D., N.C.) introduced a proposal for another repatriation tax holiday that would lower the tax rate on repatriated funds to 8.75%, with the opportunity to see that decrease to 5.25% if a company expanded its payroll. In the House, Rep. Kevin Brady (R., Texas) introduced a similar bill in May.

However, repeating the 2004 repatriation tax break has already come under criticism from skeptics, including the conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation, who have argued that companies aren't low on capital and the tax break won't nudge them into making any investments they wouldn't already make.
What are his views and strategies? We dropping nukes? You seem to know the guy well. Give is the skinny on what he's likely to do in the mjddle east, and when.

“I don’t lose any sleep at night over the potential for failure. I cannot even spell the word.”
“The first time you blow someone away is not an insignificant event. That said, there are some assholes in the world that just need to be shot.”
“I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you **** with me, I’ll kill you all.”
“Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact.”
“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”
“There is nothing better than getting shot at and missed. It’s really great.”
"I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.”
Damn, google his name and see how much google even likes the guy. All I've heard is raving from the military community, but he even seems highly respected by the journalism e-world.

Oh, it's because he's wicked smart and he doesn't mince words. Seems like a home run at this point in time.

And he's criticized both trump and Obama for their views. I assume the difference is Trump will listen to the expert he hired to do the job instead of firing him.
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I hope to God that the DNC makes this guy their leader. The Dems may never win another Presidential Election for the next 2 or 3 decades if they put him in charge. There is sooooo much dirt on this guy, c'mon DNC do it please!
seriously Trump won the Presidency because of about 80,000 votes in 3 states. Losing popular vote by 2.5 million. Don't act like it was some sweeping Reaganesque win. Those same Obama voters that switched to Trump will have no problem switching back next election if he doesn't deliver. We also now know that dirt doesn't matter, because if so, Trump couldn't get elected Postmaster.
seriously Trump won the Presidency because of about 80,000 votes in 3 states. Losing popular vote by 2.5 million. Don't act like it was some sweeping Reaganesque win. Those same Obama voters that switched to Trump will have no problem switching back next election if he doesn't deliver. We also now know that dirt doesn't matter, because if so, Trump couldn't get elected Postmaster.

hahaha Trump won 2500 counties. And crooked hillary won 500.

She didn't win the popular vote if you take out the 3 million illegal votes from California
What are his views and strategies? We dropping nukes? You seem to know the guy well. Give is the skinny on what he's likely to do in the mjddle east, and when.
Pretty hard line on America "being a presence" in the middle east and other parts of the world. Would stop just short of calling him an interventionist, but he leans that direction. I'm not a fan of subsidizing Israel, but he is a favor of pulling back from them more than monetarily. Again, I don't think we should prop up Israel, but acting like the Palestinians are negotiating in good faith is another place I disagree with him.

Like I said though, he is smart as hell and is widely respected, so he's not a bad choice at all. Just one that I personally disagree with on few things (and agree with on others).
“I don’t lose any sleep at night over the potential for failure. I cannot even spell the word.”
“The first time you blow someone away is not an insignificant event. That said, there are some assholes in the world that just need to be shot.”
“I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you **** with me, I’ll kill you all.”
“Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact.”
“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”
“There is nothing better than getting shot at and missed. It’s really great.”
"I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.”
Dud you purposely leave out his good, inspiring quotes & only share his war quotes about killing?
Yeah...except the last time this happened it did none of that. It went to dividends for stockholders. So if you own stock in said companies, you might get a bit of cash but otherwise, nope.
From WSJ article -

The 15 companies that benefited the most from a 2004 tax break for the return of their overseas profits cut more than 20,000 net jobs and decreased the pace of their research spending, according to report from the Democratic staff of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released Monday night.

The report warned against repeating the tax break, calling the 2004 effort "a failed tax policy" that cost the U.S. Treasury $3.3 billion in estimated lost revenues over 10 years and led to U.S. companies directing more funds offshore. U.S.-based multinationals often defer bringing back profits earned abroad to avoid paying U.S. taxes on them.

The 15 companies that repatriated the most after the 2004 tax break on the return of overseas profits later cut a net 20,931 jobs between 2004 and 2007 and slightly decreased the pace of their spending on research and development, found the report surveying 19 companies' activity.

When Congress passed the repatriation tax holiday in 2004, the legislation specified that the funds should be earmarked for activities like hiring workers or conducting research and prohibited using the money for executive compensation or buying back stock. Companies that brought back profits earned abroad saw them taxed at roughly 5%, instead of the top 35% corporate tax rate.

"There is no evidence that the previous repatriation tax giveaway put Americans to work, and substantial evidence that it instead grew executive paychecks, propped up stock prices, and drew more money and jobs offshore," Sen. Carl Levin (D., Mich.), chairman of the subcommittee, said in a statement Monday night. "Those who want a new corporate tax break claim it will help rebuild our economy, but the facts are lined up against them."

The survey comes less than a week after Sens. John McCain (R., Ariz.) and Kay Hagan (D., N.C.) introduced a proposal for another repatriation tax holiday that would lower the tax rate on repatriated funds to 8.75%, with the opportunity to see that decrease to 5.25% if a company expanded its payroll. In the House, Rep. Kevin Brady (R., Texas) introduced a similar bill in May.

However, repeating the 2004 repatriation tax break has already come under criticism from skeptics, including the conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation, who have argued that companies aren't low on capital and the tax break won't nudge them into making any investments they wouldn't already make.

Well considering how many Americans own these companies indirectly through their 401K I'd say that's great too!
seriously Trump won the Presidency because of about 80,000 votes in 3 states. Losing popular vote by 2.5 million. Don't act like it was some sweeping Reaganesque win. Those same Obama voters that switched to Trump will have no problem switching back next election if he doesn't deliver. We also now know that dirt doesn't matter, because if so, Trump couldn't get elected Postmaster.

He is already delivering in case your missing the show.
Real GDP...breaking: copkilla thinks Bush was awesome for our economy, more real GDP growth and far less debt.
Date Value
Sep 30, 2016 1.50%
Dec 31, 2015 1.88%
Dec 31, 2014 2.49%
Dec 31, 2013 2.66%
Dec 31, 2012 1.28%
Dec 31, 2011 1.68%
Dec 31, 2010 2.73%
Dec 31, 2009 -0.24%
Dec 31, 2008 -2.77%
Dec 31, 2007 1.87%
Dec 31, 2006 2.39%
Dec 31, 2005 3.03%
Dec 31, 2004 3.12%
Dec 31, 2003 4.36%
Oh look, yet another month of job growth. Believe that's yet another record. So instead of ending his Presidency with an epic fail of a financial collapse and losing millions of jobs a month, he's going out in style. But cheers to the 1000 jobs Trump saved out of 2300+. Only 24.99 million to go!

You guys are worse than the Obama slurpers and he hasn't even taken over yet. Will you do the Heil Trump or bow down? Will you put pictures of him in your homes or prefer statues? Will you applaud his government takeover of the free markets? I'm just trying to figure out where you 'free market, less government' folks are on the scale of delusion.
Well considering how many Americans own these companies indirectly through their 401K I'd say that's great too!
so you're moving the goalposts already...nice. Not as many people have 401k's as you'd think. And what does that have to do with those jobs you said were created?

Obama doubled the stock market but that seemed to not matter to you. But now all of a sudden yay 401k!!
This is hilarious, sad and telling all at the same time.

City Attorney Spraying Anti-Trump Graffiti While Drinking Wine Is All We Have Left.....

"Yes. That’s a man, wearing an ascot, holding a glass of wine, who tagged an upscale supermarket.

This is our life now, hyper-educated coastal elites. We’re not going to stock up on guns and insta-waffles. We’re not going to hop in a Prius and ethanol-roll motorists we disagree with. We’re not going to burn an American flag, because we don’t own an American flag, because what kind of jingoistic *rick can find space for a freaking flag in a one-bedroom apartment?"