How will they rule ??!

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Saw a big Trump plane on the ground at laguardia yesterday. Understand he has three...not sure if it was his primary ride or not. But did give me a chuckle.
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Columbus has had 3 Somalian attacks in 2016. Is that true? What some OSU student said. That's nuts.
Not parody:

A Hillary Supporter Admitted Himself To The Psych Ward On Election Night When He Realized She Was Losing

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Benjamin Ryan — considered a “Hillblazer” because he raised over $100,000 for the former Democratic nominee — detailed his suicidal nervous breakdown for the Huffington Post on Wednesday.

He said he was “catatonic, plagued by involuntary jerking motions, speech patterns disjointed, weeping uncontrollably.”

“I found out Donald Trump had won the Electoral College while midstream in providing a urine sample for the emergency psychiatric staff of a New York City public hospital,” Ryan writes. “The unlockable bathroom door in this unescapable wing was ajar, and I could hear the victorious Mike Pence’s sinister Sunday-school baritone taunting me with the truth from the hallway television.”

“Drained of tears, too tired to sleep, I stared at the fluorescent ceiling lights —which, indifferent to our suffering, remained on throughout the night — and endured the passing time by willing my thoughts to vanish into the dull glow. For a second, I imagined someone would burst in and proclaim, ‘It’s all right, Hillary won!’ and I would bound out of bed, awoken from this nightmare.”

“Terror drove me to this interrupted state,” Ryan continued for Huffington Post.

“I was afraid for the nation, for the stigmatized and oppressed. I was also afraid for my own life. Because the values and principles I hold dear felt fatally incompatible with the hate and bigotry that Trumpism has come to stand for. I did not want to live in a world that would elect such a man as president.”....

Ryan described what he was wearing in the VIP section of what was supposed to be Clinton’s victory party in New York — “a red belt, white skinny jeans, and a blue Hillary-as-Rosie-the-Riveter T-shirt, my hair lavishly coiffed into a confident pompadour."
So our new sec of defense was "fired" or whatever by the previous administration?

How does that work lmao. Our govt now thinks this guy is fit to be sec of defense after they decided he wasn't fit to be whatever he was before that

So does he suck and trump is showing his incompetence, or is it Obama who's a dumbass?

All reports are military loves this guy. But we got rid of him not long ago. Doesn't add up.

Z, hunny, care to explain wtf we are doing? It's either great or horrible, and deserves some explaining, imo.

I assume Obama will release a statement shortly. Is this guy dangerous? Can he technically have this position after being fired? What did he do before?
So our new sec of defense was "fired" or whatever by the previous administration?

How does that work lmao. Our govt now thinks this guy is fit to be sec of defense after they decided he wasn't fit to be whatever he was before that

So does he suck and trump is showing his incompetence, or is it Obama who's a dumbass?

All reports are military loves this guy. But we got rid of him not long ago. Doesn't add up.

Z, hunny, care to explain wtf we are doing? It's either great or horrible, and deserves some explaining, imo.

I assume Obama will release a statement shortly. Is this guy dangerous? Can he technically have this position after being fired? What did he do before?

he disagreed with Obama policy decisions publicly. the Prince didn't like people disagreeing with him so he canned him.
Obama "picks his winners" by giving billions to certain green energy companies (campaign donors) who go belly up. Crickets from the left. Trump helps keep Carrier in the US and he is not even POTUS yet. The left is all up in arms saying he cut deals, etc. to keep them here.

I think more and more everyday that the left are literally the dumbest most hypocritical group of people alive today.
I just did a quick Google on the number of black-on-black deaths in Chicago over the past 10 years...

Google auto-filled my search query "Number of black deaths in Chicago" as the number 1 option after only the words "Number of black..."

But, don't worry. Only simpletons think this is a real issue.

FTR- you could not pay me enough money to live in that state, much less in that town.

I have a hardcore leftist from Austria that follows me on Twitter and fights with me all the time. Today's topic was about gun violence. I schooled him on how we are only 28th in the word in gun homocide. He tried to say they don't have to worry about criminals cause they have adamant health care and social programs so people don't resort to crime.

I told him we don't even come close to having the same demographics. Import blacks from the Detroit, Oakland, Memphis, STL, Cleveland, Baltimore. Milwaukee and Newark areas to Austria and see what their crime numbers look like.
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The crappy thing about debating and destroying a leftist is that they either don't know they have been obliterated or they refuse to acknowledge it.

Just destroyed another guy who continues to think guns are the issue and not demographics of gun violence. Used Japan as an example and I told him Japan doesn't have the same demographics or border issues we have.

He got upset about that and said guns were the common factor not demographics. I showed him the stats where 77 percent of white gun deaths are suicide where as 82 percent of black gun deaths are homocide. I told him to look at the areas worst for gun crime/murder and look at the demographics and tell me there's no correlation.

Since we all have access to guns then why are some cities extremely worse compared to others?

Everyone knows the answer but they're too afraid to admit it.
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House in my neighborhood that lives across from the only non-white people in the neighborhood has a yard sign that says "no matter where you are from we are glad to have you as our neighbor" written in English, Spanish, and Arabic. TMFS.
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House in my neighborhood that lives across from the only non-white people in the neighborhood has a yard sign that says "no matter where you are from we are glad to have you as our neighbor" written in English, Spanish, and Arabic. TMFS.

What is it with these people who are so desperate to pander and be liked by someone else? Why do you need to apologize for your race and then seek approval from another race while claiming you're "down for the struggle?"
House in my neighborhood that lives across from the only non-white people in the neighborhood has a yard sign that says "no matter where you are from we are glad to have you as our neighbor" written in English, Spanish, and Arabic. TMFS.

i hate most neighbors in general, white black, brown, whatever. if/when i get it my way i won't have anyone in sight of my abode.
Obama "picks his winners" by giving billions to certain green energy companies (campaign donors) who go belly up. Crickets from the left. Trump helps keep Carrier in the US and he is not even POTUS yet. The left is all up in arms saying he cut deals, etc. to keep them here.

I think more and more everyday that the left are literally the dumbest most hypocritical group of people alive today.

Been that way for years, especially the last 8 years. Democrats are not capable of independent thought , they as they are told. Which is why they never call out other Dems.
I hope you non business people here understand that it's almost a 100% lock carrier just received some beneficial tax breaks that make the higher labor they were going to save on a wash......

Yet again proving our taxes are too damn high and yes jobs can be created with your stupidly labeled trickle down economics.

My gawd even typing trickle down makes me feel like a clown, how one could believe or buy into the notion of it being bad is comical.

Well I hate to sound like I know what I'm talking about, but...........

7M in tax breaks and no one here has mentioned it yet? What a deal!
Well I hate to sound like I know what I'm talking about, but...........

7M in tax breaks and no one here has mentioned it yet? What a deal!
Yep. And I would argue that 7M is probably cheaper than what it would have cost taxpayers to support 1000 unemployed workers & their families collecting some sort of government assistance.
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Obama "picks his winners" by giving billions to certain green energy companies (campaign donors) who go belly up. Crickets from the left. Trump helps keep Carrier in the US and he is not even POTUS yet. The left is all up in arms saying he cut deals, etc. to keep them here.

I think more and more everyday that the left are literally the dumbest most hypocritical group of people alive today.
He gave money for green energy, not just specific companies. Renewable energy is providing a huge number of jobs now. Just because some companies went bankrupt doesn't change that. The vast majority did not. Are those energy jobs less important than other jobs? Also, we're just calling out the hypocrisy of the right who doesn't want government picking winners and losers, while cheering on the gov't picking winners and losers.

Trump will have us using steam locomotives again and coal burning furnaces to support the coal industry. Face it: everything that was just awful that Obama did is now ok that your guy is in there.

That community organizer did a helluva job considering the mess he took over. Trump is coming in with 3% GDP growth, 5% unemployment and a budget deficit 2/3 lower than what it was in 2009.

I'll be curious what you guys think if/when Trump tramples states rights and goes after marijuana, gets rid of Medicare, increases the budget deficit, and gets the US involved in another war. I have a feeling his term is gonna be Bush II all over again. What's the over/under on how many corruption scandals take place over the next 4 years?
Fn Trump in Cincy tonight. Still going after the media, laughing at Hilary, etc. Kasich getting boo'd. So great. Definitely not a Thank You tour but a f you tour for the media, Hilary, and others.

Rightly so. Such a disappointment, John Kasich. What should have been the most qualified man to run for either nomination in more than a quarter century turned out to be somebody who was just loitering around for an opportunity to be non-committal in a very judgmental and irrelevant way. In the process doing nothing more than diminishing the quality of his image, so much so that if he ever makes another attempt he will not be able to hide the fact that deep inside he is a religious zealot who once chose to favor to liberal DC corruption for their chronic tendency to lend a perceived kindness to anything that is but moral, anything that is but a citizen.
Trump will have us using steam locomotives again and coal burning furnaces to support the coal industry. Face it: everything that was just awful that Obama did is now ok that your guy is in there.

That community organizer did a helluva job considering the mess he took over. Trump is coming in with 3% GDP growth, 5% unemployment and a budget deficit 2/3 lower than what it was in 2009.

I'll be curious what you guys think if/when Trump tramples states rights and goes after marijuana, gets rid of Medicare, increases the budget deficit, and gets the US involved in another war. I have a feeling his term is gonna be Bush II all over again. What's the over/under on how many corruption scandals take place over the next 4 years?

Ok one thing at a time here. So renewable energy companies are going bankrupt after being fed millions of govt assistance? And you are good with that but against a proven winner despit it's negatives while the real positive is jobs and energy until we really figure out renewable energy? Seems twisted.........kinda of like being mad at your wallet for holding your money and thinking you'll get rid of the wallet despite the hole in your pocket.

Obama did do what he said so despite what some think he was successful. However I will not accept a 5% unemployment when I know I've read that like 70M of our 320M citizens are not currently at work. I get it a lot are retired etc but that 20% is as inaccurate as 5%.

Way to cherry pick how Obama's stats are to be remembered since his budget deficit is 2/3 less than 2009. So we still can't pay 1/3 of our bills despite him talking about chiseling the budget with a fine tooth comb. Give me real stats not a biased view of BS.

Trump already said marijuana is a state issue. That won't change because he knows the profitability of it at this point and it can no longer be hidden.

He may spend in ways we haven't in a long time, but do not forget that he actually has a chance to end the exodus of jobs from America, and possibly can actually increase tax revenue by bringing jobs back home. Do not slight that or you will look as stupid as the media and 12% landslide election results.
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He gave money for green energy, not just specific companies. Renewable energy is providing a huge number of jobs now. Just because some companies went bankrupt doesn't change that. The vast majority did not. Are those energy jobs less important than other jobs? Also, we're just calling out the hypocrisy of the right who doesn't want government picking winners and losers, while cheering on the gov't picking winners and losers.

Trump will have us using steam locomotives again and coal burning furnaces to support the coal industry. Face it: everything that was just awful that Obama did is now ok that your guy is in there.

That community organizer did a helluva job considering the mess he took over. Trump is coming in with 3% GDP growth, 5% unemployment and a budget deficit 2/3 lower than what it was in 2009.

I'll be curious what you guys think if/when Trump tramples states rights and goes after marijuana, gets rid of Medicare, increases the budget deficit, and gets the US involved in another war. I have a feeling his term is gonna be Bush II all over again. What's the over/under on how many corruption scandals take place over the next 4 years?
[laughing] You continue to repeat the talking points of the same exact people who said Hillary had a 98% chance to win & that Trump had absolutely no path to 270. If I were you, I'd be searching for better sources of information.
Well I hate to sound like I know what I'm talking about, but...........

7M in tax breaks and no one here has mentioned it yet? What a deal!

yep, that's one helluva deal. Just shows how stoopid liberals are for not being able to do something this easy themselves. And why would they? Because putting people out of work and into forms of dependency is what is necessary to achieve their goals.

A thousand employees earning wages for years to come is worth a helluva lot more to the US economy than 7M. Even if the average worker earns only 50K per year (and it is more), that is a 50 million dollar payroll. The govt. will get much more than 7 million per year from taxing their incomes alone. That doesn't even begin to discuss the benefit of this dynamic process to sub-tier suppliers, revenue generated through supporting domestic transportation, local businesses where employees will spend money, nor the monumental savings of doing something other than putting these people on the unemployment dole. this is precisely what Jimmy Carter taught liberals to call "voodoo economics".
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So libs are up in arms because Trump negotiated a state tax incentive to stay?

Unless you live in Indiana, you really have no standing to complain. Even if you do, it was a good move.
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He gave money for green energy, not just specific companies. Renewable energy is providing a huge number of jobs now. Just because some companies went bankrupt doesn't change that. The vast majority did not. Are those energy jobs less important than other jobs? Also, we're just calling out the hypocrisy of the right who doesn't want government picking winners and losers, while cheering on the gov't picking winners and losers.

Trump will have us using steam locomotives again and coal burning furnaces to support the coal industry. Face it: everything that was just awful that Obama did is now ok that your guy is in there.

That community organizer did a helluva job considering the mess he took over. Trump is coming in with 3% GDP growth, 5% unemployment and a budget deficit 2/3 lower than what it was in 2009.

I'll be curious what you guys think if/when Trump tramples states rights and goes after marijuana, gets rid of Medicare, increases the budget deficit, and gets the US involved in another war. I have a feeling his term is gonna be Bush II all over again. What's the over/under on how many corruption scandals take place over the next 4 years?
Do you really think you're going to convince anyone here Obongo has been anything other than an abject disaster as Community Organizer-in-Chief?

No one's buying that Marxist/Communist Weaponized Government swill you're chugging like Barry Soetoro at a Chicago bathhouse.