How will they rule ??!

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When did I ever say someone who burns the flag should be jailed? There is actually a law on the books about it though,but I've never said that,my only words were that assholes who disrespect this Country or it's Flag, have never had to serve it or should move if it's that bad,people who come here as illegal immigrants,then burn American Flags deserve to be deported.You either come here willing to assimilate into our culture or don't come ,pretty simple.

Who's culture? Yours? So unless they act and look like a backwoods hillbilly they shouldn't come here? GTFO with that shit man. It's 2016 not 1816.
Then what did you mean? Who's culture do you expect them to assimilate to?
American Culture,you don't leave Syria to come here and try to turn the USA into Syria,same applies to any immigrant,you think coming here illegally from Mexico and waving Mexican Flags around while burning an American Flag is acceptable?
Pretty obvious you are everything you accuse others of,a Racist,A bigot,and you still haven't answered how you have improved the lives of Minorities or Low Income Families?
American Culture,you don't leave Syria to come here and try to turn the USA into Syria,same applies to any immigrant,you think coming here illegally from Mexico and waving Mexican Flags around while burning an American Flag is acceptable?
Pretty obvious you are everything you accuse others of,a Racist,A bigot,and you still haven't answered how you have improved the lives of Minorities or Low Income Families?

Yes, flag burning is acceptable because the Constitution and the Supreme Court says it's so. I don't personally think it's cool, having come from a military background, but they still have the right to do it. And what do you mean by "American" culture? Our culture is just an amalgamation of other cultures, that's kind of what makes us special.
You keep making up ignorant scenarios and aren't worth the trouble,next time you get up around Pendleton County,Ky let me know,be glad to show you how ignorant you are being.
No thanks buddy. I prefer intelligent debate and friendly exchange of ideas. Don't think I will be rewarded with either at your corporation in Pendleton County.
Trump himself probably didn't do much to keep Carrier, it's the message that elected Trump that carries the weight.

People are starting to care about jobs being sent overseas, the bad public reaction would cost Carrier more than the savings it would make by moving production to Mexico.
Oh, it's party time for rich corporations. Trump is going to completely blow up the deficit in slashing their taxes and handing out lavish favors a la Reagan. We will live high on the hog with massive credit card spending and all you idiots will think what a great president Trump is just like you did for that total idiot Reagan. Then when the party is over and all the bills come due, then it will be the Democrats' faults.

We were the largest creditor nation on earth when Reagan took office. 8 years of slashing taxes on the rich corporations and massive defense spending turned us into the largest debtor nation on earth. Now here comes Donald Trump because you idiots did not learn a damned thing from the 2008 collapse.

Trickle-down economics DO NOT WORK. Why do we keep going through this mindless cycle? We seriously and I am not joking here, we are allowing rich fat cats to loot this country before it collapses. We are a fire sale and the moron you idiots elected to save us is the arsonist.
Once again....I know you aren't dumb enough to believe he is promising favors and was stating that tongue in cheek. Trump more than likely discussed with the leaders of the company what his position will be and like the other poster said he showed them that the negatives did not outway the positives when moving to Mexico.
It boggles the mind to think somebody could actually believe what you just posted. You don't think a major company like Carrier did not already know the negatives and positives to moving to Mexico?

Trump cut them some special favors. Used Defense contracts as the carrot. As Bob said, he's already picking winners and he hasn't even taken office yet. This is going to be a disaster of epic proportions and you know what, you idiots deserve it.
This is going to be a disaster of epic proportions and you know what, you idiots deserve it.
What rights to freedom of expression do students have?

Public school students possess a range of free-expression rights under the First Amendment. Students can speak, write articles, assemble to form groups and even petition school officials on issues. The U.S. Supreme Court has said that students “do not shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech and expression at the schoolhouse gate.”

There is a fundamental distinction between public and private school students under the First Amendment. The First Amendment and the other provisions of the Bill of Rights limit the government from infringing on an individual’s rights. Public school officials act as part of the government and are called state actors. As such, they must act according to the principles in the Bill of Rights. Private schools, however, aren’t arms of the government. Therefore, the First Amendment does not provide protection for students at private schools.

Though public school students do possess First Amendment freedoms, the courts allow school officials to regulate certain types of student expression. For example, school officials may prohibit speech that substantially disrupts the school environment or that invades the rights of others. Many courts have held that school officials can restrict student speech that is lewd.

Many state constitutions contain provisions safeguarding free expression. Some state Supreme Courts have interpreted their constitutions to provide greater protection than the federal Constitution. In addition, a few states have adopted laws providing greater protection for freedom of speech.

If the supreme court said that, which i did not know, then that dumb bitch should sue the school. And she should win.

But she IS a cheerwalker for a program that's predominantly black, so why is she even doing that to begin with?
Yes, flag burning is acceptable because the Constitution and the Supreme Court says it's so. I don't personally think it's cool, having come from a military background, but they still have the right to do it. And what do you mean by "American" culture? Our culture is just an amalgamation of other cultures, that's kind of what makes us special.
Constitution does not afford these rights to Non Citizens,I served in the Military,lost two brothers in Vietnam,one in Khe Sanh,and one died later from Trauma in 82nd Airborne Special Forces.I carry a hunk of metal in my back and behind my left ear to this day.
I come from a poor Appalachian Family that was cheated out of Coal Land for pennies by Robber Barons from Pennsylvania,so calling people "HillBilly" is offensive to me as if I called you the N word.It's a stereo type that most Appalachian Americans have fought hard to overcome,but I earned an Academic Scholarship in Engineering to UK after Vietnam and started a small construction company in 1982.I built it into a corporation that was I sold at retirement because of health issues.
Besides hiring minorities,I took in three Mexican illegal immigrants in the 80's,taught them English,helped them earn American Citizenship by taking classes through the old ICE,INS I believe,and taught them all a trade,Today those fellows would tell you they are part of my family.I donated my time to Covington,Ky Housing Authority to teach under-priviledged youths carpentry skills and a chance at a better life,I volunteered for years to teach Trades and Safety classes at the Home Builders Association of Northern Ky,I built homes multiple times a year using my money,my time,and my employees for Habitat for Humanities.
I was a member of the Kentucky Association of General Contractors,The Local.State,and National Home Builders Associations,and a couple other Trade Organizations that promoted hiring minorities and giving low income youths a chance.
While I'm opinionated in believing Laws should apply equally to all,meaning Blacks should be held just as accountable for their racism as Whites,If I'm a racist,you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who had contact with me to say that.
Oh, it's party time for rich corporations. Trump is going to completely blow up the deficit in slashing their taxes and handing out lavish favors a la Reagan. We will live high on the hog with massive credit card spending and all you idiots will think what a great president Trump is just like you did for that total idiot Reagan. Then when the party is over and all the bills come due, then it will be the Democrats' faults.

We were the largest creditor nation on earth when Reagan took office. 8 years of slashing taxes on the rich corporations and massive defense spending turned us into the largest debtor nation on earth. Now here comes Donald Trump because you idiots did not learn a damned thing from the 2008 collapse.

Trickle-down economics DO NOT WORK. Why do we keep going through this mindless cycle? We seriously and I am not joking here, we are allowing rich fat cats to loot this country before it collapses. We are a fire sale and the moron you idiots elected to save us is the arsonist.

Then what works? Seriously curious to your answer because your guy obama doubled our highest national debt ever.

So please understand why your ridiculous concern of Reagans creditor nation to debtor nation isn't taken too serious. I mean WTF has your democrats done to help?
It boggles the mind to think somebody could actually believe what you just posted. You don't think a major company like Carrier did not already know the negatives and positives to moving to Mexico?

Trump cut them some special favors. Used Defense contracts as the carrot. As Bob said, he's already picking winners and he hasn't even taken office yet. This is going to be a disaster of epic proportions and you know what, you idiots deserve it.

Haha, good lord Z, of course they knew the positive and negatives....before the election!

The mood of the PUBLIC is changing, people are questioning why is a company sending US jobs overseas at a time when people here are struggling.
That in turn gives Carrier a black eye, Trump is simply the fist. That is what the leverage from winning the Presidential election gives him, the citizens are the weight of it.
Z doesn't post solutions, he just likes to hear himself talk.

so if slashing the tax code for the corporations with the incentive being they bring those jobs back here, and grow their business here is somehow a bad thing? lower the tax rates for the job producers who then hire thousands of workers at good paying jobs which then increases the tax revenue from their income taxes as well as the sales tax on everything these people buy. get people off of govt dependence and into jobs that are capable of sustaining families without the help of govt subsidies and also into jobs that provide health insurance. which helps decrease govt spending and puts people into jobs with good middle class incomes. trickle down didn't work when rich corporations were allowed to profit at the expense of the American worker. slashing jobs here in exchange for cheap labor elsewhere. trickle down will work when these corporations are giving the proper incentives to profit here because of their investment in the American worker not at the expense of it.
Always funny to listen to a liberal lecture on deficits and all. Meanwhile their hero DOUBLED the national debt in just 8 years. Obama did not just double the debt, he spent as much as all of the US Presidents combined.

In the first 180 days, he spent as much as every other president combined.

Mind boggling.

To make it worse, we really had nothing to show for it. He may as well just set it all on fire.
Bluest, first thank you for your service and for that of your brothers who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Thanks to them and those like them we can have this debate. And I apologize for the hillbilly comment, it was uncalled for and juvenile. It's ok if you still call me the N word though, because I happen to be white and I think it would be funny as shit [cheers]

Anyway, Go Cats.
Yeah, Obama just decided to do that out of the blue. Nothing happened in 2008. He started from a clean slate.


Meanwhile, Obama is handing off to Trump a 3.2 GDP, healthy economic growth, record high stock prices, record high home prices, low unemployment, and rising wages.

Just like Clinton handed off a healthy vibrant economy to Bush who utterly destroyed it in 8 years with his deregulation and pointless wars where billions of dollars have been squandered and have only served to make things worse.

Endless cycle. Republicans loot the government. Democrats go into office and lay a guilt trip on the public to pony up the tax increases to pay for the splurge, then bring the Republicans back in to loot all over again. We are all rubes.
Science says there are just two possible scenarios. XX or XY chromosomes. That is settled science. Pure science. I appreciate your feelings however.

I am not talking about gender dysphoria or physical characteristics. Simply "sexes."

That's just not correct:

You're right that gender is a separate subject, but sex has biological abnormalities and ambiguities and there are more than two sexes.

The purest of all the sciences is mathematics, so speaking mathematically the number of sexes is greater than two.
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well good thing Gore invented the internet to hand Clinton that dot com boom. one of which eventually led to a sell off and a recession that he handed to Bush. vibrant not so much.
That's just not correct:

You're right that gender is a separate subject, but sex has biological abnormalities and ambiguities and there are more than two sexes.

The purest of all the sciences is mathematics, so speaking mathematically the number of sexes is greater than two.

So scientifically if you do not have only paired XX or XY chromosomes (male and female)....the other possibilities are are genetic abnormalities. Not normal. Syndromes that are not chosen but birth defects such as downs syndrome. But in any of those cases if one has a Y chromosome they are still a male.

I think you are splitting hairs with your definition. Is someone with downs syndrome a different sex or not human because they have an additional chromosome? Gender dysphoria is not something associated with having an extra Y chromosome. It is a mental disorder. Frankly we are all sympathetic to anyone born with a birth defect as listed in your link....but I dont think that makes them a different sex.
Yeah, Obama just decided to do that out of the blue. Nothing happened in 2008. He started from a clean slate.


Meanwhile, Obama is handing off to Trump a 3.2 GDP, healthy economic growth, record high stock prices, record high home prices, low unemployment, and rising wages.

Just like Clinton handed off a healthy vibrant economy to Bush who utterly destroyed it in 8 years with his deregulation and pointless wars where billions of dollars have been squandered and have only served to make things worse.

Endless cycle. Republicans loot the government. Democrats go into office and lay a guilt trip on the public to pony up the tax increases to pay for the splurge, then bring the Republicans back in to loot all over again. We are all rubes.

My god do you not pay attention to shit?

Bill Clinton passed off a healthy growing economy? You are a f'n idiot! Hell Bill is just as much to blame for the housing crisis as Bush!

I understand Obama came into a mess..... But seriously he spent 10,000,000,000 to get us here!

And if you think for a second any stats you spew are proving a thriving economy I'd suggest your dumbass look around the country.

Growing wages, lol......where! We are competing with foreign 3rd world countries so what used to pay 75K is starting out at 60K now. We are growing the wages at all.

High housing cost? You think that's good?

Low unemployment? Please explain to me without a stat what unemployment consist of.

My my my I truly hope your kind enjoy the next 4-8 years.
Yeah, Obama just decided to do that out of the blue. Nothing happened in 2008. He started from a clean slate.


Meanwhile, Obama is handing off to Trump a 3.2 GDP, healthy economic growth, record high stock prices, record high home prices, low unemployment, and rising wages.

Just like Clinton handed off a healthy vibrant economy to Bush who utterly destroyed it in 8 years with his deregulation and pointless wars where billions of dollars have been squandered and have only served to make things worse.

Endless cycle. Republicans loot the government. Democrats go into office and lay a guilt trip on the public to pony up the tax increases to pay for the splurge, then bring the Republicans back in to loot all over again. We are all rubes.

The economy wasn't healthy and vibrant went Clinton left office, we were in the beginning phase of a recession.
The housing bubble wasn't created by Bush, it simply burst under Bush.
The economy isn't booming now, and you know it isn't. It's why the Dems lost the rust belt for the first time since Reagan.
Hilarious to watch these dipshits crow about one of the very few quarters of growth over 2% in 8 GD years. And won't tlalk energy policy or the Fed keeping interest rates low.
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There is a giant trend of decentralization, that is going to eat everything. Few are prepared for it, least of all the majority of the Fortune 500. This at a time when nobody saves, everyone is in debt, and whatever meager savings that do exist are tied up in generic target date fund 2065. Trump was handed a grenade with the pin pulled.

How do you transition smoothly from a world where the same companies comprise the Fortune 500 for 75+ years, to the average turnover being 15 years and falling? From a world where companies make billions on their 30 year old patents, to a world where some dude just open sourced a kit to add Tesla Autopilot to a 2016 Civic because the government told him he couldn't sell it? From a world where money is printed to fund wars nobody wants, to a world where bitcoin exists? I don't want to sound like too much of a technology optimist , but the future is here, and it's taking your job (with fewer exceptions than you realize) in the next 10 years.

With that does anyone actually believe the economy as a whole is doing well right now, and would it matter with this many dramatic changes?
So scientifically if you do not have only paired XX or XY chromosomes (male and female)....the other possibilities are are genetic abnormalities. Not normal. Syndromes that are not chosen but birth defects such as downs syndrome. But in any of those cases if one has a Y chromosome they are still a male.

I think you are splitting hairs with your definition. Is someone with downs syndrome a different sex or not human because they have an additional chromosome? Gender dysphoria is not something associated with having an extra Y chromosome. It is a mental disorder. Frankly we are all sympathetic to anyone born with a birth defect as listed in your link....but I dont think that makes them a different sex.

I'm just trying to speak with specificity. The hair I'm splitting is between the definition of gender versus sex. Sex is purely biological, defined as you rightly said by chromosome makeup. I'm just saying there are more than two chromosomal make-ups that adult human beings possess. Abnormality or not, an ambiguity exists and by definition sex is at best a spectrum and not binary.

Gender is a completely different topic and I'm trying to draw a line of demarcation between the two. I think there's value to be found in trying to understand each topic.

Or maybe I'm full of shit, I don't know. I'm not trying to be a dick (no pun intended).
^^^and to clarify, I'm not trying to imply anyone with a chromosomal abnormality is less of a person. On the contrary, I'm including them in the spectrum of defining sex for humans.
Nothing,jut like the KKK had nothing to do with it either,the Black Panthers,Black Lives Matter,etc are just as much of a Hate/Terrorist group as the KKK.Don't even try to say otherwise.

But they're not though.
You probably should read more. Or maybe just read period.

Are there not children in this "secretive compound" and, if so, is there not sufficient reason to be concerned for their well being? Personally, I'm all for making even (as best as it might make me happy) the Waco score. Are these people even US Citizens? "Deported against their will" says no they are not, so by many an American standard they don't even have the damn right to bear arms in this country. What better way - the Clinton way - than to start off a new administration - one month in - than with a good, old-fashioned, 60-day stand-off on the basis of suspected arms violations, unsafe environment to children and, no doubt on this last one considering the people involved, statutory rape (sex with females under the age of 18). Why Obama hasn't gone after these un-bathed people already is a crime by itself, but we already know the reasons for that . . . the only thing missing is a terror strike (WTC '93) on US soil two days before this little siege can begin, so that Trump (again, the Clinton way) can permanently say never mind to whatever major attack has just happened, and send the FBI to slowly kill these people over the course of two months, and burn every stitch of their existence back down to perfect American dirt. Lock and Load! eat it libs@! Eat every stinking beautiful mouthful of it!! kk