How will they rule ??!

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Zing, you got me. I was trying to make everyone think I have Trump's ear.

Not sarcastically point out the fact that handing out special favors to the hand picked winners and losers is exactly what everyone complained about with Obama.

Hey Mr. Libertarian, please continue to run the narrative that gigantic trade deficits with China and Mexico are a great thing. It's sooooo true!
This thread is worthless without pics.

Dammit OP, common intraweb courtesy mandates that whenever threads are started about cheerleaders, pics of said cheerleaders MUST be posted.

The picture to me says....STOP the KKK. I guess it depends on your own personal projecting as to what message is there.

The biggest thing I disagree with is suspending the students BEFORE the investigation. There are consequences for actions, however, those consequences should only come into play AFTER said consequences have been proven to have occurred.

Look up Duke Lacrosse (yes, I hate Duke but those KIDS didn't deserve what happened) where student athletes were expelled based off allegations. Later, the court found them innocent after the prosecution admitted they lied about what the ex-students did. Innocent until proven guilty has gone to the wayside and we as civilians are all potential victims if we don't stand together.
That's a pretty broad stroke comparison to the Duke Lacrosse case. The court never finds a person "innocent" it's either guilty or not guilty. Also, the charges were dropped well before a trial (by the North Carolina Atty General) so the court never actually found one way or the other (although it is abundantly clear that they were all innocent). The main issue leading to the dismissal was when the State's DNA expert testified in a preliminary hearing that he had conspired with the prosecutor to withhold exculpatory evidence (evidence showing other male DNA on the victim).

The comparison to these Kansas cheerleaders is somewhat off base considering we have no idea what the photo and comment even mean, if they mean anything at all. The cheerleaders haven't even been accused of anything. Perhaps you are saying that by suspended these kids the University is implicitly accusing them of being racists. I can agree with that, the University better quickly make a decision one way or the other. The longer they drag this out the worse it is for those involved. And if I were in the position of the cheerleaders (after questioning the poor life decisions that led me to becoming a cheerleader for Kansas) I would be lawyering up for defamation.
Funny Libs like to spew about Fake News sites,but you won't find one mention that the Somalian guy who drove his car into students and attacked them with a knife at Ohio State U was a Muslim with ISIS ties from Pakistan on any major network,the American Left has control of the national media and is just as bad as the strictly conservative websites.

What the hell are you talking about? That has literally been reported everywhere.
Zing, you got me. I was trying to make everyone think I have Trump's ear.

Not sarcastically point out the fact that handing out special favors to the hand picked winners and losers is exactly what everyone complained about with Obama.
Once again....I know you aren't dumb enough to believe he is promising favors and was stating that tongue in cheek. Trump more than likely discussed with the leaders of the company what his position will be and like the other poster said he showed them that the negatives did not outway the positives when moving to Mexico.
We have a lot of constitutional scholars who must have gotten their law degrees from the Univ. Of Pheonix.
I understand that the KKK is a racist organization, but since when is referencing the KKK a racist this to do? It kinda of seems like suspending the students for this is the same as suspending someone for wearing a vote trump shirt because people also deem him to be a racist.
Once again....I know you aren't dumb enough to believe he is promising favors and was stating that tongue in cheek. Trump more than likely discussed with the leaders of the company what his position will be and like the other poster said he showed them that the negatives did not outway the positives when moving to Mexico.

Yes, I'm dumb for thinking "we've reached a deal with the President Elect Trump and Governor of the state of IN, Mike Pence we'll provide the detail later" involves something other than, "Donald Trump is promising to Make America Great Again!!!!! We're totally all in on America now."
Well you should be ashamed of yourself for calling people you dont even know racists...just because it somehow makes YOU feel better about yourself. Hey look at me...I cannot be a racist because I call others racist. Its a really old and childish taunt.

I'm not ashamed of anything. I didn't call anyone specifically a racist, I made a general statement. And having read this forum for several years, I stand by what I originally said. If you aren't a racist, it won't offend you. And if you are, I really don't care if it offends you. So, it really doesn't matter either way. Block me if you don't want to read my posts.
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Yes, I'm dumb for thinking "we've reached a deal with the President Elect Trump and Governor of the state of IN, Mike Pence we'll provide the detail later" involves something other than, "Donald Trump is promising to Make America Great Again!!!!! We're totally all in on America now."

What are you doing on here? Shouldn't you be meeting with the CFOs of midwestern manufacturers convincing them to schedule a meeting with Trump in order to secure tax breaks?
I'm not ashamed of anything. I didn't call anyone specifically a racist, I made a general statement. And having read this forum for several years, I stand by what I originally said. If you aren't a racist, it won't offend you. And if you are, I really don't care if it offends you. So, it really doesn't matter either way. Block me if you don't want to read my posts.

You low post count really doesnt require my attention. Calling your fellow fans (assumes you are not a lilbro troll) names is something that LilBro's do. I won't even dignify your childish question with a response.

As for blocking...that is what leftist progressive precious snowflakes do. Dont confuse you with facts.....find your safe space. I do not run from your ilk. If you call UK fans will not last anyway.
Let's see now.
A) Continue to pound Carrier with corporate taxes to the point they can make a greater profit by moving to Mexico and sacrificing 1000 American jobs on the way. Or...
B) Give concessions to Carrier on corporate taxes so they can turn a decent profit and maintain 1000 American jobs and benefit from the payroll taxes and money spent into the economy by American workers.

Whew, glad I'm not the president and tasked with making these kinds of decisions.:rolleyes:
You low post count really doesnt require my attention. Calling your fellow fans (assumes you are not a lilbro troll) names is something that LilBro's do. I won't even dignify your childish question with a response.

As for blocking...that is what leftist progressive precious snowflakes do. Dont confuse you with facts.....find your safe space. I do not run from your ilk. If you call UK fans will not last anyway.

True, my post count is low, I'll give you that. Since we are digging into stats, I'll point out that my like-to-message ratio is 95%, while yours is at 28%. Maybe up the quality a little bit, and not worry so much about the quantity?

And just because someone is a fellow UK fan doesn't mean I won't call them out for being a racist bigot. Some things are more important than sports, and that's one of them.
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Complete failure as a leader, but there are a lot of Dems who feel indebted to her because of the massive amounts of fundraising she has done to help their campaigns which has kept them in Washington. Pelosi is "the Swamp" as Trump would call her. Totally out of touch West Coast elitist liberal who caters to Silicon Valley and nobody else. GOP has to be loving the Dems digging themselves an even deeper hole. Its like KY keeping BCG several more years knowing he was a complete mess and allow him to bury KY's program for good.
So proud of my city and Starbucks. Murders are going through the roof in the West End, specifically the murder of black people, but the police department and Starbucks are teaming up to make Starbucks a safe space where I guess you can hang out and drink coffee until the cops come after somebody calls you a homo (which isn't really a problem any more).
True, my post count is low, I'll give you that. Since we are digging into stats, I'll point out that my like-to-message ratio is 95%, while yours is at 28%. Maybe up the quality a little bit, and not worry so much about the quantity?

And just because someone is a fellow UK fan doesn't mean I won't call them out for being a racist bigot. Some things are more important than sports, and that's one of them.

You are a polemicist. You broad brush ACCUSED huge numbers of our fans as being racist...with No evidence....just ad hominem. I accuse you of being a small minded bigot who is projecting in order to hide his own internal racism. Back at you, racist.
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Ok fine, rub it in -- sue me for wanting some hot chick pics posted in this thread.

We really do not know if those cheerleaders identify as male or some other of the 30 genders currently found in popular culture. Science only finds 2 sexes....but the left isnt very sciency so we need to recognize about 30.
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the police department and Starbucks are teaming up to make Starbucks a safe space where I guess you can hang out and drink coffee until the cops come after somebody calls you a homo (which isn't really a problem any more).

which part? lol
So proud of my city and Starbucks. Murders are going through the roof in the West End, specifically the murder of black people, but the police department and Starbucks are teaming up to make Starbucks a safe space where I guess you can hang out and drink coffee until the cops come after somebody calls you a homo (which isn't really a problem any more).


"We need a safe space from the injustices of white people. #BLACKLIVESMATTER you fascist bigot overlord of the galaxy. DON'T TRIGGER ME WITH YOUR MICROAGGRESSIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"