How will they rule ??!

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Retiring a flag is a moment of respect, burning and spitting and stomping on a flag in the streets of USA as a signal of disgust are totally different.
That's the point. In both cases the flag is burned. The motivation is different. Freedom of speech isn't meant to protect speech that doesn't need protection.
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What is hard for you is the fact that your fearless leader Killary voted for a similar measure as to what Donald discussed minus taking away citizenship, which I would agree is ridiculous. If you commit treason then that is cause for citizenship revolk, but pretty sure that would be the least of their worries.
Pretty sure I've specifically mentioned, in this thread, Hillary sponsoring that piece of legislation as one of my 1,000,001 reasons I would never vote for her. Kinda crazy, but I don't like when either party trashes the Constitution
Must really keep them busy, planning their all out war on American people

Everyone is a victim in the left's eyes except for white males...straight white males. Every Republican is Hitler, racist and trying to commit war on everyone. Blah blah blah.

Seriously, you have to love their lack of logic.

Not wanting your taxes to fund abortion= war on women.

Not wanting a welfare state= white privilege who hates minorities.

Believing in voter ID or protecting borders= xenophobic and racist

Wants laws enforced = racist

Move away from crime/black neighborhoods= racist white flight

Move into crappy areas= gentrificafion & racist

Blacks kill whites = We don't know the motive
Cop kills black criminal= Had to be racism.

Missouri race hoax/poop swastika= Safe spaces needed. Racism is everywhere. Demand resignation.

Blacks attack/kill whites at a 5-1 rate= Not a hate crime.

Muslim commits terrorist attack= Nothing to do with Islam.

Crazy guy in woods shoots Planned Parenthood up= "OMG! This is the GOP's fault with their crazy rhetoric."

Feminist offended by portrayal in video games
Feminist not offended by Muslim's treatment of women.

Libs are afraid of Trump supporters
Libs go to the streets terrorizing people, destroying property and blocking highways, businesses and rip up signs, destroy cars and seek out rallies to hurt people for liking a candidate.

Calls themselves tolerant liberals
Want everything they don't like banned or force their ideology on people and call all opposing opinions "hate speech."
Everyone is a victim in the left's eyes except for white males...straight white males. Every Republican is Hitler, racist and trying to commit war on everyone. Blah blah blah.

Seriously, you have to love their lack of logic.

Not wanting your taxes to fund abortion= war on women.

Not wanting a welfare state= white privilege who hates minorities.

Believing in voter ID or protecting borders= xenophobic and racist

Wants laws enforced = racist

Move away from crime/black neighborhoods= racist white flight

Move into crappy areas= gentrificafion & racist

Blacks kill whites = We don't know the motive
Cop kills black criminal= Had to be racism.

Missouri race hoax/poop swastika= Safe spaces needed. Racism is everywhere. Demand resignation.

Blacks attack/kill whites at a 5-1 rate= Not a hate crime.

Muslim commits terrorist attack= Nothing to do with Islam.

Crazy guy in woods shoots Planned Parenthood up= "OMG! This is the GOP's fault with their crazy rhetoric."

Feminist offended by portrayal in video games
Feminist not offended by Muslim's treatment of women.

Libs are afraid of Trump supporters
Libs go to the streets terrorizing people, destroying property and blocking highways, businesses and rip up signs, destroy cars and seek out rallies to hurt people for liking a candidate.

Calls themselves tolerant liberals
Want everything they don't like banned or force their ideology on people and call all opposing opinions "hate speech."

Black conservatives do not fair well with leftist.
That's the point. In both cases the flag is burned. The motivation is different. Freedom of speech isn't meant to protect speech that doesn't need protection.

Admittedly I don't even know what you just said.
Liberals pass laws that tell you how to live your life. Very detailed. Don't allow fire unless there is a flag. The same people that praise some moron in a dress burning a flag want you arrested for burning leaves in November.

"Don't force your morality on us with your Nativity scene."

Wants to enforce speech codes as well as a motto of "You're forced to serve every freak and allow a man dressed as a woman in a bathroom with your daughter, we will mandate diversity and homosexual history being taught to your kids."

I want someone to tell me how liberalism ideology is any different than a religious ideology? These people are effed in the head and bother everyone.
Pretty sure I've specifically mentioned, in this thread, Hillary sponsoring that piece of legislation as one of my 1,000,001 reasons I would never vote for her. Kinda crazy, but I don't like when either party trashes the Constitution

Honestly is there any point you could admit that the constitution in 1778 meant something or protected something different than it does today?
Everyone is a victim in the left's eyes except for white males...straight white males. Every Republican is Hitler, racist and trying to commit war on everyone. Blah blah blah.

Seriously, you have to love their lack of logic.

Not wanting your taxes to fund abortion= war on women.

Not wanting a welfare state= white privilege who hates minorities.

Believing in voter ID or protecting borders= xenophobic and racist

Wants laws enforced = racist

Move away from crime/black neighborhoods= racist white flight

Move into crappy areas= gentrificafion & racist

Blacks kill whites = We don't know the motive
Cop kills black criminal= Had to be racism.

Missouri race hoax/poop swastika= Safe spaces needed. Racism is everywhere. Demand resignation.

Blacks attack/kill whites at a 5-1 rate= Not a hate crime.

Muslim commits terrorist attack= Nothing to do with Islam.

Crazy guy in woods shoots Planned Parenthood up= "OMG! This is the GOP's fault with their crazy rhetoric."

Feminist offended by portrayal in video games
Feminist not offended by Muslim's treatment of women.

Libs are afraid of Trump supporters
Libs go to the streets terrorizing people, destroying property and blocking highways, businesses and rip up signs, destroy cars and seek out rallies to hurt people for liking a candidate.

Calls themselves tolerant liberals
Want everything they don't like banned or force their ideology on people and call all opposing opinions "hate speech."
"Don't force your morality on us with your Nativity scene."

Wants to enforce speech codes as well as a motto of "You're forced to serve every freak and allow a man dressed as a woman in a bathroom with your daughter, we will mandate diversity and homosexual history being taught to your kids."

I want someone to tell me how liberalism ideology is any different than a religious ideology? These people are effed in the head and bother everyone.
Because a Government endorsing one particular religion (or religion itself) by promoting it over another is completely different than all your other examples.

Constitutional theory is simply too complex for neanderthals. Please just scratch yourselves when these topics come up and save us all from having to wade through the ignorance. Thanks.
You know what I'd like to see, a ban of the production of American flags.

That's right! It stops the burning of them and since the freedom of speech that protects burning them yet bans the confederate flags is too hypocritical to be taken serious I say making them should be deemed illegal and have a felonious punishment.
Honestly is there any point you could admit that the constitution in 1778 meant something or protected something different than it does today?
No. The things that have changed have been amended via the amendment process. Everything else should be exactly the same. Obviously the government has completely effed a lot of the Constitution by simply ignoring it and getting people to accept it, because it is to their short term benefit. But that doesn't mean it actually means something different.
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Theres nothing unconstitutional about ruling that its illegal to burn an American flag. Its not a first amendment issue.

Besides, they'd probably be pretty happy losing citizenship since they obviously don't like it here anyway. We would be doing us and them a favor.
flags . . . yet another relic people get self righteous about. They used to have a purpose, now there's literally no reason for them to exist. Stop idol worship and burn them all.
That's the point. In both cases the flag is burned. The motivation is different. Freedom of speech isn't meant to protect speech that doesn't need protection.

It's should be treated the exact same.

Theres nothing unconstitutional about ruling that its illegal to burn an American flag. Its not a first amendment issue.

Besides, they'd probably be pretty happy losing citizenship since they obviously don't like it here anyway. We would be doing us and them a favor.

It's is a first amendment issue, although I detest the notion of flag burning
To think that Scalia did not live to receive the teachings of screwduke makes me weep. I must retreat to my safe space and ponder this great loss.
Everyone is a victim in the left's eyes except for white males...straight white males. Every Republican is Hitler, racist and trying to commit war on everyone. Blah blah blah.

Seriously, you have to love their lack of logic.

Not wanting your taxes to fund abortion= war on women.

Not wanting a welfare state= white privilege who hates minorities.

Believing in voter ID or protecting borders= xenophobic and racist

Wants laws enforced = racist

Move away from crime/black neighborhoods= racist white flight

Move into crappy areas= gentrificafion & racist

Blacks kill whites = We don't know the motive
Cop kills black criminal= Had to be racism.

Missouri race hoax/poop swastika= Safe spaces needed. Racism is everywhere. Demand resignation.

Blacks attack/kill whites at a 5-1 rate= Not a hate crime.

Muslim commits terrorist attack= Nothing to do with Islam.

Crazy guy in woods shoots Planned Parenthood up= "OMG! This is the GOP's fault with their crazy rhetoric."

Feminist offended by portrayal in video games
Feminist not offended by Muslim's treatment of women.

Libs are afraid of Trump supporters
Libs go to the streets terrorizing people, destroying property and blocking highways, businesses and rip up signs, destroy cars and seek out rallies to hurt people for liking a candidate.

Calls themselves tolerant liberals
Want everything they don't like banned or force their ideology on people and call all opposing opinions "hate speech."
Rack em
Everyone is a victim in the left's eyes except for white males...straight white males. Every Republican is Hitler, racist and trying to commit war on everyone. Blah blah blah.

Seriously, you have to love their lack of logic.

Not wanting your taxes to fund abortion= war on women.

Not wanting a welfare state= white privilege who hates minorities.

Believing in voter ID or protecting borders= xenophobic and racist

Wants laws enforced = racist

Move away from crime/black neighborhoods= racist white flight

Move into crappy areas= gentrificafion & racist

Blacks kill whites = We don't know the motive
Cop kills black criminal= Had to be racism.

Missouri race hoax/poop swastika= Safe spaces needed. Racism is everywhere. Demand resignation.

Blacks attack/kill whites at a 5-1 rate= Not a hate crime.

Muslim commits terrorist attack= Nothing to do with Islam.

Crazy guy in woods shoots Planned Parenthood up= "OMG! This is the GOP's fault with their crazy rhetoric."

Feminist offended by portrayal in video games
Feminist not offended by Muslim's treatment of women.

Libs are afraid of Trump supporters
Libs go to the streets terrorizing people, destroying property and blocking highways, businesses and rip up signs, destroy cars and seek out rallies to hurt people for liking a candidate.

Calls themselves tolerant liberals
Want everything they don't like banned or force their ideology on people and call all opposing opinions "hate speech."

These are some of the things that got Trump elected, and even now, neither the Left nor the lame stream media understands it.
I think it's considered "symbolic speech" by the Supreme Court.

Regardless of what it is considered, it speaks volumes that there's never an American flag in a protest by Democrats. It's always Mexican flags and if there is an American flag, they're burning it.

The left is anti-American in every way. They are a very dangerous group.

Besides liberals will be liberals please tell me you understand why said example will never happen.
Trump saved American jobs at Carrier. Suck it libs! Suck it Z!

But but but it's impossible for a company to compete AND stay in America..........we only want the cheapest shit from 3rd world places please!

I hope you non business people here understand that it's almost a 100% lock carrier just received some beneficial tax breaks that make the higher labor they were going to save on a wash......

Yet again proving our taxes are too damn high and yes jobs can be created with your stupidly labeled trickle down economics.

My gawd even typing trickle down makes me feel like a clown, how one could believe or buy into the notion of it being bad is comical.
[laughing] K. Go take a flag down from someone's house, you can't be cited for petty larceny, right? If you can't own it, it can't be stolen.

And before you respond, it is different from cash because of the value the cash represents that can't be replaced without the physical bills.

You can't own a flag [laughing]

Lol. "Before you point out my obvious bullshat...... "
So how can we really hurt the reputation of people with enough clout to create jobs?

I got it!!!! We'll make them out to be terrible people for making enough profits to keep people working, and when workers don't buy it we will make them out to be opressors for having more money than their employee's.

Hellz yeah! Winner winner chicken dinner.
Oh my. My, my, my. I completely regret reading the last 2 pages of this thread.

Listen people. You all are taking the word "speech" to damn literal. The freedom of speech under the first amendment covers a whooooooole lot more than JUST speaking.

Things that fall under freedom of speech (to a certain degree, obviously):
- Speaking
- NOT speaking
- NOT to stand or to kneel for the National Anthem (a la Kaepernick)
- Clothing choice (Tinker v. Des Moines)
- Social media
- Protesting (also falls freedom of peaceful assembly)
- Burning a flag

Look. I hate people that burn flags. Odds are 9/10 people on here think the same thing. But they have the right to do it. It's freedom of speech, so says the Court. They have the final say. You can argue against it until kingdom come, but it's the way it goes until they say otherwise.

Odds of passing a ban on burning flag is little to none. If that EVER happens, you could see some real ish go down. Enough people on both sides of the aisle understand original intent enough to go against that.
Obviously tranny is too special to think outside the box here

Obviously if you get caught stealing a flag, you committed a crime. Wonder why none of your buddies have been arrested for theft? They definitely didn't throw 10 bucks of their allowance down to purchase a flag to burn.
Well when you put it like that......technically that's tampering with evidence and a felony!

For the Christians among you, think of it this way: Burning the flag is to Freedom as the sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ is to a Christian's Salvation. The one has to happen (abhorrent though it is) for the other to be complete.
So 3 Kansas sweaters and a stupid slogan posted on the bottom results suspension? On snapchat? Are they aware of how much stupid sh*t is posted on snap chat daily? Granted, I didn't read the article and won't.
Would love to know what Trump supposedly did to keep Carrier in IN. I have a couple manufacturing clients in IN, and many more in OH I may advise to threaten to leave the country if Trump's handing out special favors.

This "flag burning is not free speech even though the one single body in the universe that is infallible on the topic has said it is, and SCOTUS is dumb because you can't burn a flag in Cuba so you shouldn't be able to burn one in the US" talk is great. Hopefully it continues through the weekend.